# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Staphylococcal toxins in sudden unexpected death in infancy: experience from a single specialist centre
196.15 KB 77 0
Fibrin glue and porcine-derived mesh repair of ruptured umbilical hernia in a patient with ascites
73.67 KB 72 0
Total thyroidectomy by loupe magnification: a comparative study
436.41 KB 61 0
Breast cancer in pregnancy
108.50 KB 80 0
Effective operative training in hernia repair for junior surgery residents
101.26 KB 59 0
Implementation of single incision laparoscopic appendectomy (SIL-A) as standard procedure for appendectomy in a rural hospital setting
184.73 KB 80 0
Hidden laparoscopic access (HiLA) cholecystectomy – first results
318.91 KB 74 0
Review comparing carbon dioxide with air insufflation in colonoscopy
153.09 KB 64 0
Gut access in critically ill and injured patients: Where have we gone thus far?
192.59 KB 79 0
Total parenteral nutrition in critically ill and injured patients
103.09 KB 76 0
Human mesenchymal stem cell co-culture modulates the immunological properties of human ntervertebral disc tissue fragments in vitro
722.12 KB 65 0
Comparison of radiographic and computed tomographic measurement of pedicle and vertebral body dimensions in Koreans: the ratio of pedicle transverse diameter to vertebral body transverse diameter
364.08 KB 67 0
Clinical features and surgical outcomes of cervical spondylotic myelopathy in patients aged 80 years or older: a multi-center retrospective study
195.23 KB 63 0
Spontaneous cervical epidural hematoma during pregnancy: case report and literature review
325.52 KB 68 0
The patient-specific functional scale is more responsive than the Roland Morris disability questionnaire when activity limitation is low
177.37 KB 73 0
Prevalence of sleep disturbance in patients with low back pain
283.94 KB 63 0
Disc degeneration of cervical spine on MRI in patients with lumbar disc herniation: comparison study with asymptomatic volunteers
276.29 KB 70 0
Yoga and disc degenerative disease in cervical and lumbar spine: an MR imaging-based case control study
256.53 KB 89 0
The cutaneous silent period is preserved in cervical radiculopathy: significance for the diagnosis of cervical myelopathy
226.85 KB 80 0
Non-traumatic posterior atlanto-occipital joint dislocation
256.01 KB 56 0
Full-endoscopic technique for anterior cervical discectomy and interbody fusion: 5-year follow-up results of 67 cases
295.35 KB 130 0
Early retirement and the financial assets of individuals with back problems
163.40 KB 72 0
The relationship between degree of facet tropism and amount of dynamic disc bulge in lumbar spine of patients symptomatic for low back pain
441.78 KB 77 0
Do early stages of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration really cause instability? Evaluation of an in vitro database
917.51 KB 64 0
Delayed presentation and diagnosis of cervical spine injuries in long-standing ankylosing spondylitis
266.94 KB 89 0
Staphylococcal toxins in sudden unexpected death in infancy: experience from a single specialist centre

Staphylococcal toxins in sudden ...

Around two thirds of sudden unexpected deaths in infancy (SUDI) remain unexplained following postmortem examination. It has been postulated that a s ...

196.15 KB
Fibrin glue and porcine-derived mesh repair of ruptured  umbilical hernia in a patient with ascites

Fibrin glue and porcine-derived ...

Background: Rupture of an umbilical hernia carries a risk of high mortality for patients with liver failure complicated by ascites. There is no cons ...

73.67 KB
Total thyroidectomy by loupe magnification:  a comparative study

Total thyroidectomy by loupe ma ...

Background: Total thyroidectomy has been accepted as current surgical therapy for benign and malignant thyroidal disorders but extensive resection ...

436.41 KB
Breast cancer in pregnancy

Breast cancer in pregnancy

Background: Patients with concurrent pregnancy and breast cancer are likely to increase owing to the increase in the maternal age at first full-term ...

108.50 KB
Effective operative training in hernia repair  for junior surgery residents

Effective operative training in ...

Background: Operative skills are essential components of surgical education and can be acquired only through personal experience and training. Incre ...

101.26 KB
Implementation of single incision laparoscopic  appendectomy (SIL-A) as standard procedure  for appendectomy in a rural hospital setting

Implementation of single incisi ...

Background: Single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) is rapidly gaining popularity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of s ...

184.73 KB
Hidden laparoscopic access (HiLA) cholecystectomy –  first results

Hidden laparoscopic access (HiL ...

Background: The introduction of the NOTES concept led to several new approaches to laparoscopic or endoscopic cholecystectomy, e.g. transvaginal, SI ...

318.91 KB
Review comparing carbon dioxide with air insufflation  in colonoscopy

Review comparing carbon dioxide ...

Background: The aim of the present review was to compare carbon dioxide versus air insufflation in colonoscopy. Methods: All randomized controlled ...

153.09 KB
Gut access in critically ill and injured patients: Where  have we gone thus far?

Gut access in critically ill an ...

Background: Nutritional support in critically ill and injured patients is crucial. It can be provided via parenteral or enteral access, each of whic ...

192.59 KB
Total parenteral nutrition in critically ill and injured  patients

Total parenteral nutrition in c ...

Background: Malnutrition is common in critically ill and severely injured patients. Many factors are responsible for the development of malnutrition ...

103.09 KB
Human mesenchymal stem cell co-culture modulates the immunological properties of human  ntervertebral disc tissue fragments in vitro

Human mesenchymal stem cell co- ...

The capacity of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to differentiate into intervertebral disc (IVD)-like cells has been well described, but their ability ...

722.12 KB
Comparison of radiographic and computed tomographic measurement of pedicle and vertebral body dimensions in Koreans: the ratio of pedicle transverse diameter to vertebral body transverse diameter

Comparison of radiographic and ...

This study was designed to investigate the characteristics of pedicle transverse diameters (PD), vertebral body transverse diameters (VBD), especial ...

364.08 KB
Clinical features and surgical outcomes of cervical spondylotic myelopathy in patients aged 80 years or older: a multi-center retrospective study

Clinical features and surgical ...

With the aging of the population in developed countries, spine surgeons have recently been more likely to encounter elderly patients in need of trea ...

195.23 KB
Spontaneous cervical epidural hematoma during pregnancy: case report and literature review

Spontaneous cervical epidural h ...

Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma (SSEH) during pregnancy is rare and may result in permanent damage if not promptly treated. There were few stud ...

325.52 KB
The patient-specific functional scale is more responsive than the Roland Morris disability questionnaire when activity limitation is low

The patient-specific functional ...

The primary objective of this study was to determine which questionnaire, the Roland Morris disability questionnaire (RMDQ) or the patient-specific ...

177.37 KB
Prevalence of sleep disturbance in patients with low back pain

Prevalence of sleep disturbance ...

Low back pain (LBP) is a common health condition that is often associated with disability, psychological distress and work loss. Worldwide, billions ...

283.94 KB
Disc degeneration of cervical spine on MRI in patients with lumbar disc herniation: comparison study with asymptomatic volunteers

Disc degeneration of cervical s ...

An association between progression of cervical disc degeneration and that of lumbar disc degeneration has been considered to exist. To date, however ...

276.29 KB
Yoga and disc degenerative disease in cervical and lumbar spine: an MR imaging-based case control study

Yoga and disc degenerative dise ...

The objective of the current study was to find out whether yoga practice was beneficial to the spine by comparing degenerative disc disease in the s ...

256.53 KB
The cutaneous silent period is preserved in cervical radiculopathy: significance for the diagnosis of cervical myelopathy

The cutaneous silent period is ...

Electromyographic (EMG) activity from voluntarily contracting hand muscles undergoes transient suppression following nociceptive fingertip stimulati ...

226.85 KB
Non-traumatic posterior atlanto-occipital joint dislocation

Non-traumatic posterior atlanto ...

This report presents a case of non-traumatic posterior atlanto-occipital dislocation. A 36-year-old female was referred with a history of numbness o ...

256.01 KB
Full-endoscopic technique for anterior cervical discectomy and interbody fusion: 5-year follow-up results of 67 cases

Full-endoscopic technique for a ...

With minimally invasive technique becoming more popular, endoscopic operations such as arthroscopy or laparoscopy have become the standard of care i ...

295.35 KB
Early retirement and the financial assets of individuals with back problems

Early retirement and the financ ...

This paper quantifies the relationship between early retirement due to back problems and wealth, and contributes to a more complete picture of the f ...

163.40 KB
The relationship between degree of facet tropism and amount of dynamic disc bulge in lumbar spine of patients symptomatic for low back pain

The relationship between degree ...

Facet tropism has been investigated as a predisposing factor for degenerative changes in the lumbar spine; however, no prior study has evaluated the ...

441.78 KB
Do early stages of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration really cause instability? Evaluation of an in vitro database

Do early stages of lumbar inter ...

Early stages of intervertebral disc degeneration are postulated to cause instability. In the literature, however, some authors report the opposite. ...

917.51 KB
Delayed presentation and diagnosis of cervical spine injuries in long-standing ankylosing spondylitis

Delayed presentation and diagno ...

Patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) are vulnerable to cervical spine fractures. Long-standing pain may mask the symptoms of the fracture. Radi ...

266.94 KB
