# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
An in-vitro investigation of skin tissue soldering using gold nanoshells and diode laser
351.39 KB 77 1
The effect of different surface treatments on roughness and bond strength in low fusing ceramics
337.28 KB 80 0
Adjunctive Nd:YAG laser application in chronic periodontitis: clinical, immunological, and microbiological aspects
307.64 KB 69 0
Comparison of effects of diode laser and CO2 laser on human teeth and their usefulness in topical fluoridation
615.44 KB 62 0
Effect of low fluency dentin conditioning on tensile bond strength of composite bonded to Er:YAG laser-prepared dentin: a preliminary study
150.35 KB 59 0
Efficacy of high intensity diode laser as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment: a randomized controlled trial
126.96 KB 66 0
Low-level laser therapy of dentin hypersensitivity: a short-term clinical trial
230.64 KB 72 0
One-year clinical results of Er,Cr:YSGG laser application in addition to scaling and root planing in patients with early to moderate periodontitis
190.82 KB 64 0
Potential of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the rapid identification of carious teeth
245.29 KB 60 1
Modulated photoactivation of composite restoration: measurement of cuspal movement using holographic interferometry
349.57 KB 61 0
Evaluation of carbon dioxide laser irradiation associated with calcium hydroxide in the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. A preliminary study
574.85 KB 64 0
Diode-pumped solid-state laser for bonding orthodontic brackets: effect of light intensity and light-curing time
107.70 KB 87 0
Relationship between laser fluorescence and bacterial invasion in arrested dentinal carious lesions
150.26 KB 65 1
Characterization of dental caries by LIF spectroscopy with 404-nm excitation
180.58 KB 92 0
Performance of laser fluorescence at tooth surface and histological section
326.64 KB 74 0
Effect of sealants on laser fluorescence caries detection in primary teeth
190.82 KB 80 0
Ceramic bracket debonding with ytterbium fiber laser
331.39 KB 161 0
Influence of the parameters of the Er:YAG laser on the apical sealing of apicectomized teeth
274.61 KB 65 0
Shear strength of the bond to primary dentin: influence of Er:YAG laser irradiation distance
111.73 KB 63 0
Microleakage of repaired class V silorane and nano-hybrid composite restorations after preparation with erbium:yttrium–aluminum–garnet laser and diamond bur
508.15 KB 100 0
Effects of laser and acid etching and air abrasion on mineral content of dentin
368.71 KB 104 0
Low-level laser therapy supported teeth extractions of two patients receiving IV zolendronate
382.73 KB 109 0
Sealing ability of retrofilling materials following various root-end cavity preparation techniques
111.83 KB 90 0
Comparing the reliability of a new fluorescence camera with conventional laser fluorescence devices in detecting caries lesions in occlusal and smooth surfaces of primary teeth
123.42 KB 169 0
Influence of different power outputs of erbium, chromium: yttrium–scandium–gallium–garnet laser and acid etching on shear bond strengths of a dual-cure resin cement to enamel
584.00 KB 95 0
An in-vitro investigation of skin tissue soldering using gold  nanoshells and diode laser

An in-vitro investigation of sk ...

Gold-coated silica core nanoparticles have an optical response dictated by the plasmon resonance (PR). The wavelength at which the resonance occurs ...

دانلود 1
351.39 KB
The effect of different surface treatments on roughness  and bond strength in low fusing ceramics

The effect of different surface ...

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different surface treatments (air abrasion, acid etching, and laser irradiation) on the surfa ...

337.28 KB
Adjunctive Nd:YAG laser application  in chronic periodontitis: clinical, immunological,  and microbiological aspects

Adjunctive Nd:YAG laser applica ...

In recent years, the use of laser radiation has been investigated as an alternative or adjunctive tool to conventional procedures employed in the tr ...

307.64 KB
Comparison of effects of diode laser and CO2 laser on human  teeth and their usefulness in topical fluoridation

Comparison of effects of diode ...

Various authors have reported more effective fluoridation from the use of lasers combined with topical fluoride than from conventional topical fluor ...

615.44 KB
Effect of low fluency dentin conditioning on tensile bond  strength of composite bonded to Er:YAG laser-prepared  dentin: a preliminary study

Effect of low fluency dentin co ...

Several studies in the literature have previously shown that the bond strength of a composite bonded to dentin is almost equivalent as when dentin i ...

150.35 KB
Efficacy of high intensity diode laser as an adjunct  to non-surgical periodontal treatment: a randomized  controlled trial

Efficacy of high intensity diod ...

The high intensity diode laser has been studied in periodontics for the reduction of subgingival bacteria in non-surgical treatment. Our study evalu ...

126.96 KB
Low-level laser therapy of dentin hypersensitivity:  a short-term clinical trial

Low-level laser therapy of dent ...

The aim of this study was to evaluate low-level laser therapy in cervical dentin hypersensitivity. A randomized controlled clinical trial was conduc ...

230.64 KB
One-year clinical results of Er,Cr:YSGG laser application  in addition to scaling and root planing in patients with early  to moderate periodontitis

One-year clinical results of Er ...

In 30 patients with periodontitis, a total of 278 teeth exhibiting bleeding on probing, subgingival calculus, and a probing depth between 3–6 mm wer ...

190.82 KB
Potential of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy  for the rapid identification of carious teeth

Potential of laser-induced brea ...

The importance of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for the rapid identification of teeth affected by caries has been demonstrated. The ma ...

دانلود 1
245.29 KB
Modulated photoactivation of composite restoration:  measurement of cuspal movement  using holographic interferometry

Modulated photoactivation of co ...

The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence of modulated photoactivation on cuspal movement. Eight class II MOD composite restorat ...

349.57 KB
Evaluation of carbon dioxide laser irradiation associated  with calcium hydroxide in the treatment of dentinal  hypersensitivity. A preliminary study

Evaluation of carbon dioxide la ...

Attempts have been made to treat dentinal hypersensitivity by sealing exposed dentinal tubules, and the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser has been shown to ...

574.85 KB
Diode-pumped solid-state laser for bonding orthodontic  brackets: effect of light intensity and light-curing time

Diode-pumped solid-state laser ...

This study evaluated the shear bond strength (SBS) of orthodontic brackets bonded to teeth using a diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) laser of 473 nm w ...

107.70 KB
Relationship between laser fluorescence and bacterial  invasion in arrested dentinal carious lesions

Relationship between laser fluo ...

This study investigated the relationship between caries assessment using a laser fluorescence device (DIAGNOdent), and bacterial invasion in arreste ...

دانلود 1
150.26 KB
Characterization of dental caries by LIF spectroscopy  with 404-nm excitation

Characterization of dental cari ...

The potential of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy for the characterization of different stages of dental caries using 404-nm diode lase ...

180.58 KB
Performance of laser fluorescence at tooth surface  and histological section

Performance of laser fluorescen ...

This study aimed to evaluate a laser fluorescence device (the DIAGNOdent) and a visual classification system (ICDAS-II) for occlusal caries diagnosi ...

326.64 KB
Effect of sealants on laser fluorescence caries detection  in primary teeth

Effect of sealants on laser flu ...

The aim of this study was to investigate in vitro the effects of clear or opaque sealants, on the laser fluorescence readings for occlusal caries de ...

190.82 KB
Ceramic bracket debonding with ytterbium fiber laser

Ceramic bracket debonding with ...

Since the early 1990s, lasers have been used experimentally for debonding ceramic brackets. Lasers reduce the required debonding force and risk of e ...

331.39 KB
Influence of the parameters of the Er:YAG laser  on the apical sealing of apicectomized teeth

Influence of the parameters of ...

Failures in the sealing of the tooth apex have been considered to be responsible for most of the failures of apical surgeries. The Er:YAG laser has ...

274.61 KB
Shear strength of the bond to primary dentin: influence  of Er:YAG laser irradiation distance

Shear strength of the bond to p ...

The aim of this study was to assess in vitro the influence of Er:YAG laser irradiation distance on the shear strength of the bond between an adhesiv ...

111.73 KB
Microleakage of repaired class V silorane  and nano-hybrid composite restorations after preparation  with erbium:yttrium–aluminum–garnet laser and diamond bur

Microleakage of repaired class ...

The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the microleakage of repaired class V resin composite restorations prepared either by Er:YAG laser or a ...

508.15 KB
Effects of laser and acid etching and air abrasion on mineral  content of dentin

Effects of laser and acid etchi ...

The aim of this study was to evaluate the mineral content of dentin prepared using an Er,Cr:YSGG laser at four different power settings, acid etchin ...

368.71 KB
Low-level laser therapy supported teeth extractions  of two patients receiving IV zolendronate

Low-level laser therapy support ...

BRONJ (bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of jaws) is a frequently encountered disease, particularly in the maxillofacial region, and a consequenc ...

382.73 KB
Sealing ability of retrofilling materials following various  root-end cavity preparation techniques

Sealing ability of retrofilling ...

The aim of this study is to compare the sealing efficacy of the retrograde cavity preparations prepared and filled with different equipment and mate ...

111.83 KB
Comparing the reliability of a new fluorescence camera  with conventional laser fluorescence devices in detecting  caries lesions in occlusal and smooth surfaces  of primary teeth

Comparing the reliability of a ...

The aims of this in vitro study were (1) to compare the reliability of a new fluorescence camera (FC; VistaProof) with that of two other laser fluor ...

123.42 KB
Influence of different power outputs of erbium, chromium:  yttrium–scandium–gallium–garnet laser and acid etching  on shear bond strengths of a dual-cure resin cement  to enamel

Influence of different power ou ...

The purpose of the study was to determine if the irradiation of enamel with laser of different output powers might be viable alternatives to acid et ...

584.00 KB
