Toxicology of industrial compounds

Toxicology of industrial compounds

  • نوع فایل : کتاب
  • زبان : انگلیسی
  • مؤلف : Helmut Thomas; Robert Hess; Felix Waechter
  • ناشر : London ; Bristol, PA : Taylor & Francis
  • چاپ و سال / کشور: 1995
  • شابک / ISBN : 9780203979624


Contents Preface vii List of Contributors x PART ONE Bioavailability and metabolic aspects of industrial chemicals 1 1. Biomonitoring and Absorption of Industrial Chemicals: the Challenge of Organic Solvents Wolff S.Kezic J.G.M.van Engelen A.C.Monster 2 2. Toxicokinetics and Biodisposition of Industrial Chemicals N.P.E.Vermeulen R.T.H.van Welie Rooij J.N.M.Commandeur 12 3. Metabolic Activation of Industrial Chemicals and Implications for Toxicity G.J.Mulder 36 4. Sizing Up the Problem of Exposure Extrapolation: New Directions in Allometric Scaling D.B.Campbell 44 PART TWO Reactive industrial chemicals 59 5. Metabolism of Reactive Chemicals P.J.van Bladeren B.van Ommen 60 6. Methods for the Determination of Reactive Compounds P.Sagelsdorff 72 PART THREE Pulmonary toxicology of industrial chemicals 90 7. Studies to Assess the Carcinogenic Potential of Man-Made Vitreous Fibers T.W.Hesterberg G.R.Chase R.A.Versen R.Anderson 91 i 8. Pulmonary Toxicity Studies with Man-Made Organic Fibres: Preparation and Comparisons of Size-separated Para-aramid with Chrysotile Asbestos Fibres D.B.Warheit M.A.Hartsky C.J.Butterick S.R.Frame 117 9. Pulmonary Hyperreactivity to Industrial Pollutants J.Pauluhn 129 10. Mechanisms of Pulmonary Sensitization I.Kimber 138 11. Occupational Asthma Induced by Chemical Agents C.A.C.Pickering 149 PART FOUR Biomarkers and risk assessment of industrial chemicals 157 12. Biomarkers and Risk Assessment K.Hemminki 158 13. Extrapolation of Toxicity Data and Assessment of Risk N.Fedtke 167 14. Molecular Approaches to Assess Cancer Risks A.S.Wright J.P.Aston N.J.van Sittert W.P.Watson 180 15. Evaluation of Toxicity to the Immune System H.-W.Vohr 197 16. New Strategies: the Use of Long-term Cultures of Hepatocytes in Toxicity Testing and Metabolism Studies of Chemical Products Other than Pharmaceuticals V.Rogiers M.Akrawi S.Coecke Y.Vandenberghe E.Shephard I.Phillips A.Vercruysse 207 PART FIVE Mechanisms of toxicity of industrial chemicals 222 17. Peroxisome Proliferation B.G.Lake R.J.Price 223 v 18. Neurotoxicity Testing of Industrial Compounds: in vivo Markers and Mechanisms of Action K.J.van den Berg J.-B.P.Gramsbergen E.M.G.Hoogendijk J.H.C.M.Lammers W.S.Sloot B.M.Kulig 238 19. Endocrine Toxicology of the Thyroid for Industrial Compounds C.K.Atterwill S.P.Aylward 255 20. Testing and Evaluation for Reproductive Toxicity A.K.Palmer 280 PART SIX Toxicity of selected classes of industrial chemicals 300 21. Special Points in the Toxicity Assessment of Colorants (Dyes and Pigments) H.M.Bolt 301 22. Toxicology of Textile Chemicals D.Sedlak 309 23. Antioxidants and Light Stabilisers: Toxic Effects of 3,5-Dialkyl-hydroxyphenyl Propionic Acid Derivatives in the Rat and their Relevance for Human Safety Evaluation H.Thomas P.Dollenmeier E.Persohn H.Weideli F.Waechter 317 24. Toxicology of Surfactants: Molecular, Mechanistic and Regulatory Aspects W.Sterzel 339 PART SEVEN Controversial mechanistic and regulatory issues in the safety assessment of industrial chemicals 355 25. Low Dose of a Genotoxic Carcinogen does not ‘Cause’ Cancer; it Accelerates Spontaneous Carcinogenesis W.K.Lutz 356 26. Controversial Mechanistic and Regulatory Issues in Safety Assessment of Industrial Chemicals—an Industry Point of View H.-P.Gelbke 362 Index 373 vi
اگر شما نسبت به این اثر یا عنوان محق هستید، لطفا از طریق "بخش تماس با ما" با ما تماس بگیرید و برای اطلاعات بیشتر، صفحه قوانین و مقررات را مطالعه نمایید.

دیدگاه کاربران

لطفا در این قسمت فقط نظر شخصی در مورد این عنوان را وارد نمایید و در صورتیکه مشکلی با دانلود یا استفاده از این فایل دارید در صفحه کاربری تیکت ثبت کنید.
