# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
A population-based analysis of the post-fracture care gap 1996–2008: the situation is not improving
250.96 KB 75 0
Relationships between serum vitamin D levels, neuromuscular and neuropsychological function and falls in older men and women
184.54 KB 83 1
Discriminative value of FRAX for fracture prediction in a cohort of Chinese postmenopausal women
1.29 MB 84 0
Teriparatide increases the maturation of circulating osteoblast precursors
339.97 KB 82 0
Epigenetic influences in the developmental origins of osteoporosis
509.58 KB 60 0
Osteoid osteoma is an osteocalcinoma affecting glucose metabolism
171.00 KB 71 0
Risedronate in adults with osteogenesis imperfecta type I: increased bone mineral density and decreased bone turnover, but high fracture rate persists
199.13 KB 63 0
Prospective comparison of the therapeutic effect of teriparatide with that of combined vertebroplasty with antiresorptive agents for the treatment of new-onset adjacent vertebral compression fracture after percutaneous vertebroplasty
370.80 KB 73 0
The effect of exercise on pQCT parameters of bone structure and strength in postmenopausal women—a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
832.98 KB 73 0
The effect of prior bisphosphonate therapy on the subsequent therapeutic effects of strontium ranelate over 2 years
240.44 KB 69 0
Prevalence of vertebral fractures in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: revisiting the role of glucocorticoids
223.17 KB 71 1
Site-specific differences in bone mineral density in black and white premenopausal South African women
203.98 KB 78 0
Association of spinal curve deformity and back extensor strength in elderly women with osteoporosis in Japan and the United States
179.26 KB 84 0
Predictors of bone loss in childhood hematologic malignancies: a prospective study
183.82 KB 69 0
Predictive values of calcaneal quantitative ultrasound and dual energy X ray absorptiometry for non-vertebral fracture in older men: results from the MrOS study (Hong Kong)
134.89 KB 82 0
Ankle fractures do not predict osteoporotic fractures in women with or without diabetes
140.52 KB 67 0
Partial adherence: a new perspective on health economic assessment in osteoporosis
266.97 KB 84 0
Bone texture analysis of human femurs using a new device (BMA™) improves failure load prediction
184.42 KB 75 0
Bone lengthening (distraction osteogenesis): a literature review
158.50 KB 83 0
Bone repair in osteoporotic bone: postmenopausal and cortisone-induced osteoporosis
191.01 KB 68 0
Bone fracture and bone fracture repair
86.10 KB 76 1
Macroscopic and microscopic process of long bone fracture healing
145.63 KB 65 0
Zoledronic acid results in better health-related quality of life following hip fracture: the HORIZON–Recurrent Fracture Trial
363.18 KB 82 0
A meta-analysis of the effect of strontium ranelate on the risk of vertebral and non-vertebral fracture in postmenopausal osteoporosis and the interaction with FRAX®
320.68 KB 76 0
Age trends for hip geometry in Chinese men and women and the association with femoral neck fracture
210.82 KB 82 0
A population-based analysis of the post-fracture care gap  1996–2008: the situation is not improving

A population-based analysis of ...

Summary The post-fracture care gap has not narrowed in recent years. Following an initial improvement, rates of medication initiation have actually ...

250.96 KB
Relationships between serum vitamin D  levels, neuromuscular and neuropsychological function  and falls in older men and women

Relationships between serum vit ...

Summary Among 463 community dwellers aged 70.90 years, those with vitamin D insufficiency showed reduced neuromuscular function, balance control and ...

دانلود 1
184.54 KB
Discriminative value of FRAX for fracture prediction  in a cohort of Chinese postmenopausal women

Discriminative value of FRAX fo ...

Summary We followed 2,266 postmenopausal Chinese women for 4.5 years to determine which model best predicts osteoporotic fracture. A model that cont ...

1.29 MB
Teriparatide increases the maturation of circulating  osteoblast precursors

Teriparatide increases the matu ...

Summary This study shows that teriparatide promotes the circulating osteoblast (OB) precursor degree of maturation in patients affected by postmenop ...

339.97 KB
Epigenetic influences in the developmental origins  of osteoporosis

Epigenetic influences in the de ...

Osteoporosis is a major public health problem due to consequent fragility fractures; data from the UK suggest that up to 50% of women and 20% men ag ...

509.58 KB
Osteoid osteoma is an osteocalcinoma affecting  glucose metabolism

Osteoid osteoma is an osteocalc ...

Osteocalcin is a hormone secreted by osteoblasts, which regulates energy metabolism by increasing â-cell proliferation, insulin secretion, insulin s ...

171.00 KB
Risedronate in adults with osteogenesis imperfecta type I:  increased bone mineral density and decreased bone turnover,  but high fracture rate persists

Risedronate in adults with oste ...

Summary Bisphosphonates can increase bone mineral density (BMD) in children with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). In this study of adults with OI type ...

199.13 KB
Prospective comparison of the therapeutic effect  of teriparatide with that of combined vertebroplasty  with antiresorptive agents for the treatment  of new-onset adjacent vertebral compression  fracture after percutaneous vertebroplasty

Prospective comparison of the t ...

Summary Most post-vertebroplasty new-onset adjacent vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) occur within 2– 3 months, and antiresorptive agents do no ...

370.80 KB
The effect of exercise on pQCT parameters of bone structure  and strength in postmenopausal women—a systematic review  and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

The effect of exercise on pQCT ...

Summary Inconsistent study findings of exercise on areal bone density highlight the need to include parameters of bone geometry and volumetric bone ...

832.98 KB
The effect of prior bisphosphonate therapy  on the subsequent therapeutic effects  of strontium ranelate over 2 years

The effect of prior bisphosphon ...

Summary Many osteoporotic women prescribed strontium ranelate have previously received bisphosphonates. Prior bisphosphonate use blunted the spinal ...

240.44 KB
Prevalence of vertebral fractures in patients with rheumatoid  arthritis: revisiting the role of glucocorticoids

Prevalence of vertebral fractur ...

Summary Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) is a convenient tool for the diagnosis of vertebral fracture in RA. Optimal control of inflammation may ...

دانلود 1
223.17 KB
Site-specific differences in bone mineral density in black  and white premenopausal South African women

Site-specific differences in bo ...

Summary We examined ethnic differences in bone mineral density (BMD) and the contribution of body composition, lifestyle and socioeconomic factors i ...

203.98 KB
Association of spinal curve deformity and back extensor  strength in elderly women with osteoporosis in Japan  and the United States

Association of spinal curve def ...

Summary The difference in the shape of sagittal spinal curvature and distribution of vertebral fractures in women of comparable age with osteoporosi ...

179.26 KB
Predictors of bone loss in childhood hematologic  malignancies: a prospective study

Predictors of bone loss in chil ...

Summary Twenty-nine children with malignancies and age, gender-matched controls were prospectively studied over 14 months. Patients had higher parat ...

183.82 KB
Predictive values of calcaneal quantitative ultrasound  and dual energy X ray absorptiometry for non-vertebral  fracture in older men: results from the MrOS study  (Hong Kong)

Predictive values of calcaneal ...

Summary Calcaneal QUS is comparable to DXA in predicting non-vertebral fractures in older Chinese men. Introduction The predictive values of calcane ...

134.89 KB
Ankle fractures do not predict osteoporotic fractures  in women with or without diabetes

Ankle fractures do not predict ...

Summary It is not clear whether ankle fractures predict future osteoporotic fractures in women, and whether diabetes influences this relationship. W ...

140.52 KB
Partial adherence: a new perspective on health economic  assessment in osteoporosis

Partial adherence: a new perspe ...

Summary Partial adherence in osteoporosis increases the risk for fragility fracture and has considerable impact on cost-effectiveness. This review h ...

266.97 KB
Bone texture analysis of human femurs using a new  device (BMA™) improves failure load prediction

Bone texture analysis of human ...

Summary We measured bone texture parameters of excised human femurs with a new device (BMA™).We also measured bone mineral density by DXA and invest ...

184.42 KB
Bone lengthening (distraction osteogenesis):  a literature review

Bone lengthening (distraction o ...

Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is a surgical technique widely used in orthopedic surgery for the treatment of various pathological conditions such as ...

158.50 KB
Bone repair in osteoporotic bone: postmenopausal  and cortisone-induced osteoporosis

Bone repair in osteoporotic bon ...

Although osteoporosis has been the subject of a considerable number of publications in recent years, very few studies have investigated the effects ...

191.01 KB
Bone fracture and bone fracture repair

Bone fracture and bone fracture ...

Fracture healing is a multistage repair process that involves complex, well-orchestrated steps initiated in response to tissue injury. The early upr ...

دانلود 1
86.10 KB
Macroscopic and microscopic process of long bone  fracture healing

Macroscopic and microscopic pro ...

The growth of each type of callus (cortical, medullary and periosteal) depends on the mechanical condition of fracture fixation (elastic fixation an ...

145.63 KB
Zoledronic acid results in better health-related quality  of life following hip fracture: the HORIZON–Recurrent  Fracture Trial

Zoledronic acid results in bett ...

Summary This study evaluated the benefits of ZOL versus placebo on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among patients from HORIZON–RFT. At month ...

363.18 KB
A meta-analysis of the effect of strontium ranelate  on the risk of vertebral and non-vertebral  fracture in postmenopausal osteoporosis  and the interaction with FRAX®

A meta-analysis of the effect o ...

Summary The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of strontium ranelate as a function of baseline fracture risk. Treatment with str ...

320.68 KB
Age trends for hip geometry in Chinese men and women  and the association with femoral neck fracture

Age trends for hip geometry in ...

Summary Hip dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) images were used to calculate hip bone mineral density (BMD) and hip geometry parameters of 18,50 ...

210.82 KB
