# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
What is the cause of post-traumatic stress disorder following subarachnoid haemorrhage? Post-ictal events are key
211.06 KB 75 0
Ultrastructure of cell contacts of fetal and adult Leydig cells in the rat: a systematic study from birth to senium
1.19 MB 67 0
Evaluation of organ-specific glucose metabolism by 18F-FDG in insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) knockout mice as a model of insulin resistance
260.16 KB 70 0
Toremifene is an effective and safe alternative to tamoxifen in adjuvant endocrine therapy for breast cancer: results of four randomized trials
375.00 KB 65 0
Traditional-Westernizing continuum of change in screening behaviors: comparison between Arab women in Israel and the West Bank
233.84 KB 70 0
Leptomeningeal metastases from breast cancer: intrinsic subtypes may affect unique clinical manifestations
346.82 KB 53 0
Subclavian Vein Versus Arm Vein for Totally Implantable Central Venous Port for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer:A Retrospective Comparative Analysis
248.99 KB 74 1
Posterior cranial vault distraction osteogenesis in craniosynostosis: estimated increases in intracranial volume
333.41 KB 76 0
Usefulness of 3-month protocol biopsy of kidney allograft to detect subclinical rejection under triple immunosuppression with basiliximab: a single center experience
185.47 KB 79 0
Bisphosphonates: restrictions for vasculogenesis and angiogenesis: inhibition of cell function of endothelial progenitor cells and mature endothelial cells in vitro
215.77 KB 91 1
Daytime baroreflex sensitivity in patients with primary insomnia
198.14 KB 365 0
Demographic, clinical, and serological features of Turkish patients with rheumatoid arthritis: evaluation of 165 patients
96.64 KB 71 0
Age-related hematology and plasma chemistry changes in captive Masai ostriches (Struthio camelus massaicus)
172.41 KB 59 1
Goal-directed ultrasound in a limited resource healthcare setting and developing country
208.21 KB 80 0
NOTCH Signaling and ATOH1 in Colorectal Cancers
274.06 KB 69 0
Endogenous Ouabain: A Link Between Sodium Intake and Hypertension
175.87 KB 71 0
Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain
181.85 KB 66 0
Celiac Disease in an Urban VA Population with Iron Deficiency: The Case Against Routine Duodenal Biopsy
159.30 KB 74 0
Severe Acute Pancreatitis During Pregnancy: Eleven Years Experience from a Surgical Intensive Care Unit
257.56 KB 61 0
The relation between estimated glomerular filtration rate and proteinuria in Okayama Prefecture, Japan
145.57 KB 78 0
Head and neck cancers manifested as deep neck infection
339.85 KB 63 0
The parallel development of ODD and CD symptoms from early childhood to adolescence
255.24 KB 66 0
Appropriateness of red blood cell use in orthopedic surgery and traumatology: analysis of transfusion practice
308.20 KB 85 0
Breastmilk ghrelin, leptin, and fat levels changing foremilk to hindmilk: is that important for self-control of feeding?
282.85 KB 87 0
Reconstruction of the wrist using fibular autograft after excision of a giant cell tumor of the distal radius: report of an unexpected outcome
215.34 KB 145 0
What is the cause of post-traumatic stress disorder following subarachnoid haemorrhage? Post-ictal events  are key

What is the cause of post-traum ...

Background Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is common after subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) and causes poor outcome. Knowing which SAH events ca ...

211.06 KB
Ultrastructure of cell contacts of fetal and adult Leydig cells in the rat: a systematic study from birth to senium

Ultrastructure of cell contacts ...

Differentiation, development, and function of Leydig cells in the testis are regulated also by macrophages, vascular endothelial cells, and peritubu ...

1.19 MB
Evaluation of organ-specific glucose metabolism by 18F-FDG in insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) knockout mice as a model of insulin resistance

Evaluation of organ-specific gl ...

Objective Insulin resistance (IR) is a physiological condition in which the body produces insulin but does not result in a sufficient biological eff ...

260.16 KB
Toremifene is an effective and safe alternative to tamoxifen in adjuvant endocrine therapy for breast cancer: results of four randomized trials

Toremifene is an effective and ...

Compared to tamoxifen, the efficacy and side effects of toremifene in adjuvant endocrine therapy for breast cancer were not very clear. This meta-an ...

375.00 KB
Traditional-Westernizing continuum of change in screening behaviors: comparison between Arab women in Israel and the West Bank

Traditional-Westernizing contin ...

Health perceptions are changing, but the pace of change varies across societies, exercising different effects on women’s screening behaviors. Our ai ...

233.84 KB
Leptomeningeal metastases from breast cancer: intrinsic subtypes may affect unique clinical manifestations

Leptomeningeal metastases from ...

Leptomeningeal metastasis (LM) usually occurs late during the course of breast cancer. The aim of this study was to characterize the clinical featur ...

346.82 KB
Subclavian Vein Versus Arm Vein for Totally Implantable Central Venous Port for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer:A Retrospective Comparative Analysis

Subclavian Vein Versus Arm Vein ...

Purpose This study was designed to compare central venous ports (CVP) from two different routes of venous access¯the subclavian vein and arm vein¯in ...

دانلود 1
248.99 KB
Posterior cranial vault distraction osteogenesis in craniosynostosis: estimated increases in intracranial volume

Posterior cranial vault distrac ...

Purpose To study distraction osteogenesis of the posterior cranial vault in children requiring increased intracranial volume. Materials and methods ...

333.41 KB
Usefulness of 3-month protocol biopsy of kidney allograft to detect  subclinical rejection under triple immunosuppression  with basiliximab: a single center experience

Usefulness of 3-month protocol ...

Background Theoretically, an early protocol biopsy (PB) serves to detect subclinical rejection (SCR), allowing early treatment and prevention of acu ...

185.47 KB
Bisphosphonates: restrictions for vasculogenesis and angiogenesis: inhibition of cell function of endothelial progenitor cells and mature endothelial cells in vitro

Bisphosphonates: restrictions f ...

Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws (BP-ONJ) is one of the main side effects in patients treated with bisphosphonates for metastasis ...

دانلود 1
215.77 KB
Daytime baroreflex sensitivity in patients with primary insomnia

Daytime baroreflex sensitivity ...

Insomnia has been linked to cardiovascular disease and among these especially hypertension and changes in autonomic function. One marker for cardiov ...

198.14 KB
Demographic, clinical, and serological features of Turkish patients with rheumatoid arthritis: evaluation of 165 patients

Demographic, clinical, and sero ...

The study was designed to describe demographic, clinical, serological, and radiological characteristics of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) f ...

96.64 KB
Age-related hematology and plasma chemistry changes in captive Masai ostriches (Struthio camelus massaicus)

Age-related hematology and plas ...

Blood samples were obtained from ostrich chicks every month during a complete calendar year to assess agerelated hematology and plasma chemistry cha ...

دانلود 1
172.41 KB
Goal-directed ultrasound in a limited resource healthcare setting and developing country

Goal-directed ultrasound in a l ...

Background In developing countries, access to diagnostic technology is limited by economic, social and geographical barriers. Diagnostic tools must ...

208.21 KB
NOTCH Signaling and ATOH1 in Colorectal Cancers

NOTCH Signaling and ATOH1 in Co ...

The Notch receptor signaling pathway regulates expression of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor ATOH1 (Math1/Hath1) to determine cell f ...

274.06 KB
Endogenous Ouabain: A Link Between Sodium Intake and Hypertension

Endogenous Ouabain: A Link Betw ...

The sodium pump, an ancestral enzyme with conserved ability to bind ouabain, plays a key role in salt conservation and is regulated by aldosterone a ...

175.87 KB
Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain

Management of Chronic Pelvic Pa ...

Chronic pelvic pain is a complex condition that requires evaluation of the reproductive, gastrointestinal, urologic, musculoskeletal, psychological, ...

181.85 KB
Celiac Disease in an Urban VA Population with Iron Deficiency:  The Case Against Routine Duodenal Biopsy

Celiac Disease in an Urban VA P ...

Background Celiac disease is considered an under-recognized cause of iron deficiency. Small intestinal biopsy is proposed to be part of routine eval ...

159.30 KB
Severe Acute Pancreatitis During Pregnancy: Eleven Years Experience from a Surgical Intensive Care Unit

Severe Acute Pancreatitis Durin ...

Objective Acute pancreatitis during pregnancy is a rare and dangerous disease. This study attempts to present a comprehensive analysis of severe acu ...

257.56 KB
The relation between estimated glomerular filtration rate and proteinuria in Okayama Prefecture, Japan

The relation between estimated ...

Objective We investigated the link between renal function as evaluated by estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and proteinuria in Okayama Pre ...

145.57 KB
Head and neck cancers manifested as deep neck infection

Head and neck cancers manifeste ...

The incidence of head and neck cancers in patients with an initial presentation of deep neck infection is unclear and may be underestimated. Thus, t ...

339.85 KB
The parallel development of ODD and CD symptoms from early childhood to adolescence

The parallel development of ODD ...

This study examined the developmental relations between symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD) from early childho ...

255.24 KB
Appropriateness of red blood cell use in orthopedic surgery and traumatology: analysis of transfusion practice

Appropriateness of red blood ce ...

Introduction and purpose The need for perioperative patient blood management measures aiming at improving patient outcomes and reducing the need for ...

308.20 KB
Breastmilk ghrelin, leptin, and fat levels changing foremilk  to hindmilk: is that important for self-control of feeding?

Breastmilk ghrelin, leptin, and ...

The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in the ghrelin, leptin, and fat levels in the foremilk and hindmilk and the possible relationship ...

282.85 KB
Reconstruction of the wrist using fibular autograft  after excision of a giant cell tumor of the distal radius:  report of an unexpected outcome

Reconstruction of the wrist usi ...

Introduction One of the most common sites affected by giant cell tumor of the bone is the distal end of the radius. In this paper, we are describing ...

215.34 KB
