Color atlas of neurology

Color atlas of neurology

  • نوع فایل : کتاب
  • زبان : انگلیسی
  • مؤلف : Reinhard Rohkamm
  • ناشر : Stuttgart ; New York : Thieme
  • چاپ و سال / کشور: 2004
  • شابک / ISBN : 9783131309310


Parkinsonian, atypical 302– 303 “Pisa” 65, 66 POEMS 328 pontine 70–72, 359–360 lateral pontomedullary 70 postanoxic 308 delayed 308 posterior column 48 posterior cord 48 posterior horn 48 postpolio 242, 243, 385 posttraumatic 379 postviral fatigue 52 pseudoradicular 318, 320, 392 radicular 50, 392 Ramsay–Hunt 238 Raymond–Céstan 360 restless legs (RLS) 114 Ross 92 Segawa 64 Shy–Drager 302 skull base 74–75 sphenoid wing 75 Spielmeyer–Vogt 307 spinal artery anterior 282 posterior 282 spinal cord transection 274 split-brain 24 Steele–Richardson– Olszewski 302 Sturge–Weber 294, 295 sulcocommisural artery 282 tethered cord 292, 293 top of the basilar 70, 359 transverse cord 180, 232, 380, 381 sensory 214 Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada 234 Wallenberg 70, 170, 361 Weber 70, 358 Wernicke–Korsakoff 312, 314 West 196 Zellweger 386 Synkinesia 46, 99, 362 Syphilis 180 latent 230 see also Neurosyphilis Syringomyelia 107, 284, 285 System craniosacral 140 dioptric 80 epicritic/lemniscal 104 limbic 80, 135, 144–145 functions 144 nerve pathways 144 pain and 108 structure 144, 145 syndromes 368 protopathic 104 reticular activating (RAS) 116 spinocerebellar 104 thoracolumbar 140, 152 trigeminovascular 184, 185 T T lymphocytes, multiple sclerosis and 220 Tabes dorsalis 230, 231 Taenia solium (neurocysticercosis) 250, 251 Takayasu arteritis 180 Tangier disease 332 Tapeworm infection 250, 251 Taste 78–79 age-related changes 382 disturbances 78 tests of 78 Taste buds 78 Tay–Sachs disease 387 Tela choroidea 6 Telangiectasia 280, 281, 294, 295 hereditary hemorrhagic (HHT) 294 Telencephalon 2 Temperature see Thermoregulation Temporal arteritis 180 Temporomandibular joint 4 Tension headache see Headache Tentorium cerebelli 6 Testosterone 367 Test(s) Aachen aphasia 124 apnea 364 Bárány’s pointing 276 caloric 26 confrontation test 82, 83 edrophonium chloride 404 finger–finger 276, 277 finger–nose 276 hand grip 369 heel–knee–shin 276 iodine–starch (Minor) test 152 lacrimation 98 neurophysiological 352 neuropsychological 352–353 ninhydrin test 152 olfaction 76 posture 276, 277 quantitative sudomotor axon reflex test (QSART) 152 red vision test 82 respiratory 369 salivation 98 Schellong’s (orthostasis) 369 Schirmer test 98 smell 76 swinging flashlight test 92 sympathetic skin response (SSR) 152 taste 78 Wada 126 Index Rohkamm, Color Atlas of Neurology © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 438 Index Tetany 204 Tethered cord syndrome 292, 293 Thalamus 24 hemorrhage 176 pain and 108 Thermoreceptors 104, 152 Thermoregulation 152–153 disturbances 152 neural control 152 Thiamin deficiency 312 Thromboembolism, infectious 226 Thrombophlebitis, bacterial 226, 227 Thrombosis 172, 173 prophylaxis 264 see also Occlusion Thyroid hormones 143 Tiagabine 198 Tic douloureux 186 Tics 68–69, 362, 383 Tobacco–alcohol amblyopia 314 Toe-walking 60 Tonotopicity 100, 101 Top of the basilar syndrome 70, 359 Topiramate 198 Torcular Herophili 18 Torticollis 64 Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis) 250, 251 bradyzoites 250 congenital 250 oocysts 250 tachyzoites 250 Tract(s) corticobulbar 44 corticonuclear 96 corticopontine 44 corticospinal anterior 44 lateral 44 motor 44 pyramidal 44, 45 reticulospinal 44 rubrospinal 44 spinocerebellar 104 spinothalamic anterior 104 lateral 104 posterior 104 trigeminocortical 94 vestibulospinal 44 Transcranial Doppler (TCD) 353 Transient ischemic attack (TIA) 166 crescendo 166 Transient monocular blindness 168, 372 Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) 252– 253 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) 252, 253 Transverse cord syndrome 180, 232, 380, 381 sensory 214 Trauma 266–275, 366 multiorgan 266 spinal 272–273 brachial plexus 272 diagnosis 272 nerve roots 272 treatment 380 vertebral fracture 272 whiplash injury 272, 273, 380 spinal cord 274–275 acute stage (spinal shock) 274 chronic stage–late sequelae 274 rehabilitation stage 274 treatment 380 traumatic brain injury (TBI) 266–271 complications 269, 270 evaluation 266 pathogenesis 270, 271 primary injury 266, 270 prognosis 268 secondary sequelae 268, 270 treatment 270 hospital 270 scene of accident 270, 271 types of 266 Tremor 62–63 action 62, 63 cerebellar 357 essential 62, 357 genesis of 62 Holmes 357 intention 62, 63, 276 kinetic 62, 63 palatal 357 Parkinson disease and 206, 207, 357 physiological 357 polyneuropathic 357 postural 62 psychogenic 357 rest 62, 63 task-specific 62 types of 63, 357 Treponema pallidum 230 Triflupromazine 204 Triiodothyronine 367 Tropical spastic paraparesis 384 Trunk brachiocephalic 10, 148 occlusion 168 lumbar sympathetic, lesions 318 Tuberculoma 232, 233 Tuberculosis 180 organ 232 reactivated 232 spinal 232 Tuberculous meningitis 232– 233 diagnosis 232 pathogenesis 232 symptoms and signs 232, 233 treatment 232 Tuberous sclerosis (TSC) 294, 295 Tumors Pancoast 262 paraneoplastic encephalopathy 312 primitive neuroectodermal (PNET) 260, 261, 265, 377 spinal 284, 285 see also Brain tumors; specific tumors Turicephaly 381 U Uhthoff’s phenomenon 214 Ulegyria 381 Ultrasonography 353 duplex sonography 353 transcranial Doppler (TCD) 353 Uremia 310, 311 Uremic encephalopathy 310, 311 neuropathy 324 Urinary tract infection, multiple sclerosis 216 Utricle 56 Index Rohkamm, Color Atlas of Neurology © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 439 Index V Vaccination Haemophilus influenzae 226 Lyme disease 228 meningococcus 226 Pneumococcus 226 poliomyelitis 242 rabies 246 Valacyclovir 238 Valproic acid 198 Valsalva maneuver (VM) 369 Varicella-zoster 238–239 complications 238, 239 ganglionic latency phase 238 immunocompromised patients 238 pathogenesis 238, 239 symptoms and signs 238, 239 treatment 238 viral reactivation 238 Vascular reserve 174 Vasculitic neuropathy 328, 329 Vasculitides primary 180 secondary 180 Vasculitis bacterial 180, 226 cerebral 180, 181 causes 180 differential diagnosis 216 immune 181 Lyme disease and 228 primary 180 secondary 180 symptoms and signs 180 treatment 180 CMV 244 neurosyphilis and 230 Vasospasm 176 Vein(s) azygos 22 basal (of Rosenthal) 18 bridging 18 central 18 cerebral 18–19 deep 10, 18 great (of Galen) 18 inferior 18 internal 18 superficial 10, 18 middle 18 superior 18 thrombophlebitis 226 cervical 20 deep 20, 22 cortical 18 cranial 20 diploic 18 emissary 18 facial 20 hemiazygos 22 iliac, common 22 intercostal, posterior 22 jugular external 20 internal 20 lumbar 22 occipital 18, 20 radicular 22 retromandibular 20 sacral lateral 22 medial 22 spinal 22, 23 anterior 22 lateral 22 posterior 22 vertebral 20, 22 Vena cava, superior 22 Ventriculitis 222, 226, 227 Ventriculomegaly, long-standing overt (LOVA) 290 Vertebrae 30 cervical 30 coccygeal 30 fracture 272, 380 burst 380 compression 380 dens 380 dislocation 380 Jefferson’s 380 stability 272, 273 lumbar 30 thoracic 30 Vertebral column 30 Vertigo 58–59 benign paroxysmal positional 58, 59 brain tumors and 254, 255 episodic 58 nonvestibular 58, 59 physiological 58 vestibular central 58 peripheral 58 Vestibular system 56–57 disorder 374 Vestibulocerebellum 54–56 Villi, arachnoid 8 Viral infections 234–247, 376, 385 cytomegalovirus (CMV) 244– 245 herpes simplex 236–237 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 240–241 meningoencephalitis 234– 235 pathogens 234 poliomyelitis 242–243 progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PMS) 244–245 rabies 246–247 varicella-zoster 238–239 see also specific infections Virchow–Robin space 6 Viremia primary 238 secondary 238 Viscerocranium 4, 5 Vision color 80 disturbances 80 intracranial hypertension and 158 stereoscopic 80 Visual disturbances color vision 80 multiple sclerosis 214, 215 Parkinson disease 208 stroke and 166 see also Visual field Visual evoked potentials (VEP) 218, 219, 352 Visual field 80 binocular 80 confrontation test 82, 83 defects 82–83 chiasmatic lesions 82 perichiasmatic lesions 82 retrochiasmatic lesions 82 monocular 80 red vision test 82 Visual pathway 80–81 Vitamin B1 deficiency 312 Vitamin B12 deficiency 286, 287 Vitamin E deficiency 280 Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada syndrome 234 Voice production 130 timbre 130 volume 130 whisper 130 see also Speech Volume regulation 310 Vomiting 370 brain tumors and 254, 255 Index Rohkamm, Color Atlas of Neurology © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 440 Index Vomiting intracranial hypertension and 158 von Heubner angiitis 230 von Hippel–Lindau disease 294, 295 hemangioblastoma and 256 symptoms and signs 294 von Recklinghausen disease 294 W Wada test 126 Wakefulness 116 see also Consciousness Wallenberg syndrome 70, 170, 361 Water balance see Fluid balance Watershed zones 22, 168 Weber syndrome 70, 358 Wegener granulomatosis 180 Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome 312, 314 Wernicke’s aphasia 126, 127 area 124 encephalopathy 312, 313 West syndrome 196 Whiplash injury 272, 273 severity classification 272 symptoms and signs 272 treatment 380 Whisper 130 White-matter lesions (WMLs) 298 Wilson disease 208, 307 Writer’s cramp 64, 65 Writing
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