# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Factors affecting brain structure in men with HIV disease in the post-HAART era
397.44 KB 70 0
CT angiography helps to differentiate acute from chronic carotid occlusion: the “carotid ring sign”
389.98 KB 65 0
Diffuse vascular injury: convergent-type hemorrhage in the supratentorial white matter on susceptibility-weighted image in cases of severe traumatic brain damage
408.14 KB 72 0
Diffusion-weighted imaging findings in brain death
319.89 KB 80 0
F-18 FDG PET-CT for predicting survival in patients with recurrent glioma: a prospective study
313.50 KB 73 0
Brain atrophy and lesion load are related to CSF lipid-specific IgM oligoclonal bands in clinically isolated syndromes
176.75 KB 77 0
Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity in the corpus callosum of patients with multiple sclerosis: the effect of physiotherapy
452.24 KB 79 1
Intra-arterial adjuvant tirofiban after unsuccessful intra-arterial thrombolysis of acute ischemic stroke: preliminary experience in 16 patients
268.44 KB 66 0
Quantitative multivoxel proton MR spectroscopy study of brain metabolites in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a pilot study
338.03 KB 69 0
Carotid–anterior cerebral artery anastomosis on MR angiography: a university hospital-based study
305.80 KB 67 0
Aberrant course of the intracranial facial nerve in cases of atresia of the internal auditory canal (IAC)
349.09 KB 73 0
Lymphomas and metastases of the extra-ocular musculature
735.60 KB 82 0
Endovascular embolization for symptomatic perimedullary AVF and intramedullary AVM: a series and a literature review
338.33 KB 65 0
Changes in susceptibility signs on serial T2*-weighted single-shot echo-planar gradient-echo images in acute embolic infarction: comparison with recanalization status on 3D time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography
528.05 KB 68 0
Selective inferior petrosal sinus sampling without venous outflow diversion in the detection of a pituitary adenoma in Cushing’s syndrome
312.51 KB 70 0
CTand MR perfusion can discriminate severe cerebral hypoperfusion from perfusion absence: evaluation of different commercial software packages by using digital phantoms
804.43 KB 66 0
Primary angioplasty for a subtype of symptomatic middle cerebral artery stenosis
333.28 KB 69 0
High-resolution 3D X-ray imaging of intracranial nitinol stents
467.67 KB 69 0
Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation: combined transvenous and transarterial method using a “kissing microcatheter technique”
497.96 KB 75 0
Alteration of brain viscoelasticity after shunt treatment in normal pressure hydrocephalus
667.76 KB 73 0
PWI-MRI and contrast extravasation in brain AVM help to estimate angiogenic activity
489.37 KB 72 0
Intravenous flat-detector CT angiography in acute ischemic stroke management
369.22 KB 63 0
Perfusion-CT guided intravenous thrombolysis in patients with unknown-onset stroke: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot feasibility trial
342.94 KB 65 0
A tomographic study of the skull base in primary spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leaks
358.10 KB 83 0
An in vitro study of silk stent morphology
789.05 KB 66 0
Factors affecting brain structure in men with HIV disease  in the post-HAART era

Factors affecting brain structu ...

Introduction The purpose of this study was to characterize brain volumetric differences in HIV seropositive and seronegative men and to determine ef ...

397.44 KB
CT angiography helps to differentiate acute from chronic  carotid occlusion: the “carotid ring sign”

CT angiography helps to differe ...

Introduction Currently, there is no reliable method to differentiate acute from chronic carotid occlusion. We propose a novel CTA-based method to di ...

389.98 KB
Diffuse vascular injury: convergent-type hemorrhage  in the supratentorial white matter on susceptibility-weighted  image in cases of severe traumatic brain damage

Diffuse vascular injury: conver ...

Introduction Susceptibility-weighted image (SWI) is one of the most sensitive methods for detect microbleeding and useful for evaluation of traumati ...

408.14 KB
Diffusion-weighted imaging findings in brain death

Diffusion-weighted imaging find ...

Introduction The purpose of the present study was to determine the role of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and to investigate the use of DWI in the ...

319.89 KB
F-18 FDG PET-CT for predicting survival in patients  with recurrent glioma: a prospective study

F-18 FDG PET-CT for predicting ...

Introduction Recurrent gliomas are usually histologically high grade; either due to recurrence of a de novo high-grade primary or anaplastic transfo ...

313.50 KB
Brain atrophy and lesion load are related to CSF  lipid-specific IgM oligoclonal bands in clinically isolated  syndromes

Brain atrophy and lesion load a ...

Introduction The objective of this work is to study the relationship between the presence of lipid-specific oligoclonal IgM bands (LS-OCMB) in CSF, ...

176.75 KB
Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity in the corpus  callosum of patients with multiple sclerosis: the effect  of physiotherapy

Fractional anisotropy and mean ...

Introduction Modulation of neurodegeneration by physical activity is an active topic in contemporary research. The purpose of this study was to inve ...

دانلود 1
452.24 KB
Intra-arterial adjuvant tirofiban after unsuccessful  intra-arterial thrombolysis of acute ischemic stroke:  preliminary experience in 16 patients

Intra-arterial adjuvant tirofib ...

Introduction Intra-arterial (IA) thrombolysis with plasminogen activator is well-known, but the use of IA tirofiban as an adjuvant for IA thrombolys ...

268.44 KB
Quantitative multivoxel proton MR spectroscopy study  of brain metabolites in patients with amnestic mild cognitive  impairment: a pilot study

Quantitative multivoxel proton ...

Introduction The purpose of this study is to investigate brain metabolic changes in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) using mu ...

338.03 KB
Carotid–anterior cerebral artery anastomosis on MR  angiography: a university hospital-based study

Carotid–anterior cerebral arter ...

Introduction Rarely in the anterior circulation, an anastomosis of the carotid and anterior cerebral arteries occurs when an anomalous branch arises ...

305.80 KB
Aberrant course of the intracranial facial nerve in cases  of atresia of the internal auditory canal (IAC)

Aberrant course of the intracra ...

Introduction The aim of this study is to describe the morphology of the rare malformation that is atresia of the internal auditory canal (IAC) and d ...

349.09 KB
Lymphomas and metastases of the extra-ocular musculature

Lymphomas and metastases of the ...

Introduction The involvement of extra-ocular muscles in malignant diseases has been described only sporadically. The purpose of this study was to es ...

735.60 KB
Endovascular embolization for symptomatic perimedullary  AVF and intramedullary AVM: a series  and a literature review

Endovascular embolization for s ...

Introduction Perimedullary arteriovenous fistula (AVF) has shunt on the spinal cord surface and it can be treated with surgery, or endovascular embo ...

338.33 KB
Changes in susceptibility signs on serial T2*-weighted  single-shot echo-planar gradient-echo images in acute  embolic infarction: comparison with recanalization status  on 3D time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography

Changes in susceptibility signs ...

Introduction The present study compares changes in susceptibility signs on follow-up single-shot echo-planar gradient-echo T2*-weighted images (GRE- ...

528.05 KB
Selective inferior petrosal sinus sampling without venous  outflow diversion in the detection of a pituitary adenoma  in Cushing’s syndrome

Selective inferior petrosal sin ...

Introduction Conventional MRI may still be an inaccurate method for the non-invasive detection of a microadenoma in adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-depen ...

312.51 KB
CTand MR perfusion can discriminate severe cerebral  hypoperfusion from perfusion absence: evaluation  of different commercial software packages  by using digital phantoms

CTand MR perfusion can discrimi ...

Introduction Computed tomography perfusion (CTP) and magnetic resonance perfusion (MRP) are expected to be usable for ancillary tests of brain death ...

804.43 KB
Primary angioplasty for a subtype of symptomatic middle  cerebral artery stenosis

Primary angioplasty for a subty ...

Introduction The purpose of this study was to assess the long-term efficacy of middle cerebral artery revascularisation by primary balloon angioplas ...

333.28 KB
High-resolution 3D X-ray imaging of intracranial  nitinol stents

High-resolution 3D X-ray imagin ...

Introduction To assess an optimized 3D imaging protocol for intracranial nitinol stents in 3D C-arm flat detector imaging. For this purpose, an imag ...

467.67 KB
Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation: combined  transvenous and transarterial method  using a “kissing microcatheter technique”

Vein of Galen aneurysmal malfor ...

Introduction Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation (VGAM) is a severe pediatric neurovascular disease. Children often present with congestive heart ...

497.96 KB
Alteration of brain viscoelasticity after shunt treatment  in normal pressure hydrocephalus

Alteration of brain viscoelasti ...

Introduction Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) represents a chronic neurological disorder with increasing incidence. The symptoms of NPH may be re ...

667.76 KB
PWI-MRI and contrast extravasation in brain AVM help  to estimate angiogenic activity

PWI-MRI and contrast extravasat ...

Introduction The aim of this study is to investigate perfusion characteristics of brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM) by means of MRI perfusion-w ...

489.37 KB
Intravenous flat-detector CT angiography in acute ischemic  stroke management

Intravenous flat-detector CT an ...

Introduction In the settings of stroke, a non-invasive highresolution imaging modality to visualize the arterial intracranial circulation in the int ...

369.22 KB
Perfusion-CT guided intravenous thrombolysis in patients  with unknown-onset stroke: a randomized, double-blind,  placebo-controlled, pilot feasibility trial

Perfusion-CT guided intravenous ...

Introduction Patients with unknown stroke onset are generally excluded from acute recanalisation treatments. We designed a pilot study to assess fea ...

342.94 KB
A tomographic study of the skull base in primary  spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leaks

A tomographic study of the skul ...

Introduction This study aims to evaluate the existence of anatomic abnormalities in the skull base that could contribute to the origin of primary sp ...

358.10 KB
An in vitro study of silk stent morphology

An in vitro study of silk stent ...

Introduction Morphology of the Silk stent (Balt, Montmorency, France) after deployment is not fully understood, especially in tortuous vessels. An i ...

789.05 KB
