# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Long-term MRA follow-up after coiling of intracranial aneurysms: impact on mood and anxiety
240.35 KB 66 0
Initial experience with the Penumbra Stroke System for recanalization of large vessel occlusions in acute ischemic stroke
139.63 KB 80 0
Angiographic evaluation of the effect of intra-arterial milrinone therapy in patients with vasospasm from aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
180.67 KB 76 0
A study of the first-generation pipeline embolization device morphology using intraoperative angiographic computed tomography (ACT)
391.16 KB 77 0
Pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation: imaging spectrum of an unusual tumor in 11 cases
328.45 KB 101 1
Dural attachment of intracranial meningiomas: evaluation with contrast-enhanced three-dimensional fast imaging with steady-state acquisition (FIESTA) at 3 T
414.99 KB 65 0
Developmental venous anomalies: appearance on whole-brain CT digital subtraction angiography and CT perfusion
979.28 KB 74 0
Evaluation of small ischemic lesions after carotid artery stenting: the usefulness of thin-slice diffusion-weighted MR imaging
235.21 KB 80 1
Development of laminar organization of the fetal cerebrum at 3.0T and 7.0T: a postmortem MRI study
421.23 KB 85 0
Clinical safety of magnetic resonance imaging in patients with implanted SynchroMed EL infusion pumps
139.21 KB 78 0
Postprocedural CT for perivertebral cement leakage in percutaneous vertebroplasty is not necessary—results from VERTOS II
112.30 KB 82 0
Assessment of baseline hemodynamic parameters within infarct progression areas in acute stroke patients using perfusion-weighted MRI
184.54 KB 63 0
Long-term outcome in patients treated for benign dural arteriovenous fistulas of the posterior fossa
349.56 KB 73 0
MR imaging characteristics of protoplasmic astrocytomas
556.31 KB 65 0
Diagnostic examination performance by using microvascular leakage, cerebral blood volume, and blood flow derived from 3-T dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced perfusion MR imaging in the differentiation of glioblastoma multiforme and brain
770.04 KB 75 0
Thalamus lesions in chronic and acute seizure disorders
533.92 KB 87 0
Evaluation of the characteristics of various types of coils for the embolization of intracranial aneurysms with an optical pressure sensor system
533.70 KB 69 0
Subtraction of unidirectionally encoded images for suppression of heavily isotropic objects (SUSHI) for selective visualization of peripheral nerves
321.37 KB 74 0
Decreased CSF-flow artefacts in T2 imaging of the cervical spine with periodically rotated overlapping parallel lines with enhanced reconstruction (PROPELLER/BLADE)
362.90 KB 73 0
Comparison of volumetric methods for tumor measurements on two and three dimensional MRI in adult glioblastoma
234.30 KB 76 0
Glioma grade assessment by using histogram analysis of diffusion tensor imaging-derived maps
322.46 KB 73 0
Presence of a central vein within white matter lesions on susceptibility weighted imaging: a specific finding for multiple sclerosis?
308.34 KB 77 0
Accuracy and reproducibility of a novel semi-automatic segmentation technique for MR volumetry of the pituitary gland
443.70 KB 81 0
MTR variations in normal adult brain structures using balanced steady-state free precession
914.23 KB 74 0
Categorization and characterization of lesions of the orbital apex
786.44 KB 66 0
Long-term MRA follow-up after coiling of intracranial  aneurysms: impact on mood and anxiety

Long-term MRA follow-up after c ...

Introduction Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) screening for recurrence of a coiled intracranial aneurysm and formation of new aneurysms long-ter ...

240.35 KB
Initial experience with the Penumbra Stroke System  for recanalization of large vessel occlusions in acute  ischemic stroke

Initial experience with the Pen ...

Introduction The Penumbra system is a newly approved mechanical device for the treatment of acute stroke designed for better and faster recanalizati ...

139.63 KB
Angiographic evaluation of the effect of intra-arterial  milrinone therapy in patients with vasospasm  from aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

Angiographic evaluation of the ...

Introduction Several methods have been used to treat cerebral vasospasm, which is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with aneurysm ...

180.67 KB
A study of the first-generation pipeline embolization device  morphology using intraoperative angiographic computed  tomography (ACT)

A study of the first-generation ...

Introduction The pipeline embolization device (PED, Chestnut Medical, Menlo Park, CA, USA) has been used in our department since September 2008. The ...

391.16 KB
Pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation:  imaging spectrum of an unusual tumor in 11 cases

Pineal parenchymal tumor of int ...

Introduction Pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation (PPTID) was recognized in the 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) classificat ...

دانلود 1
328.45 KB
Dural attachment of intracranial meningiomas: evaluation  with contrast-enhanced three-dimensional fast imaging  with steady-state acquisition (FIESTA) at 3 T

Dural attachment of intracrania ...

Introduction The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of contrast-enhanced fast imaging with steady-state acquisition (CE-FIESTA) for asse ...

414.99 KB
Developmental venous anomalies: appearance  on whole-brain CT digital subtraction angiography  and CT perfusion

Developmental venous anomalies: ...

Introduction Developmental venous anomalies (DVA) consist of dilated intramedullary veins that converge into a large collecting vein. The appearance ...

979.28 KB
Evaluation of small ischemic lesions after carotid artery  stenting: the usefulness of thin-slice diffusion-weighted  MR imaging

Evaluation of small ischemic le ...

Introduction There has been concern regarding the usefulness of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) to evaluate the ischemic lesions associated with ca ...

دانلود 1
235.21 KB
Development of laminar organization of the fetal  cerebrum at 3.0T and 7.0T: a postmortem MRI study

Development of laminar organiza ...

Introduction The purpose of this study is to show the condition of laminar organization on 3.0T and 7.0T postmortem magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ...

421.23 KB
Clinical safety of magnetic resonance imaging in patients  with implanted SynchroMed EL infusion pumps

Clinical safety of magnetic res ...

Introduction Patients with implanted SynchroMed spinal infusion pumps (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN) routinely undergo magnetic resonance imagin ...

139.21 KB
Postprocedural CT for perivertebral cement leakage  in percutaneous vertebroplasty is not necessary—results  from VERTOS II

Postprocedural CT for periverte ...

Introduction During percutaneous vertebroplasty (PV), perivertebral cement leakage frequently occurs. There is some concern that cement deposits may ...

112.30 KB
Assessment of baseline hemodynamic parameters  within infarct progression areas in acute stroke patients  using perfusion-weighted MRI

Assessment of baseline hemodyna ...

Introduction The value of perfusion MRI for identifying the tissue at risk has been questioned. Our objective was to assess baseline perfusion-weigh ...

184.54 KB
Long-term outcome in patients treated for benign dural  arteriovenous fistulas of the posterior fossa

Long-term outcome in patients t ...

Introduction Dural arteriovenous fistula (dAVF) draining into a dural sinus without recruitment of cortical veins is regarded as relatively benign l ...

349.56 KB
MR imaging characteristics of protoplasmic astrocytomas

MR imaging characteristics of p ...

Introduction Protoplasmic astrocytomas are a poorly recognized and uncommon subtype of astrocytoma. While usually categorized with other low-grade g ...

556.31 KB
Diagnostic examination performance by using microvascular  leakage, cerebral blood volume, and blood flow derived  from 3-T dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced  perfusion MR imaging in the differentiation of glioblastoma  multiforme and brain

Diagnostic examination performa ...

Introduction Conventional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has limited capacity to differentiate between glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and metastasis ...

770.04 KB
Thalamus lesions in chronic and acute seizure disorders

Thalamus lesions in chronic and ...

Introduction Transient signal changes in the pulvinar have been described following status epilepticus. However, we observed persistent thalamus cha ...

533.92 KB
Evaluation of the characteristics of various types of coils  for the embolization of intracranial aneurysms  with an optical pressure sensor system

Evaluation of the characteristi ...

Introduction In coil embolization for an intracranial aneurysm, it is important to appropriately choose the coil most suitable for coping with vario ...

533.70 KB
Subtraction of unidirectionally encoded images  for suppression of heavily isotropic objects (SUSHI)  for selective visualization of peripheral nerves

Subtraction of unidirectionally ...

Introduction The aim of this study was to introduce and assess a new magnetic resonance (MR) technique for selective peripheral nerve imaging, calle ...

321.37 KB
Decreased CSF-flow artefacts in T2 imaging of the cervical  spine with periodically rotated overlapping parallel lines  with enhanced reconstruction (PROPELLER/BLADE)

Decreased CSF-flow artefacts in ...

Introduction The cervical spine is prone to artefacts in T2 MR-imaging due to patient movements and cerebrospinal fluid flow. The periodically rotat ...

362.90 KB
Comparison of volumetric methods for tumor measurements  on two and three dimensional MRI in adult glioblastoma

Comparison of volumetric method ...

Introduction Change in tumor size is a frequent endpoint in cancer clinical trials, but whether change in size should be measured using volume on tw ...

234.30 KB
Glioma grade assessment by using histogram analysis  of diffusion tensor imaging-derived maps

Glioma grade assessment by usin ...

Introduction Current endeavors in neuro-oncology include morphological validation of imaging methods by histology, including molecular and immunohis ...

322.46 KB
Presence of a central vein within white matter lesions  on susceptibility weighted imaging: a specific finding  for multiple sclerosis?

Presence of a central vein with ...

Introduction Susceptibility weighted imaging depicts the perivenous extent of multiple sclerosis white matter lesions (MS-WML) in vivo by directly v ...

308.34 KB
Accuracy and reproducibility of a novel semi-automatic  segmentation technique for MR volumetry  of the pituitary gland

Accuracy and reproducibility of ...

Introduction Although several reports about volumetric determination of the pituitary gland exist, volumetries have been solely performed by indirec ...

443.70 KB
MTR variations in normal adult brain structures  using balanced steady-state free precession

MTR variations in normal adult ...

Introduction Magnetization transfer (MT) is sensitive to the macromolecular environment of water protons and thereby provides information not obtain ...

914.23 KB
Categorization and characterization of lesions  of the orbital apex

Categorization and characteriza ...

Introduction The apex of the orbit is formed by the union of the lesser and greater wings of the sphenoid bone and acts as an osseous tunnel for num ...

786.44 KB
