# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Secondary patellar resurfacing in the treatment of patellofemoral pain after total knee arthroplasty
198.53 KB 106 0
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction after unicompartmental knee arthroplasty
354.52 KB 91 0
Can patients really participate in sport after high tibial osteotomy?
436.31 KB 106 1
Arthroscopic removal of an osteoid osteoma of the acetabulum
168.00 KB 181 0
Full knee extension magnetic resonance imaging for the evaluation of intercondylar roof impingement after anatomical double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
341.00 KB 94 0
Meniscal repair in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a long-term outcome study
374.80 KB 109 0
MRI analysis of the attachment of the anteromedial and posterolateral bundles of anterior cruciate ligament using coronal oblique images
354.87 KB 109 1
Effect of meniscal loss on knee stability after single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
336.82 KB 104 0
Patellar chondral defects: a review of a challenging entity
288.69 KB 114 0
Fibrin glue does not improve the fixation of press-fitted cell-free collagen gel plugs in an ex vivo cartilage repair model
280.85 KB 86 0
Open reduction and internal fixation of isolated PCL fossa avulsion fractures
244.93 KB 101 0
Mechanical assessment of two different methods of tripling hamstring tendons when using suspensory fixation
289.89 KB 94 0
The anterior trochlear line as a reference for femoral component positioning in total knee arthroplasty
298.09 KB 85 0
Biomechanical evaluation of four different transosseous-equivalent/suture bridge rotator cuff repairs
323.69 KB 194 0
Hip arthroscopy in patients with painful hip following resurfacing arthroplasty
284.09 KB 105 0
Negative muscle pennation angle as a sign of massive musculotendinous retraction after tendon tear: paradoxical function of the vastus lateralis muscle
230.42 KB 206 0
Determination of the safe penetration depth during all-inside meniscal repair of the posterior part of the lateral meniscus using the FasT-Fix suture repair system
450.60 KB 88 0
Prone position for minimal invasive or all-arthroscopic autologous chondrocyte implantation at the patella
329.50 KB 130 0
Clinical outcomes of medial patellofemoral ligament repair in recurrent (chronic) lateral patella dislocations
253.90 KB 100 0
Is there a correlation between posterior tibial slope and non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries?
225.60 KB 65 0
No difference in anterior tibial translation with and without posterior cruciate ligament in less invasive total knee replacement
331.27 KB 62 0
Estrogen and muscle stiffness have a negative relationship in females
270.62 KB 69 0
Development of femoral trochlear groove in growing rabbit after patellar instability
362.43 KB 79 0
An anatomical three-dimensional study of the posteromedial corner of the knee
493.15 KB 79 1
The painful knee after TKA: a diagnostic algorithm for failure analysis
689.20 KB 67 0
Secondary patellar resurfacing in the treatment of patellofemoral  pain after total knee arthroplasty

Secondary patellar resurfacing ...

Purpose This paper reports a prospective review of patients who, between 2004 and 2007, underwent secondary patellar resurfacing (SPR) due to anteri ...

198.53 KB
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction  after unicompartmental knee arthroplasty

Anterior cruciate ligament reco ...

Purpose ACL deficiency may cause abnormal knee kinematics and is associated with a tenfold increase in surgical failures after unicompartmental knee ...

354.52 KB
Can patients really participate in sport after high tibial  osteotomy?

Can patients really participate ...

Purpose The possibility to return to sporting activity can be an important consideration in the decision-making process in femorotibial osteoarthrit ...

دانلود 1
436.31 KB
Arthroscopic removal of an osteoid osteoma of the acetabulum

Arthroscopic removal of an oste ...

In this case report, we describe the arthroscopic removal of an osteoid osteoma from the acetabulum in a young adolescent. After identifying the ost ...

168.00 KB
Full knee extension magnetic resonance imaging for the evaluation  of intercondylar roof impingement after anatomical  double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Full knee extension magnetic re ...

Purpose The purpose of this study was to reveal the relationship between anatomically placed anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) graft and the intercon ...

341.00 KB
Meniscal repair in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction:  a long-term outcome study

Meniscal repair in anterior cru ...

Purpose To study the long-term outcome of patients who have undergone inside-out, vertical stacked mattress suture repair of meniscal tears combined ...

374.80 KB
MRI analysis of the attachment of the anteromedial  and posterolateral bundles of anterior cruciate  ligament using coronal oblique images

MRI analysis of the attachment ...

Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the course of the anteromedial bundle (AMB) and the posterolateral bundle (PLB) of the anterior cr ...

دانلود 1
354.87 KB
Effect of meniscal loss on knee stability after single-bundle  anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Effect of meniscal loss on knee ...

Purpose The menisci are known to be important secondary constraints to anterior translation of the tibia in the ACL-deficient knee. The effect of me ...

336.82 KB
Patellar chondral defects: a review of a challenging entity

Patellar chondral defects: a re ...

Purpose The aim of this study was to perform a review of the management of patellar cartilage defects, identify prognostic factors for better clinic ...

288.69 KB
Fibrin glue does not improve the fixation of press-fitted cell-free  collagen gel plugs in an ex vivo cartilage repair model

Fibrin glue does not improve th ...

Purpose Adequate graft fixation over a certain time period is necessary for successful cartilage repair and permanent integration of the graft into ...

280.85 KB
Open reduction and internal fixation of isolated PCL fossa  avulsion fractures

Open reduction and internal fix ...

Purpose The study was aimed to share the experience of managing posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) avulsion fractures of tibia with open reduction an ...

244.93 KB
Mechanical assessment of two different methods of tripling  hamstring tendons when using suspensory fixation

Mechanical assessment of two di ...

Purpose To investigate two different methods of suture fixation and tendon behaviour when using an Endobutton and a tripled tendon. Methods Thirty ...

289.89 KB
The anterior trochlear line as a reference for femoral component  positioning in total knee arthroplasty

The anterior trochlear line as ...

Purpose A new radiographic method using the anterior and posterior femoral condyles as a landmark to determine the rotational alignment of the femor ...

298.09 KB
Biomechanical evaluation of four different  transosseous-equivalent/suture bridge rotator cuff repairs

Biomechanical evaluation of fou ...

Purpose Evaluate the biomechanical behavior of four variants of the transosseous-equivalent/suture bridge (TOE/ SB) repair. Methods Four suture bri ...

323.69 KB
Hip arthroscopy in patients with painful hip following resurfacing  arthroplasty

Hip arthroscopy in patients wit ...

Purpose Determining the etiology of persistent groin pain after hip resurfacing arthroplasty (HRA) can be very challenging, even for the experienced ...

284.09 KB
Negative muscle pennation angle as a sign of massive  musculotendinous retraction after tendon tear: paradoxical  function of the vastus lateralis muscle

Negative muscle pennation angle ...

Case report In the presented case, an isolated vastus lateralis tendon tear resulted in a negative pennation angle of the distal muscle fibers actin ...

230.42 KB
Determination of the safe penetration depth during all-inside  meniscal repair of the posterior part of the lateral meniscus using  the FasT-Fix suture repair system

Determination of the safe penet ...

Purpose The objective of this study was to determine the safe penetration depth of the FasT-Fix meniscal suture repair system during all-inside repa ...

450.60 KB
Prone position for minimal invasive or all-arthroscopic autologous  chondrocyte implantation at the patella

Prone position for minimal inva ...

Full size retropatellar cartilage lesions are troublesome conditions to treat and an autologous chondrocyte implantation with or without matrix or s ...

329.50 KB
Clinical outcomes of medial patellofemoral ligament repair  in recurrent (chronic) lateral patella dislocations

Clinical outcomes of medial pat ...

Purpose The specific aim of this project was to review a homogenous group of patients who had chosen to undergo medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL ...

253.90 KB
Is there a correlation between posterior tibial slope and non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries?

Is there a correlation between ...

Purpose The purpose of this study was (1) to determine differences in posterior tibial slope (PTS) between subjects who underwent ACL reconstruction ...

225.60 KB
No difference in anterior tibial translation with and without posterior cruciate ligament in less invasive total knee replacement

No difference in anterior tibia ...

Purpose The relative advantages of cruciate retaining or cruciate resecting total knee replacement are still controversial. If the posterior cruciat ...

331.27 KB
Estrogen and muscle stiffness have a negative relationship in females

Estrogen and muscle stiffness h ...

Purpose Hormonal fluctuations are one potential reason why females might have a greater rate of noncontact ACL injury. The hamstrings are capable of ...

270.62 KB
Development of femoral trochlear groove in growing rabbit after patellar instability

Development of femoral trochlea ...

Purpose The geometry of an articular surface is an important determinant of joint function. Although the geometry of the trochlear groove is conside ...

362.43 KB
An anatomical three-dimensional study of the posteromedial corner of the knee

An anatomical three-dimensional ...

Purpose For many years, the anatomy of the medial knee corner has been reported. However, it is not exactly clear how all these structures function ...

دانلود 1
493.15 KB
The painful knee after TKA: a diagnostic algorithm for failure analysis

The painful knee after TKA: a d ...

Pain after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) represents a common observation in about 20% of the patients after surgery. Some of these painful knees req ...

689.20 KB
