# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Evaluation of the effects of CO2 laser on debonding of orthodontics porcelain brackets vs. the conventional method
219.23 KB 106 0
Argon ion laser curing depth effect on a composite resin
129.44 KB 101 0
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia treated with vascular laser
308.40 KB 74 0
Shear bond strength of bonding to enamel with different laser irradiation distances
599.02 KB 109 0
Gingival curettage study comparing a laser treatment to hand instruments
103.61 KB 200 0
Photopolymerization of a dental nanocomposite as restorative material using the argon laser
372.64 KB 80 0
Intraoral laser welding: ultrastructural and mechanical analysis to compare laboratory laser and dental laser
758.54 KB 106 0
Light-curing of dental resins with GaN violet laser diode: The effect of photoinitiator on mechanical strength
177.44 KB 98 1
In vitro analysis of human tooth pulp chamber temperature after low-intensity laser therapy at different power outputs
239.00 KB 109 0
In situ and in vitro comparison of laser fluorescence with visual inspection in detecting occlusal caries lesions
112.92 KB 119 0
Low-level laser irradiation treatment reduces CCL2 expression in rat rheumatoid synovia via a chemokine signaling pathway
1.26 MB 105 0
Development of a thulium (Tm:YAP) laser system for brain tissue ablation
319.04 KB 102 0
Effectiveness of various thermal ablation techniques for the treatment of nodular thyroid disease—comparison of laser-induced thermotherapy and bipolar radiofrequency ablation
307.02 KB 97 0
The 1,318-nm diode laser supported partial nephrectomy in laparoscopic and open surgery: preliminary results of a prospective feasibility study
438.57 KB 101 0
Effects of low-level laser therapy (685 nm) at different doses in osteogenic cell cultures
199.00 KB 87 0
Tooth desensitization with an Er:YAG laser: in vitro microscopical observation and a case report
481.21 KB 112 0
Prospects for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for biomedical applications: a review
471.19 KB 102 0
Study of different concentric rings inside gallstones with LIBS
762.45 KB 118 0
Peri-anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction femur fracture: a biomechanical analysis of the femoral tunnel as a stress riser
415.79 KB 108 0
Anterior labroligamentous periosteal sleeve avulsion lesion in arthroscopic capsulolabral repair for anterior shoulder instability
216.14 KB 96 0
Vascularity and histology of fetal labrum and chondrolabral junction: its relevance to chondrolabral detachment tears
444.32 KB 115 0
Endoscopic versus open bursectomy of lateral malleolar bursitis
222.75 KB 116 0
Effects of medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction on patellar tracking
1.03 MB 106 0
Embossing of a screw thread and TCP granules enhances the fixation strength of compressed ACL grafts with interference screws
378.85 KB 96 0
Acromioclavicular motion after surgical reconstruction
300.71 KB 88 0
Evaluation of the effects of CO2 laser on debonding  of orthodontics porcelain brackets vs. the conventional  method

Evaluation of the effects of CO ...

Debonding of ceramic brackets due to their high bond strength and low fracture toughness is one of the clinician’s complications. The purpose of thi ...

219.23 KB
Argon ion laser curing depth effect on a composite resin

Argon ion laser curing depth ef ...

The aim of this study was to define optimal power settings as well as curing time associated with evaluating the curing depth of a composite resin a ...

129.44 KB
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia treated  with vascular laser

Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with ...

Background Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia is a rare, benign disorder characterized by reddish-brown nodules and plaques in the dermis a ...

308.40 KB
Shear bond strength of bonding to enamel  with different laser irradiation distances

Shear bond strength of bonding ...

The aim of this study was to investigate the shear bond strength of bonding to enamel following laser etching with the Er:YAG or Er,Cr:YSGG laser us ...

599.02 KB
Gingival curettage study comparing a laser treatment  to hand instruments

Gingival curettage study compar ...

The purpose of this clinical study was to examine nonsurgical treatments of periodontal disease comparing a diode laser to subgingival curettage wit ...

103.61 KB
Photopolymerization of a dental nanocomposite  as restorative material using the argon laser

Photopolymerization of a dental ...

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of power density and irradiation time of an argon laser on the physico-mechanical properties of ...

372.64 KB
Intraoral laser welding: ultrastructural and mechanical  analysis to compare laboratory laser and dental laser

Intraoral laser welding: ultras ...

The Nd:YAG laser has been used since 1970 in dental laboratories to weld metals on dental prostheses. Recently in several clinical cases, we have su ...

758.54 KB
Light-curing of dental resins with GaN violet laser diode:  The effect of photoinitiator on mechanical strength

Light-curing of dental resins w ...

The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a Gallium Nitride (GaN) -based violet laser diode (VLM500) could be used as a light source for lig ...

دانلود 1
177.44 KB
In vitro analysis of human tooth pulp chamber temperature  after low-intensity laser therapy at different power outputs

In vitro analysis of human toot ...

In vitro studies have provided conflicting evidence of temperature changes in the tooth pulp chamber after lowlevel laser irradiation of the tooth s ...

239.00 KB
In situ and in vitro comparison of laser fluorescence  with visual inspection in detecting occlusal caries lesions

In situ and in vitro comparison ...

The aim of this study was to compare the in situ and in vitro performances of a laser fluorescence (LF) device (DIAGNOdent 2095) with visual inspect ...

112.92 KB
Low-level laser irradiation treatment reduces CCL2  expression in rat rheumatoid synovia via  a chemokine signaling pathway

Low-level laser irradiation tre ...

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory joint disorder whose progression leads to the destruction of cartilage and bone. Although low-level las ...

1.26 MB
Development of a thulium (Tm:YAP) laser system for brain  tissue ablation

Development of a thulium (Tm:YA ...

In this study, a thulium (Tm:YAP) laser systemwas developed for brain surgery applications. As the Tm:YAP laser is a continuous-wave laser delivered ...

319.04 KB
Effectiveness of various thermal ablation techniques  for the treatment of nodular thyroid disease—comparison  of laser-induced thermotherapy and bipolar  radiofrequency ablation

Effectiveness of various therma ...

Alternative minimally invasive treatment options such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA) or laser-induced thermotherapy (LITT) are at present under in ...

307.02 KB
The 1,318-nm diode laser supported partial nephrectomy  in laparoscopic and open surgery: preliminary results  of a prospective feasibility study

The 1,318-nm diode laser suppor ...

Warm ischemia (WI) and bleeding during laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (LPN) place technical constraints on surgeons. Our aim was to develop a safe ...

438.57 KB
Effects of low-level laser therapy (685 nm) at different doses  in osteogenic cell cultures

Effects of low-level laser ther ...

The present in vitro study evaluated parameters of osteogenesis under the influence of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) at different doses. Osteogenic ...

199.00 KB
Tooth desensitization with an Er:YAG laser:  in vitro microscopical observation and a case report

Tooth desensitization with an E ...

Tooth hypersensitivity is a frequent condition that causes discomfort and sometimes severe pain. It is caused by exposure of spots of dentinal tubul ...

481.21 KB
Prospects for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy  for biomedical applications: a review

Prospects for laser-induced bre ...

We review the different spectroscopic techniques including the most recent laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for the characterization of m ...

471.19 KB
Study of different concentric rings inside gallstones  with LIBS

Study of different concentric r ...

Gallstones obtained from patients from the northeast region of India (Assam) were studied using laserinduced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technique ...

762.45 KB
Peri-anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction femur fracture:  a biomechanical analysis of the femoral tunnel as a stress riser

Peri-anterior cruciate ligament ...

Purpose Sixteen case reports of distal femur fractures as post-operative complications after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction have be ...

415.79 KB
Anterior labroligamentous periosteal sleeve avulsion lesion  in arthroscopic capsulolabral repair for anterior shoulder  instability

Anterior labroligamentous perio ...

Purpose This study aims to compare the associated lesions, clinical results, and postoperative recurrence rates in patients with ALPSA lesions (ALPS ...

216.14 KB
Vascularity and histology of fetal labrum and chondrolabral  junction: its relevance to chondrolabral detachment tears

Vascularity and histology of fe ...

Purpose Recently, acetabular labral tears were recognized as a source of hip pain. Most of these tears were found to be localized at the chondrolabr ...

444.32 KB
Endoscopic versus open bursectomy of lateral malleolar bursitis

Endoscopic versus open bursecto ...

Purpose Compare the result of endoscopic versus open bursectomy in lateral malleolar bursitis. Materials and methods Prospective evaluation of 21 p ...

222.75 KB
Effects of medial patellofemoral ligament  reconstruction on patellar tracking

Effects of medial patellofemora ...

Purpose Medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction has been performed to treat recurrent patellar dislocation. However, the effects on pat ...

1.03 MB
Embossing of a screw thread and TCP granules enhances  the fixation strength of compressed ACL grafts  with interference screws

Embossing of a screw thread and ...

Purpose Fixation of soft tissue grafts with interference screws relies on the friction of the graft between the screw and the bone tunnel. The goal ...

378.85 KB
Acromioclavicular motion after surgical reconstruction

Acromioclavicular motion after ...

Purpose A retrospective long-term study was carried out to determine whether there was any correlation between the clinical motion of the acromiocla ...

300.71 KB
