# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Are stereotactic sample biopsies still of value in the modern management of pineal region tumours? Lesson from a single-department, retrospective series
573.51 KB 67 0
Homocysteine, hRIP3 and congenital cardiovascular malformations
1.08 MB 82 0
Relationship between 18F-FDG uptake on PET and various biologic molecular markers in benign pulmonary lesion: comparison with primary lung cancer
512.46 KB 75 0
Ep-CAM RNA expression predicts metastasis-free survival in three cohorts of untreated node-negative breast cancer
393.43 KB 79 0
Cognitive function in postmenopausal breast cancer patients one year after completing adjuvant endocrine therapy with letrozole and/or tamoxifen in the BIG 1-98 trial
241.12 KB 75 0
Variation in breast cancer risk with mutation position, smoking, alcohol, and chest X-ray history, in the French National BRCA1/2 carrier cohort (GENEPSO)
414.64 KB 74 0
Enhanced Ablation of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound with Microbubbles: An Experimental Study on Rabbit Hepatic VX2 Tumors
611.26 KB 65 0
Developmental anomalies of the medial septal area: possible implication for limbic epileptogenesis
384.80 KB 84 0
Environmental factors influencing the survival of chronic dialysis patients
157.36 KB 80 1
Cleaning ability and induced dentin loss of a magnetostrictive ultrasonic instrument at different power settings
304.26 KB 65 0
Prognostic value of electrocardiographic detection of unrecognized myocardial infarction in persons with stable coronary artery disease: data from the Heart and Soul Study
184.98 KB 75 0
Rituximab in the treatment of severe lupus myelopathy
165.71 KB 85 0
Coagulase gene polymorphism of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical and sub-clinical bovine mastitis in Isfahan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari provinces of Iran
143.36 KB 67 0
A case of cesarean scar ectopic: a rare but important form of ectopic pregnancy
204.18 KB 79 0
Updates on Rectal Cancer
226.21 KB 73 0
Home Blood Pressure Monitoring: How Good a Predictor of Long-Term Risk?
159.87 KB 75 0
Endometriosis and Abdominal Myofascial Pain in Adults and Adolescents
216.82 KB 81 0
Esophageal Contractions in Patients with Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia
202.76 KB 75 0
Classification of Diet-Modulated Gene Signatures at the Colon Cancer Initiation and Progression Stages
314.97 KB 86 0
Early impact of depression symptoms on the decline in activities of daily living among older Japanese: Y-HALE cohort study
152.30 KB 97 0
Complications of total laryngectomy in the era of chemoradiation
256.76 KB 86 0
Epidemiology of psychoactive drug use amongst adolescents in metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria
186.82 KB 82 0
Analysis of infection in shoulder arthroplasty: a multicentre study
383.67 KB 93 0
Declining prevalence rates for overweight and obesity in German children starting school
2.39 MB 80 0
Low back pain associated with pregnancy: a review of literature
126.97 KB 77 0
Are stereotactic sample biopsies still of value in the modern management of pineal region tumours? Lesson from a single-department, retrospective series

Are stereotactic sample biopsie ...

Objective Recent improvements in imaging-based diagnosis, the broader application of neuroendoscopic techniques and advances in open surgery techniq ...

573.51 KB
Homocysteine, hRIP3 and congenital cardiovascular malformations

Homocysteine, hRIP3 and congeni ...

Elevated serum homocysteine (Hcys) levels have been suggested to contribute to congenital cardiovascular malformations, neural tube defects, and car ...

1.08 MB
Relationship between 18F-FDG uptake on PET and various biologic molecular markers in benign pulmonary lesion: comparison with primary lung cancer

Relationship between 18F-FDG up ...

Background Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) has a false-positive result in benign pulmonar ...

512.46 KB
Ep-CAM RNA expression predicts metastasis-free survival in three cohorts of untreated node-negative breast cancer

Ep-CAM RNA expression predicts ...

Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (Ep-CAM) recently received increased attention as a prognostic factor in breast cancer.We aimed to validate the in ...

393.43 KB
Cognitive function in postmenopausal breast cancer patients one year after completing adjuvant endocrine therapy with letrozole and/or tamoxifen in the BIG 1-98 trial

Cognitive function in postmenop ...

Endocrine therapy for breast cancer may affect cognition. The purpose of this study was to examine whether cognitive function improves after cessati ...

241.12 KB
Variation in breast cancer risk with mutation position, smoking, alcohol, and chest X-ray history, in the French National BRCA1/2 carrier cohort (GENEPSO)

Variation in breast cancer risk ...

Germline mutations in BRCA1/2 confer a high risk of breast cancer (BC), but the magnitude of this risk varies according to various factors. Although ...

414.64 KB
Enhanced Ablation of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound with Microbubbles: An Experimental Study on Rabbit Hepatic VX2 Tumors

Enhanced Ablation of High Inten ...

Purpose This study was designed to assess the enhanced effect of high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) ablation with microbubbles on rabbit hepat ...

611.26 KB
Developmental anomalies of the medial septal area: possible implication for limbic epileptogenesis

Developmental anomalies of the ...

Introduction The maldevelopment of the midline structures is connected with neurologic disorders. The cavum septum pellucidum (CSP) exists in the fe ...

384.80 KB
Environmental factors influencing the survival of chronic dialysis patients

Environmental factors influenci ...

Background There have been few investigations into the effects of environmental factors on the outcome of end-stage renal disease. Methods We inves ...

دانلود 1
157.36 KB
Cleaning ability and induced dentin loss of a magnetostrictive ultrasonic instrument at different power settings

Cleaning ability and induced de ...

Some laboratory studies have evaluated the oscillation mode of ultrasonic scalers. None of them recorded its influence on calculus removal and quant ...

304.26 KB
Prognostic value of electrocardiographic detection of unrecognized myocardial infarction in persons with stable coronary artery disease: data from the Heart and Soul Study

Prognostic value of electrocard ...

Unrecognized myocardial infarction (MI) carries a poor prognosis in the general population, but its prognostic value is less clear in high-risk pati ...

184.98 KB
Rituximab in the treatment of severe lupus myelopathy

Rituximab in the treatment of s ...

Lupus myelopathy (LM) is a rare but critical condition, and the prognosis is grim for patients with severe initial motor deficits despite aggressive ...

165.71 KB
Coagulase gene polymorphism of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical and sub-clinical bovine mastitis in Isfahan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari provinces of Iran

Coagulase gene polymorphism of ...

Mastitis is a common disease in dairy cattle and is an inflammatory response of the breast tissue to bacterial attack to this tissue. Mastitis cause ...

143.36 KB
A case of cesarean scar ectopic: a rare but important form of ectopic pregnancy

A case of cesarean scar ectopic ...

Introduction This is a case of a 35-year-old G4P3 female with history of one prior cesarean section who presented to the emergency department with v ...

204.18 KB
Updates on Rectal Cancer

Updates on Rectal Cancer

In the last few decades there has been a shift in the paradigm of rectal cancer treatment. Surgery, historically the only weapon against rectal mali ...

226.21 KB
Home Blood Pressure Monitoring: How Good a Predictor of Long-Term Risk?

Home Blood Pressure Monitoring: ...

Most management decisions for the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension are made using blood pressure (BP) measurements made in the clinic. Howeve ...

159.87 KB
Endometriosis and Abdominal Myofascial Pain in Adults and Adolescents

Endometriosis and Abdominal Myo ...

Endometriosis and myofascial pain are common disorders with significant impact on quality of life. Increasingly, these conditions are being recogniz ...

216.82 KB
Esophageal Contractions in Patients with Chronic Progressive  External Ophthalmoplegia

Esophageal Contractions in Pati ...

Background Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia is a mitochondrial myopathy that causes muscular or multisystem symptoms and has dysphagia a ...

202.76 KB
Classification of Diet-Modulated Gene Signatures at the Colon Cancer Initiation and Progression Stages

Classification of Diet-Modulate ...

Background The effects of dietary polyunsaturated (PUFAs) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) on intestinal cytokinetics within the context of c ...

314.97 KB
Early impact of depression symptoms on the decline in activities of daily living among older Japanese: Y-HALE cohort study

Early impact of depression symp ...

Objective It is well known that depression deteriorates basic activities of daily living (ADLs), such as eating and bathing, among the elderly, but ...

152.30 KB
Complications of total laryngectomy in the era of chemoradiation

Complications of total laryngec ...

As more total laryngectomies (TLE) are nowadays performed as salvage procedures, the rate of postoperative complications increases. The primary aim ...

256.76 KB
Epidemiology of psychoactive drug use amongst adolescents in metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria

Epidemiology of psychoactive dr ...

The study was conducted in response to the lack of epidemiological data in recent time on the use of psychoactive substances by adolescents in metro ...

186.82 KB
Analysis of infection in shoulder arthroplasty: a multicentre study

Analysis of infection in should ...

Background The purpose of this paper is to analyze 44 patients with infected shoulder arthroplasties from diVerent centers. Methods The patients we ...

383.67 KB
Declining prevalence rates for overweight and obesity  in German children starting school

Declining prevalence rates for ...

To estimate the development of prevalence rates for overweight and obesity in children starting school in Germany, data for children’s height and we ...

2.39 MB
Low back pain associated with pregnancy: a review  of literature

Low back pain associated with p ...

Introduction Low back is a common problem for all women but there is an increased incidence of back pain associated with pregnancy. Incidence The m ...

126.97 KB
