Food process modelling.

Food process modelling.

  • نوع فایل : کتاب
  • زبان : انگلیسی
  • مؤلف : L M M Tijskens; M L A T M Hertog; B M Nicola
  • ناشر : Cambridge : Woodhead Pub
  • چاپ و سال / کشور: 2001
  • شابک / ISBN : 9781855736375


atmosphere packaging through conceptual models M. L. A. T. M. Hertog, Massey University, Palmerston North, and N. H. Banks, Zespri Innovation, Mt Maunganui South 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Key principles and methods 14.3 Areas of application 14.4 Pros and cons 14.5 Future trends 14.6 References 15 Modelling thermal processes: cooling and freezing Q. T. Pham, University of New South Wales, Sydney 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Modelling product heat load during cooling 15.3 Modelling product heat load during freezing 15.4 Modelling foods with complex shapes 15.5 Numerical solution of the heat conduction equation with phase change 15.6 Modelling combined heat and mass transfer 15.7 Estimation of transfer coefficients 15.8 Application of models 15.9 Summary and future developments 15.10 References 16 Modelling thermal processes: heating S. Bakalis, P. W. Cox and P. J. Fryer, University of Birmingham 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Processing of packed and solid foods 16.3 Continuous heating and cooling processes 16.4 Heat generation methods: ohmic and microwave heating 16.5 Developments in the field 16.6 References © 2001 Woodhead Publishing Ltd. Part V Applications: safety and quality in the food chain 17 Modelling food quality E. C. Wilkinson and L. M. M. Tijskens, ATO-BV, Wageningen 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Key principles and methods 17.3 Areas of application 17.4 Pros and cons and future trends 17.5 References 18 Modelling microbiological safety J. Baranyi, Institute of Food Research, Norwich and C. Pin, Universidad Complutense de Madrid 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Developing mathematical models 18.3 Modelling the effect of environmental factors on the growth parameters 18.4 Model validation 18.5 Available software packages 18.6 Modelling bacterial growth by a stochastic birth process: a candidate for future research 18.7 References 19 Modelling the use of time-temperature indicators in distribution and stock rotation P. S. Taoukis, National Technical University of Athens 19.1 Introduction 19.2 Definitions and history of TTI 19.3 Food quality modelling 19.4 TTI response modelling – application scheme 19.5 Shelf-life monitoring in distribution 19.6 Optimized distribution and stock rotation system 19.7 Future developments 19.8 References 20 Modelling the management of distribution centres R. A. C. M. Broekmeulen, Eindhoven University of Technology 20.1 Introduction 20.2 Characteristics of perishables 20.3 Maintaining keeping quality with a slot plan 20.4 Construction of a slot plan 20.5 Summary 20.6 References 21 Concepts of chain management and chain optimisation
eBook : Document : English


Food process modelling provides an authoritative review of one of the most exciting and influential developments in the food industry. The modelling of food processes allows analysts not only to understand such processes more clearly but also to control them more closely and make predictions about them. Modelling thus aids the search for greater and more consistent food quality. Written by a distinguished international team of experts, Food process modelling covers both the range of modelling techniques and their practical applications across the food chain
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