# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Concurrent occurrence of dens evaginatus and dens invaginatus in maxillary incisors: a case report and review
265.15 KB 69 0
CT anatomy of the anterior superior alveolar nerve canal: a macroscopic and microscopic study
378.43 KB 65 0
Image findings of B cell lymphoma of the palate
420.11 KB 68 0
CT imaging in bisphosphonate-associated mandibular osteonecrosis: case report, pathological correlates, and review of literature
285.23 KB 86 0
Mylohyoid muscle defects: comparison of CT findings and dissected specimens
747.81 KB 63 0
Carotid atheroma detected by panoramic radiography and ultrasonography in patients with metabolic syndrome
502.30 KB 62 0
Comparison of mandibular trabecular structures between normal and diabetic rats: evaluation of spontaneous type 2 diabetes in a rat model
315.77 KB 80 0
Durability of Digora Optime imaging plates
400.41 KB 69 0
Inhibitory effect of maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol) on deterioration of bone structure in the distal femoral epiphysis of ovariectomized mice
294.72 KB 72 0
Radiopacity of fiber-reinforced resins
245.88 KB 75 0
Longitudinal MRI follow-up of rheumatoid arthritis in the temporomandibular joint: importance of synovial proliferation as an early-stage sign
269.85 KB 69 0
An unusual peripheral osteoma of the mandibular notch: a case report with computed tomography evaluation
283.66 KB 66 0
Magnetic resonance imaging-based differentiation between juvenile recurrent parotitis and juvenile Sjo¨gren’s syndrome
467.00 KB 68 0
Combined craniofacial approach for the removal of a large trigeminal schwannoma invading the infratemporal fossa
480.00 KB 70 0
Difficulties in the diagnosis of plexiform ameloblastoma
352.40 KB 71 0
Management of parapharyngeal giant pleomorphic adenoma
464.93 KB 128 0
Comparison of onset and duration of action of soft tissue and pulpal anesthesia with three volumes of 4% articaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine in maxillary infiltration anesthesia
184.77 KB 65 0
Factors influencing the incidence of maxillofacial fractures
289.24 KB 65 0
In vitro biomechanical evaluation of the effect of an additional L-shaped plate on straight or box plate fixation in sagittal split ramus osteotomy using a bioabsorbable plate system
732.68 KB 75 0
Maxillary cementoblastoma—a rarity
249.41 KB 73 0
Resection of a primary oral malignant melanoma and rehabilitative management using nasolabial flap: a case report
379.07 KB 74 0
Comprehensive management of a rare carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland with a modified lateral orbitotomy access osteotomy. A case report
391.07 KB 75 0
Multinodular neck recurrence of parotid gland pleomorphic adenoma: a case report
285.19 KB 70 0
Basal cell carcinoma arising in association with a maxillary keratocyst in a patient with Gorlin–Goltz syndrome. Report of a case
441.50 KB 67 0
Maxillofacial injuries in western Iran: a prospective study
168.00 KB 73 0
Concurrent occurrence of dens evaginatus and dens invaginatus  in maxillary incisors: a case report and review

Concurrent occurrence of dens e ...

Dens evaginatus (DE) and dens invaginatus (DI) are developmental anomalies that affect the shape of the teeth. Although they have been found singly ...

265.15 KB
CT anatomy of the anterior superior alveolar nerve canal:  a macroscopic and microscopic study

CT anatomy of the anterior supe ...

Objectives The aims of this study were to confirm the course of the anterior superior alveolar nerve (ASAN) canal in maxillary bone on CT images and ...

378.43 KB
Image findings of B cell lymphoma of the palate

Image findings of B cell lympho ...

In this report, we describe image findings in a case of a 78-year-old man with malignant lymphoma of the palate, which had progressively developed 8 ...

420.11 KB
CT imaging in bisphosphonate-associated mandibular  osteonecrosis: case report, pathological correlates,  and review of literature

CT imaging in bisphosphonate-as ...

Osteonecrosis of the jaw is a severe bone disease that occurs as a result of reduced local blood supply. Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of ...

285.23 KB
Mylohyoid muscle defects: comparison of CT findings  and dissected specimens

Mylohyoid muscle defects: compa ...

Objectives To investigate whether CT images reflect the anatomical condition of mylohyoid muscle defects by confirmation with subsequent dissection ...

747.81 KB
Carotid atheroma detected by panoramic radiography  and ultrasonography in patients with metabolic syndrome

Carotid atheroma detected by pa ...

Objective To determine the sensitivity and specificity of panoramic radiography in detecting carotid atheromas in patients with metabolic syndrome ( ...

502.30 KB
Comparison of mandibular trabecular structures between normal  and diabetic rats: evaluation of spontaneous type 2 diabetes  in a rat model

Comparison of mandibular trabec ...

Objectives To investigate the effect of diabetes on the trabecular structure of the mandible in an animal model of spontaneous diabetes mellitus. M ...

315.77 KB
Durability of Digora Optime imaging plates

Durability of Digora Optime im ...

Objectives To assess the durability of the imaging plates (IP) supplied with the Digora Optime digital imaging system in terms of their functionali ...

400.41 KB
Inhibitory effect of maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol)  on deterioration of bone structure in the distal femoral epiphysis  of ovariectomized mice

Inhibitory effect of maritime p ...

Objectives To evaluate the inhibitory effects of maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol) on the deterioration of bone mineral density (BMD) and tra ...

294.72 KB
Radiopacity of fiber-reinforced resins

Radiopacity of fiber-reinforced ...

Objectives To investigate the radiopacity of three fiberreinforced composite (FRC) materials using digital analysis to determine the mean gray value ...

245.88 KB
Longitudinal MRI follow-up of rheumatoid arthritis  in the temporomandibular joint: importance of synovial  proliferation as an early-stage sign

Longitudinal MRI follow-up of r ...

This article describes longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) observations in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis of the temporomandibular jo ...

269.85 KB
An unusual peripheral osteoma of the mandibular notch:  a case report with computed tomography evaluation

An unusual peripheral osteoma o ...

An osteoma, a slow-growing benign osseous neoplasm of the bone, is characterized by a proliferation of osteoblasts that form bone trabeculae in the ...

283.66 KB
Magnetic resonance imaging-based differentiation  between juvenile recurrent parotitis and juvenile  Sjo¨gren’s syndrome

Magnetic resonance imaging-base ...

Differentiation between juvenile recurrent parotitis and juvenile Sjo¨gren’s syndrome may be difficult on the basis of clinical symptoms and imaging ...

467.00 KB
Combined craniofacial approach for the removal of a large  trigeminal schwannoma invading the infratemporal fossa

Combined craniofacial approach ...

Background Trigeminal schwannomas are rare tumours accounting for 0.07–0.36% of all intracranial tumours and 0.8–8% of intracranial schwannomas. Sym ...

480.00 KB
Difficulties in the diagnosis of plexiform ameloblastoma

Difficulties in the diagnosis o ...

Background Plexiform ameloblastoma is a rare and benign odontogenic tumor which may reach grotesque proportions affecting over a region of lower mol ...

352.40 KB
Management of parapharyngeal giant pleomorphic adenoma

Management of parapharyngeal gi ...

Introduction Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is found rarely in the parapharyngeal space (PPS). Because of late diagnosis due to slow growth, close proximi ...

464.93 KB
Comparison of onset and duration of action of soft tissue  and pulpal anesthesia with three volumes of 4% articaine  with 1:100,000 epinephrine in maxillary infiltration anesthesia

Comparison of onset and duratio ...

Purpose This randomized double-blind investigation was conducted to compare the onset and duration of action of soft tissue and pulpal anesthesia wi ...

184.77 KB
Factors influencing the incidence of maxillofacial fractures

Factors influencing the inciden ...

Purpose Maxillofacial injuries occur in a significant proportion of trauma patients. Trauma causes considerable economic expense due to procedural c ...

289.24 KB
In vitro biomechanical evaluation of the effect  of an additional L-shaped plate on straight or box plate  fixation in sagittal split ramus osteotomy using  a bioabsorbable plate system

In vitro biomechanical evaluati ...

Purpose Relapse caused by clockwise (opening) rotation of the distal segment (dentate segment) in the sagittal plane is one of the postoperative com ...

732.68 KB
Maxillary cementoblastoma—a rarity

Maxillary cementoblastoma—a rar ...

Background This paper highlights the unusual and rare presentation of a cementoblastoma in the maxilla. It also discusses a review on this odontogen ...

249.41 KB
Resection of a primary oral malignant melanoma  and rehabilitative management using nasolabial flap:  a case report

Resection of a primary oral mal ...

Background The primary malignant melanoma is a rare neoplasm of melanocytic origin in the oral cavity. Only about 1% of all melanomas arise in the o ...

379.07 KB
Comprehensive management of a rare carcinoma ex pleomorphic  adenoma of the lacrimal gland with a modified lateral  orbitotomy access osteotomy. A case report

Comprehensive management of a r ...

Background Complete management of extraconal ocular tumors may require the joint efforts of a maxillofacial surgeon to provide access and an ophthal ...

391.07 KB
Multinodular neck recurrence of parotid gland pleomorphic  adenoma: a case report

Multinodular neck recurrence of ...

Background Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common neoplasm of the parotid gland. It is a benign tumor composed of epithelial and myoepithelial cells ...

285.19 KB
Basal cell carcinoma arising in association with a maxillary  keratocyst in a patient with Gorlin–Goltz syndrome.  Report of a case

Basal cell carcinoma arising in ...

Introduction Gorlin–Goltz syndrome, also known as nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, is an autosomal dominant inherited disorder which is charact ...

441.50 KB
Maxillofacial injuries in western Iran: a prospective study

Maxillofacial injuries in weste ...

Introduction Although the epidemiology of facial injuries has been studied in many populations, there is a paucity of information in the literature ...

168.00 KB
