Medical biochemistry at a glance

Medical biochemistry at a glance

  • نوع فایل : کتاب
  • زبان : انگلیسی
  • مؤلف : J G Salway; Ben Greenstein
  • ناشر : Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Pub
  • چاپ و سال / کشور: 2006
  • شابک / ISBN : 9781405113229


Acids, bases and hydrogen ions (protons) -- Understanding pH -- Production and removal of protons into and from the blood -- Metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis -- Respiratory acidosis and respiratory alkalosis -- Amino acids and the primary structure of proteins -- Secondary structure of proteins -- Tertiary and quaternary structures: collagen -- Enzymes: nomenclature, kinetics and inhibitors -- Regulation of enzyme activity -- Carbohydrates -- Absorption of carbohydrates and metabolism of galactose -- Oxidation/reduction reactions, coenzyme and prosthetic groups -- Anaerobic production of atp by substrate-level phosphorylation, phosphocreatine, adenylate kinase -- Aerobic production of ATP -- Biosynthesis of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation I -- The biosynthesis of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation II -- What happens when protons or electrons leak from the respiratory chain? Free radicals, reactive oxygen species and oxidative damage -- Aerobic oxidation of glucose to provide energy as ATP -- Anaerobic oxidation of glucose by glycolysis to form ATP and lactate -- Anaerobic glycolysis in red blood cell, 2,3 BPG and the Bohr effect -- The fate of glucose in liver: glycogenesis and lipogenesis -- Fructose metabolism -- Glucose homeostasis -- Glucose-stimulated secretion of insulin from the beta-cell -- Regulation of glycogen metabolism -- Glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis and glycogen storage diseases) -- Insulin signal transduction and diabetes mellitus -- Regulation of glycolysis and Krebs cycle -- Oxidation of fatty acids to produce ATP in muscle and ketone bodies in liver -- Regulation of lipolysis, beta-oxidation, ketogenesis and gluconeogenesis -- Diabetes mellitus -- Alcohol metabolism: hypoglycemia, hyperlactataemia and steatosis -- Structure of lipids -- Phospholipids I. Phospholipids II: micelles, liposomes, lipoproteins and membranes -- Metabolism of carbohydrate and fat to cholesterol -- VLDL and LDL metabolism ("forward" cholesterol transport) -- VLDL and LDL metabolism (endogenous triacylglycerol transport) -- HDL metabolism ("reverse" cholesterol transport) -- Digestion and disposal of dietary triacylglycerol and cholesterol by chylomicrons -- Steroid hormones: aldosterone, cortisol, androgens and oestrogens -- Urea cycle and overview of amino acid catabolism -- Nonessential and essential amino acids -- Amino acid metabolism: to energy as ATP; to glucose and ketone bodies -- Amino acid disorders: maple syrup urine disease, homocystinuria, alkaptonuria and albinism -- Phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism in health and disease -- The products of tryptophan and histidine metabolism -- Pyrimidine metabolism -- Purine metabolism -- Haem, bilirubin and porphyries -- Fat-soluble vitamins I. Fat-soluble vitamins II -- Water-soluble vitamins 1 thiamin. riboflavin, niacin and pantothenate -- Water-soluble vitamins 2 pyridoxal phosphate -- Water-soluble vitamins 3 folate and vitamin B12 -- Water-soluble vitamins 4 biotin and vitamin C.
Medical Biochemistry at a Glance provides a concise and accessible introduction to this complex subject and a revision aid for medical students. Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with key facts accompanied by clear tables and diagrams encapsulating all the students need to know. Read less
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