Modern parasitology.

Modern parasitology.

  • نوع فایل : کتاب
  • زبان : انگلیسی
  • مؤلف : F E G Cox
  • ناشر : Oxford [usw.]: Blackwell
  • چاپ و سال / کشور: 1982
  • شابک / ISBN : 9780632006120


List of contributors, ix Introduction, J: I PARASITIC PROTOZOA, I F.E.G.Cox 1.1 inuoduction 1.2 Suuc:ture and function of protozoa 1.3 ClusificatiOll of the protozoa 1.4 Kinetoplaatidfu&ellites 1.4.1 Trypano5Omei of bumans in South Am<riu 1.4.2 Trypanosomes of humans in Africa 1.4.3 Tryp.anosomeI of domesticated ..umab 1.4.4 Qtheruypanosomesolmammals 1.4.5 Ldmmania 1.5 Intestinal and related flagellates 1.5.1 Intestinal and reuted forms in humans 1.5.2 Intestinal and related forms in domesticated animals 15.3 OthcrflageJlate5 1.6 Parasitic amoebae 1.6.1 M!Qmoeoo histolytica 1.6.2 Other intestinal amoebac of humans 1.6.3 Facultative amoebae of humans 1.7 Coccidia I. 7.1 Coccidiosis in domesticated animals 1.7.2 Toxoplasma and related coccidia 1.7.3 Cryptosporidium 1.8 Malaria parasites 1.8.1 Malaria parasites of humans 1.8.1 Other malaria parasites 1.9 Piroplasms 1.9.1 Habuia 1.9.2 Theileria 1.10 Microsporidia 1.11 Ciliophora 1.11.1 Bl11antitlium coli 1.12 Pneumocysti.l v 2 PARASITIC HELMINTHS, 24 P.,. Whitfield 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Structure and function of helminths 'l.3 Classification of parasitic he.lminw 1.4 Platyhdminth parasites of vertebrates 1.4.1 Cestodes 2.4..1 Human cestodiasis 2.4.3 Other catodes 1.4.4 [)i&cneanS 1.4.5 Human schi.stl)lOOliasis 1.4.6 Other diaeneans 1.5 NematOde paruhes of vertebrates 1.5.1 Human intestinal Dematodes 1.5.1 Human fila.ri.uis 1.5.3 Other human nematode diseases 1.5.4 Other nematodes 3 VECTORS, 53 D.H. Molyneux 3.1 Introduction tovtctors 3.2 Flies: Order Diptera 3.1.1 Mosquitoea: Family Culicidae 3.1.1 Blackfliel: family Simuliidae 3.1.3 Slndflies: family Psychodidae 3.1.4 Tsetse flies: Family Glossinidae 3.1.5 Biting midges: Family Ceratopogonidae 3.1.6 Deer flies: Family Tlbanidae 3.3 Bugs: Order Hemiptera 3.4 Ectoparasitic insects 3.4.1 Lice: Order Anoplura 3.4.2 Fleas: Order Siphonaptera 3.5 Ticks: Class Arachnida 3.5.1 Soft ticks: Family Argasidae 3.5.2 Hard ticks: Family uodidae 3.6 Molluscl: intermediate hosL! of digeneans 3.7 Vector identification and species oomplues 4 EPIDEMIOLOGY, 7S R.M. Ande.rson 4.1 IntroduCUOD 4.2 Units 01 study CONTENTS 4.2.1 The population as a unit of study 4.2.2 Parasitic infection as a unit of study 4.2.3 Measurement of infection within the host population 6 '.3 Frequency distribution 01 parasite numbers per hOlt ,,, Transmission between hosts 4.4.1 Ttansmission by contaCt between bo". 4.4.2 Ttansmission by an infective agent 4.4.3 Transmission by ingestion 4.4.4 Transmission by a bitinl anhropod '.5 Regulation of parashe abundance within the host population 4.5.1 The host as the basic unit of study 4.5.2 The parasite as the basic unit of study 4.6 Population d}'tUImics 4.6.1 Transmission thresholds 4.6.2 Microparashes: direct transmission 4.6.3 Microparasites: vector-borne diseases 4.6.4 Macroparasites: direct transmission 4.6.5 Macroparasites: indirect transmission 4.6.6 Bn:altpomu in parasite transmission 4.7 Climatic (actors '.8 The epidemiological significance of the basic reproductive tIte R 5 BIOCHEMISTRY, 117 C. Bryant 5.1 lntroduction 5.2 Energy metabolism 5.2.1 Environments and life cycles 5.2.2 Energy storts 5.2.3 Regulation of energy metabolism 5.3 Energy metabolism in parasitic protoZOll 5.3.1 Electron transport in parasitic protozoa 5.4 Energy metabolism in parasitic helminths 5.4.1 Homolactate fermentation 5.4.2 Malatedismuratioo 5.4.3 ElectnXI transport in helminths 5.5 Lipids 5.6 Metabolism 01 niuogen compounds 5.6.1 Amino acid metabolism 5.6.2 Purines, pyrimidines and their salvage 5.6.3 Nucleic acid metabolism 5.7 Other processes 5.8 Envoi MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR GENETICS, 137 D.T. Hart and F.E.G. Cox 6.1 Inuoduction 6.2 DNA and RNA technolOlY 6.2.1 Introduction to recombinant techniques 6.2.2 Gene cloning 6.2.3 Site-specific mutagenesis 6.2.4 DNA sequencing 6.2.5 DNA amplification 6.3 Gene expression and regulation 6.3.1 Antilenic variation in uypmo4Omm 6.3.2 Tdomeric gene expreuioo 6.3.3 Discontinuous transcription of mRNA 6.3.4 RNA editing in ltinetoplastid flagellates 6.3.5 Translection systems in ltinetoplastid flagellates 6.3.6 Homologous gene recombination 6.3.7 Genetic exchange in m.a.laria parasites and uypanoIOmcs 6.4 Chromosomes and gene mapping 6.5 Polypeptide isolation and identification 6.6 Monoclonal antibodies 6.7 Rational dt\lg design 6.7.1 Antiglycosomal dt\lg design 6.7.2 Antitrypanothione metabolism dt\lg design 6.7.3 Mechanisms of drug resistance 6.8 Vaccine development 6.9 Molecular diagnosis and taxonomy 6.9.1 DiaglOSiS 6.9.2 Taxonomic and syStematic relationships 6.10 The future of molecular parasitology 7 PHYSIOLOGY AND NUTRITION, 157 LH. Cbappell 7.1 Inuoduction 7.2 Survival outside the body of the boIit and transmission 7.2.1 Cystic stages of parasites 7.2.2 Helminth eggs 7.2.3 Mechanisms for locating the host 7.2.4 Entry mechanisms CONTENTS vii 8 IMMUNOLOGY, 193 F.E.G.Cox 8.1 Introduction 8.2 The immune response 8.2.1 Antibodies 8.2.2 Cell-mediated immunity 8.2.3 Hypertensitivity 8.2.4 Regulation of the immune ~po~ 8.3 Immunity to microorganisms 8.4 Animal modds and in villOsyStems 8.5 Immuniry to protOZOa 8.5.1 Intestinal protOZOa 8.5.2 ldahm.niuiJ 8.5.3 .A.m..e.r.i.c,an t:r)'p&Dl»Omiu {Chaps 9 CHEMOTHERAPY, 219 W.E. Gutteridge 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Key current drugs and their limitations 9.2.1 Kinetoplutidprot~ 9.2.2 'Anaerobic'protozoa 9.2.3 Sporozoan protozoa 9.1.4 Digenean worms 9.2.5 Cesuxle worms 9.2.6 Nematode worms 9.3 Chemical structures of. k.ey current drup 9.4 Biochemistry ol dJu.g action 9.4.1 Mechanismsolaction 9.4.2 Mechanisms d sdectiye tODcity 9.4.3 Mechanisms ol resisunce to drup 9.5 Discoyery and development of new drup 9.5.1 TaJIeU and their validation 9.5.2 Identification of. chemical lead 9.5.3 Overall development process 9.5.4 Drugs in the development pipeline Appc:ndilt 8.5.4 African trypIDOIOmiasiJ 8.5.5 CoccidiOlis 8.5.6 TOltoplasmOlis 8S.1 M1WU 8.5.8 Babesiosis 8.5.9 Theileriosis 8.6 Immunity to helminth worms 8.6.1 Itnestinal oernatodea 8.6.2 FUariasia 8.6.3 SchistolOmiuis 8.6.4 Cestodiasis 8.7 EYasioooftheimmuneresponse 8.8 lmmu.noplltbology 8.9 Immunization against parasitic infections 10 CONTROL, 243 D.H. Molyneux 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Components of control 10.2.1 Integrated conuol of parasitic infel;:tions 10.2.2 Objectives of control 10.2.3 Control versus eradicalioo 10.2.4 Diagnosis 10.2.5 The role of primary health care in parasite dise.aac control 10.2.6 GeogaphicaI. economic and political variations in control objectives 10.3 Methods of control. 7.3.2 133 7.2.5 7.2.6 1.8 Helt aback protcina Circadian rhythms and parasite uansmilaioo 7.3 Esublishment and IUlYival within the bo5t 7.3.1 Transformation of. di&cDe&D. wariK Hatehin& and ac:ysutioo The role of bile ulu in parasite esublishmmt 7.3.4 HypobiOlis 7.3.5 Migration and aite Idection 7.3.6 lnvuion of tiSlues 7.4 Reproductivephya.iolOC)' 7.4.1 A&exual mechanisms 7.4.2 Suual reproduction 7.4.3 Reproductive synchrony 7.5 Chemical communicatinn 7.6 Neurophysiology oJ helminth parasites 7.6.1 Helminth nervous systems 7.6.2 sense orpns and sensory biology 7.6.3 Neurotransmiaaion and neuroaecKtion 7.6.4 The neuromUICulu junction in bdmintlu 7.7 LocomCl'ory phya.iolOC)' 7.7.1 Helminthlocomotionrordrug ....y. Nutrition of parasites 7.8.1 Nutrient requilemmts and in vitro MIW< Nutrient scquisition by parasites The parasite surface and its role in nutrition 7.8.4 bcretOfyphyaiology 7.9 Parasite physiology in a wider context viii CONTENTS 10.3.1 Vaccinatioo and chemotherapy 10.3.2 Health educnion 10.3.3 Control of reservoir hosts and their infections 10.4 Vector control 10.4.1 Insecticides 10.4.2 Vector ecology in relation to ~uol 10.4.3 Insecticide .pplic.ation methods 10.4.4 Mosquito control 10.4.5 TsetSe control 10.4.6 SandBycontrol 10.4.7 Trinomine bug control 10.4.8 BllCkflycontrol 10.4.9 Midgec.ontrol 10.4.10 Controlohicks 10.5 SllIilcontrol 10.6 Control of ectoparasites 10.7 SaniUtiOD Appendir.: intqrated .pproaches tocootrol ofsome parasitic disuses INDEX, 265
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