# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Association between height and weight catch-up growth with insulin resistance in pre-pubertal Chinese children born small for gestational age at two different ages
126.59 KB 96 0
Diagnosis of a trend towards obesity in preschool children: a longitudinal study
210.00 KB 71 0
Neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism: further clinical and molecular delineation
135.26 KB 60 1
Metabolic syndrome, adipokines and ghrelin in overweight and obese schoolchildren: results of a 1-year lifestyle intervention programme
191.82 KB 67 0
Health-related quality of life and cognitive functioning in pediatric short stature: comparison of growth-hormone-naïve, growth-hormone-treated, and healthy samples
148.19 KB 93 0
Primary care-based surveillance to estimate the burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis among children aged less than 5 years in six European countries
193.46 KB 75 0
Adolescent alcohol intoxication in Dutch hospital centers of pediatrics: characteristics and gender differences
148.54 KB 77 0
Insulin resistance is associated with at least threefold increased risk for prothrombotic state in severely obese youngsters
164.13 KB 66 0
Hyperintense lesions in brain MRI after exposure to a mercuric chloride-containing skin whitening cream
162.15 KB 94 0
The long-term outcome after severe trauma of children in Flanders (Belgium): a population-based cohort study using the International Classification of Functioning—related outcome score
153.01 KB 66 0
Attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine: a national survey among paediatricians in the Netherlands
110.82 KB 70 0
Remifentanil and propofol for weaning of mechanically ventilated pediatric intensive care patients
122.89 KB 89 0
The effect of vitamin A on renal damage following acute pyelonephritis in children
97.10 KB 94 0
Growth charts for children with Ellis–van Creveld syndrome
274.85 KB 100 0
A novel mutation of LHX3 is associated with combined pituitary hormone deficiency including ACTH deficiency, sensorineural hearing loss, and short neck—a case report and review of the literature
227.98 KB 72 0
Serum asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), homocysteine, vitamin B12, folate levels, and lipid profiles in epileptic children treated with valproic acid
115.78 KB 82 0
Autosomal-dominant non-syndromic anal atresia: sequencing of candidate genes, array-based molecular karyotyping, and review of the literature
133.85 KB 71 0
Footprint analysis of flatfoot in preschool-aged children
291.33 KB 70 0
The effect of vitamin C on upper respiratory infections in adolescent swimmers: a randomized trial
116.41 KB 290 2
Dysphonia at 12 months corrected age in very low-birth-weight-born children
172.94 KB 86 0
Parental reports of adverse events following simultaneously given dT-IPV and MMR vaccines in healthy 9-year-old children
148.45 KB 73 0
Perinatal outcome of illicit substance use in pregnancy—comparative and contemporary socio-clinical profile in the UK
191.00 KB 61 0
Neurological complications of pandemic influenza A H1N1 2009 infection: European case series and review
170.11 KB 64 0
Long-term outcomes of pneumococcal meningitis in childhood and adolescence
213.88 KB 64 0
Transition from pediatric to adult health care: expectations of adolescents with chronic disorders and their parents
129.03 KB 78 0
Association between height and weight catch-up growth  with insulin resistance in pre-pubertal Chinese children  born small for gestational age at two different ages

Association between height and ...

This study was performed to test whether children born small for gestational age (SGA) with catchup growth (CUG) could be associated with the early ...

126.59 KB
Diagnosis of a trend towards obesity in preschool children:  a longitudinal study

Diagnosis of a trend towards ob ...

The study was planned to determine identifiable starting points of a trend towards obesity and the influence of variables in preschool children aged ...

210.00 KB
Neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism: further clinical  and molecular delineation

Neonatal severe hyperparathyroi ...

We report a newborn female from a consanguineous Sri Lankan family with clinical and biochemical features of neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NS ...

دانلود 1
135.26 KB
Metabolic syndrome, adipokines and ghrelin in overweight  and obese schoolchildren: results of a 1-year lifestyle  intervention programme

Metabolic syndrome, adipokines ...

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a lifestyle intervention programme (nutrition and exercise counselling) on metabolic syndrome (M ...

191.82 KB
Health-related quality of life and cognitive functioning  in pediatric short stature: comparison of growth-hormone-naïve,  growth-hormone-treated, and healthy samples

Health-related quality of life ...

The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of short stature on generic health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and cognitive functioning ...

148.19 KB
Primary care-based surveillance to estimate the burden  of rotavirus gastroenteritis among children aged  less than 5 years in six European countries

Primary care-based surveillance ...

This observational, prospective study was undertaken to estimate the burden of rotavirus (RV) gastroenteritis (GE) leading to general practitioner ( ...

193.46 KB
Adolescent alcohol intoxication in Dutch hospital centers  of pediatrics: characteristics and gender differences

Adolescent alcohol intoxication ...

Gender differences in alcohol intoxication among adolescents are still largely unknown, whereas these differences have been studied in adults. To in ...

148.54 KB
Insulin resistance is associated with at least threefold  increased risk for prothrombotic state in severely obese  youngsters

Insulin resistance is associate ...

Obesity in childhood increases the risk for early adult cardiovascular disease. However, the underlying mechanism is not fully known. The aims of th ...

164.13 KB
Hyperintense lesions in brain MRI after exposure  to a mercuric chloride-containing skin whitening cream

Hyperintense lesions in brain M ...

Exposure to inorganic mercury (Hg) is a serious problem presenting with a combination of neurological and psychiatric symptoms along with weight los ...

162.15 KB
The long-term outcome after severe trauma of children  in Flanders (Belgium): a population-based cohort  study using the International Classification  of Functioning—related outcome score

The long-term outcome after sev ...

Important long-term health problems have been described after severe paediatric trauma. The International Classification of Functioning (ICF) was de ...

153.01 KB
Attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine:  a national survey among paediatricians in the Netherlands

Attitudes toward complementary ...

The purpose of the present survey was to assess attitudes, beliefs, experience, referral patterns and desire for education regarding complementary a ...

110.82 KB
Remifentanil and propofol for weaning of mechanically  ventilated pediatric intensive care patients

Remifentanil and propofol for w ...

Mechanically ventilated pediatric intensive care patients usually receive an analgesic and sedative to keep them comfortable and safe. However, comm ...

122.89 KB
The effect of vitamin A on renal damage  following acute pyelonephritis in children

The effect of vitamin A on rena ...

Animal studies suggest that administration of vitamin A to rats with experimental urinary tract infection decreases the frequency of renal scars (Ka ...

97.10 KB
Growth charts for children with Ellis–van Creveld syndrome

Growth charts for children with ...

Ellis–van Creveld (EvC) syndrome is a congenital malformation syndrome with marked growth retardation. In this study, specific growth charts for EvC ...

274.85 KB
A novel mutation of LHX3 is associated with combined  pituitary hormone deficiency including ACTH deficiency,  sensorineural hearing loss, and short neck—a case report  and review of the literature

A novel mutation of LHX3 is ass ...

The LHX3 LIM-homeodomain transcription factor gene is required for normal pituitary and motoneuron development. LHX3 mutations are associated with g ...

227.98 KB
Serum asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA),  homocysteine, vitamin B12, folate levels, and lipid profiles  in epileptic children treated with valproic acid

Serum asymmetric dimethylargini ...

Recent reports have demonstrated elevated serum homocysteine (Hcy) levels in children receiving valproic acid (VPA) therapy. Elevated Hcy levels mig ...

115.78 KB
Autosomal-dominant non-syndromic anal atresia:  sequencing of candidate genes, array-based  molecular karyotyping, and review of the literature

Autosomal-dominant non-syndromi ...

Introduction Anorectal malformations (ARM) range from mild anal to severe anorectal anomalies. Approximately 50% are estimated to be non-syndromic w ...

133.85 KB
Footprint analysis of flatfoot in preschool-aged children

Footprint analysis of flatfoot ...

Our aim in this study was to analyze the footprint measurements of flatfoot in a population of preschool-aged children. Three footprint measurements ...

291.33 KB
The effect of vitamin C on upper respiratory infections  in adolescent swimmers: a randomized trial

The effect of vitamin C on uppe ...

The risk of upper respiratory infections (URIs) is increased in people who are under heavy physical stress, including recreational and competitive s ...

دانلود 2
116.41 KB
Dysphonia at 12 months corrected age  in very low-birth-weight-born children

Dysphonia at 12 months correcte ...

Preterm newborn infants may suffer laryngeal injuries after multiple intubations and long-term mechanical ventilation. Former studies have focused o ...

172.94 KB
Parental reports of adverse events following simultaneously  given dT-IPV and MMR vaccines in healthy 9-year-old children

Parental reports of adverse eve ...

In the Netherlands, children at 9 years of age receive a booster dT-IPV together with their second measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination wit ...

148.45 KB
Perinatal outcome of illicit substance use  in pregnancy—comparative and contemporary  socio-clinical profile in the UK

Perinatal outcome of illicit su ...

The aim of the study was to determine the contemporary socio-clinical profile and perinatal outcome of illicit substance use in pregnancy in a large ...

191.00 KB
Neurological complications of pandemic influenza A H1N1  2009 infection: European case series and review

Neurological complications of p ...

Neurological manifestations and outcomes of children with the 2009 H1N1 virus infection have been reported in three American series and from smaller ...

170.11 KB
Long-term outcomes of pneumococcal meningitis  in childhood and adolescence

Long-term outcomes of pneumococ ...

A vaccine to prevent pneumococcal meningitis (PM) has recently been introduced. However, contemporary data to inform cost-effectiveness analysis and ...

213.88 KB
Transition from pediatric to adult health care: expectations  of adolescents with chronic disorders and their parents

Transition from pediatric to ad ...

The aimof this study was to assess the expectations of adolescents with chronic disorders with regard to transition from pediatric to adult health c ...

129.03 KB
