# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
A large atypical osteoma of the maxillary sinus: a report of a case and management challenges
412.44 KB 77 1
The role of child and parental mentalizing for the development of conduct problems over time
217.91 KB 63 0
Positioning and portals for endoscopic resection of scapular osteochondroma
331.56 KB 77 0
An old drug for use in the prevention of sudden infant unexpected death due to vagal hypertonia
346.11 KB 74 0
Midterm results of open reduction and internal fixation of isolated posterior cruciate ligament avulsion fracture
97.86 KB 87 0
Prediction of biochemical recurrence following radical prostatectomy in men with prostate cancer by diffusionweighted magnetic resonance imaging: initial results
352.85 KB 76 0
Macular edema and visual outcome following cataract surgery in patients with diabetic retinopathy and controls
620.12 KB 73 0
Increasing experience in laparoscopic staging of early ovarian cancer
202.55 KB 66 0
Incidence of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Dual Infection in Egyptian Patients on Haemodialysis
93.44 KB 82 0
Fractionation of high-dose electron beam irradiation of BPTB grafts provides significantly improved viscoelastic and structural properties compared to standard gamma irradiation
297.33 KB 67 1
Effect of different surface treatments on tensile bond strength of silicone-based soft denture liner
314.37 KB 74 0
Post-Stroke Infection: A Role for IL-1ra?
416.47 KB 73 0
Atypical meningioma of sylvian fissure with a 20-year history: a rare case report
1.33 MB 76 1
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Patients over 59 Years: Early Recovery and 12-Month Follow-Up
147.45 KB 157 0
Epidemiology and seasonal variation of distal radius fractures in Oulu, Finland
154.69 KB 88 0
Balloon kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty in the management of vertebral compression fractures
320.33 KB 87 0
A Case of Left Main Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm Associated with Valvular Pulmonary Stenosis in a Child
202.25 KB 65 0
Pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis complicating Sjِgren's syndrome in a 12-year-old girl
191.25 KB 91 0
Rupture of the left mainstem bronchus following endotracheal intubation in a neonate
173.12 KB 76 0
Novel Escherichia coli Strain Allows Efficient Recombinant Protein Production Using Lactose as Inducer
142.07 KB 84 0
Liposomal Muramyl Tripeptide Phosphatidylethanolamine: Targeting and Activating Macrophages for Adjuvant Treatment of Osteosarcoma
220.63 KB 72 0
Haploview: analysis and visualization of LD and haplotype maps
135.63 KB 232 5
Identification of Lactobacillus strains isolated from faecal specimens of babies and human milk colostrum by API 50 CHL system
69.88 KB 119 0
عمومی و فارماکولوژی بالینی 12 / E
18.40 MB 193 0
گاوهای: تولید مثل مدیریت تغذیه و بیماری
3.20 MB 210 0
A large atypical osteoma of the maxillary sinus:  a report of a case and management challenges

A large atypical osteoma of the ...

An osteoma within the paranasal sinuses is a rare benign fibro-osseous tumour. Osteomas occurring in the maxillary sinus are exceedingly rare and ac ...

دانلود 1
412.44 KB
The role of child and parental mentalizing for the development of conduct problems over time

The role of child and parental ...

The current study aimed to investigate the role of parental and child mentalizing in the development of conduct problems over time in a community sa ...

217.91 KB
Positioning and portals for endoscopic resection of scapular osteochondroma

Positioning and portals for end ...

new method for endoscopic resection of scapular osteochondroma is presented. The procedure uses two working portals medial to the vertebral border o ...

331.56 KB
An old drug for use in the prevention of sudden infant  unexpected death due to vagal hypertonia

An old drug for use in the prev ...

Reflex vagal hypertonia (RVH) has been identified as a possible cause of sudden unexpected death in infants during the first year of life. Homatropi ...

346.11 KB
Midterm results of open reduction and internal fixation  of isolated posterior cruciate ligament avulsion fracture

Midterm results of open reducti ...

Purpose Although posterior cruciate ligament avulsion fracture is a rare condition, but lack of its treatment results in knee instability. Identific ...

97.86 KB
Prediction of biochemical recurrence following radical  prostatectomy in men with prostate cancer by diffusionweighted  magnetic resonance imaging: initial results

Prediction of biochemical recur ...

Objective To retrospectively assess the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) as a predictor of biochemical recurrence (BCR) after surgery in patient ...

352.85 KB
Macular edema and visual outcome following cataract surgery in patients with diabetic retinopathy and controls

Macular edema and visual outcom ...

Background Cystoid macular edema (CME) is a wellknown complication after cataract surgery, and diabetic retinopathy is reported to be an important r ...

620.12 KB
Increasing experience in laparoscopic staging of early  ovarian cancer

Increasing experience in laparo ...

We assessed the effect of increasing experience of a single surgeon (learning curve) in the laparoscopic staging procedure for women with early ovar ...

202.55 KB
Incidence of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Hepatitis B Virus  (HBV) and Dual Infection in Egyptian Patients  on Haemodialysis

Incidence of Hepatitis C Virus ...

Hepatitis viral infections are important causes of morbidity and mortality in haemodialysis patients. The aim of the present work is to study the pr ...

93.44 KB
Fractionation of high-dose electron beam irradiation of BPTB  grafts provides significantly improved viscoelastic and structural  properties compared to standard gamma irradiation

Fractionation of high-dose elec ...

Purpose Irradiation[30 kGy is required to achieve sterility against bacterial and viral pathogens in ACL allograft sterilization. However, doses[20 ...

دانلود 1
297.33 KB
Effect of different surface treatments on tensile bond  strength of silicone-based soft denture liner

Effect of different surface tre ...

Failure of the bond between the acrylic resin and resilient liner material is commonly encountered in clinical practice. The purpose of this study w ...

314.37 KB
Post-Stroke Infection: A Role for IL-1ra?

Post-Stroke Infection: A Role f ...

Background Infection is common following stroke and is independently associated with worse outcome. Clinical studies suggest that infections occur m ...

416.47 KB
Atypical meningioma of sylvian fissure with a 20-year history:  a rare case report

Atypical meningioma of sylvian ...

Atypical meningiomas of sylvian fissure are extremely rare. We reported a case of sylvian fissure atypical meningioma with a 20-year history. The tu ...

دانلود 1
1.33 MB
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Patients over 59 Years:  Early Recovery and 12-Month Follow-Up

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy ...

Background Bariatric surgery has shown to be safe for patients over 60 years with good results especially considering resolving of comorbidities. Sl ...

147.45 KB
Epidemiology and seasonal variation of distal radius  fractures in Oulu, Finland

Epidemiology and seasonal varia ...

Summary The purpose of this study was to assess changes in epidemiology and reasons for wintertime excess of distal radius fractures in Oulu, Finlan ...

154.69 KB
Balloon kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty in the management  of vertebral compression fractures

Balloon kyphoplasty and vertebr ...

Vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) are the most prevalent fractures in osteoporotic patients. The classical conservative management of these fra ...

320.33 KB
A Case of Left Main Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm Associated  with Valvular Pulmonary Stenosis in a Child

A Case of Left Main Pulmonary A ...

Aneurysm of the main pulmonary artery is a rare clinical entity that can be congenital or acquired. Most cases occur in association with other conge ...

202.25 KB
Pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis complicating  Sjِgren's syndrome in a 12-year-old girl

Pauci-immune crescentic glomeru ...

We read with great interest the article by Jung SK et al. on mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis and IgA deposits in a child with Sjِgren's s ...

191.25 KB
Rupture of the left mainstem bronchus  following endotracheal intubation in a neonate

Rupture of the left mainstem br ...

Tracheobronchial rupture is a rare diagnosis with very high associated mortality in the neonatal population. Our case demonstrates the opportunity t ...

173.12 KB
Novel Escherichia coli Strain Allows Efficient Recombinant Protein Production Using Lactose as Inducer

Novel Escherichia coli Strain A ...

An important characteristic of promoters used in recombinant protein production in Escherichi coli is their inducibility in a simple and cost-effect ...

142.07 KB
Liposomal Muramyl Tripeptide Phosphatidylethanolamine: Targeting and  Activating Macrophages for Adjuvant Treatment of Osteosarcoma

Liposomal Muramyl Tripeptide Ph ...

About one third of osteosarcoma patients develop lung metastasis refractory to chemotherapy. Recent studies indicate that biological response modifie ...

220.63 KB
Haploview: analysis and visualization of LD and  haplotype maps

Haploview: analysis and visuali ...

Research over the last few years has revealed significant haplotype structure in the human genome. The characterization of these patterns, particula ...

دانلود 5
135.63 KB
Identification of Lactobacillus strains isolated from  faecal specimens of babies and human milk colostrum  by API 50 CHL system

Identification of Lactobacillus ...

Lactic acid bacteria are very significant to human health due to the production of some antimicrobial substances and ability to inhibit pathogenic ba ...

69.88 KB
