# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Geographic trends in incidence of hip fractures: a comprehensive literature review
410.03 KB 73 0
Measuring health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in osteoporotic males using the Male OPAQ
1.66 MB 76 0
Mechanical loading-related changes in osteocyte sclerostin expression in mice are more closely associated with the subsequent osteogenic response than the peak strains engendered
717.61 KB 70 0
Circulating osteocalcin level is associated with improved glucose tolerance, insulin secretion and sensitivity independent of the plasma adiponectin level
167.58 KB 74 0
Response to “Effects of Vitamin K intake on gamma-carboxylated proteins, bone fractures, and vascular calcifications”
74.66 KB 77 0
Prevalence of osteoporosis among cancer patients in Germany
230.78 KB 71 0
Impact of a centralized osteoporosis coordinator on post-fracture osteoporosis management: a cluster randomized trial
217.51 KB 74 0
Osteoporotic changes of subchondral trabecular bone in osteoarthritis of the knee: a 3-T MRI
424.80 KB 80 0
Does increased sunlight exposure work as a strategy to improve vitamin D status in the elderly: a cluster randomised controlled trial
294.54 KB 66 0
Risk factors for fracture in elderly men: a population-based prospective study
185.88 KB 64 0
The rate of hip osteoarthritis in patients with proximal femoral fractures versus hip contusion
123.78 KB 67 0
Predicting EQ-5D-US and SF-6D societal health state values from the Osteoporosis Assessment Questionnaire
313.76 KB 76 0
The direct cost of acute hip fracture care in care home residents in the UK
103.51 KB 71 0
Incidence of hip fracture and prevalence of osteoporosis in Turkey: the FRACTURK study
185.29 KB 82 0
Exercise and fractures in postmenopausal women: 12-year results of the Erlangen Fitness and Osteoporosis Prevention Study (EFOPS)
716.32 KB 68 0
Multi-site bone ultrasound measurements in elderly women with and without previous hip fractures
341.99 KB 68 0
Predictors of new and severe vertebral fractures: results from the HORIZON Pivotal Fracture Trial
210.92 KB 57 0
Omentin-1 exerts bone-sparing effect in ovariectomized mice
694.23 KB 80 0
Sustained efficacy and safety of bazedoxifene in preventing fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: results of a 5-year, randomized, placebo-controlled study
666.43 KB 90 0
Relationships of percent body fat and percent trunk fat with bone mineral density among Chinese, black, and white subjects
147.22 KB 73 0
Algorithms can be used to identify fragility fracture cases in physician-claims databases
347.22 KB 71 0
Relationships of muscle strength and bone mineral density in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy
141.16 KB 59 0
Serum 25(OH)D concentrations in sunny Israel
273.31 KB 69 0
Treatment satisfaction and persistence among postmenopausal women on osteoporosis medications: 12-month results from POSSIBLE US™
166.49 KB 68 1
Skeletal findings in children recently initiating glucocorticoids for the treatment of nephrotic syndrome J. Feber & I. Gaboury & A. Ni & N. Alos & S. Arora & L. Bell & T. Blydt-Hansen & C. Clarson & G. Filler & J. Hay & D. Hebert & B. Lentle &M. Matzi
230.23 KB 73 0
Geographic trends in incidence of hip fractures:  a comprehensive literature review

Geographic trends in incidence ...

Summary A comprehensive review of literature was conducted to investigate variation in hip fracture incident rates around the world. The original cr ...

410.03 KB
Measuring health-related quality of life (HRQOL)  in osteoporotic males using the Male OPAQ

Measuring health-related qualit ...

Summary The Male Osteoporosis Assessment Questionnaire (OPAQ™) is a health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instrument that can differentiate between ...

1.66 MB
Mechanical loading-related changes in osteocyte sclerostin  expression in mice are more closely associated  with the subsequent osteogenic response than the peak  strains engendered

Mechanical loading-related chan ...

Summary Osteocyte sclerostin is regulated by loading and disuse in mouse tibiae but ismore closely related to subsequent local osteogenesis than the ...

717.61 KB
Circulating osteocalcin level is associated with improved  glucose tolerance, insulin secretion and sensitivity  independent of the plasma adiponectin level

Circulating osteocalcin level i ...

Summary In agreement with the results of animal studies, the plasma osteocalcin level is positively associated with improved glucose tolerance and i ...

167.58 KB
Response to “Effects of Vitamin K intake  on gamma-carboxylated proteins, bone fractures,  and vascular calcifications”

Response to “Effects of Vitamin ...

We would like to thank Maria Fusaro and colleagues for their suggestion that habitual intake of natto may have a beneficial effect on vascular healt ...

74.66 KB
Prevalence of osteoporosis among cancer patients  in Germany

Prevalence of osteoporosis amon ...

Summary In this prospective study, we measured bone mineral density (BMD) in 1,041 cancer patients undergoing an oncological rehabilitation program ...

230.78 KB
Impact of a centralized osteoporosis coordinator  on post-fracture osteoporosis management:  a cluster randomized trial

Impact of a centralized osteopo ...

Summary We conducted a cluster randomized trial evaluating the effect of a centralized coordinator who identifies and follows up with fracture patie ...

217.51 KB
Osteoporotic changes of subchondral trabecular bone  in osteoarthritis of the knee: a 3-T MRI

Osteoporotic changes of subchon ...

Summary Subchondral trabecular bone structure was analyzed in knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients using 3-T MRI to investigate structural features of ...

424.80 KB
Does increased sunlight exposure work as a strategy  to improve vitamin D status in the elderly: a cluster  randomised controlled trial

Does increased sunlight exposur ...

Summary Sunlight exposure by improving vitamin D status could be a simple public health strategy in reducing falls among frail elder people. In a ra ...

294.54 KB
Risk factors for fracture in elderly men: a population-based  prospective study

Risk factors for fracture in el ...

Summary Risk factors for fractures were assessed in a random sample of 4,696 elderly men followed for 5.4 years. Results highlighted the importance ...

185.88 KB
The rate of hip osteoarthritis in patients with proximal  femoral fractures versus hip contusion

The rate of hip osteoarthritis ...

Summary We found no difference in the rate of radiological hip osteoarthritis in the injured hip when comparing 349 patients with proximal femoral f ...

123.78 KB
Predicting EQ-5D-US and SF-6D societal health state values  from the Osteoporosis Assessment Questionnaire

Predicting EQ-5D-US and SF-6D s ...

Summary Linear regression was applied to data from 275 persons with osteoporosis-related fracture to estimate EQ- 5D-US and SF-6D health state value ...

313.76 KB
The direct cost of acute hip fracture care in care home  residents in the UK

The direct cost of acute hip fr ...

Summary Data on the true acute care costs of hip fractures for patients admitted from care homes are limited. Detailed costing analysis was undertak ...

103.51 KB
Incidence of hip fracture and prevalence of osteoporosis  in Turkey: the FRACTURK study

Incidence of hip fracture and p ...

Summary The incidence of hip fractures in Turkey increased markedly from that reported in 1988/1989 so that FRAX® models for Turkey should be revise ...

185.29 KB
Exercise and fractures in postmenopausal women: 12-year  results of the Erlangen Fitness and Osteoporosis  Prevention Study (EFOPS)

Exercise and fractures in postm ...

Summary This trial is the first exercise study that focuses on fracture incidence as a primary study endpoint. Although we marginally failed to dete ...

716.32 KB
Multi-site bone ultrasound measurements in elderly women  with and without previous hip fractures

Multi-site bone ultrasound meas ...

Summary About 75% of patients suffering from osteoporosis are not diagnosed. This study describes a multi-site bone ultrasound method for osteoporos ...

341.99 KB
Predictors of new and severe vertebral fractures: results  from the HORIZON Pivotal Fracture Trial

Predictors of new and severe ve ...

Summary We examined prevalent and recent vertebral fractures in 1 year as predictors of new vertebral fractures over subsequent 2 years using data f ...

210.92 KB
Omentin-1 exerts bone-sparing effect in ovariectomized mice

Omentin-1 exerts bone-sparing e ...

Summary Omentin-1 inhibited osteoblast differentiation in vitro. In co-culture systems of osteoblasts and osteoclast precursors, omentin-1 reduced o ...

694.23 KB
Sustained efficacy and safety of bazedoxifene in preventing  fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis:  results of a 5-year, randomized, placebo-controlled study

Sustained efficacy and safety o ...

Summary In this 2-year extension of a 3-year study, bazedoxifene showed sustained efficacy in preventing new vertebral fractures in postmenopausal w ...

666.43 KB
Relationships of percent body fat and percent trunk fat  with bone mineral density among Chinese, black,  and white subjects

Relationships of percent body f ...

Summary We examined ethnic difference in the association of body fat and trunk fat with bone mineral density (BMD) among Chinese, white, and black s ...

147.22 KB
Algorithms can be used to identify fragility fracture cases  in physician-claims databases

Algorithms can be used to ident ...

Summary Physician-billing claims databases can be used to determine the incidence of fractures in the community. This study tested three algorithms ...

347.22 KB
Relationships of muscle strength and bone mineral density  in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy

Relationships of muscle strengt ...

Summary This work explores the relationships of muscle strength and areal bone mineral density (aBMD) in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy (CP ...

141.16 KB
Serum 25(OH)D concentrations in sunny Israel

Serum 25(OH)D concentrations in ...

Summary This study assesses vitamin D status in Israel. Serum 25(OH)D levels <25 and <50 nmol/L are common in Israel with noted differences between ...

273.31 KB
Treatment satisfaction and persistence among postmenopausal  women on osteoporosis medications: 12-month results  from POSSIBLE US™

Treatment satisfaction and pers ...

Summary Women in POSSIBLE US™ who expressed greater treatment satisfaction at study entry were more likely to persist with osteoporosis therapy over ...

دانلود 1
166.49 KB
Skeletal findings in children recently initiating  glucocorticoids for the treatment of nephrotic syndrome  J. Feber & I. Gaboury & A. Ni & N. Alos & S. Arora &  L. Bell & T. Blydt-Hansen & C. Clarson & G. Filler &  J. Hay & D. Hebert & B. Lentle &M. Matzi

Skeletal findings in children r ...

Summary Eighty children with nephrotic syndrome underwent lumbar spine densitometry and vertebral morphometry soon after glucocorticoid initiation. ...

230.23 KB
