# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Estimation of the lifetime risk of hip fracture for women and men in Canada
176.17 KB 75 1
Bisphosphonate prescribing, persistence and cumulative exposure in Ontario, Canada
223.34 KB 72 0
Renal function and nonvertebral fracture risk in multiethnic women: the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI)
206.41 KB 77 0
Genetic influence on bone mineral density in Korean twins and families: the healthy twin study
155.13 KB 70 0
Human bone material characterization: integrated imaging surface investigation of male fragility fractures
1.06 MB 105 0
Impact of bone turnover markers and/or educational information on persistence to oral bisphosphonate therapy: a community setting-based trial
232.87 KB 70 0
Differences in structural geometrical outcomes at the neck of the proximal femur using two-dimensional DXA-derived projection (APEX) and three-dimensional QCT-derived (BIT QCT) techniques
297.36 KB 67 0
Severe postpartum osteoporosis with increased PTHrP during lactation in a patient after total thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy
177.23 KB 67 0
Effectiveness of interventions to improve the detection and treatment of osteoporosis in primary care settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis
502.37 KB 79 0
Associations of total osteocalcin with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in older men: the Health In Men Study
236.14 KB 62 0
Arzoxifene versus raloxifene: effect on bone and safety parameters in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis
277.47 KB 74 0
Bone structure and turnover in type 2 diabetes mellitus
151.90 KB 80 0
Validation of the adherence evaluation of osteoporosis treatment (ADEOS) questionnaire for osteoporotic post-menopausal women
248.34 KB 70 0
Undertreatment of osteoporosis in persons with dementia? A population-based study
160.54 KB 57 0
Validated risk rule using computerized data to identify males at high risk for fracture
357.07 KB 71 0
Bone health in multiple sclerosis
424.34 KB 78 0
Comparative trends in hospitalizations for osteoporotic fractures and other frequent diseases between 2000 and 2008
7.66 MB 78 0
Long-termtreatment with raloxifene, but not bisphosphonates, reduces circulating sclerostin levels in postmenopausal women
1.78 MB 90 0
Effects of paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acetylsalicylic acid, and opioids on bone mineral density and risk of fracture: results of the Danish Osteoporosis Prevention Study (DOPS)
193.21 KB 90 0
A retrospective analysis of extended-interval dosing and the impact on bisphosphonate compliance in the US Military Health System
249.98 KB 70 0
The factor-of-risk biomechanical approach predicts hip fracture in men and women: the Framingham Study
155.15 KB 64 0
Pattern of use of DXA scans in men: a cross-sectional, population-based study
157.25 KB 82 0
A study of relationships between bone-related vitamins and minerals, related risk markers, and subsequent mortality in older British people: the National Diet and Nutrition Survey of People Aged 65 Years and Over
190.88 KB 89 0
Semi-automatic determination of detailed vertebral shape from lumbar radiographs using active appearance models
398.22 KB 87 1
Genetic variants in the SOX6 gene are associated with bone mineral density in both Caucasian and Chinese populations
195.54 KB 71 0
Estimation of the lifetime risk of hip fracture for women  and men in Canada

Estimation of the lifetime risk ...

Summary In Canada in 2008, based on current rates of fracture and mortality, a woman or man at age 50 years will have a projected lifetime risk of f ...

دانلود 1
176.17 KB
Bisphosphonate prescribing, persistence and cumulative  exposure in Ontario, Canada

Bisphosphonate prescribing, per ...

Summary We studied new users of oral bisphosphonates and found that less than half persisted with therapy for 2 years, and interruptions in use were ...

223.34 KB
Renal function and nonvertebral fracture risk in multiethnic  women: the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI)

Renal function and nonvertebral ...

Summary To examine the association between renal function and fracture in multiethnic women, we studied postmenopausal women enrolled in the Women’s ...

206.41 KB
Genetic influence on bone mineral density in Korean twins  and families: the healthy twin study

Genetic influence on bone miner ...

Summary Bone mineral density (BMD), a representative marker of osteoporosis risk, is found to be highly heritable in this Korean study, which is ver ...

155.13 KB
Human bone material characterization: integrated  imaging surface investigation of male fragility fractures

Human bone material characteriz ...

Summary The interrelation of calcium and phosphorus was evaluated as a function of bone material quality in femoral heads from male fragility fractu ...

1.06 MB
Impact of bone turnover markers and/or educational  information on persistence to oral bisphosphonate therapy:  a community setting-based trial

Impact of bone turnover markers ...

Summary We examined how the use of bone turnover markers and educational information affects persistence of bisphosphonate use in osteoporotic patie ...

232.87 KB
Differences in structural geometrical outcomes at the neck  of the proximal femur using two-dimensional DXA-derived  projection (APEX) and three-dimensional QCT-derived  (BIT QCT) techniques

Differences in structural geome ...

Summary Structural geometric parameters at neck of the proximal femur were obtained using DXA-derived hip structural analysis (APEX 3) and quantitat ...

297.36 KB
Severe postpartum osteoporosis with increased PTHrP  during lactation in a patient after total thyroidectomy  and parathyroidectomy

Severe postpartum osteoporosis ...

We present a 27-year-old woman with hypoparathyroidism following total thyroidectomy for papillary carcinoma, who presented postpartum during lactat ...

177.23 KB
Effectiveness of interventions to improve the detection  and treatment of osteoporosis in primary care  settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Effectiveness of interventions ...

This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of primary care interventions to improve the detection and treatment of osteoporosis. Eight electronic ...

502.37 KB
Associations of total osteocalcin with all-cause  and cardiovascular mortality in older men:  the Health In Men Study

Associations of total osteocalc ...

Summary In older men, both lower and higher total osteocalcin levels predict increased all-cause mortality, with comparable associations for cardiov ...

236.14 KB
Arzoxifene versus raloxifene: effect on bone and safety  parameters in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis

Arzoxifene versus raloxifene: e ...

Summary Arzoxifene increased bone mineral density and decreased bone turnover to a significantly greater extent than raloxifene. The hot flush incid ...

277.47 KB
Bone structure and turnover in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Bone structure and turnover in ...

Summary We compared skeletal parameters in type 2 diabetic (T2DM) and non-diabetic postmenopausal women. Bone structure by dual energy x-ray absorpt ...

151.90 KB
Validation of the adherence evaluation of osteoporosis  treatment (ADEOS) questionnaire for osteoporotic  post-menopausal women

Validation of the adherence eva ...

Summary We developed and validated a specific 12-item questionnaire to evaluate adherence to oral antiresorptive medication by post-menopausal osteo ...

248.34 KB
Undertreatment of osteoporosis in persons with dementia?  A population-based study

Undertreatment of osteoporosis ...

Summary In this population-based study of more than 2,600 elderly, people with dementia received less preventive treatment for osteoporosis compared ...

160.54 KB
Validated risk rule using computerized data to identify males  at high risk for fracture

Validated risk rule using compu ...

Summary Absolute risk assessment is now the preferred approach to guide osteoporosis treatment decisions. Data collected passively during routine he ...

357.07 KB
Bone health in multiple sclerosis

Bone health in multiple scleros ...

People who are disabled with multiple sclerosis (MS) may be at increased risk of osteoporosis. This review discusses issues relevant to bone health ...

424.34 KB
Comparative trends in hospitalizations for osteoporotic  fractures and other frequent diseases between 2000 and 2008

Comparative trends in hospitali ...

Summary In Switzerland, the number, incidence, and cost of acute hospitalizations for major osteoporotic fractures (MOF) and major cardiovascular ev ...

7.66 MB
Long-termtreatment with raloxifene, but not bisphosphonates,  reduces circulating sclerostin levels in postmenopausal women

Long-termtreatment with raloxif ...

Summary We determined whether suppression of sclerostin levels by estrogen treatment was mediated by anti-resorptive effect. Raloxifene, but not bis ...

1.78 MB
Effects of paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory  drugs, acetylsalicylic acid, and opioids on bone mineral  density and risk of fracture: results of the Danish  Osteoporosis Prevention Study (DOPS)

Effects of paracetamol, non-ste ...

Summary Pain medication has been associated with fractures. We found higher weight in paracetamol and non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID) u ...

193.21 KB
A retrospective analysis of extended-interval dosing  and the impact on bisphosphonate compliance  in the US Military Health System

A retrospective analysis of ext ...

Summary This study evaluated whether patients treated with bisphosphonates in the US Military Health System were more compliant with treatment given ...

249.98 KB
The factor-of-risk biomechanical approach predicts hip  fracture in men and women: the Framingham Study

The factor-of-risk biomechanica ...

Summary We examined the relation between a biomechanical measure, factor-of-risk, and hip fracture risk in 1,100 men and women from the Framingham S ...

155.15 KB
Pattern of use of DXA scans in men: a cross-sectional,  population-based study

Pattern of use of DXA scans in ...

Summary Osteoporosis in men is underdiagnosed. The use of dual-emission X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was evaluated in almost 5,000 men aged 60–74 year ...

157.25 KB
A study of relationships between bone-related vitamins  and minerals, related risk markers, and subsequent  mortality in older British people: the National Diet  and Nutrition Survey of People Aged 65 Years and Over

A study of relationships betwee ...

Summary Follow-up of a British national survey of older people found that in men, all-cause mortality was predicted by baseline plasma concentration ...

190.88 KB
Semi-automatic determination of detailed vertebral shape  from lumbar radiographs using active appearance models

Semi-automatic determination of ...

Summary The vertebral endplates in lumbar radiographs were located by a semi-automatic annotation method using statistical shape models. Introducti ...

دانلود 1
398.22 KB
Genetic variants in the SOX6 gene are associated with bone  mineral density in both Caucasian and Chinese populations

Genetic variants in the SOX6 ge ...

Summary Given the biological function of SOX6 and recent genome-wide association finding, we performed a finemapping association analyses to investi ...

195.54 KB
