# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Effect of laser on TNF-alpha expression in inflamed human gingival tissue
159.06 KB 68 0
Infrared (810-nm) low-level laser therapy on rat experimental knee inflammation
234.44 KB 79 0
Correlation between light transmission and permeability of human dentin
182.89 KB 79 0
Does ultra-pulse CO2 laser reduce the risk of enamel damage during debonding of ceramic brackets?
159.17 KB 92 0
Effects of the Lexington LaserComb on hair regrowth in the C3H/HeJ mouse model of alopecia areata
261.91 KB 69 0
Evaluation of the topographical surface changes and roughness of zirconia after different surface treatments
462.92 KB 72 0
Influence of creatine supplementation on bone quality in the ovariectomized rat model: an FT-Raman spectroscopy study
297.29 KB 65 0
Diode laser (808 nm) applied to oral soft tissue lesions: a retrospective study to assess histopathological diagnosis and evaluate physical damage
354.66 KB 64 0
CO2 laser of oral dysplasia: clinicopathological features of recurrence and malignant transformation
294.67 KB 63 0
Optical absorption and scattering of bovine cornea, lens, and retina in the near-infrared region
514.81 KB 74 0
Histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of new epithelium after removal of oral leukoplakia with Nd: YAG laser treatment
224.24 KB 214 0
Effects of different application durations of scanning laser method on debonding strength of laminate veneers
132.65 KB 73 0
Evaluation of mineral content of dentin treated with desensitizing agents and neodymium yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser
336.64 KB 73 0
Treatment of trichostasis spinulosa with 0.5-millisecond pulsed 755-nm alexandrite laser
244.32 KB 67 0
Prospective clinical evaluation of 201 direct laser metal forming implants: results from a 1-year multicenter study
337.60 KB 66 0
Clinical and microbiological effects of photodynamic therapy associated with nonsurgical periodontal treatment. A 6-month follow-up
158.51 KB 74 0
Influence of low-level laser therapy on wound healing in nicotine-treated animals
699.71 KB 67 0
Histological in vitro evaluation of the effects of Er:YAG laser on oral soft tissues
271.46 KB 76 1
Comparison between laser-induced photoemissions and phototransmission of hard tissues using fibre-coupled Nd:YAG and Er3+-doped fibre lasers
743.95 KB 67 0
Comparison of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser with a chemical vapour deposition bur and conventional techniques for cavity preparation: a microleakage study
240.90 KB 62 0
The effects of low-level laser irradiation on differentiation and proliferation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into neurons and osteoblasts—an in vitro study
535.31 KB 77 0
In vitro inactivation of endodontic pathogens with Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers
343.15 KB 59 0
Phototherapy with low-level laser affects the remodeling of types I and III collagen in skeletal muscle repair
962.05 KB 61 0
Effect of dental surface treatment with Nd:YAG and Er: YAG lasers on bond strength of resin composite to recently bleached enamel
172.08 KB 68 0
Effect of low-level laser therapy after rapid maxillary expansion on proliferation and differentiation of osteoblastic cells
166.21 KB 105 0
Effect of laser on TNF-alpha expression in inflamed human  gingival tissue

Effect of laser on TNF-alpha ex ...

This study sought to evaluate the effect of lowlevel laser treatment combined with scaling and root planing (SRP) on gingival tissue levels of TNF-a ...

159.06 KB
Infrared (810-nm) low-level laser therapy  on rat experimental knee inflammation

Infrared (810-nm) low-level las ...

Arthritis of the knee is the most common type of joint inflammatory disorder and it is associated with pain and inflammation of the joint capsule. F ...

234.44 KB
Correlation between light transmission and permeability  of human dentin

Correlation between light trans ...

The influence of dentin permeability on transdentinal LED light propagation should be evaluated since this kind of phototherapy may further be clini ...

182.89 KB
Does ultra-pulse CO2 laser reduce the risk of enamel damage  during debonding of ceramic brackets?

Does ultra-pulse CO2 laser redu ...

This study seeks to evaluate the enamel surface characteristics of teeth after debonding of ceramic brackets with or without laser light. Eighty pre ...

159.17 KB
Effects of the Lexington LaserComb on hair regrowth  in the C3H/HeJ mouse model of alopecia areata

Effects of the Lexington LaserC ...

Alopecia areata (AA) is a common autoimmune disease that presents with non-scarring alopecia. It is characterized by intra- or peri-follicular lymph ...

261.91 KB
Evaluation of the topographical surface changes  and roughness of zirconia after different surface treatments

Evaluation of the topographical ...

The purpose of this study was to investigate the surface morphology and roughness of zirconia after different surface treatments. Eighty sintered zi ...

462.92 KB
Influence of creatine supplementation on bone quality  in the ovariectomized rat model: an FT-Raman  spectroscopy study

Influence of creatine supplemen ...

The influence of creatine (Cr) supplementation on cortical and trabecular bone from ovariectomized rats was studied using FT-Raman spectroscopy. The ...

297.29 KB
Diode laser (808 nm) applied to oral soft tissue lesions:  a retrospective study to assess histopathological diagnosis  and evaluate physical damage

Diode laser (808 nm) applied to ...

The diode laser is today widely used in oral pathology to excise lesions; however, some controversy surrounds laser surgery, specifically the accura ...

354.66 KB
CO2 laser of oral dysplasia: clinicopathological features  of recurrence and malignant transformation

CO2 laser of oral dysplasia: cl ...

The use of the CO2 laser in the management of oral dysplastic lesions has become a more common practice. Very few studies have evaluated recurrence, ...

294.67 KB
Optical absorption and scattering of bovine cornea, lens,  and retina in the near-infrared region

Optical absorption and scatteri ...

The optical properties of bovine ocular tissues have been determined at laser wavelengths in the nearinfrared (NIR) region. The inverse adding doubl ...

514.81 KB
Histological and immunohistochemical evaluation  of new epithelium after removal of oral leukoplakia with Nd:  YAG laser treatment

Histological and immunohistoche ...

Laser excision has been used with increasing success to treat oral leukoplakia. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether clinical healin ...

224.24 KB
Effects of different application durations of scanning laser  method on debonding strength of laminate veneers

Effects of different applicatio ...

Porcelain laminate veneers as esthetic and minimally invasive restorations are being used as an alternative to full veneer crowns. However, the remo ...

132.65 KB
Evaluation of mineral content of dentin treated  with desensitizing agents and neodymium  yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser

Evaluation of mineral content o ...

The aim of this study was to evaluate the mineral content of dentin prepared using three different desensitizing agents and the Nd:YAG laser. The oc ...

336.64 KB
Treatment of trichostasis spinulosa with 0.5-millisecond  pulsed 755-nm alexandrite laser

Treatment of trichostasis spinu ...

Trichostasis spinulosa (TS) is a follicular disorder in which multiple hairs in a keratinous sheath project above the skin surface. Current treatmen ...

244.32 KB
Prospective clinical evaluation of 201 direct laser metal  forming implants: results from a 1-year multicenter study

Prospective clinical evaluation ...

This prospective clinical study evaluated the survival rate and the implant-crown success of 201 direct laser metal forming (DLMF) implants in diffe ...

337.60 KB
Clinical and microbiological effects of photodynamic therapy  associated with nonsurgical periodontal treatment.  A 6-month follow-up

Clinical and microbiological ef ...

Experimental studies in animals and in vitro have shown the usefulness of photodynamic therapy (PDT) as an adjunct to periodontal treatment. The aim ...

158.51 KB
Influence of low-level laser therapy on wound healing  in nicotine-treated animals

Influence of low-level laser th ...

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been shown to have several biological effects that favor the healing process, and nicotine has been shown to dela ...

699.71 KB
Histological in vitro evaluation of the effects of Er:YAG laser  on oral soft tissues

Histological in vitro evaluatio ...

In oral pathology, laser devices can provide important advantages, especially in the treatment of certain lesions. However, there is controversy abo ...

دانلود 1
271.46 KB
Comparison between laser-induced photoemissions  and phototransmission of hard tissues using fibre-coupled  Nd:YAG and Er3+-doped fibre lasers

Comparison between laser-induce ...

During pulsed laser irradiation of dental enamel, laser-induced photoemissions result from the laser–tissue interaction through mechanisms including ...

743.95 KB
Comparison of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser with a chemical  vapour deposition bur and conventional techniques  for cavity preparation: a microleakage study

Comparison of the Er,Cr:YSGG la ...

The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser using chemical vapour deposition (CVD) bur cavity preparation with conventi ...

240.90 KB
The effects of low-level laser irradiation on differentiation  and proliferation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem  cells into neurons and osteoblasts—an in vitro study

The effects of low-level laser ...

Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) are promising for use in regenerative medicine. Several studies have shown that low-level laser i ...

535.31 KB
In vitro inactivation of endodontic pathogens with Nd:YAG  and Er:YAG lasers

In vitro inactivation of endodo ...

Both Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers have been suggested as root canal disinfection aids. The aim of this in vitro study is to compare both wavelengths in ...

343.15 KB
Phototherapy with low-level laser affects the remodeling  of types I and III collagen in skeletal muscle repair

Phototherapy with low-level las ...

The purpose of this article was to analyze the photobiomodulator role of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the skeletal muscle remodeling following ...

962.05 KB
Effect of dental surface treatment with Nd:YAG and Er:  YAG lasers on bond strength of resin composite  to recently bleached enamel

Effect of dental surface treatm ...

The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of surface treatment with Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers on resin composite bond strength to recently bleac ...

172.08 KB
Effect of low-level laser therapy after rapid maxillary  expansion on proliferation and differentiation of osteoblastic  cells

Effect of low-level laser thera ...

The aim of this study was to investigate the osteoblastic activity of cells derived from the midpalatal suture upon treatment with low-level laser t ...

166.21 KB
