# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Locally-administered Intrathecal Thrombolytics Following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
290.00 KB 107 0
Surgical Treatment of Space Occupying Edema and Hemorrhage due to Cerebral Venous Thrombosis During Pregnancy
302.10 KB 108 1
In My Opinion: Serum Albumin Should be Maintained During Neurocritical Care
221.24 KB 100 0
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis: Case Report and Literature Review
320.25 KB 104 0
Is Critical Illness Neuromyopathy and Duration of Mechanical Ventilation Decreased by Strict Glucose Control?
247.29 KB 106 0
Outcome in Patients with H1N1 Influenza and Cerebrovascular Injury Treated with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
394.03 KB 96 0
Delirium and Sedation in the ICU
225.70 KB 96 0
The clinical relevance of urine-based markers for diagnosis of bladder cancer
191.64 KB 91 0
MR safety: simultaneous B0, dض/dt, and dB/dt measurements on MR-workers up to 7T
666.36 KB 121 1
Comprehensive analysis of the Cramer–Rao bounds for magnetic resonance temperature change measurement in fat–water voxels using multi-echo imaging
866.88 KB 103 0
Non-invasive pulmonary perfusion assessment in young patients with cystic fibrosis using an arterial spin labeling MR technique at 1.5 T
603.50 KB 100 1
Effects of air susceptibility on proton resonance frequency MR thermometry
529.58 KB 108 0
Ultrafast 1D MR thermometry using phase or frequency mapping
752.68 KB 115 0
Temperature dependence of the magnetic volume susceptibility of human breast fat tissue: an NMR study
341.12 KB 92 1
Highly accelerated PSF-mapping for EPI distortion correction with improved fidelity
1,018.01 KB 115 0
Positive contrast with therapeutic iron nanoparticles at 4.7T
515.95 KB 97 0
Stripline resonator and preamplifier for preclinical magnetic resonance imaging at 4.7 T
488.49 KB 70 0
Analytic image concept combined to SENSE reconstruction
569.83 KB 101 0
Impact of prenatal stress on 1H NMR-based metabolic profiling of rat amniotic fluid
327.47 KB 74 1
Residual tumor after laser ablation of human non-small-cell lung cancer demonstrated by ex vivo staining: correlation with invasive temperature measurements
788.20 KB 70 0
Remodeling of the infarct territory in the time course of infarct healing in humans
450.92 KB 67 0
Reproducibility of BOLD localization of interictal activity in patients with focal epilepsy: intrasession and intersession comparisons
680.82 KB 59 0
MR spectroscopy as a tool for in vivo determination of steatosis in liver transplant recipients
418.95 KB 71 0
Velocity navigator for motion compensated thermometry
520.17 KB 62 0
Morning to evening changes of intramyocellular lipid content in dependence on nutrition and physical activity during one single day: a volume selective 1H-MRS study
229.85 KB 69 0
Locally-administered Intrathecal Thrombolytics Following  Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Systematic  Review and Meta-analysis

Locally-administered Intratheca ...

Background The volume and clearance rate of blood in the basal cisterns and ventricles are important predictors of complications following aneurysma ...

290.00 KB
Surgical Treatment of Space Occupying Edema and Hemorrhage  due to Cerebral Venous Thrombosis During Pregnancy

Surgical Treatment of Space Occ ...

Background During late pregnancy and the puerperium cerebral venous and sinus thrombosis (CVST) is a rare but important cause of stroke. Despite ade ...

دانلود 1
302.10 KB
In My Opinion: Serum Albumin Should be Maintained During  Neurocritical Care

In My Opinion: Serum Albumin Sh ...

Hypoalbuminemia is common among critically ill/injured patients and is strongly associated with increased morbidity and mortality in the patients wi ...

221.24 KB
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and Cerebral Venous Sinus  Thrombosis: Case Report and Literature Review

Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopeni ...

Background Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)- related cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) has been described in 10 prior case reports in th ...

320.25 KB
Is Critical Illness Neuromyopathy and Duration of Mechanical  Ventilation Decreased by Strict Glucose Control?

Is Critical Illness Neuromyopat ...

Strict glycemic control (SGC) is reported to have a beneficial effect on critical illness polyneuropathy/ myopathy (CINM) and the duration of mechan ...

247.29 KB
Outcome in Patients with H1N1 Influenza and Cerebrovascular  Injury Treated with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

Outcome in Patients with H1N1 I ...

Background Although intracranial hemorrhage and infarction have been reported in patients with H1N1 influenza infection treated with extracorporeal ...

394.03 KB
Delirium and Sedation in the ICU

Delirium and Sedation in the IC ...

Delirium is defined by a fluctuating level of attentiveness and has been associated with increased ICU mortality and poor cognitive outcomes in both ...

225.70 KB
The clinical relevance of urine-based markers for diagnosis of bladder cancer

The clinical relevance of urine ...

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the diagnostic relevance of urinary fibronectin (FN), telomerase (RTA), and cytokeratin 20 (CK20) mRNA ...

191.64 KB
MR safety: simultaneous B0, dض/dt, and dB/dt measurements  on MR-workers up to 7T

MR safety: simultaneous B0, dض/ ...

Object The EU directive on safety requirements (2004/40/ EC) limits the exposure to time varying magnetic fields to dB/dt = 200 mT/s. This action va ...

دانلود 1
666.36 KB
Comprehensive analysis of the Cramer–Rao bounds for magnetic  resonance temperature change measurement in fat–water voxels  using multi-echo imaging

Comprehensive analysis of the C ...

Object The aim of this paper is to characterize the noise propagation for MRI temperature change measurement with emphasis on finding the best echo ...

866.88 KB
Non-invasive pulmonary perfusion assessment in young patients  with cystic fibrosis using an arterial spin labeling MR technique  at 1.5 T

Non-invasive pulmonary perfusio ...

Object To assess lung perfusion in young patientswith cystic fibrosis (CF) using an arterial spin labeling (ASL) technique. Materials and methods Pe ...

دانلود 1
603.50 KB
Effects of air susceptibility on proton resonance frequency  MR thermometry

Effects of air susceptibility o ...

Object The temperature dependence of the proton resonance frequency (PRF) is often used in MR thermometry. However, this method is prone to even ver ...

529.58 KB
Ultrafast 1D MR thermometry using phase or frequency mapping

Ultrafast 1D MR thermometry usi ...

Object To develop an ultrafast MRI-based temperaturemonitoring method for application during rapid ultrasound exposures in moving organs. Materials ...

752.68 KB
Temperature dependence of the magnetic volume susceptibility  of human breast fat tissue: an NMR study

Temperature dependence of the m ...

Object Proton resonance frequency shift (PRFS)-based MR thermometry (MRT) is hampered by heat-induced susceptibility changes when applied in tissues ...

دانلود 1
341.12 KB
Highly accelerated PSF-mapping for EPI distortion correction  with improved fidelity

Highly accelerated PSF-mapping ...

Objective This study presents an improved point-spreadfunction (PSF) mapping-based distortion correction method and accelerated PSF acquisition for ...

1,018.01 KB
Positive contrast with therapeutic iron nanoparticles at 4.7T

Positive contrast with therapeu ...

Object The purpose of the study was to show the feasibility of a positive contrast technique GRadient echo Acquisition for Superparamagnetic particl ...

515.95 KB
Stripline resonator and preamplifier for preclinical magnetic  resonance imaging at 4.7 T

Stripline resonator and preampl ...

Object To design and evaluate a fully shielded, ë/4 stripline resonator as a receive-only surface coil for preclinical MRI at 4.7 T. Materials and ...

488.49 KB
Analytic image concept combined to SENSE reconstruction

Analytic image concept combined ...

Object Two approaches of reconstructing undersampled partial k-space data, acquired with multiple coils are compared: homodyne detection combined wi ...

569.83 KB
Impact of prenatal stress on 1H NMR-based metabolic profiling  of rat amniotic fluid

Impact of prenatal stress on 1H ...

Object The impact of inflammation in utero on amniotic fluid composition, the delivery term and the number of newborn rats per litter was investigat ...

دانلود 1
327.47 KB
Residual tumor after laser ablation of human non-small-cell lung  cancer demonstrated by ex vivo staining: correlation with invasive  temperature measurements

Residual tumor after laser abla ...

Object Histology is the gold standard for confirming thermally induced necrosis. Generally, however, no specimen is obtained from thermal ablation t ...

788.20 KB
Remodeling of the infarct territory in the time course of infarct  healing in humans

Remodeling of the infarct terri ...

Object To analyze the remodeling processes of the infarct territory in the time course of infarct healing. Materials and methods Serial late enhance ...

450.92 KB
Reproducibility of BOLD localization of interictal activity  in patients with focal epilepsy: intrasession  and intersession comparisons

Reproducibility of BOLD localiz ...

Object Simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings allow the identification of haemodynamic changes induced by neuronal activity during ictal or interictal epi ...

680.82 KB
MR spectroscopy as a tool for in vivo determination of steatosis  in liver transplant recipients

MR spectroscopy as a tool for i ...

Object Among several non-invasive methods of liver fat analysis, the most important role is played by MR imaging and spectroscopy (MRS). This study ...

418.95 KB
Velocity navigator for motion compensated thermometry

Velocity navigator for motion c ...

Object Proton resonance frequency shift thermometry is sensitive to breathing motion that leads to incorrect phase differences. In thiswork, a novel ...

520.17 KB
Morning to evening changes of intramyocellular lipid content  in dependence on nutrition and physical activity during one single  day: a volume selective 1H-MRS study

Morning to evening changes of i ...

Object Intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were shown to be metabolically highly active. In order to get insight into shortterm regulation of IMCL and to ...

229.85 KB
