# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Cardiogenic shock without cardiac tamponade caused by a subepicardial hematoma after percutaneous coronary intervention
213.85 KB 64 0
Successful surgical treatment for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis on the ventricular rerouting patch after a Rastelli operation
212.42 KB 65 0
En bloc resection and extended replacement of the infected aortic arch
306.13 KB 74 0
Increase in preoperative serum reactive oxygen metabolite levels indicates nodal extension in patients with clinical stage I lung adenocarcinoma
185.35 KB 59 0
Biphasic clinical characteristics of mild to moderate chest trauma according to age
192.34 KB 89 0
Planned pulmonary resection for metastatic pulmonary tumor with video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery using multidetector row angiography
318.01 KB 156 0
Ascending aortic aneurysm associated with a quadricuspid aortic valve
183.48 KB 76 0
Surgical treatment for chronic type A aortic dissection and aortic regurgitation in a patient with a tracheostoma
347.35 KB 61 0
Thoracoscopic surgery for pulmonary metastases after chemotherapy using a tailor-made virtual lung
288.21 KB 67 0
Early entry closure for acute type B aortic dissection by open stent grafting
262.48 KB 83 0
Evaluation of risk factors for hospital mortality and current treatment for poststernotomy mediastinitis
182.96 KB 68 0
Neurohumoral and infl ammatory markers for prediction of right ventricular failure after implantation of a left ventricular assist device
267.67 KB 81 0
VIO soft-coagulation system for major pulmonary resections: results in 68 patients with primary lung cancer
217.67 KB 74 0
Pulmonary hydatid cyst: analysis of 1024 cases
289.17 KB 65 0
Intraoperative direct hemoperfusion with a polymyxin-B immobilized fi ber column for treatment of infective endocarditis
238.13 KB 67 0
Can we change the operative criteria for the MAZE procedure combined with valve surgery in the era of radiofrequency devices?
252.27 KB 81 0
Predictors of atrial fi brillation occurrence after coronary artery bypass graft surgery
186.27 KB 57 0
Functional restoration of endothelial cells of the cryopreserved heart valve
460.52 KB 71 0
Comparison of the waveforms of transit-time fl owmetry and intraoperative fl uorescence imaging for assessing coronary artery bypass graft patency
269.21 KB 60 0
Tissue-engineered airway and “in situ tissue engineering”
390.23 KB 68 1
Optimal treatment for coronary artery disease in patients with diabetes: percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass graft, and medications
216.25 KB 71 0
Surgical left ventricular reconstruction
596.93 KB 70 0
Thoracic splenosis: know it—avoid unnecessary investigations, interventions, and thoracotomy
192.69 KB 63 0
Video-assisted thoracic surgery lobectomy for lung cancer: the point at issue
178.75 KB 92 0
Surgical treatment for achalasia: when should it be performed, and for which patients?
327.01 KB 74 0
Cardiogenic shock without cardiac tamponade caused by a subepicardial  hematoma after percutaneous coronary intervention

Cardiogenic shock without cardi ...

A 73-year-old man complaining of pain on effort was admitted to a hospital for a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) because of severe stenosis ...

213.85 KB
Successful surgical treatment for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus  aureus endocarditis on the ventricular rerouting patch after a Rastelli  operation

Successful surgical treatment f ...

We report a very rare case of successful surgical treatment for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis on the Dacron patch utilize ...

212.42 KB
En bloc resection and extended replacement of the infected aortic arch

En bloc resection and extended ...

We present the technical details of en bloc resection and extended replacement of an infected aortic arch. A 74-year-old man underwent emergent surg ...

306.13 KB
Increase in preoperative serum reactive oxygen metabolite levels indicates  nodal extension in patients with clinical stage I lung adenocarcinoma

Increase in preoperative serum ...

Purpose. Reactive oxygen species contribute to various features of malignant tumors, including carcinogenesis, aberrant growth, metastasis, and angi ...

185.35 KB
Biphasic clinical characteristics of mild to moderate chest trauma  according to age

Biphasic clinical characteristi ...

Purpose. Mild to moderate chest trauma is a common disease, although its clinical characteristics are not well known. We investigated the clinical p ...

192.34 KB
Planned pulmonary resection for metastatic pulmonary tumor  with video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery using multidetector  row angiography

Planned pulmonary resection for ...

Purpose. For video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) on metastatic pulmonary tumors, wedge resection using an endo-stapler is the standard procedure ...

318.01 KB
Ascending aortic aneurysm associated with a quadricuspid aortic valve

Ascending aortic aneurysm assoc ...

We report here a rare case of ascending aortic aneurysm associated with a tricuspitalized quadricuspid aortic valve. A 45-year-old man had a fusifor ...

183.48 KB
Surgical treatment for chronic type A aortic dissection and aortic  regurgitation in a patient with a tracheostoma

Surgical treatment for chronic ...

We successfully performed aortic root replacement and partial aortic arch replacement by a T-shaped sternotomy at the second intercostal space in a ...

347.35 KB
Thoracoscopic surgery for pulmonary metastases after chemotherapy  using a tailor-made virtual lung

Thoracoscopic surgery for pulmo ...

Purpose. Details with regard to the standard criteria for a therapeutic metastasectomy and the use of videoassisted thoracic surgery (VATS) remain e ...

288.21 KB
Early entry closure for acute type B aortic dissection by open stent  grafting

Early entry closure for acute t ...

Purpose. We describe the long-term effi cacy of early entry closure for acute type B aortic dissection by open stent grafting based on long-term res ...

262.48 KB
Evaluation of risk factors for hospital mortality and current treatment  for poststernotomy mediastinitis

Evaluation of risk factors for ...

Purpose. Poststernotomy mediastinitis (PSM) following cardiovascular surgery remains an intractable complication associated with considerable mortal ...

182.96 KB
Neurohumoral and infl ammatory markers for prediction of right  ventricular failure after implantation of a left ventricular assist device

Neurohumoral and infl ammatory ...

Purpose. Implantation of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) is an established treatment for end-stage heart failure. Right ventricular dysfunct ...

267.67 KB
VIO soft-coagulation system for major pulmonary resections: results in  68 patients with primary lung cancer

VIO soft-coagulation system for ...

Purpose. The VIO soft-coagulation system is a new device for tissue coagulation in which the output voltage is automatically regulated. We evaluated ...

217.67 KB
Pulmonary hydatid cyst: analysis of 1024 cases

Pulmonary hydatid cyst: analysi ...

Purpose. Pulmonary hydatid cyst, a parasitic disease, is a health care problem in developing countries. In this study, we evaluated outcomes of pati ...

289.17 KB
Intraoperative direct hemoperfusion with a polymyxin-B immobilized  fi ber column for treatment of infective endocarditis

Intraoperative direct hemoperfu ...

Purpose. Endotoxin adsorption treatment (direct hemoperfusion using a polymyxin-B immobilized fi ber column, or PMX-DHP) is now considered a useful ...

238.13 KB
Can we change the operative criteria for the MAZE procedure combined  with valve surgery in the era of radiofrequency devices?

Can we change the operative cri ...

Purpose. After radiofrequency (RF) ablation became available, the indication of MAZE procedure conducted with bipolar RF was expanded. We examined t ...

252.27 KB
Predictors of atrial fi brillation occurrence after coronary artery bypass  graft surgery

Predictors of atrial fi brillat ...

Purpose. Postoperative atrial fi brillation (AF) is the most common complication after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, with an incidenc ...

186.27 KB
Functional restoration of endothelial cells of the cryopreserved  heart valve

Functional restoration of endot ...

Purpose. Although several approaches have been tried to improve the durability of cryopreserved valves, cellular restoration after thawing remains t ...

460.52 KB
Comparison of the waveforms of transit-time fl owmetry and  intraoperative fl uorescence imaging for assessing coronary artery bypass  graft patency

Comparison of the waveforms of ...

Purpose. An intraoperative fl uorescence imaging (IFI) system, which can provide visual images, could be the common method for assessing graft paten ...

269.21 KB
Tissue-engineered airway and “in situ tissue engineering”

Tissue-engineered airway and “i ...

Since the 1980s, tissue engineering has become one of the major areas of endeavor in medical research, applying the principles of biology and engine ...

دانلود 1
390.23 KB
Optimal treatment for coronary artery disease in patients with diabetes:  percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass graft,  and medications

Optimal treatment for coronary ...

There are three strategies for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD): medical therapy, coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), and percutaneous ...

216.25 KB
Surgical left ventricular reconstruction

Surgical left ventricular recon ...

Because of the shortage of donors for heart transplantation, surgical ventricular reconstruction (SVR) has been under development to treat end-stage ...

596.93 KB
Thoracic splenosis: know it—avoid unnecessary investigations,  interventions, and thoracotomy

Thoracic splenosis: know it—avo ...

Thoracic splenosis (TS) is autoimplantation of ectopic splenic tissue in the thoracic cavity that occurs following splenic injury. Most cases of TS ...

192.69 KB
Video-assisted thoracic surgery lobectomy for lung cancer:  the point at issue

Video-assisted thoracic surgery ...

Among the four subjects addressed in this article, the defi nition of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lobectomy is fundamentally the point at ...

178.75 KB
Surgical treatment for achalasia: when should it be performed, and for  which patients?

Surgical treatment for achalasi ...

Achalasia is a rare motor disorder of the esophagus, characterized by the absence of peristalsis and impaired swallow-induced relaxation. In the pas ...

327.01 KB
