# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Could the serial determination of Ca15.3 serum improve the diagnostic accuracy of PET/CT? Results from small population with previous breast cancer
472.13 KB 61 0
Hypermethylation of the progesterone receptor A in constitutive antiprogestin-resistant mouse mammary carcinomas
881.37 KB 81 0
Association of diagnostic work-up with subsequent attendance in a breast cancer screening program for false-positive cases
195.98 KB 66 0
Predictive value of BI-RADS classification for breast imaging in women under age 50
170.50 KB 90 0
Cerebrospinal Fluid Enhancement on Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery Images After Carotid Artery Stenting with Neuroprotective Balloon Occlusions: Hemodynamicm Instability and Blood–Brain Barrier Disruption
263.74 KB 152 0
Polycomb genes expression as a predictor of poor clinical outcome in children with medulloblastoma
358.89 KB 72 0
Methylprednisolone pulse therapy combined with mizoribine following tonsillectomy for immunoglobulin A nephropathy: clinical remission rate, steroid sparing effect, and maintenance of renal function
288.61 KB 63 0
The diffusion kinetics of a nanofilled and a midifilled resin composite immersed in distilled water, artificial saliva,and lactic acid
637.42 KB 63 0
Is intravascular ultrasound beneficial for percutaneous coronary intervention of bifurcation lesions? Evidence from a 4,314-patient registry
199.07 KB 60 0
Autoantibodies for gastrointestinal organ-specific autoimmune diseases in rheumatoid arthritis patients and their relatives
118.58 KB 71 0
Serum biochemical profile and performance of broiler chickens fed diets containing essential oils and pepper
234.29 KB 65 0
Diagnosis of traumatic iliopsoas hematoma using point-of-care ultrasound
184.36 KB 68 0
Genetic Evaluation of Polyposis
154.35 KB 64 0
Mechanisms and Potential Therapies for Preeclampsia
201.61 KB 81 0
Treatment of Chronic Migraine Headache with OnabotulinumtoxinA
81.97 KB 60 0
Loss of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Amplifies Murine Toxin-Induced Liver Fibrosis by Upregulating Collagen I Expression
486.35 KB 74 0
Genetic Analysis of Complement Component 9 (C9) Polymorphisms with Clearance of Hepatitis B Virus Infection
286.03 KB 68 0
Evaluation of anthropometric parameters and physical fitness in elderly Japanese
189.26 KB 81 0
Prognosis of patients with recurrent facial palsy
172.31 KB 77 0
Psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents presenting with unexplained chronic pain: what is the prevalence and clinical relevancy?
229.33 KB 65 0
Implant failure of long proximal femoral nail antirotation in patient with subtrochanteric pathologic fracture
237.71 KB 88 0
The European Paediatric Life Support course improves assessment and care of dehydrated children in the emergency department
140.94 KB 80 0
Bone and joint infections in adults: a comprehensive classification proposal
285.42 KB 84 1
Identification and quantitation of two benzoylindoles AM-694 and (4-methoxyphenyl)(1-pentyl-1H-indol-3-yl)methanone, and three cannabimimetic naphthoylindoles JWH-210, JWH-122, and JWH-019 as adulterants in illegal products obtained via the Internet
905.05 KB 136 0
Individual recurrence intervals after anti-VEGF therapy for age-related macular degeneration
455.18 KB 65 0
Could the serial determination of Ca15.3 serum improve the diagnostic accuracy of PET/CT? Results from small population with previous breast cancer

Could the serial determination ...

Objectives A single value of tumor marker elevation is not used for the diagnosis of breast cancer (BC) relapse, whereas the serial measurements whi ...

472.13 KB
Hypermethylation of the progesterone receptor A in constitutive antiprogestin-resistant mouse mammary carcinomas

Hypermethylation of the progest ...

Most breast carcinomas that are estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) positive respond initially to an endocrine therapy, but over t ...

881.37 KB
Association of diagnostic work-up with subsequent attendance  in a breast cancer screening program for false-positive cases

Association of diagnostic work- ...

The objective of this study is to determine whether the likelihood of returning for routine breast cancer screening differed for false-positive case ...

195.98 KB
Predictive value of BI-RADS classification for breast imaging in women under age 50

Predictive value of BI-RADS cla ...

In this study, we assessed the positive-predictive value (PPV) of mammography and/or ultrasonography in women age 50 based on recommendations for bi ...

170.50 KB
Cerebrospinal Fluid Enhancement on Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery Images After Carotid Artery Stenting with Neuroprotective Balloon Occlusions: Hemodynamicm Instability and Blood–Brain Barrier Disruption

Cerebrospinal Fluid Enhancement ...

Purpose A rare complication of carotid artery stenting (CAS), prolonged reversible neurological symptoms with delayed cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) spac ...

263.74 KB
Polycomb genes expression as a predictor of poor clinical outcome in children with medulloblastoma

Polycomb genes expression as a ...

Introduction Medulloblastoma is the most frequent type of embryonal tumor in the pediatric population, accounting for 20–25% of all brain tumors in ...

358.89 KB
Methylprednisolone pulse therapy combined with mizoribine following tonsillectomy for immunoglobulin A nephropathy: clinical remission rate, steroid sparing effect, and maintenance of renal function

Methylprednisolone pulse therap ...

Background The long-term prognosis of immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN) is reportedly poor. In Japan, tonsillectomy-steroid pulse therapy has freq ...

288.61 KB
The diffusion kinetics of a nanofilled and a midifilled resin composite immersed in distilled water, artificial saliva,and lactic acid

The diffusion kinetics of a nan ...

This study investigated the diffusion kinetics of a nanofilled (Filtek Z350) and a midifill (Filtek P60) resin composite immersed in distilled water ...

637.42 KB
Is intravascular ultrasound beneficial for percutaneous coronary intervention of bifurcation lesions? Evidence from a 4,314-patient registry

Is intravascular ultrasound ben ...

Background Coronary bifurcations remain a challenging lesion subset for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). It is unclear whether intravascula ...

199.07 KB
Autoantibodies for gastrointestinal organ-specific autoimmune diseases in rheumatoid arthritis patients  and their relatives

Autoantibodies for gastrointest ...

Background Clustering of autoimmune diseases is common and may be due to genetic background and exposition to environmental triggers. Objective The ...

118.58 KB
Serum biochemical profile and performance of broiler chickens fed diets containing essential oils and pepper

Serum biochemical profile and p ...

Serum biochemical parameters and performance data were evaluated in broilers fed diets supplemented with antibiotics or essential oils from oregano, ...

234.29 KB
Diagnosis of traumatic iliopsoas hematoma using point-of-care ultrasound

Diagnosis of traumatic iliopsoa ...

Case 1 involved a 24-year-old man who complained of severe right groin pain and difficulty of walking after falling to the ground while snowboarding ...

184.36 KB
Genetic Evaluation of Polyposis

Genetic Evaluation of Polyposis

There is substantial ongoing work in elucidating the genetics of colorectal cancer (CRC). In this article, the state of the art and clinical applica ...

154.35 KB
Mechanisms and Potential Therapies for Preeclampsia

Mechanisms and Potential Therap ...

Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorder found most commonly in nulliparous women. Recent research performed in animal models of th ...

201.61 KB
Treatment of Chronic Migraine Headache with OnabotulinumtoxinA

Treatment of Chronic Migraine H ...

Chronic migraine headache remains an exceedingly difficult entity to manage. Treatment of chronic migraine headache with onabotulinumtoxinA has rece ...

81.97 KB
Loss of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Amplifies Murine  Toxin-Induced Liver Fibrosis by Upregulating Collagen I  Expression

Loss of Matrix Metalloproteinas ...

Background and Aims Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), a type IV collagenase secreted by activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), is upregulated in ...

486.35 KB
Genetic Analysis of Complement Component 9 (C9) Polymorphisms with Clearance of Hepatitis B Virus Infection

Genetic Analysis of Complement ...

Background The complement component 9 (C9), a major cytolytic protein in the complement system, plays an important role in the immunological process ...

286.03 KB
Evaluation of anthropometric parameters and physical fitness in elderly Japanese

Evaluation of anthropometric pa ...

Objectives We evaluated anthropometric parameters and physical fitness in elderly Japanese. Methods A total of 2,106 elderly Japanese (749 men and ...

189.26 KB
Prognosis of patients with recurrent facial palsy

Prognosis of patients with recu ...

No studies to date have classified recurrent facial palsy according to the House-Brackmann grade, thus limiting any comparisons between patients wit ...

172.31 KB
Psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents presenting with unexplained chronic pain: what is the prevalence and clinical relevancy?

Psychiatric disorders in childr ...

The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among children with unexplained chronic pain (UCP) is high in unselected populations and pain clinics, yet t ...

229.33 KB
Implant failure of long proximal femoral nail antirotation in patient with subtrochanteric pathologic fracture

Implant failure of long proxima ...

Pathologic or impending pathologic fracture is an unhappy clinical manifestation of skeletal metastasis. If possible, stabilization of metastatic bo ...

237.71 KB
The European Paediatric Life Support course improves  assessment and care of dehydrated children  in the emergency department

The European Paediatric Life Su ...

We tested the hypothesis that application of the principles learned from the European Paediatric Life Support (EPLS) course improves child health as ...

140.94 KB
Bone and joint infections in adults: a comprehensive  classification proposal

Bone and joint infections in ad ...

Introduction and methods Ten currently available classifications were tested for their ability to describe a continuous cohort of 300 adult patients ...

دانلود 1
285.42 KB
Identification and quantitation of two benzoylindoles AM-694 and (4-methoxyphenyl)(1-pentyl-1H-indol-3-yl)methanone, and three cannabimimetic naphthoylindoles JWH-210, JWH-122, and JWH-019 as adulterants in illegal products obtained via the Internet

Identification and quantitation ...

During our careful surveillance of unregulated drugs, we found five new compounds used as adulterants in herbal and drug-like products obtained via ...

905.05 KB
Individual recurrence intervals after anti-VEGF therapy for age-related macular degeneration

Individual recurrence intervals ...

Background To assess the time interval to recurrent choroidal neovascular membrane (CNV) activity in eyes with neovascular age-related macular degen ...

455.18 KB
