# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
A prospective randomized comparison of irradiated and non-irradiated hamstring tendon allograft for ACL reconstruction
197.55 KB 64 0
The management of mobile bearing dislocation in the Oxford lateral unicompartmental knee replacement
186.58 KB 62 0
Treatment of periprosthetic femoral fractures of the knee
240.06 KB 74 0
Hop tests correlate with IKDC and KOOS at minimum of 2 years after primary ACL reconstruction
620.09 KB 72 0
Contact area and pressure in suture bridge rotator cuff repair using knotless lateral anchors
367.78 KB 161 0
Hip replacement in the athlete: is there a role?
189.61 KB 73 0
The effect of multiple channeling on the structural integrity of repaired rotator cuff
440.07 KB 71 0
Will early reconstruction prevent abnormal kinematics after ACL injury? Two-year follow-up using dynamic radiostereometry in 14 patients operated with hamstring autografts
491.57 KB 74 0
Triple-bundle ACL grafts evaluated by second-look arthroscopy
335.02 KB 62 0
The fixation strength of tibial PCL press-fit reconstructions
442.74 KB 78 0
Distal patellar tendon avulsion fracture in a football player with osteogenesis imperfecta
225.71 KB 141 0
Mechanical axis-derived femoral component rotation in extramedullary total knee arthroplasty: a comparison between femoral transverse axis and transepicondylar axis
457.19 KB 83 0
Anterior cruciate ligament tears: conservative or surgical treatment? A critical review of the literature
309.64 KB 72 0
Navigated opening wedge high tibial osteotomy improves intraoperative correction angle compared with conventional method
373.06 KB 157 0
Comparative risk of common peroneal nerve injury in far anteromedial portal drilling and transtibial drilling in anatomical double-bundle ACL reconstruction
240.08 KB 62 0
Trans-tendon arthroscopic repair for partial-thickness articular side tears of the rotator cuff
209.11 KB 80 1
Unload it: the key to the treatment of knee osteoarthritis
405.31 KB 80 0
High tibial open wedge osteotomy below the tibial tubercle: clinical and radiographic results
308.62 KB 89 0
Reliability of lower extremity alignment measurement using radiographs and PACS
323.31 KB 60 0
Horizontal cleavage tear of discoid medial meniscus diagnosed on MRI and treated with arthroscopic partial resection
276.69 KB 81 0
Comparison of efficacy of intraarticular application of magnesium, levobupivacaine and lornoxicam with placebo in arthroscopic surgery
194.80 KB 84 0
Ultrasonic probe is useful for in vivo quantitative assessment of medial femoral condyle articular cartilage
299.51 KB 76 0
Efficacy of immunohistological methods in detecting functionally viable mechanoreceptors in the remnant stumps of injured anterior cruciate ligaments and its clinical importance
423.41 KB 66 0
Biomechanical comparison of four double-row speed-bridging rotator cuff repair techniques with or without medial or lateral row enhancement
501.72 KB 77 0
Comparison of bupivacaine alone and in combination with sufentanil in patients undergoing arthroscopic knee surgery
188.77 KB 78 0
A prospective randomized comparison of irradiated  and non-irradiated hamstring tendon allograft  for ACL reconstruction

A prospective randomized compar ...

Purpose To analyze the outcome of arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with irradiated versus non-irradiated hamstring tendon allo ...

197.55 KB
The management of mobile bearing dislocation in the Oxford  lateral unicompartmental knee replacement

The management of mobile bearin ...

This article describes a technique to manage dislocations of mobile bearing lateral unicompartmental knee replacements. When dislocations occur, the ...

186.58 KB
Treatment of periprosthetic femoral fractures of the knee

Treatment of periprosthetic fem ...

Purpose We report a continuous series of periprosthetic femoral fractures after knee arthroplasty treated with a locking plate. We hypothesize that ...

240.06 KB
Hop tests correlate with IKDC and KOOS at minimum of 2 years  after primary ACL reconstruction

Hop tests correlate with IKDC a ...

Purpose The hypothesis of this study was that singlelegged horizontal hop test ratios would correlate with IKDC, KOOS, and Marx activity level score ...

620.09 KB
Contact area and pressure in suture bridge rotator cuff repair  using knotless lateral anchors

Contact area and pressure in su ...

Purpose To evaluate whether the use of knotless lateral anchors in a suture bridge construct produces better contact area and pressure parameters th ...

367.78 KB
Hip replacement in the athlete: is there a role?

Hip replacement in the athlete: ...

Sport and total hip arthroplasty (THA) have been regarded by many as being mutually exclusive. The primary indication for hip arthroplasty has alway ...

189.61 KB
The effect of multiple channeling on the structural integrity  of repaired rotator cuff

The effect of multiple channeli ...

Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of adding multiple channeling of the greater tuberosity on the structural integrity ...

440.07 KB
Will early reconstruction prevent abnormal kinematics after ACL  injury? Two-year follow-up using dynamic radiostereometry in 14  patients operated with hamstring autografts

Will early reconstruction preve ...

Purpose Previous studies have reported that Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction does not restore normal tibial rotation in patients with ...

491.57 KB
Triple-bundle ACL grafts evaluated by second-look arthroscopy

Triple-bundle ACL grafts evalua ...

Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the morphology of transplanted triple-bundle anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) grafts by second-loo ...

335.02 KB
The fixation strength of tibial PCL press-fit reconstructions

The fixation strength of tibial ...

Purpose A secure tibial press-fit technique in posterior cruciate ligament reconstructions is an interesting technique because no hardware is necess ...

442.74 KB
Distal patellar tendon avulsion fracture in a football player  with osteogenesis imperfecta

Distal patellar tendon avulsion ...

Proximal patellar tendon ruptures have been described in adults with osteogenesis imperfecta, but distal avulsions from the tibial tubercle have not ...

225.71 KB
Mechanical axis-derived femoral component rotation  in extramedullary total knee arthroplasty: a comparison  between femoral transverse axis and transepicondylar axis

Mechanical axis-derived femoral ...

Purpose Correct rotational alignment of the femoral component is paramount to the success of total knee arthroplasty, but debate continues as to whi ...

457.19 KB
Anterior cruciate ligament tears: conservative or surgical  treatment? A critical review of the literature

Anterior cruciate ligament tear ...

Purpose Is it rational to recommend surgical reconstruction of the torn anterior cruciate ligament to every patient? Is conservative management stil ...

309.64 KB
Navigated opening wedge high tibial osteotomy improves  intraoperative correction angle compared with conventional  method

Navigated opening wedge high ti ...

Purpose The correction angle after high tibial osteotomy (HTO) depends on an accurate preoperative planning and an accurate intraoperative technique ...

373.06 KB
Comparative risk of common peroneal nerve injury in far  anteromedial portal drilling and transtibial drilling in anatomical  double-bundle ACL reconstruction

Comparative risk of common pero ...

Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk of common peroneal nerve injury in FM drilling as compared to transtibial drilling in ...

240.08 KB
Trans-tendon arthroscopic repair for partial-thickness articular  side tears of the rotator cuff

Trans-tendon arthroscopic repai ...

Purpose The purpose of this study was to describe a modified trans-tendon method of repairing partial articular surface lesions, which restored the ...

دانلود 1
209.11 KB
Unload it: the key to the treatment of knee osteoarthritis

Unload it: the key to the treat ...

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is a major public health problem whose prevalence is expected to grow dramatically commensurate with the aging of th ...

405.31 KB
High tibial open wedge osteotomy below the tibial tubercle:  clinical and radiographic results

High tibial open wedge osteotom ...

Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and radiographic results of open wedge HTO below the tubercle for genu varum in relat ...

308.62 KB
Reliability of lower extremity alignment measurement using  radiographs and PACS

Reliability of lower extremity ...

Purpose Lower extremity alignment is an important consideration prior to cartilage surgery and/or osteotomy about the knee. This is measured on full ...

323.31 KB
Horizontal cleavage tear of discoid medial meniscus diagnosed  on MRI and treated with arthroscopic partial resection

Horizontal cleavage tear of dis ...

Purpose To provided an evidence-based summarisation of the discoid medial meniscus in conjunction with a case report describing a novel management a ...

276.69 KB
Comparison of efficacy of intraarticular application  of magnesium, levobupivacaine and lornoxicam with placebo  in arthroscopic surgery

Comparison of efficacy of intra ...

Purpose Arthroscopic knee surgery is done in outpatient settings; however, postoperative pain is a major barrier for discharge and limits early reha ...

194.80 KB
Ultrasonic probe is useful for in vivo quantitative assessment  of medial femoral condyle articular cartilage

Ultrasonic probe is useful for ...

Purpose Although objective evaluation of articular cartilage is important for assessing the outcome of surgical treatment, no reliable method has ye ...

299.51 KB
Efficacy of immunohistological methods in detecting functionally  viable mechanoreceptors in the remnant stumps of injured  anterior cruciate ligaments and its clinical importance

Efficacy of immunohistological ...

Purpose Various histological and immunological methods have been used to detect the mechanoreceptors and nerve fibers on the intact ACLs as well as ...

423.41 KB
Biomechanical comparison of four double-row speed-bridging  rotator cuff repair techniques with or without medial  or lateral row enhancement

Biomechanical comparison of fou ...

Background Biomechanical comparison of four different Speed-Bridge configurations with or without medial or lateral row reinforcement. Reinforcement ...

501.72 KB
Comparison of bupivacaine alone and in combination  with sufentanil in patients undergoing arthroscopic knee surgery

Comparison of bupivacaine alone ...

Purpose One disadvantage of spinal anesthesia using bupivacaine is the relatively short duration of action. Combining it with opioids can increase i ...

188.77 KB
