# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
A retrospective overview of treatment choice and outcome in 126 cases with arrested eruption of mandibular second molars
242.78 KB 86 1
Influence of acute and chronic myocardial loading conditions,function, structural changes and extracardiac factors on NT-proBNP in asymptomatic patients with preserved ejection fraction
256.04 KB 104 1
Normalization of serum-free light chains in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus upon rituximab treatment and correlation with biological disease activity
191.25 KB 104 0
Outcome of concurrent acute myeloid leukemia and granulocytic sarcoma: three clinical cases and a review of the literature
132.78 KB 107 0
The effects of wild pistachio oil on serum leptin, thyroid hormones, and lipid profile in female rats with experimental hypothyroidism
147.52 KB 90 0
Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, and Cancer: An Update
180.12 KB 86 0
Pathogenesis of HIV in the Central Nervous System
249.88 KB 94 0
Fronto-turbinalis Sinus Expansion and Headache
302.52 KB 81 0
Thoraco-Abdominal Pressure Gradients During the Phases of Respiration Contribute to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
233.07 KB 81 0
Endoscopic Resection of Ampullary Adenomas: Complications and Outcomes
195.79 KB 77 0
Optimal cutoff values of waist circumference and the discriminatory performance of other anthropometric indices to detect the clustering of cardiovascular risk factors for metabolic syndrome in Japanese men and women
328.92 KB 80 0
Increased seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in a population of patients with Bell’s palsy: a sceptical interpretation of the results regarding the pathogenesis of facial nerve palsy
176.98 KB 79 0
European guidelines on managing adverse effects of medication for ADHD
435.04 KB 81 0
A case of excision of peri-articular cyst and reattachment of meniscotibial ligament with suture anchor
409.14 KB 91 0
Clinical practice The approach to the deaf or hard-of-hearing paediatric patient
108.63 KB 77 0
Preoperative importance of improvement and postoperative satisfaction in patients undergoing total hip replacement
507.92 KB 72 0
Diffusion weighted imaging in prostate cancer
400.61 KB 85 0
A case of homicidal intraoral gunshot and review of the literature
310.15 KB 81 0
Recent studies provide an updated clinical perspective on blue light-filtering IOLs
239.17 KB 80 0
Indications of diagnostic hysteroscopy, a brief review of the literature
117.16 KB 87 0
Investigating the Protective Effects of Astragalus Membranaceus on Nephrotoxicity in Cyclosporine A-treated Rats
411.67 KB 76 0
The relation of the distal femoral physis and the medial patellofemoral ligament
261.48 KB 99 0
Effects of different setting of diode laser on the mRNA expression of growth factors and type I collagen of human gingival fibroblasts
438.25 KB 76 0
Diffuse Cerebral Vasospasm After Resection of a Posterior Fossa Ependymoma
465.97 KB 83 0
Pilot trial of simvastatin in the treatment of sporadic inclusion-body myositis
329.08 KB 86 0
A retrospective overview of treatment choice and outcome in 126 cases with arrested eruption of mandibular second molars

A retrospective overview of tre ...

The purpose of the present retrospective study was to analyze treatment choice and outcome in patients with retention/impaction of the mandibular se ...

دانلود 1
242.78 KB
Influence of acute and chronic myocardial loading conditions,function, structural changes and extracardiac factors on NT-proBNP in asymptomatic patients with preserved ejection fraction

Influence of acute and chronic ...

Background We compared the effect of different loading conditions, parameters of structural heart disease and extracardiac confounders on NT-proBNP ...

دانلود 1
256.04 KB
Normalization of serum-free light chains in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus upon rituximab treatment and correlation with biological disease activity

Normalization of serum-free lig ...

Increased free light chain (FLC) levels have been reported as useful in various autoimmune conditions. We investigated how FLC concentrations change ...

191.25 KB
Outcome of concurrent acute myeloid leukemia and granulocytic sarcoma: three clinical cases  and a review of the literature

Outcome of concurrent acute mye ...

Granulocytic sarcoma (GS), also known as chloroma or myeloblastoma, is a solid tumor of leukemic myeloblasts and partially matured granulocytes that ...

132.78 KB
The effects of wild pistachio oil on serum leptin, thyroid hormones, and lipid profile in female rats with experimental hypothyroidism

The effects of wild pistachio o ...

The aim of this study was to determine the administrative effects of wild pistachio oil in the diet on serum leptin, thyroid hormones, and lipid pro ...

147.52 KB
Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, and Cancer: An Update

Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, a ...

There is evidence supporting that type 2 diabetes, either per se or through the concurrence of other factors and chronic conditions like obesity, co ...

180.12 KB
Pathogenesis of HIV in the Central Nervous System

Pathogenesis of HIV in the Cent ...

HIV can infect the brain and impair central nervous system (CNS) function. Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has not eradicated CNS complica ...

249.88 KB
Fronto-turbinalis Sinus Expansion and Headache

Fronto-turbinalis Sinus Expansi ...

Headaches of rhinogenic origin illustrate an interesting paradox. Little is known about their pathophysiology, mechanisms, and prevalence; yet, the ...

302.52 KB
Thoraco-Abdominal Pressure Gradients During the Phases  of Respiration Contribute to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Thoraco-Abdominal Pressure Grad ...

Background and Aims Exaggerated pressure fluctuation between the thorax and abdomen during exercise or with pulmonary disease may challenge the gast ...

233.07 KB
Endoscopic Resection of Ampullary Adenomas: Complications and Outcomes

Endoscopic Resection of Ampulla ...

Aim Ampullary adenomas have the potential to progress from benign to malignant lesions. Endoscopic ampullectomy as curative therapy has gained credi ...

195.79 KB
Optimal cutoff values of waist circumference and the discriminatory performance of other anthropometric indices to detect the clustering of cardiovascular risk factors for metabolic syndrome in Japanese men and women

Optimal cutoff values of waist ...

Objective To evaluate the pertinent cutoffs of waist circumference (WC) and the discriminatory performance of other anthropometric indices to detect ...

328.92 KB
Increased seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in a population of patients with Bell’s palsy: a sceptical interpretation of the results regarding the pathogenesis of facial nerve palsy

Increased seroprevalence of Tox ...

Facial nerve oedema and anatomical predisposition to compression within the fallopian tube seem to be the only generally accepted facts in the patho ...

176.98 KB
European guidelines on managing adverse effects of medication for ADHD

European guidelines on managing ...

The safety of ADHD medications is not fully known. Concerns have arisen about both a lack of contemporary- standard information about medications fi ...

435.04 KB
A case of excision of peri-articular cyst and reattachment of meniscotibial ligament with suture anchor

A case of excision of peri-arti ...

The authors report a case of peri-articular cyst around the knee joint owing to insufficient meniscotibial ligament. After excision, the defective p ...

409.14 KB
Clinical practice  The approach to the deaf or hard-of-hearing paediatric patient

Clinical practice The approach ...

Approximately 1 child in 1,000 is deaf or severely hard of hearing from birth, and the prevalence rises to about 1.6 per 1,000 in adolescents. Provi ...

108.63 KB
Preoperative importance of improvement and postoperative  satisfaction in patients undergoing total hip replacement

Preoperative importance of impr ...

Objective We aimed to correlate the preoperative importance of improvement and postoperative satisfaction in patients undergoing total hip replaceme ...

507.92 KB
Diffusion weighted imaging in prostate cancer

Diffusion weighted imaging in p ...

Diffusion-weighted imaging has generated substantial interest in the hope that it can be developed into a robust technique to improve the accuracy o ...

400.61 KB
A case of homicidal intraoral gunshot and review of the literature

A case of homicidal intraoral g ...

Determination of the manner of death in case of intraoral firearm wounds can be a challenge, especially if the circumstances of the incident are unc ...

310.15 KB
Recent studies provide an updated clinical perspective on blue light-filtering IOLs

Recent studies provide an updat ...

Background Recent reviews of blue light-filtering intraocular lenses (IOLs) have stated their potential risks for scotopic vision and circadian phot ...

239.17 KB
Indications of diagnostic hysteroscopy, a brief review  of the literature

Indications of diagnostic hyste ...

Plenty of authors propose outpatient hysteroscopy as the gold standard diagnostic method for the evaluation of endometrial pathology. This statement ...

117.16 KB
Investigating the Protective Effects of Astragalus  Membranaceus on Nephrotoxicity in Cyclosporine  A-treated Rats

Investigating the Protective Ef ...

The immunosuppressive drug, cyclosporine A (CsA), has been used in patients who were treated for immune diseases and in transplant patients. However ...

411.67 KB
The relation of the distal femoral physis and the medial  patellofemoral ligament

The relation of the distal femo ...

Purpose The purpose of this study was to analyse true lateral radiographs of children and adolescents to determine the relation of the origin of the ...

261.48 KB
Effects of different setting of diode laser on the mRNA  expression of growth factors and type I collagen of human  gingival fibroblasts

Effects of different setting of ...

The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of non-surgical applications of diode laser (940 nm) on the cell proliferation and mRNA expressio ...

438.25 KB
Diffuse Cerebral Vasospasm After Resection of a Posterior Fossa  Ependymoma

Diffuse Cerebral Vasospasm Afte ...

Background Diffuse cerebral vasospasm after brain tumor resection is rare. This is the first report of diffuse cerebral vasospasm following resectio ...

465.97 KB
Pilot trial of simvastatin in the treatment of sporadic  inclusion-body myositis

Pilot trial of simvastatin in t ...

Sporadic inclusion-body myositis (s-IBM) is a chronic progressive inflammatory myopathy leading to severe disability. It has been suggested that sta ...

329.08 KB
