# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Sleep paralysis in narcolepsy: more than just a motor dissociative phenomenon?
294.03 KB 72 0
Basilar artery occlusion in migraine-like headache: a possible triggering effect of sumatriptan
214.20 KB 77 0
Isolated hypalgesia in ipsilateral face without hearing disorders: a variant of AICA infarction
305.00 KB 74 0
Microglial activation during acute cerebral infarction in the presence of diabetes mellitus
223.70 KB 75 0
Section of the filum terminale: is it worthwhile in Chiari type I malformation?
132.20 KB 90 0 2.0
Obsessive–compulsive disorder: a new risk factor for Alzheimer disease?
192.29 KB 74 0
Pyogenic abscess from Providencia stuartii mimicking necrotic tumour at perfusion-weighted imaging
301.76 KB 76 0
Multiple intracranial capillary hemangiomas and transient cerebrovascular insufficiency
440.17 KB 70 0
Acute encephalopathy associated with Campylobacter jejuni enteritis
169.35 KB 83 1
Cognitive impairment and event-related potentials in paediatric multiple sclerosis: 2-year study
268.12 KB 90 0
Can interaction between atrial septal abnormalities and genetic prothrombotic polymorphisms play a role in cryptogenic ischemic stroke? Description of a family
140.50 KB 73 0
A progranulin mutation associated with cortico-basal syndrome in an Italian family expressing different phenotypes of fronto-temporal lobar degeneration
1.13 MB 104 1
Effects of inducible nitric oxide synthase blockade within the periaqueductal gray on cardiovascular responses during mechanical, heat, and cold nociception
319.87 KB 103 0
Continuous involuntary hand movements and schizencephaly: epilepsia partialis continua or dystonia?
571.96 KB 60 0
Dissecting aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery treated with heparin infusion in a 6-year-old child; neurological recovery with delayed spontaneous thrombosis: case illustration and literature review
242.99 KB 158 0
Effects of conjugated linoleic acid on cleavage of amyloid precursor protein via PPARc
342.95 KB 78 0
Diagnostic difficulties with central nervous system actinomycosis
195.51 KB 74 1
Unusual segmental narrowing of spinal cord responsible for child paraparesis
176.03 KB 74 0
Detection of mumps virus RNA in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with neuromyelitis optica
184.56 KB 83 0
A fatal case of Churg–Strauss syndrome presenting with acute polyneuropathy mimicking Guillain–Barre´ syndrome
178.21 KB 67 0
Memantine effects on behaviour in moderately severe to severe Alzheimer’s disease: a post-marketing surveillance study
221.68 KB 70 0
Stroke secondary to aortic dissection treated with a thrombolytic: a successful case
263.06 KB 74 1
Intractable focal epilepsy contralateral to the side of facial atrophy in Parry–Romberg syndrome
966.42 KB 79 0
Evidence of diffuse damage in frontal and occipital cortex in the brain of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder
369.14 KB 81 0
Meningitis associated with bilateral optic papillitis following Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection
328.51 KB 73 0
Sleep paralysis in narcolepsy: more than just a motor dissociative  phenomenon?

Sleep paralysis in narcolepsy: ...

Sleep paralyses are viewed as pure motor phenomena featured by a dissociated state in which REMrelated muscle atonia coexists with a wakefulness sta ...

294.03 KB
Basilar artery occlusion in migraine-like headache:  a possible triggering effect of sumatriptan

Basilar artery occlusion in mig ...

Headache is a common symptom at the onset of acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease. Simultaneous development of migraine-like headache and stroke i ...

214.20 KB
Isolated hypalgesia in ipsilateral face without hearing disorders:  a variant of AICA infarction

Isolated hypalgesia in ipsilate ...

We reported a 78-year-old woman who had a sudden-onset episode of vertigo, nausea and vomiting. Half an hour later, she felt right hemiataxia, and t ...

305.00 KB
Microglial activation during acute cerebral infarction  in the presence of diabetes mellitus

Microglial activation during ac ...

The patients suffering from acute cerebral infarction in the presence of diabetes mellitus (DMCI) often have poor clinical outcomes when compared wi ...

223.70 KB
Section of the filum terminale: is it worthwhile in Chiari type I  malformation?

Section of the filum terminale: ...

A section of the filum terminale (SFT) is used for the surgical treatment of isolated tethered cord or that resulting from neurulation disorders. Mo ...

132.20 KB
Obsessive–compulsive disorder: a new risk factor for Alzheimer  disease?

Obsessive–compulsive disorder: ...

We describe a case of a 75-year-old woman referred to the Memory Clinic of the neurological Department of Charles Nicolle Hospital, Tunis, for cogni ...

192.29 KB
Pyogenic abscess from Providencia stuartii mimicking necrotic  tumour at perfusion-weighted imaging

Pyogenic abscess from Providenc ...

The purpose of this case report is to increase the knowledge about magnetic resonance spectrum of pyogenic abscesses of the brain. A 74-year-old wom ...

301.76 KB
Multiple intracranial capillary hemangiomas and transient  cerebrovascular insufficiency

Multiple intracranial capillary ...

Hemangiomas constitute a heterogeneous group of benign vascular proliferations of skin and mucous membranes and very rarely known to develop in the ...

440.17 KB
Acute encephalopathy associated with Campylobacter jejuni  enteritis

Acute encephalopathy associated ...

We present for the first time a case of acute encephalopathy in an adult patient induced by Campylobacter jejuni enteritis. Possible pathogenic mech ...

دانلود 1
169.35 KB
Cognitive impairment and event-related potentials in paediatric  multiple sclerosis: 2-year study

Cognitive impairment and event- ...

Approximately, 3–10% of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) present a disease onset before the age of 18 years. Although growing attention is dedi ...

268.12 KB
Can interaction between atrial septal abnormalities and genetic  prothrombotic polymorphisms play a role in cryptogenic ischemic  stroke? Description of a family

Can interaction between atrial ...

Ischemic stroke is a complex multifactorial disorder whose incidence increases as a function of the number of inherited and acquired risk factors. I ...

140.50 KB
A progranulin mutation associated with cortico-basal syndrome  in an Italian family expressing different phenotypes  of fronto-temporal lobar degeneration

A progranulin mutation associat ...

Cortico-basal syndrome (CBS) is a rare neurodegenerative disease characterised by movement and cognitive disorders. It occurs along the spectrum of ...

دانلود 1
1.13 MB
Effects of inducible nitric oxide synthase blockade  within the periaqueductal gray on cardiovascular  responses during mechanical, heat, and cold nociception

Effects of inducible nitric oxi ...

We have examined the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) within the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray mater (dlPAG) on cardiovascular resp ...

319.87 KB
Continuous involuntary hand movements and schizencephaly:  epilepsia partialis continua or dystonia?

Continuous involuntary hand mov ...

Schizencephaly is regarded as a malformation of cortical development (due to abnormal neuronal organization) and may be associated with continuous i ...

571.96 KB
Dissecting aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery treated  with heparin infusion in a 6-year-old child; neurological  recovery with delayed spontaneous thrombosis:  case illustration and literature review

Dissecting aneurysm of the midd ...

Aneurysms in the pediatric population are a rare pathology with specific features which requires a deep knowledge of their pathogenesis for the best ...

242.99 KB
Effects of conjugated linoleic acid on cleavage of amyloid  precursor protein via PPARc

Effects of conjugated linoleic ...

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) plays important roles in physiological conditions. The aim of present study was to explore the effects of CLA on the ...

342.95 KB
Diagnostic difficulties with central nervous system actinomycosis

Diagnostic difficulties with ce ...

When faced with expanding brain lesions of unknown origin showing a ring-shaped enhancement on post-contrast imaging, we use definite criteria to di ...

دانلود 1
195.51 KB
Unusual segmental narrowing of spinal cord responsible  for child paraparesis

Unusual segmental narrowing of ...

We describe a 7-year-old girl with spastic paraparesis. Her clinical condition was due to a unusual segmental thoracic narrowing of spinal cord. We ...

176.03 KB
Detection of mumps virus RNA in cerebrospinal fluid of patients  with neuromyelitis optica

Detection of mumps virus RNA in ...

Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is an acute inflammatory disease that preferentially involves the optic nerves and spinal cord. Although many infectious ...

184.56 KB
A fatal case of Churg–Strauss syndrome presenting with acute  polyneuropathy mimicking Guillain–Barre´ syndrome

A fatal case of Churg–Strauss s ...

A 64-year-old woman, with asthma and sinusal polyposis in her history, suddenly developed a painful polyneuropathy with diplopia. Nerve conduction s ...

178.21 KB
Memantine effects on behaviour in moderately severe to severe  Alzheimer’s disease: a post-marketing surveillance study

Memantine effects on behaviour ...

The aim of this study is to evaluate memantine effectiveness on behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in clinical practice and t ...

221.68 KB
Stroke secondary to aortic dissection treated with a thrombolytic:  a successful case

Stroke secondary to aortic diss ...

Aortic dissection is a life-threatening emergency and can present neurological symptoms, mainly associated with a stroke. This represents a challeng ...

دانلود 1
263.06 KB
Intractable focal epilepsy contralateral to the side of facial  atrophy in Parry–Romberg syndrome

Intractable focal epilepsy cont ...

We report an unusual case of Parry–Romberg syndrome in which medically refractory focal epilepsy with ongoing epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) aro ...

966.42 KB
Evidence of diffuse damage in frontal and occipital cortex  in the brain of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder

Evidence of diffuse damage in f ...

A number of MRI studies have shown focal or diffuse cortical gray matter (GM) abnormalities in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). ...

369.14 KB
Meningitis associated with bilateral optic papillitis following  Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection

Meningitis associated with bila ...

Mycoplasma pneumoniae (M. pneumoniae) is a frequent cause for human infection, and central nervous system disease associated with M. pneumoniae infe ...

328.51 KB
