# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Eisenmenger Ventricular Septal Defect: Classification, Morphology, and Indications for Surgery
162.00 KB 77 0
Usefulness of Fetal Three-Dimensional Ultrasonography for Detecting of Congenital Heart Defects and Associated Syndromes
2.11 MB 65 0
The Neonatal But Not the Mature Heart Adapts to Acute Tachycardia by Beneficial Modification of the Force–Frequency Relationship
310.08 KB 71 0
Comparison of Posterolateral Thoracotomy and Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Clipping for the Treatment of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Neonates and Infants
169.13 KB 199 0
2010 Riley Heart Center Symposium on Cardiac Development: Cardiomyocyte Injury and Protection
140.64 KB 67 1
Disturbance of Glucose Homeostasis After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
239.97 KB 61 0
Catheter Balloon Adjustment of the Pulmonary Artery Band: Feasibility and Safety
407.26 KB 88 1
An Institutional Approach to Interventional Strategies for Complete Vascular Occlusions
719.24 KB 61 0
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance and Viscosity: The Forgotten Factor
224.86 KB 64 0
Coding Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms of Interleukin-1 Gene Cluster Are Not Associated with Kawasaki Disease in the Korean Population
162.65 KB 69 0
Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor-Alpha (PPARa) and PPAR Gamma Coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1a) Regulation of Cardiac Metabolism in Diabetes
208.40 KB 91 0
Transpulmonary Thermodilution in Neonates Undergoing Arterial Switch Surgery
182.73 KB 87 0
Outcome of Acute Graft Rejection Associated with Hemodynamic Compromise in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients
204.34 KB 65 0
Feeding Complications in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome After the Norwood Procedure: A Systematic Review of the Literature
277.84 KB 71 0
Cardiac Tamponade in a Child With Systemic-Onset Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Dramatic Improvement After Interleukin-1 Blockade by Anakinra
143.19 KB 67 0
Combination of texture analysis and bone mineral density improves the prediction of fracture load in human femurs
252.72 KB 97 0
Gender differences for initiating teriparatide therapy: Baseline Data from the Direct Assessment of Nonvertebral Fracture in the Community Experience (DANCE) study
226.50 KB 88 0
Treatment for older men with fractures
179.35 KB 74 0
Association between weight changes and changes in hip geometric indices in the Japanese female population during 10-year follow-up: Japanese Population-based Osteoporosis (JPOS) Cohort Study
228.29 KB 81 0
Fracture risk prediction using FRAX®: a 10-year follow-up survey of the Japanese Population-Based Osteoporosis (JPOS) Cohort Study
295.83 KB 72 0
A naturally occurring rare analog of quercetin promotes peak bone mass achievement and exerts anabolic effect on osteoporotic bone
521.12 KB 78 0
In peripubertal girls, artistic gymnastics improves areal bone mineral density and femoral bone geometry without affecting serum OPG/RANKL levels
586.41 KB 67 0
Alendronate and atrial fibrillation: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials
317.46 KB 66 0
Association between vitamin K intake from fermented soybeans, natto, and bone mineral density in elderly Japanese men: the Fujiwara-kyo Osteoporosis Risk in Men (FORMEN) study
184.33 KB 76 0
Ethnic difference of clinical vertebral fracture risk
181.30 KB 72 0
Eisenmenger Ventricular Septal Defect: Classification,  Morphology, and Indications for Surgery

Eisenmenger Ventricular Septal ...

This study aimed to examine the definition and indications for surgery, to elucidate the morphologic substrate of aortic regurgitation, and to extra ...

162.00 KB
Usefulness of Fetal Three-Dimensional Ultrasonography  for Detecting of Congenital Heart Defects and Associated  Syndromes

Usefulness of Fetal Three-Dimen ...

Congenital heart defects (CHDs) occur in 1% of live-born infants and frequently are associated with extracardiac malformations. This study aimed to ...

2.11 MB
The Neonatal But Not the Mature Heart Adapts to Acute  Tachycardia by Beneficial Modification of the Force–Frequency  Relationship

The Neonatal But Not the Mature ...

The force–frequency relationship (FFR) reflects alterations in intracellular calcium cycling during changing heart rate (HR). Tachycardia-induced he ...

310.08 KB
Comparison of Posterolateral Thoracotomy and Video-Assisted  Thoracoscopic Clipping for the Treatment of Patent Ductus  Arteriosus in Neonates and Infants

Comparison of Posterolateral Th ...

This study was designed to compare the longterm clinical outcomes and costs between video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) and posterolateral thorac ...

169.13 KB
2010 Riley Heart Center Symposium on Cardiac Development:  Cardiomyocyte Injury and Protection

2010 Riley Heart Center Symposi ...

Heart failure, a common event in childhood with significant morbidity and mortality, has an impact on both children and adults. In adult medicine, h ...

دانلود 1
140.64 KB
Disturbance of Glucose Homeostasis After Pediatric Cardiac  Surgery

Disturbance of Glucose Homeosta ...

This study aimed to evaluate the time course of perioperative blood glucose levels of children undergoing cardiac surgery for congenital heart disea ...

239.97 KB
Catheter Balloon Adjustment of the Pulmonary Artery Band:  Feasibility and Safety

Catheter Balloon Adjustment of ...

The study aimed to assess the feasibility and safety of increasing pulmonary artery band (PAB) diameter by catheter-based PAB balloon dilation (PABB ...

دانلود 1
407.26 KB
An Institutional Approach to Interventional Strategies  for Complete Vascular Occlusions

An Institutional Approach to In ...

Complete vascular occlusions are rare but potentially lethal. Reports on transcatheter therapy are limited to solitary case reports. The study was c ...

719.24 KB
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance and Viscosity:  The Forgotten Factor

Pulmonary Vascular Resistance a ...

Calculating pulmonary vascular resistance is important in many fields of medicine. Although the influence of hematocrit on calculated resistance has ...

224.86 KB
Coding Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms of Interleukin-1 Gene  Cluster Are Not Associated with Kawasaki Disease in the Korean  Population

Coding Single-Nucleotide Polymo ...

This study aimed to examine whether coding single-nucleotide polymorphisms (cSNPs) of the interleukin- 1 gene cluster [interleukin-1-alpha (IL1a), I ...

162.65 KB
Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor-Alpha (PPARa)  and PPAR Gamma Coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1a) Regulation  of Cardiac Metabolism in Diabetes

Peroxisome Proliferator Activat ...

Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of mortality among patients with diabetes, and heart failure exists even in the absence of coronary diseas ...

208.40 KB
Transpulmonary Thermodilution in Neonates Undergoing  Arterial Switch Surgery

Transpulmonary Thermodilution i ...

Measurement of the global end-diastolic volume index (GEDI) by transpulmonary thermodilution (TPTD) has become a useful technique for measuring pre ...

182.73 KB
Outcome of Acute Graft Rejection Associated with Hemodynamic  Compromise in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients

Outcome of Acute Graft Rejectio ...

We sought to analyze the outcome of hemodynamically significant acute graft rejection in pediatric heart transplant recipients from a single-center ...

204.34 KB
Feeding Complications in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome After  the Norwood Procedure: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Feeding Complications in Hypopl ...

Gastrointestinal and feeding complications after the Norwood procedure in infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome increases morbidity and morta ...

277.84 KB
Cardiac Tamponade in a Child With Systemic-Onset Juvenile  Idiopathic Arthritis: Dramatic Improvement After Interleukin-1  Blockade by Anakinra

Cardiac Tamponade in a Child Wi ...

Systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SoJIA) is a multisystem disease characterized by high fever, rash, arthritis, serositis, splenomegaly, ...

143.19 KB
Combination of texture analysis and bone mineral density  improves the prediction of fracture load in human femurs

Combination of texture analysis ...

Summary Twenty-one excised femurs were studied using (1) a high-resolution digital X-ray device to estimate three textural parameters, (2) dual-ener ...

252.72 KB
Gender differences for initiating teriparatide therapy:  Baseline Data from the Direct Assessment  of Nonvertebral Fracture in the Community Experience  (DANCE) study

Gender differences for initiati ...

Summary The prospective, observational Direct Assessment of Nonvertebral Fracture in the Community Experience (DANCE) study shows that, among patien ...

226.50 KB
Treatment for older men with fractures

Treatment for older men with fr ...

Summary Less than 10% of men receive osteoporosis treatment, even after a fracture. A study of 17,683 men revealed that older men, those with spinal ...

179.35 KB
Association between weight changes and changes in hip  geometric indices in the Japanese female population  during 10-year follow-up: Japanese Population-based  Osteoporosis (JPOS) Cohort Study

Association between weight chan ...

Summary During a 10-year follow-up of 893 women of various ages from the Japanese Population-based Osteoporosis Cohort Study, we evaluated the relat ...

228.29 KB
Fracture risk prediction using FRAX®: a 10-year follow-up  survey of the Japanese Population-Based Osteoporosis  (JPOS) Cohort Study

Fracture risk prediction using ...

Summary We evaluated the predictive ability of FRAX® in a cohort of 815 Japanese women. The observed 10-year fracture rate did not differ significan ...

295.83 KB
A naturally occurring rare analog of quercetin promotes  peak bone mass achievement and exerts anabolic effect  on osteoporotic bone

A naturally occurring rare anal ...

Summary The effect of quercetin C-glucoside (QCG) on osteoblast function in vitro and bone formation in vivo was investigated. QCG supplementation p ...

521.12 KB
In peripubertal girls, artistic gymnastics improves areal bone  mineral density and femoral bone geometry without affecting  serum OPG/RANKL levels

In peripubertal girls, artistic ...

Summary Peripubertal artistic gymnasts display elevated areal bone mineral density at various bone sites, despite delayed menarche and a high freque ...

586.41 KB
Alendronate and atrial fibrillation: a meta-analysis  of randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials

Alendronate and atrial fibrilla ...

Summary In this meta-analysis of all Merck-conducted, placebo-controlled clinical trials of alendronate, the occurrence of AF was uncommon, with mos ...

317.46 KB
Association between vitamin K intake from fermented  soybeans, natto, and bone mineral density in elderly  Japanese men: the Fujiwara-kyo Osteoporosis Risk in Men  (FORMEN) study

Association between vitamin K i ...

Summary A cross-sectional analysis of 1,662 community dwelling elderly Japanese men suggested that habitual natto intake was significantly associate ...

184.33 KB
Ethnic difference of clinical vertebral fracture risk

Ethnic difference of clinical v ...

Summary Vertebral fractures are the most common osteoporotic fractures. Data on the vertebral fracture risk in Asia remain sparse. This study observ ...

181.30 KB
