# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
A new ‘‘double-pulley’’ dual-row technique for arthroscopic fixation of bony Bankart lesion
379.18 KB 83 0
Transplanted articular chondrocytes co-overexpressing IGF-I and FGF-2 stimulate cartilage repair in vivo
1,002.83 KB 71 0
A matched pairs comparison of single- versus double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament econstructions, clinical results and manual laxity testing
248.99 KB 76 0
New insights into anterior cruciate ligament deficiency and reconstruction through the assessment of knee kinematic variability in terms of nonlinear dynamics
572.76 KB 78 0
Landing adaptations following isolated lateral meniscectomy in athletes
270.49 KB 73 0
Gait analysis of walking before and after medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomy
217.39 KB 80 1
Rotator cuff re-tear or non-healing: histopathological aspects and predictive factors
471.66 KB 91 1
Systematic review on cadaveric studies of anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
286.74 KB 75 0
A clinical sign to detect root avulsions of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus
251.42 KB 73 1
Collagen meniscus implantation: a systematic review including rehabilitation and return to sports activity
230.17 KB 88 0
Conventional rotator cuff repair complemented by the aid of mononuclear autologous stem cells
232.70 KB 60 0
Early revision for isolated internal malrotation of the femoral component in total knee arthroplasty
290.17 KB 72 0
Prediction of range of motion 2 years after mobile-bearing total knee arthroplasty: PCL-retaining versus PCL-sacrificing
183.17 KB 60 0
Intraarticular application of autologous conditioned serum (ACS) reduces bone tunnel widening after ACL reconstructive surgery in a randomized controlled trial
436.08 KB 81 0
Comparison of joint line position changes after primary bilateral total knee arthroplasty erformed using the navigation-assisted measured gap resection or gap balancing techniques
338.19 KB 65 0
Analysis of sequential cytokine release after ACL reconstruction
239.68 KB 76 0
Does notch size predict ACL insertion site size?
327.98 KB 61 0
Total knee arthroplasty in severe valgus knee deformity: comparison of a standard medial parapatellar approach combined with tibial tubercle osteotomy
323.56 KB 65 1
The superficial medial collateral ligament reconstruction of the knee: effect of altering graft length on knee kinematics and stability
514.50 KB 73 0
Reliability and reference values of two clinical measurements of dynamic and static knee position in healthy children
315.14 KB 75 0
Minor or occult shoulder instability: an intra-articular pathology presenting with extra-articular subacromial impingement symptoms
189.72 KB 108 2
The arrangement and the attachment areas of three ACL bundles
1.36 MB 71 0
Cryopreservation increases apoptosis in human menisci
540.17 KB 79 0
Medium to long-term follow-up after ACL revision
224.87 KB 75 0
Consideration of growth factors and bio-scaffolds for treatment of combined grade II MCL and ACL injury
368.00 KB 60 0
Transplanted articular chondrocytes co-overexpressing IGF-I  and FGF-2 stimulate cartilage repair in vivo

Transplanted articular chondroc ...

Purpose The combination of chondrogenic factors might be necessary to adequately stimulate articular cartilage repair. In previous studies, enhanced ...

1,002.83 KB
A matched pairs comparison of single- versus double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament  econstructions, clinical results and manual laxity testing

A matched pairs comparison of s ...

Purpose To compare the subjective clinical results as well as manual anterior and rotational stability in patients treated with either single- (SB) ...

248.99 KB
New insights into anterior cruciate ligament deficiency and reconstruction through the assessment of knee kinematic variability in terms of nonlinear dynamics

New insights into anterior cruc ...

Purpose Injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) occur frequently, particularly in young adult athletes, and represent the majority of the l ...

572.76 KB
Landing adaptations following isolated lateral meniscectomy in athletes

Landing adaptations following i ...

Purpose Objective functional outcomes following isolated radial lateral meniscus tears in the athlete between the ages of 14–25 are not clearly defi ...

270.49 KB
Gait analysis of walking before and after medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomy

Gait analysis of walking before ...

Introduction Medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomy (HTO) is used to treat medial compartment osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. HTO shifts the we ...

دانلود 1
217.39 KB
Rotator cuff re-tear or non-healing: histopathological aspects and predictive factors

Rotator cuff re-tear or non-hea ...

Purpose The aim of the study was to evaluate the histopathological changes that occur in the tendon and subacromial bursal tissue in patients with r ...

دانلود 1
471.66 KB
Systematic review on cadaveric studies of anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Systematic review on cadaveric ...

Purpose One of the templates in the development of ‘‘anatomic’’ anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction has been basic science studies focus ...

286.74 KB
A clinical sign to detect root avulsions of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus

A clinical sign to detect root ...

Purpose The goal of the present report was to describe a new clinical sign to make a clinical diagnosis of meniscal extrusion related to medial meni ...

دانلود 1
251.42 KB
Collagen meniscus implantation: a systematic review including rehabilitation and return to sports activity

Collagen meniscus implantation: ...

Purpose To determine collagen meniscus implant (CMI) efficacy for improving patient function, symptoms, and activity level. Study methodologies, reh ...

230.17 KB
Conventional rotator cuff repair complemented by the aid of mononuclear autologous stem cells

Conventional rotator cuff repai ...

Purpose To investigate the behavior of rotator cuff tears treated with conventional repair technique with the aid of autologous bone marrow mononucl ...

232.70 KB
Early revision for isolated internal malrotation of the femoral component in total knee arthroplasty

Early revision for isolated int ...

Purpose In this prospective study, we determined whether corrective surgery for isolated rotational malalignment of femoral prosthesis components wo ...

290.17 KB
Prediction of range of motion 2 years after mobile-bearing total knee arthroplasty: PCL-retaining versus PCL-sacrificing

Prediction of range of motion 2 ...

Purpose This study evaluated the changes in the range of motion (ROM) with time postoperatively. Method The pre- and intraoperative ROM was compared ...

183.17 KB
Intraarticular application of autologous conditioned serum (ACS) reduces bone tunnel widening after ACL reconstructive surgery in a randomized controlled trial

Intraarticular application of a ...

Purpose Pro-inflammatory cytokines play a pivotal role in osteoarthritis, as well as in bone tunnel widening after ACL reconstructive surgery. A new ...

436.08 KB
Comparison of joint line position changes after primary bilateral total knee arthroplasty  erformed using the navigation-assisted measured gap resection or gap balancing techniques

Comparison of joint line positi ...

Purpose This study aimed to compare the clinical and radiological results of navigation-assisted TKAs performed using the measured gap resection or ...

338.19 KB
Analysis of sequential cytokine release after ACL reconstruction

Analysis of sequential cytokine ...

Purpose Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament is common and may necessitate surgical reconstruction. Surgical reconstruction aims to restore nor ...

239.68 KB
Does notch size predict ACL insertion site size?

Does notch size predict ACL ins ...

Purpose The primary purpose of the current study is to identify a possible correlation between the femoral intercondylar notch size and the ACL inse ...

327.98 KB
Total knee arthroplasty in severe valgus knee deformity:  comparison of a standard medial parapatellar approach combined  with tibial tubercle osteotomy

Total knee arthroplasty in seve ...

Purpose Primary TKA in valgus knees with a deformity of more than ten degrees may prove challenging, since bone and soft tissue abnormalities make a ...

دانلود 1
323.56 KB
The superficial medial collateral ligament reconstruction  of the knee: effect of altering graft length on knee kinematics  and stability

The superficial medial collater ...

Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the resulting knee kinematics and stability of an anatomic superficial MCL (sMCL) reco ...

514.50 KB
Reliability and reference values of two clinical measurements  of dynamic and static knee position in healthy children

Reliability and reference value ...

Purpose The purposes of this study were to evaluate reliability of the Single-limb mini squat test (a dynamic measure of medio-lateral knee position ...

315.14 KB
Minor or occult shoulder instability: an intra-articular pathology  presenting with extra-articular subacromial impingement  symptoms

Minor or occult shoulder instab ...

Purpose Disruption in the balance of shoulder stability can produce a widely varied spectrum of clinical symptoms, ranging from minor shoulder insta ...

دانلود 2
189.72 KB
The arrangement and the attachment areas of three ACL bundles

The arrangement and the attachm ...

Purpose Normal anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) can be divided into three fiber bundles—i.e., anteromedial (AM), intermediate (IM), and posterolater ...

1.36 MB
Cryopreservation increases apoptosis in human menisci

Cryopreservation increases apop ...

Purpose Removal of the meniscus leads to progressive degenerative arthritis of the knee on a long-term basis; therefore, meniscal allograft transpla ...

540.17 KB
Medium to long-term follow-up after ACL revision

Medium to long-term follow-up a ...

Purpose The aim of the present study is to present epidemiology and clinical outcome after revision anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction ...

224.87 KB
Consideration of growth factors and bio-scaffolds for treatment  of combined grade II MCL and ACL injury

Consideration of growth factors ...

The literature suggests that a Grade II medial collateral ligament (MCL) injury in combination with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury will hea ...

368.00 KB
