# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Vertebral artery variations at the C1–2 level diagnosed by magnetic resonance angiography
271.45 KB 64 0
The use of 4D-CTA in the diagnostic work-up of brain arteriovenous malformations
558.87 KB 64 0
Social factors influencing hospital arrival time in acute ischemic stroke patients
139.34 KB 72 0
Perfusion-weighted MR imaging in persistent hemiplegic migraine
487.63 KB 74 0
Diffusion-weighted imaging in acute demyelinating myelopathy
207.11 KB 97 0
DTI studies in patients with Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, or normal cognition with evaluation of the intrinsic background gradients
430.91 KB 64 0
Progressive decline in fractional anisotropy on serial DTI examinations of the corpus callosum: a putative marker of disease activity and progression in SPMS
418.12 KB 68 0
Assessment of pituitary adenoma volumetric change using longitudinal MR image registration
394.40 KB 86 0
Osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures augmentation by injectable partly resorbable ceramic bone substitute (Cerament™|SPINE SUPPORT): a prospective nonrandomized study
340.48 KB 76 0
A blood pool contrast aided T1 functional MRI in patients with brain tumors—a preliminary study
397.60 KB 62 0
MR imaging of hydrogel filament embolic devices loaded with superparamagnetic iron oxide or gadolinium
383.79 KB 77 0
Comparing different MR angiography strategies of carotid stents in a vascular flow model: toward stent-specific recommendations in MR follow-up
257.55 KB 75 0
Combined interventional stroke therapy using intracranial stent and local intraarterial thrombolysis (LIT)
441.90 KB 62 0
Proton MR spectroscopic imaging of basal ganglia and thalamus in neurofibromatosis type 1: correlation with T2 hyperintensities
289.77 KB 101 0
Early fatal hemorrhage after endovascular cerebral aneurysm treatment with a flow diverter (SILK-Stent) Do we need to rethink our concepts?
241.25 KB 79 0
Quantification of recurrence volumes after endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysm as surrogate endpoint for treatment stability
207.24 KB 177 0
Differentiation between benign and malignant orbital tumors at 3-T diffusion MR-imaging
265.44 KB 85 0
Measurements of diagnostic examination performance and correlation analysis using microvascular leakage, cerebral blood volume, and blood flow derived from 3T dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced perfusion MR imaging in glial tumor grading
1.29 MB 96 0
Endovascular coil embolization of very small intracranial aneurysms
364.97 KB 56 0
The effect of stents on intra-aneurysmal hemodynamics: in vitro evaluation of a pulsatile sidewall aneurysm using laser Doppler anemometry
380.12 KB 80 0
Effects of Ginkgo biloba on cerebral blood flow assessed by quantitative MR perfusion imaging: a pilot study
408.39 KB 75 0
Use of wire as a snare for endovascular retrieval of displaced or stretched coils: rescue from a technical complication
310.77 KB 81 0
Diffusion tensor MR imaging (DTI) metrics in the cervical spinal cord in asymptomatic HIV-positive patients
316.79 KB 74 0
Increased cerebellar volume in the early stage of fucosidosis: a case control study
368.44 KB 105 0
Using CT perfusion during the early baseline period in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage to assess for development of vasospasm
652.30 KB 71 0
Vertebral artery variations at the C1–2 level diagnosed  by magnetic resonance angiography

Vertebral artery variations at ...

Introduction The craniovertebral junction is clinically important. The vertebral artery (VA) in its several variations runs within this area. We rep ...

271.45 KB
The use of 4D-CTA in the diagnostic work-up of brain  arteriovenous malformations

The use of 4D-CTA in the diagno ...

Introduction We aimed to evaluate the use of time-resolved whole-head CT angiography (4D-CTA) in patients with an untreated arteriovenous malformati ...

558.87 KB
Social factors influencing hospital arrival time in acute  ischemic stroke patients

Social factors influencing hosp ...

Introduction This is a multi-center, hospital-based study aiming to estimate social factors influencing pre-hospital times of arrival in acute ische ...

139.34 KB
Perfusion-weighted MR imaging in persistent  hemiplegic migraine

Perfusion-weighted MR imaging i ...

Introduction Hemiplegic migraine is a rare type of migraine that has an aura characterized by the presence of motor weakness, which may occasionally ...

487.63 KB
Diffusion-weighted imaging in acute demyelinating myelopathy

Diffusion-weighted imaging in a ...

Introduction Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) has become a reference MRI technique for the evaluation of neurological disorders. Few publications ha ...

207.11 KB
DTI studies in patients with Alzheimer's disease,  mild cognitive impairment, or normal cognition  with evaluation of the intrinsic background gradients

DTI studies in patients with Al ...

Introduction The objective of the study was to explore the impact of the background gradients on diffusion tensor (DT) magnetic resonance imaging (D ...

430.91 KB
Progressive decline in fractional anisotropy on serial DTI  examinations of the corpus callosum: a putative marker  of disease activity and progression in SPMS

Progressive decline in fraction ...

Introduction Clinical trials of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) is lacking reliable biomarkers or outcome measures that reflect tiss ...

418.12 KB
Assessment of pituitary adenoma volumetric change using  longitudinal MR image registration

Assessment of pituitary adenoma ...

Introduction Change detection is a crucial factor in monitoring of slowly evolving pathologies. The objective of the study was to test a semi-automa ...

394.40 KB
Osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures augmentation  by injectable partly resorbable ceramic bone substitute  (Cerament™|SPINE SUPPORT): a prospective  nonrandomized study

Osteoporotic vertebral compress ...

Introduction The aim of this study is to evaluate the longterm stabilizing–healing effectiveness and influence on adjacent intact vertebral bodies o ...

340.48 KB
A blood pool contrast aided T1 functional MRI in patients  with brain tumors—a preliminary study

A blood pool contrast aided T1 ...

Introduction The aim of our study was to determine the possibility of using a new functional technique: a T1- dependent sequence with administration ...

397.60 KB
MR imaging of hydrogel filament embolic devices loaded  with superparamagnetic iron oxide or gadolinium

MR imaging of hydrogel filament ...

Introduction We evaluated hydrogel filaments loaded with barium sulphate and either gadolinium or superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) in an effort t ...

383.79 KB
Comparing different MR angiography strategies of carotid  stents in a vascular flow model: toward stent-specific  recommendations in MR follow-up

Comparing different MR angiogra ...

Introduction Carotid artery stenting (CAS) requires adequate follow-up imaging to assess complications such as in-stent stenosis or occlusion. Optio ...

257.55 KB
Combined interventional stroke therapy using intracranial  stent and local intraarterial thrombolysis (LIT)

Combined interventional stroke ...

Introduction Supported by results of the ECASS III study, intravenous rt-PA thrombolysis is considered a standard therapy for acute stroke within 4. ...

441.90 KB
Proton MR spectroscopic imaging of basal ganglia  and thalamus in neurofibromatosis type 1: correlation  with T2 hyperintensities

Proton MR spectroscopic imaging ...

Introduction Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is frequently associated with hyperintense lesions on T2-weighted images called “unidentified bright obj ...

289.77 KB
Early fatal hemorrhage after endovascular cerebral  aneurysm treatment with a flow diverter (SILK-Stent)  Do we need to rethink our concepts?

Early fatal hemorrhage after en ...

A 69-year-old woman presenting with short lasting recent episodes of visual impairment was treated uneventfully with a flow diverter covering the ne ...

241.25 KB
Quantification of recurrence volumes after endovascular  treatment of cerebral aneurysm as surrogate endpoint  for treatment stability

Quantification of recurrence vo ...

Introduction New coils with unproven clinical benefit enlarge the armamentarium for endovascular aneurysm treatment continuously. Large patient numb ...

207.24 KB
Differentiation between benign and malignant orbital tumors  at 3-T diffusion MR-imaging

Differentiation between benign ...

Introduction To differentiate between malignant and benign orbital tumors at 3-T diffusion MR imaging. Methods A retrospective study was conducted o ...

265.44 KB
Measurements of diagnostic examination performance  and correlation analysis using microvascular leakage,  cerebral blood volume, and blood flow derived from 3T  dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced  perfusion MR imaging in glial tumor grading

Measurements of diagnostic exam ...

Introduction To assess the diagnostic accuracy of microvascular leakage (MVL), cerebral blood volume (CBV) and blood flow (CBF) values derived from ...

1.29 MB
Endovascular coil embolization of very small intracranial  aneurysms

Endovascular coil embolization ...

Introduction Endovascular coil embolization of very small (maximum dome diameter .3 mm) aneurysms is controversial because of a high risk for proced ...

364.97 KB
The effect of stents on intra-aneurysmal hemodynamics:  in vitro evaluation of a pulsatile sidewall aneurysm  using laser Doppler anemometry

The effect of stents on intra-a ...

Introduction Hemodynamic modification by means of flow diversion is increasingly used for treatment of intracranial aneurysms. Despite of promising ...

380.12 KB
Effects of Ginkgo biloba on cerebral blood flow assessed  by quantitative MR perfusion imaging: a pilot study

Effects of Ginkgo biloba on cer ...

Introduction Extract of Ginkgo biloba (EGb), a dietary supplement used for a number of conditions including dementia, has been suggested to increase ...

408.39 KB
Use of wire as a snare for endovascular retrieval of displaced  or stretched coils: rescue from a technical complication

Use of wire as a snare for endo ...

Introduction The displacement or stretching of coils during coiling of cerebral aneurysms is not an unusual technical complication, thus causing pot ...

310.77 KB
Diffusion tensor MR imaging (DTI) metrics in the cervical  spinal cord in asymptomatic HIV-positive patients

Diffusion tensor MR imaging (DT ...

Introduction This study was conducted to compare diffusion tensor MR imaging (DTI) metrics of the cervical spinal cord in asymptomatic human immunod ...

316.79 KB
Increased cerebellar volume in the early stage of fucosidosis:  a case control study

Increased cerebellar volume in ...

Introduction Yet unreported in this lysosomal storage disease, we aimed to quantify our observation that patients with fucosidosis may show abnormal ...

368.44 KB
Using CT perfusion during the early baseline period  in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage to assess  for development of vasospasm

Using CT perfusion during the e ...

Introduction The aim of this study is to evaluate computed tomography perfusion (CTP) during admission baseline period (days 0–3) in aneurysmal suba ...

652.30 KB
