# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
ESR1, FTO, and UCP2 Genes Interact with Bariatric Surgery Affecting Weight Loss and Glycemic Control in Severely Obese Patients
195.42 KB 71 0
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy with an Extensive Posterior Mobilization: Technique and Preliminary Results
1.00 MB 77 0
Evaluation of Motility Changes after Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
80.50 KB 76 0
Nutritional Intake and Prevalence of Nutritional Deficiencies Prior to Surgery in a Spanish Morbidly Obese Population
153.54 KB 74 1
Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of BMI-Based Preoperative Administration of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin in Morbidly Obese Patients Undergoing Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery
116.87 KB 74 0
Morbidly Obese are Ghrelin and Leptin Hyporesponders with Lesser Intragastric Balloon Treatment Efficiency
221.05 KB 77 0
Early Improvement in Albuminuria in Non-diabetic Patients after Roux-en-Y Bariatric Surgery
233.88 KB 65 1
Reducing Cost of Surgery by Avoiding Complications: the Model of Robotic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
359.05 KB 70 0
Influence of Activity Levels and Energy Intake on Percent Excess Weight Loss After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
201.93 KB 81 0
Bariatric Surgery Pharmacy Consultation Service
144.01 KB 75 1
Late Marginal Ulcers after Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity. Clinical and Endoscopic Findings and Response to Treatment
101.90 KB 83 0
Preoperative Predictors of Weight Loss Following Bariatric Surgery: Systematic Review
507.23 KB 71 0
Reporting Results After Bariatric Surgery: Reproducibility of Predicted Body Mass Index
104.40 KB 63 0
Single-Incision Sleeve Gastrectomy Versus Conventional Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy—a Randomised Pilot Study
179.83 KB 61 0
Improvement of Insulin Resistance and Reduction of Cardiovascular Risk Among Obese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes with the Duodenojejunal Bypass Liner
162.61 KB 62 1
Systematic Review of Erosion after Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
300.95 KB 82 0
Are We Pricing Ourselves Out of the Market in Bariatric Surgery?
62.95 KB 69 0
Systematic Review of Same-Day Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band Surgery
173.12 KB 79 0
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy with Duodenojejunal Bypass for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes in Non-obese Patients: Technique and Preliminary Results
122.89 KB 69 0
The magnitude of the association between hepatitis C virus infection and oral lichen planus: meta-analysis and case control study
282.82 KB 68 0
Short Versus Long Roux-Limb Length in Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery for the Treatment of Morbid and Super Obesity: a Systematic Review of the Literature
571.74 KB 60 0
Bariatric Surgery and Renal Function
286.32 KB 72 0
A Model for Predicting the Resolution of Type 2 Diabetes in Severely Obese Subjects Following Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass Surgery
188.61 KB 72 0
Laparoscopic Reinforced Sleeve Gastrectomy: Early Results and Complications
318.92 KB 64 0
Gastric Leak After Sleeve Gastrectomy: Analysis of Its Management
213.68 KB 79 0
ESR1, FTO, and UCP2 Genes Interact with Bariatric  Surgery Affecting Weight Loss and Glycemic Control  in Severely Obese Patients

ESR1, FTO, and UCP2 Genes Inter ...

Background Significant variability in weight loss and glycemic control has been observed in obese patients receiving bariatric surgery. Genetic fact ...

195.42 KB
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy with an Extensive  Posterior Mobilization: Technique and Preliminary Results

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy ...

Background Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is becoming increasingly popular as a stand-alone procedure for the treatment of morbidly obese pat ...

1.00 MB
Evaluation of Motility Changes after Laparoscopic Sleeve  Gastrectomy Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Evaluation of Motility Changes ...

We agree with the authors about the increasing of antral peristaltic velocity in these patients with significant reduction of gastric emptying T1/2. ...

80.50 KB
Nutritional Intake and Prevalence of Nutritional Deficiencies  Prior to Surgery in a Spanish Morbidly Obese Population

Nutritional Intake and Prevalen ...

Background The prevalence of obesity in Spain is on the rise with the consequent increase in bariatric surgery. Studies in non-Mediterranean populat ...

دانلود 1
153.54 KB
Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of BMI-Based  Preoperative Administration of Low-Molecular-Weight  Heparin in Morbidly Obese Patients Undergoing Roux-en-Y  Gastric Bypass Surgery

Evaluating the Safety and Effic ...

Background One of the most concerning and potentially fatal complications of gastric bypass surgery is pulmonary embolism (PE) with published rates ...

116.87 KB
Morbidly Obese are Ghrelin and Leptin Hyporesponders  with Lesser Intragastric Balloon Treatment Efficiency

Morbidly Obese are Ghrelin and ...

Background Ghrelin and leptin recently emerged as the most influential neuroendocrine factors in the pathophysiology of obesity. The said peptides a ...

221.05 KB
Early Improvement in Albuminuria in Non-diabetic Patients  after Roux-en-Y Bariatric Surgery

Early Improvement in Albuminuri ...

Background Obesity is a growing epidemic in the USA that has been shown to be associated with chronic kidney disease and albuminuria. Bariatric surg ...

دانلود 1
233.88 KB
Reducing Cost of Surgery by Avoiding Complications:  the Model of Robotic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

Reducing Cost of Surgery by Avo ...

Background Robotic surgery is a complex technology offering technical advantages over conventional methods. Still, clinical outcomes and financial i ...

359.05 KB
Influence of Activity Levels and Energy Intake on Percent  Excess Weight Loss After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

Influence of Activity Levels an ...

Background Gastric bypass is a successful medical intervention for weight loss for obesity.Weight loss is substantial after this surgery. Predictors ...

201.93 KB
Bariatric Surgery Pharmacy Consultation Service

Bariatric Surgery Pharmacy Cons ...

Bariatric surgical patients often need changes in formulation and dosages of their medications. The literature contains minimal information regardin ...

دانلود 1
144.01 KB
Late Marginal Ulcers after Gastric Bypass for Morbid  Obesity. Clinical and Endoscopic Findings and Response  to Treatment

Late Marginal Ulcers after Gast ...

Marginal ulcer (MU) is an occasional complication after gastric bypass which can occur early or late after surgery. In this study, we evaluated the ...

101.90 KB
Preoperative Predictors of Weight Loss Following Bariatric  Surgery: Systematic Review

Preoperative Predictors of Weig ...

Background Obesity affects 32% of adults in the USA. Surgery generates substantial weight loss, but 20–30% fails to achieve successful weight loss. ...

507.23 KB
Reporting Results After Bariatric Surgery:  Reproducibility of Predicted Body Mass Index

Reporting Results After Bariatr ...

Background There is a controversy about the best way to report results after bariatric surgery. Several indices have been proposed over the years su ...

104.40 KB
Single-Incision Sleeve Gastrectomy Versus Conventional  Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy—a Randomised Pilot  Study

Single-Incision Sleeve Gastrect ...

Background This is a prospective pilot study done to evaluate the feasibility and to assess the outcomes and complication rates of the single-incisi ...

179.83 KB
Improvement of Insulin Resistance and Reduction  of Cardiovascular Risk Among Obese Patients  with Type 2 Diabetes with the Duodenojejunal Bypass Liner

Improvement of Insulin Resistan ...

Background This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the duodenojejunal bypass liner (DJBL) in the improvement of insulin resistance and redu ...

دانلود 1
162.61 KB
Systematic Review of Erosion after Laparoscopic Adjustable  Gastric Banding

Systematic Review of Erosion af ...

Erosion of the laparoscopic adjustable gastric band (LAGB) into the lumen of the stomach is a recognised complication of this procedure. We undertoo ...

300.95 KB
Are We Pricing Ourselves Out of the Market in Bariatric  Surgery?

Are We Pricing Ourselves Out of ...

In my ASMBS presidential address, in Las Vegas, 2002, I emphasized that we were at a crossroads relative to the safety and effectiveness of the lapa ...

62.95 KB
Systematic Review of Same-Day Laparoscopic Adjustable  Gastric Band Surgery

Systematic Review of Same-Day L ...

Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band (LAGB) is the commonest bariatric procedure worldwide. The safety and feasibility of same-day discharge after L ...

173.12 KB
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy with Duodenojejunal  Bypass for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes in Non-obese  Patients: Technique and Preliminary Results

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy ...

Background Medical treatment of type 2 diabetes has often insufficient clinical results at long term. Although the surgical option is a well-establi ...

122.89 KB
The magnitude of the association between hepatitis C virus  infection and oral lichen planus: meta-analysis  and case control study

The magnitude of the associatio ...

Although hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is associated with oral lichen planus (OLP), a case–control study and a meta-analysis were designed to in ...

282.82 KB
Short Versus Long Roux-Limb Length in Roux-en-Y Gastric  Bypass Surgery for the Treatment of Morbid and Super  Obesity: a Systematic Review of the Literature

Short Versus Long Roux-Limb Len ...

Because of an important burden of disease, obesity is a major public health challenge in the twenty-first century. Where medico-psychological manage ...

571.74 KB
Bariatric Surgery and Renal Function

Bariatric Surgery and Renal Fun ...

Obesity causes a significant healthcare burden and has been shown to be an important risk factor in the development of cardiovascular disease, type ...

286.32 KB
A Model for Predicting the Resolution of Type 2 Diabetes  in Severely Obese Subjects Following Roux-en Y Gastric  Bypass Surgery

A Model for Predicting the Reso ...

Background Severely obese type 2 diabetics who undergo Roux-en Y gastric bypass surgery have significant improvements in glycaemic control. Little w ...

188.61 KB
Laparoscopic Reinforced Sleeve Gastrectomy: Early Results  and Complications

Laparoscopic Reinforced Sleeve ...

Background Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) was pioneered as a twostage intervention for super and super-super obesity to minimize morbidity and mortality; i ...

318.92 KB
Gastric Leak After Sleeve Gastrectomy: Analysis  of Its Management

Gastric Leak After Sleeve Gastr ...

Background Bariatric surgery is increasingly being performed and sleeve gastrectomy (SG) has proved to be effective and safe. Among its complication ...

213.68 KB
