# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Effects of additional gracilis tendon harvest on muscle torque, motor coordination, and knee laxity in ACL reconstruction
179.50 KB 76 0
Anteroposterior stability after posterior cruciate-retaining total knee arthroplasty
263.46 KB 72 0
In vivo kinematics of mobile-bearing total knee arthroplasty during deep knee bending under weight-bearing conditions
393.49 KB 60 1
A prospective randomized study of ACL-reconstructions using bone-patellar tendon-bone grafts fixed with bioabsorbable or metal interference screws
360.76 KB 67 1
Gravity-assisted pivot-shift test can predict the function of the reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament
169.87 KB 77 0
Single-bundle patellar tendon versus non-anatomical double-bundle hamstrings ACL reconstruction: a prospective randomized study at 8-year minimum follow-up
346.28 KB 73 0
Causes for failure of ACL reconstruction and influence of meniscectomies after revision
207.08 KB 81 0
No difference in early functional outcomes for mini-midvastus and limited medial parapatellar approaches in navigation-assisted total knee arthroplasty: a prospective randomized clinical trial
319.79 KB 67 0
Intraoperative comparisons of knee kinematics of double-bundle versus single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
483.77 KB 76 0
Mid-term outcomes of computer-assisted total knee arthroplasty
184.57 KB 69 0
Inter- and intraobserver reliability of the clock face representation as used to describe the femoral intercondylar notch
206.14 KB 68 0
Reliability of tunnel angle in ACL reconstruction: two-dimensional versus three-dimensional guide technique
235.25 KB 169 0
Physiological risk factors for falls in people with knee osteoarthritis before and early after knee replacement surgery
231.47 KB 78 0
Dysfunction of the posterior cruciate ligament in total knee arthroplasty
191.66 KB 77 0
Biomechanical comparison of three anatomic ACL reconstructions in a porcine model
396.84 KB 78 0
Gout and coexisting pseudogout in the knee joint
282.77 KB 73 0
Biomechanical characterization of double-bundle femoral press-fit fixation techniques
442.29 KB 84 0
Arthroscopic meniscal allograft transplantation without bone plugs
352.23 KB 63 0
Can a clinical test of hamstring strength identify football players at risk of hamstring strain?
226.90 KB 62 0
Comparisons of femoral tunnel enlargement in 169 patients between single-bundle and anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions with hamstring tendon grafts
323.64 KB 76 0
Femoral component rotation in patients with leg axis deviation
183.46 KB 84 0
Clinical outcome using a ligament referencing technique in CAS versus conventional technique
207.13 KB 70 0
In vivo length patterns of the medial collateral ligament during the stance phase of gait
580.01 KB 79 0
We do not have evidence based methods for the treatment of cartilage defects in the knee
299.08 KB 72 0
The combination of radiostereometric analysis and the telos stress device results in poor precision for knee laxity measurements after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
403.78 KB 79 0
Effects of additional gracilis tendon harvest on muscle torque,  motor coordination, and knee laxity in ACL reconstruction

Effects of additional gracilis ...

Purpose To evaluate muscle torque, lower extremity coordination, and knee laxity after ACL reconstruction comparing patients operated on with semite ...

179.50 KB
Anteroposterior stability after posterior cruciate-retaining  total knee arthroplasty

Anteroposterior stability after ...

Purpose A functional posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is important for the knee stability after PCL-retaining total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The ob ...

263.46 KB
In vivo kinematics of mobile-bearing total knee arthroplasty  during deep knee bending under weight-bearing conditions

In vivo kinematics of mobile-be ...

Purpose Little is known about the in vivo kinematics of mobile-bearing total knee arthroplasty, especially at deep knee flexion under weight-bearing ...

دانلود 1
393.49 KB
A prospective randomized study of ACL-reconstructions  using bone-patellar tendon-bone grafts fixed with bioabsorbable  or metal interference screws

A prospective randomized study ...

Introduction Bioabsorbable screws are, at the expense of metal screws, increasingly used as fixation device in ACLreconstructions. The possible adva ...

دانلود 1
360.76 KB
Gravity-assisted pivot-shift test can predict the function  of the reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament

Gravity-assisted pivot-shift te ...

Purpose The gravity-assisted pivot-shift (GAPS) test is a newly advocated test for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. We retrospectively inves ...

169.87 KB
Single-bundle patellar tendon versus non-anatomical  double-bundle hamstrings ACL reconstruction: a prospective  randomized study at 8-year minimum follow-up

Single-bundle patellar tendon v ...

Purpose The purpose of this study was to compare subjective, objective and radiographic outcome of the lateralized single-bundle bone-patellar tendo ...

346.28 KB
Causes for failure of ACL reconstruction and influence  of meniscectomies after revision

Causes for failure of ACL recon ...

The purpose of this multicenter retrospective study was to analyze the causes for failure of ACL reconstruction and the influence of meniscectomies ...

207.08 KB
No difference in early functional outcomes for mini-midvastus  and limited medial parapatellar approaches in navigation-assisted  total knee arthroplasty: a prospective randomized clinical trial

No difference in early function ...

Patients desire less pain and faster recovery of range of knee motion after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). While minimal invasive surgery (MIS) TKA ...

319.79 KB
Intraoperative comparisons of knee kinematics of double-bundle  versus single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Intraoperative comparisons of k ...

Purpose Based on biomechanical anatomical studies, double-bundle reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) was introduced to achieve be ...

483.77 KB
Mid-term outcomes of computer-assisted total knee arthroplasty

Mid-term outcomes of computer-a ...

Purpose The aim of this study is to investigate the clinical results of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) using a navigation system after a minimum of 5 ...

184.57 KB
Inter- and intraobserver reliability of the clock face representation as used to describe the femoral intercondylar notch

Inter- and intraobserver reliab ...

Purpose To validate the use of the clock face reference as a reliable means of communicating femoral intercondylar notch position. Methods A single ...

206.14 KB
Reliability of tunnel angle in ACL reconstruction:  two-dimensional versus three-dimensional guide technique

Reliability of tunnel angle in ...

Purpose To compare the reliability of tibial tunnel position and angle produced with a standard ACL guide (twodimensional guide) or Howell 65 Guide ...

235.25 KB
Physiological risk factors for falls in people with knee  osteoarthritis before and early after knee replacement surgery

Physiological risk factors for ...

Purpose Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a major cause of disability and a risk factor for falls in older people. The purpose of this study was to assess ...

231.47 KB
Dysfunction of the posterior cruciate ligament  in total knee arthroplasty

Dysfunction of the posterior cr ...

out either with retention (CR) of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) or with sacrifice of this ligament and implantation of a posterior stabilise ...

191.66 KB
Biomechanical comparison of three anatomic ACL  reconstructions in a porcine model

Biomechanical comparison of thr ...

Purpose Different tunnel configurations have been used for double-bundle (DB) anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. However, controversy ...

396.84 KB
Gout and coexisting pseudogout in the knee joint

Gout and coexisting pseudogout ...

Purpose We report the unusual case of a 63-year-old man with gout and coexisting pseudogout (calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition dise ...

282.77 KB
Biomechanical characterization of double-bundle femoral press-fit  fixation techniques

Biomechanical characterization ...

cruciate ligament autografts is an interesting technique because no hardware is necessary. To date, no biomechanical data exist describing an implan ...

442.29 KB
Arthroscopic meniscal allograft transplantation without bone  plugs

Arthroscopic meniscal allograft ...

Partial or total meniscectomy are common procedures performed at Orthopedic Surgery departments. Despite providing a great relief of pain, it has be ...

352.23 KB
Can a clinical test of hamstring strength identify football players  at risk of hamstring strain?

Can a clinical test of hamstrin ...

Purpose To demonstrate the potential for a simple clinical test of hamstring muscle strength to identify susceptibility to muscle strain injury. Me ...

226.90 KB
Comparisons of femoral tunnel enlargement in 169 patients  between single-bundle and anatomic double-bundle anterior  cruciate ligament reconstructions with hamstring tendon grafts

Comparisons of femoral tunnel e ...

Purpose Authors have hypothesized that the incidence and the degree of femoral tunnel enlargement after the hamstring ACL reconstruction may be sign ...

323.64 KB
Femoral component rotation in patients with leg axis deviation

Femoral component rotation in p ...

Purpose Correct alignment of the rotation of the femoral component and the flexion gap after total knee arthroplasty is difficult in patients with p ...

183.46 KB
Clinical outcome using a ligament referencing technique  in CAS versus conventional technique

Clinical outcome using a ligame ...

Purpose Computer-assisted surgery (CAS) for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has become increasingly common over the last decade. There are several rep ...

207.13 KB
In vivo length patterns of the medial collateral ligament  during the stance phase of gait

In vivo length patterns of the ...

Purpose The function of the medial collateral ligament (MCL) during gait has not been investigated. Our objective was to measure the kinematics of t ...

580.01 KB
We do not have evidence based methods for the treatment  of cartilage defects in the knee

We do not have evidence based m ...

Purpose The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review of studies concerning current treatment of chondral defects of the knee. Methods T ...

299.08 KB
The combination of radiostereometric analysis and the telos stress  device results in poor precision for knee laxity measurements  after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

The combination of radiostereom ...

Purpose Several devices for measuring knee laxity following anterior cruciate ligament ACL reconstruction exist, but the precision of the methods ha ...

403.78 KB
