# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Surgery for ACL deficiency in patients over 50
167.28 KB 69 0
Does an abnormal infrapatellar plica increase the risk of chondral damage in the knee
190.33 KB 81 0
Adhesion reduction after knee surgery in a rat model by Mitomycin C
293.68 KB 66 0
The effect of total synovectomy in total knee arthroplasty: a prospective randomized controlled study
145.70 KB 73 0
Posterior dislocation in total knee replacement: a price for deep flexion?
180.42 KB 72 0
Intra-operative femoral condylar stress during arthroscopy: an in vivo biomechanical assessment
256.29 KB 59 0
Hybrid fixation: evaluation of a novel technique in adult osteochondritis dissecans of the knee
221.88 KB 75 0
Navigated intra-articular ACL reconstruction with additional extra-articular tenodesis using the same hamstring graft
369.34 KB 74 1
Anterior lateral meniscofemoral ligament with congenital absence of the ACL
285.08 KB 68 0
Effects of periarticular steroid injection on knee function and the inflammatory response following unicondylar knee arthroplasty
192.46 KB 82 0
The effect of different quadriceps loading patterns on tibiofemoral joint kinematics and patellofemoral contact pressure during simulated partial weight-bearing knee flexion
778.47 KB 69 0
Minimally invasive total knee arthroplasty: comparison of jig-based technique versus computer avigation for clinical and alignment outcome
226.06 KB 82 0
Arthroscopic-assisted focal resurfacing of the knee: surgical technique and preliminary results of 13 patients at 2 years follow-up
323.41 KB 62 0
The fixation strength of a novel ACL soft-tissue graft fixation device compared with conventional interference screws: a biomechanical study in vitro
461.29 KB 95 0
Anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, using CT-based navigation and fiducial markers
659.90 KB 83 0
Arthroscopic stabilization of the lateral capsule of the knee in meniscal transplantation
225.25 KB 68 0
Fluoro-Free navigated retrograde drilling of osteochondral lesions
298.14 KB 59 0
Axial and torsional stability of an improved single-plane and a new bi-plane osteotomy technique for supracondylar femur osteotomies
523.87 KB 73 0
Three- to six-year follow-up results after high-flexion total knee arthroplasty: can we allow passive deep knee bending?
286.26 KB 74 0
The arthroscopic treatment of displaced tibial spine fractures in children and adolescents using Meniscus Arrows
187.73 KB 74 0
Unicondylar osteoarticular allograft reconstruction of the distal femur in a patient with a traumatic osteoaticular defect of the lateral femoral condyle
174.32 KB 67 0
Increased medial tibial slope in teenage pediatric population with open physes and anterior cruciate ligament injuries
216.48 KB 80 0
Fixation of osteochondral fragments in the human knee using Meniscus Arrows
409.39 KB 66 0
What is the true evidence for gender-related differences during plant and cut maneuvers? A systematic review
220.66 KB 156 0
Fetuin-A: A Novel Cardiovascular Risk Factor
127.46 KB 63 0
Surgery for ACL deficiency in patients over 50

Surgery for ACL deficiency in p ...

Purpose To compare the outcomes of arthroscopic ACL reconstruction procedure in 20 middle-aged patients (12 men and 8 women) and 20 subjects younger ...

167.28 KB
Does an abnormal infrapatellar plica increase the risk of chondral damage in the knee

Does an abnormal infrapatellar ...

Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate abnormal infrapatellar plicae that cause chondral lesions on the patellofemoral sulcus and superior as ...

190.33 KB
Adhesion reduction after knee surgery in a rat model by Mitomycin C

Adhesion reduction after knee s ...

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Mitomycin C on reduction in intra-articular fibrotic adhesion formation after knee surger ...

293.68 KB
The effect of total synovectomy in total knee arthroplasty: a prospective randomized controlled study

The effect of total synovectomy ...

cases of noninflammatory knee osteoarthritis suggests that total synovectomy may provide beneficial inflammatory and pain relief after total knee ar ...

145.70 KB
Posterior dislocation in total knee replacement: a price for deep flexion?

Posterior dislocation in total ...

Introduction Post-cam dislocation in TKA is a rare complication after posterior stabilized TKA. Purpose Four cases of posterior dislocation of the t ...

180.42 KB
Intra-operative femoral condylar stress during arthroscopy: an in vivo biomechanical assessment

Intra-operative femoral condyla ...

Purpose Excessive varus and valgus stress forces during arthroscopy might exceed minimal compressive strength of cancellous bone. In extreme cases, ...

256.29 KB
Hybrid fixation: evaluation of a novel technique in adult osteochondritis dissecans of the knee

Hybrid fixation: evaluation of ...

Purpose Treatment of osteochondritis dissecans of the adult knee requires bone and cartilage integration of the loose fragment. Screw fixation provi ...

221.88 KB
Navigated intra-articular ACL reconstruction with additional extra-articular tenodesis using the same hamstring graft

Navigated intra-articular ACL r ...

Purpose In some complex cases, standard anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is not enough and could lead to a new failure. Lateral extra-artic ...

دانلود 1
369.34 KB
Anterior lateral meniscofemoral ligament with congenital absence of the ACL

Anterior lateral meniscofemoral ...

Purpose To describe agenesis of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) with an anterior lateral meniscofemoral ligament. Methods and results Case rep ...

285.08 KB
Effects of periarticular steroid injection on knee function and the inflammatory response following unicondylar knee arthroplasty

Effects of periarticular steroi ...

There is little information on the values of CRP and ESR as markers for inflammation in Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty. The effect of periarticular s ...

192.46 KB
The effect of different quadriceps loading patterns on tibiofemoral joint kinematics and patellofemoral contact pressure during simulated partial weight-bearing knee flexion

The effect of different quadric ...

Purpose The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the influence of different quadriceps loading patterns on tibiofemoral joint kinematic ...

778.47 KB
Minimally invasive total knee arthroplasty: comparison of jig-based technique versus computer  avigation for clinical and alignment outcome

Minimally invasive total knee a ...

Purpose Correct alignment of the leg and positioning of the components are important factors in good long-term outcome of total knee arthroplasty (T ...

226.06 KB
Arthroscopic-assisted focal resurfacing of the knee: surgical technique and preliminary results of 13 patients at 2 years follow-up

Arthroscopic-assisted focal res ...

Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe an arthroscopic-assisted surgical technique for focal resurfacing of medial tibio-femoral compartme ...

323.41 KB
The fixation strength of a novel ACL soft-tissue graft fixation device compared with conventional interference screws: a biomechanical study in vitro

The fixation strength of a nove ...

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using autologous hamstring tendons is an established surgical procedure but some grafts fail due to poor f ...

461.29 KB
Anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, using CT-based navigation and fiducial markers

Anatomic double-bundle anterior ...

Purpose Accurate placement of separate anteromedial and posterolateral bundle bone tunnels is crucial for anatomic, double-bundle anterior cruciate ...

659.90 KB
Arthroscopic stabilization of the lateral capsule of the knee in meniscal transplantation

Arthroscopic stabilization of t ...

Extrusion of the meniscus has been reported as a complication after meniscus transplantation. Previous reports showed extrusion after meniscal allog ...

225.25 KB
Fluoro-Free navigated retrograde drilling of osteochondral lesions

Fluoro-Free navigated retrograd ...

Purpose Retrograde drilling of osteochondral lesions (OCLs) is a recommended, but demanding operative approach for revascularization of lesions in s ...

298.14 KB
Axial and torsional stability of an improved single-plane and a new bi-plane osteotomy technique for supracondylar femur osteotomies

Axial and torsional stability o ...

Purpose An important disadvantage of the standard medial closing-wedge distal femur osteotomy for lateral compartment osteoarthritis of the knee is ...

523.87 KB
Three- to six-year follow-up results after high-flexion total knee arthroplasty: can we allow passive deep knee bending?

Three- to six-year follow-up re ...

Purpose We evaluated 3- to 6-year clinical and radiological follow-up results after NexGen LPS-flex total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Methods A retro ...

286.26 KB
The arthroscopic treatment of displaced tibial spine fractures in children and adolescents using Meniscus Arrows

The arthroscopic treatment of d ...

Purpose This article summarises the results of a newly developed technique that utilises Meniscus Arrows for the arthroscopic fixation of displaced ...

187.73 KB
Unicondylar osteoarticular allograft reconstruction of the distal femur in a patient with a traumatic osteoaticular defect of the lateral femoral condyle

Unicondylar osteoarticular allo ...

Purpose The objective of this study was to report the clinical results for a patient with a post-traumatic osteoarticular defect of the lateral femo ...

174.32 KB
Increased medial tibial slope in teenage pediatric population with open physes and anterior cruciate ligament injuries

Increased medial tibial slope i ...

Purpose Variations in bony morphology have been associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury risk. The primary aim of this study was to c ...

216.48 KB
Fixation of osteochondral fragments in the human knee using Meniscus Arrows

Fixation of osteochondral fragm ...

The aim of this study is to compare the hold in bone of Meniscus Arrows and Smart Nails, followed by the report of the results of the clinical app ...

409.39 KB
What is the true evidence for gender-related differences during plant and cut maneuvers? A systematic review

What is the true evidence for g ...

Purpose Female athletes have a significantly higher risk of sustaining an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury than male athletes. Biomechanical ...

220.66 KB
Fetuin-A: A Novel Cardiovascular Risk Factor

Fetuin-A: A Novel Cardiovascula ...

Fetuin-A, or ƒ؟2-Heremans.Schimd glycoprotein, is a potent inhibitor of calcium-phosphate precipitation. In end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, ...

127.46 KB
