Luteal phase transvaginal scan examinations  have better diagnostic potential for showing  focal subendometrial adenomyosis

Luteal phase transvaginal scan examinations have better diagnostic potential for showing focal subendometrial adenomyosis

  • نوع فایل : کتاب
  • زبان : انگلیسی
  • مؤلف : Ahmed Abdel-Gadir & Oluseye O. Oyawoye & Bina P. Chander
  • چاپ و سال / کشور: 2011


The objective of this preliminary observational study was to monitor changes in focal cystic and non-cystic subendometrial lesions reminiscent of adenomyosis seen during the luteal phase of the cycle by repeating transvaginal ultrasound scan examinations during the follicular phase. Five patients who presented with abnormal uterine bleeding with or without dysmenorrhoea showed such lesions, following luteal phase transvaginal scanning. All lesions became smaller and less conspicuous, or an indiscriminate endometrial/myometrial interface was seen in the suspected areas during the follicular phase. Midcycle scanning of one patient showed enhancement of the irregular subendometrial area, but still without reaching the same size, or attaining an echogenic pattern as seen during the initial luteal phase examination. We hypothesise that luteal phase transvaginal scan examinations of the uterus may have better potential for diagnosing focal subendometrial adenomyosis than follicular phase scanning. This is because of the echogenic characteristics of a secretory endometrium relative to the neighbouring inner myometrium. More work is needed to verify these findings and to test our hypothesis.
Gynecol Surg DOI 10.1007/s10397-011-0666-8 Received: 11 November 2010 / Accepted: 4 February 2011
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