Nanoparticulate drug delivery systems

Nanoparticulate drug delivery systems

  • نوع فایل : کتاب
  • زبان : انگلیسی
  • مؤلف : Deepak Thassu; Michel Deleers; Yashwant Pathak
  • ناشر : New York : Informa Healthcare
  • چاپ و سال / کشور: 2007
  • شابک / ISBN : 9780849390739 .


Nanoparticulate drug-delivery systems: an overview / Deepak Thassu, Yashwant Pathak and Michel Deleers -- Nanosuspensions for parenteral delivery / Barrett E. Rabinow -- Nanoparticles prepared using natural and synthetic polymers / Sudhir S. Chakravarthi, Dennis H. Robinson and Sinjan De -- Nanofiber-based drug delivery / Matthew D. Burke and Dmitry Luzhansky -- Drug nanocrystals -- the universal formulation approach for poorly soluble drugs / Jan Möschwitzer and Rainer H. Müller -- Lipid-based nanoparticulate drug delivery systems / Jun Wu, Xiaobin Zhao and Robert J. Lee -- Nanoengineering of drug delivery systems / Ashwath Jayagopal and V. Prasad Shastri -- Aerosol flow reactor method for the synthesis of multicomponent drug nano- and microparticles / Janne Raula ... [et al.] -- Supercooled smectic nanoparticles / Heike Bunjes and Judith Kuntsche -- Biological and engineering considerations for developing tumor-targeting metallic nanoparticle drug-delivery systems / Giulio F. Paciotti and Lawrence Tamarkin -- Biological requirements for nanotherapeutic applications / Joseph F. Chiang -- Role of nanobiotechnology in the development of nanomedicine / K.K. Jain -- Pharmaceutical applications of nanoparticulate drug-delivery systems / Yashwant Pathak, Deepak Thassu and Michel Deleers -- Lipid nanoparticles (solid lipid nanoparticles and nanostructured lipid carriers) for cosmetic, dermal, and transdermal applications / Eliana B. Souto and Rainer H. Müller -- Nano-carriers of drugs and genes for the treatment of restenosis / Einat Cohen-Sela ... [et al.] -- Ocular applications of nanoparticulate drug-delivery systems / Annick Ludwig -- Nanoparticulate systems for central nervous system drug delivery / Jean-Christophe Olivier and Manuela Pereira de Oliveira -- Nanoparticles for gene delivery: formulation characteristics / Jaspreet K. Vasir and Vinod Labhasetwar -- Gastrointestinal applications of nanoparticulate drug-delivery systems / Maria Rosa Gasco -- Nanoparticles as adjuvant-vectors for vaccination / Socorro Espuelas ... [et al.] -- Transdermal applications of nanoparticulates / Jongwon Shim.
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