# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Radiographic guided drilling of bony tibial tunnels for fixation of meniscus transplants using percentage references
351.27 KB 69 0
Evidence of accumulated stress in Achilles and anterior knee tendons in elite badminton players
843.24 KB 58 0
Factors that influence the intra-articular rupture pattern of the ACL graft following single-bundle reconstruction
251.52 KB 66 0
Simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty with robotic and conventional techniques: a prospective, randomized study
304.46 KB 76 0
Soft tissue balance measurement in minimal incision surgery compared to conventional total knee arthroplasty
321.23 KB 70 1
The effect of graft fixation sequence on force distribution in double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
389.44 KB 67 0
Autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis combined with platelet-rich plasma gel: technical description and a five pilot patients report
281.98 KB 68 0
Serial dilation reduces graft slippage compared to extraction drilling in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a randomized controlled trial using radiostereometric analysis
319.78 KB 78 0
Displaced avulsion fracture of medial meniscus posterior horn through the intercondylar notch in the patient without combined ligamentous injuries
182.57 KB 69 0
Advances in the three-portal technique for anatomical single- or double-bundle ACL reconstruction
272.38 KB 76 1
Wound complications in total knee arthroplasty. Which flap is to be used? With or without retention of prosthesis?
439.98 KB 64 0
Fixation of revision TKA: a review of the literature
184.36 KB 86 0
A mechanized and standardized pivot shifter: technical description and first evaluation
322.57 KB 67 0
Platelet-rich plasma intra-articular knee injections for the treatment of degenerative cartilage lesions and osteoarthritis
346.94 KB 79 0
ACL graft re-rupture after double-bundle reconstruction: factors that influence the intra-articular pattern of injury
249.68 KB 75 1
Symptomatic torn discoid lateral meniscus in adults
278.61 KB 61 1
Anterior cruciate ligament injury in elite football: a prospective three-cohort study
232.71 KB 81 0
Evaluation of rotational instability in the anterior cruciate ligament deficient knee using triaxial accelerometer: a biomechanical model in porcine knees
298.83 KB 73 0
Cemented versus uncemented femoral components in total knee arthroplasty
272.63 KB 68 0
The concept of complete footprint restoration with guidelines for single- and double-bundle ACL reconstruction
439.75 KB 61 0
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to treat sports injuries: evidence to support its use
233.94 KB 70 0
May smokers and overweight patients be treated with a medial open-wedge HTO? Risk factors for non-union
261.30 KB 82 0
Twenty-six years of meniscal allograft transplantation: is it still experimental? A meta-analysis of 44 trials
350.27 KB 100 0
The epidemiology of anterior cruciate ligament injury in football (soccer): a review of the literature from a gender-related perspective
187.26 KB 79 0
In vitro assessment of human chondrocyte viability after treatment with local anaesthetic, magnesium sulphate or normal saline
194.42 KB 76 0
Radiographic guided drilling of bony tibial tunnels for fixation  of meniscus transplants using percentage references

Radiographic guided drilling of ...

The objective of our investigation was to evaluate the precision of radiographic-guided tibial tunnel drilling for anatomical anchoring of meniscus ...

351.27 KB
Evidence of accumulated stress in Achilles and anterior knee  tendons in elite badminton players

Evidence of accumulated stress ...

Tendon-related injuries are a major problem, but the aetiology of tendinopathies is unknown. In tendinopathies as well as during unaccustomed loadin ...

843.24 KB
Factors that influence the intra-articular rupture pattern  of the ACL graft following single-bundle reconstruction

Factors that influence the intr ...

Purposes The number of revision anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgeries performed annually continues to rise. The purpose of this study was to de ...

251.52 KB
Simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty with robotic  and conventional techniques: a prospective, randomized study

Simultaneous bilateral total kn ...

Purpose The authors performed this study to compare the outcomes of robotic-assisted and conventional TKA in same patient simultaneously. It was hyp ...

304.46 KB
Soft tissue balance measurement in minimal incision surgery  compared to conventional total knee arthroplasty

Soft tissue balance measurement ...

Purposes Minimal incision surgery (MIS) total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is widely promoted as a possible improvement over conventional TKA, and accura ...

دانلود 1
321.23 KB
The effect of graft fixation sequence on force distribution  in double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

The effect of graft fixation se ...

Purpose This paper investigated the effect of graft fixation sequence on knee joint biomechanics after a doublebundle ACL reconstruction. Method Tw ...

389.44 KB
Autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis combined  with platelet-rich plasma gel: technical description  and a five pilot patients report

Autologous matrix-induced chond ...

Purpose This pilot study was designed to describe the technical details and to present the preliminary outcome of autologous matrix-induced chondrog ...

281.98 KB
Serial dilation reduces graft slippage compared to extraction  drilling in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction:  a randomized controlled trial using radiostereometric analysis

Serial dilation reduces graft s ...

Purpose This study tested the hypothesis that serial dilation of the tibial tunnel could provide a stronger anchorage of the graft-fixation-device c ...

319.78 KB
Displaced avulsion fracture of medial meniscus posterior horn  through the intercondylar notch in the patient without combined  ligamentous injuries

Displaced avulsion fracture of ...

Avulsion fractures of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus are uncommon and must be differentiated from a loose body. The authors present a dis ...

182.57 KB
Advances in the three-portal technique for anatomical  single- or double-bundle ACL reconstruction

Advances in the three-portal te ...

Purpose To describe the ‘‘three-portal technique for anatomical ACL single- or double-bundle reconstruction’’ and the arthroscopic viewing improveme ...

دانلود 1
272.38 KB
Wound complications in total knee arthroplasty. Which flap  is to be used? With or without retention of prosthesis?

Wound complications in total kn ...

Purpose The aim of our review paper is to present a possible algorithm of treatment of knee periprosthetic soft tissue defects, relative to their ex ...

439.98 KB
Fixation of revision TKA: a review of the literature

Fixation of revision TKA: a rev ...

Purpose Early aseptic loosening is a major complication in revision total knee arthroplasty (TKA). It is well accepted that intramedullary stems imp ...

184.36 KB
A mechanized and standardized pivot shifter: technical  description and first evaluation

A mechanized and standardized p ...

Purpose The pivot shift test (PST) is a complex, multiplanar maneuver used to assess rotatory instability of the knee. The grading is subjective due ...

322.57 KB
Platelet-rich plasma intra-articular knee injections  for the treatment of degenerative cartilage lesions  and osteoarthritis

Platelet-rich plasma intra-arti ...

Purpose Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a simple, low-cost and minimally invasive method that provides a natural concentrate of autologous blo ...

346.94 KB
ACL graft re-rupture after double-bundle reconstruction:  factors that influence the intra-articular pattern of injury

ACL graft re-rupture after doub ...

Purpose To determine the most common rupture patterns of previously reconstructed DB-ACL cases, seen at the time of revision surgery, and to determi ...

دانلود 1
249.68 KB
Symptomatic torn discoid lateral meniscus in adults

Symptomatic torn discoid latera ...

The purposes of this study were to report degenerative changes that coexist with a symptomatic torn discoid lateral meniscus in adults and to analyz ...

دانلود 1
278.61 KB
Anterior cruciate ligament injury in elite football:  a prospective three-cohort study

Anterior cruciate ligament inju ...

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury causes long lay-off time and is often complicated with subsequent new knee injury and osteoarthritis. Female ...

232.71 KB
Evaluation of rotational instability in the anterior cruciate  ligament deficient knee using triaxial accelerometer:  a biomechanical model in porcine knees

Evaluation of rotational instab ...

Purpose To measure the acceleration in multiple directions of the rotational instability in ACL deficient models using porcine knees. Methods Ten p ...

298.83 KB
Cemented versus uncemented femoral components  in total knee arthroplasty

Cemented versus uncemented femo ...

of femoral cement on clinical and radiological results after total knee arthroplasty. Methods Preoperatively 130 patients were randomly assigned to ...

272.63 KB
The concept of complete footprint restoration with guidelines  for single- and double-bundle ACL reconstruction

The concept of complete footpri ...

Purpose This article introduces guidelines for single- (SB) and double-bundle (DB) ACL reconstruction based on the concept of complete footprint res ...

439.75 KB
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to treat sports injuries:  evidence to support its use

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to t ...

Tissue repair in musculoskeletal lesions is often a slow and sometimes incomplete process. In sports patients or professional athletes, the impact o ...

233.94 KB
May smokers and overweight patients be treated with a medial  open-wedge HTO? Risk factors for non-union

May smokers and overweight pati ...

Purpose The purpose of this retrospective study was to investigate the rate of non-union after medial open-wedge high tibial osteotomy (HTO) with th ...

261.30 KB
Twenty-six years of meniscal allograft transplantation:  is it still experimental? A meta-analysis of 44 trials

Twenty-six years of meniscal al ...

Purpose Since the first meniscal allograft transplantation in 1984, thousands of patients with postmeniscectomy symptoms have been treated by allogr ...

350.27 KB
The epidemiology of anterior cruciate ligament injury in football  (soccer): a review of the literature from a gender-related  perspective

The epidemiology of anterior cr ...

Football (soccer), the most popular sport worldwide, is associated with a high injury risk, and the knee joint is often affected. Several studies ha ...

187.26 KB
In vitro assessment of human chondrocyte viability  after treatment with local anaesthetic, magnesium sulphate  or normal saline

In vitro assessment of human ch ...

Purpose Local anaesthetic agents are often used as an intra-articular analgesic following arthroscopic procedures. However, there is increasing evid ...

194.42 KB
