# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
COX-2 expression predicts worse breast cancer prognosis and does not modify the association with aspirin
282.22 KB 59 0
Liver Hypertrophy After Percutaneous Portal Vein Embolization:Comparison of N-Butyl-2-Cyanocrylate Versus Sodium Acrylate–Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer Particles in a Swine Model
437.35 KB 68 0
Incidence of mutism, dysarthria and dysphagia associated with childhood posterior fossa tumour
147.43 KB 55 0
A case of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome due to anti-factor H antibody in a patient presenting with a factor XII deficiency identified two novel mutations
285.71 KB 67 0
Prevalence of findings compatible with carotid artery calcifications on dental panoramic radiographs
283.36 KB 66 1
Biomarkers: optimizing treatment guidance in heart failure
440.21 KB 62 0
Treating early rheumatoid arthritis intensively: current UK practice does not reflect guidelines
106.91 KB 61 0
Biochemical composition of blood plasma and follicular fluid in relation to follicular size in buffalo
120.31 KB 78 0
New Developments in the Use of Histamine and Histamine Receptors
145.52 KB 65 0
Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells: Biology and Therapeutic Implications
251.26 KB 56 0
Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate: What Are the Pitfalls?
170.40 KB 79 1
Understanding Multisymptom Presentations in Chronic Pelvic Pain: The Inter-relationships Between the Viscera and Myofascial Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
166.39 KB 77 0
Women’s Health Training in Gastroenterology Fellowship: A National Survey of Fellows and Program Directors
449.79 KB 63 1
Multiparametric Assessment of Vascular Function and Atherosclerosis in Patients with Autoimmune Gastritis: A Comparative Study
202.02 KB 61 0
Lifetime prevalence of mental disorders and its relationship to suicidal ideation in a Japanese rural community with high suicide and alcohol consumption rates
184.98 KB 65 0
Surgical management of vestibular schwannoma in elderly patients
327.29 KB 75 0
Mental health matters in elementary school: first-grade screening predicts fourth grade achievement test scores
227.81 KB 70 0
Intramuscular cysticercosis: an unusual presentation:report of three cases
498.29 KB 84 0
Outcome of ventilator-associated pneumonia due to multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa treated with aerosolized colistin in neonates: a retrospective chart review
145.07 KB 90 1
Innovations in total knee replacement: new trends in operative treatment and changes in peri-operative management
610.91 KB 73 1
Magnetic resonance 4D flow characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid at the craniocervical junction and the cervical spinal canal
578.53 KB 69 0
Imaging of methamphetamine incorporated into hair by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry
442.10 KB 62 0
Extrafoveal traction in retinal vein occlusion using spectral domain optical coherence tomography
643.49 KB 68 0
Plaque regression in one artery is not necessarily associated with parallel changes in other vascular beds
579.03 KB 64 0
Arthroscopy-assisted fracture fixation
1,020.41 KB 63 0
COX-2 expression predicts worse breast cancer prognosis and does not modify the association with aspirin

COX-2 expression predicts worse ...

Some previous studies have found worse prognosis among cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-expressing breast cancers. Aspirin and NSAIDs inhibit COX-2. Three ...

282.22 KB
Liver Hypertrophy After Percutaneous Portal Vein Embolization:Comparison of N-Butyl-2-Cyanocrylate Versus Sodium Acrylate–Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer Particles in a Swine Model

Liver Hypertrophy After Percuta ...

Purpose Percutaneous portal vein embolization (PPVE) induces hypertrophy of the future liver remnant before hepatic resection. The ideal embolic mat ...

437.35 KB
Incidence of mutism, dysarthria and dysphagia associated with childhood posterior fossa tumour

Incidence of mutism, dysarthria ...

Purpose Dysarthria and dysphagia are known complications following posterior fossa tumour (PFT) surgery. Outcome studies for these disorders, howeve ...

147.43 KB
A case of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome due to anti-factor H antibody in a patient presenting with a factor XII deficiency identified two novel mutations

A case of atypical hemolytic ur ...

9-year-old boy with pallor and macrohematuria showed hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and renal failure. There was no history of diarrhea and the ...

285.71 KB
Prevalence of findings compatible with carotid artery calcifications on dental panoramic radiographs

Prevalence of findings compatib ...

Cerebrovascular accidents are responsible for killing or disabling more than half a million Americans every year. They are the third leading cause o ...

دانلود 1
283.36 KB
Biomarkers: optimizing treatment guidance in heart failure

Biomarkers: optimizing treatmen ...

Heart failure is a frequent and life-threatening syndrome which is not only the result of myocardial injury or hemodynamic overload as commonly perc ...

440.21 KB
Treating early rheumatoid arthritis intensively: current UK practice does not reflect guidelines

Treating early rheumatoid arthr ...

Recent guidance published in the UK by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has recommended that patients with early rheumatoid ...

106.91 KB
Biochemical composition of blood plasma and follicular fluid in relation to follicular size in buffalo

Biochemical composition of bloo ...

The aim of this study was to examine the biochemical composition of follicular fluid from differentsized follicles and its relationship with that of ...

120.31 KB
New Developments in the Use of Histamine and Histamine Receptors

New Developments in the Use of ...

Histamine and the histamine receptors are important regulators of a plethora of biological processes, including immediate hypersensitivity reactions ...

145.52 KB
Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells: Biology and Therapeutic Implications

Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells: B ...

The hypothesis that cancer is driven by a subpopulation of tumor-initiating or cancer stem cells (CSC), defined by their selective ability for exten ...

251.26 KB
Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate: What Are the Pitfalls?

Estimation of Glomerular Filtra ...

Because of the high prevalence of chronic kidney disease, estimation of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is necessary to diagnose, stage, and fo ...

دانلود 1
170.40 KB
Understanding Multisymptom Presentations in Chronic Pelvic Pain: The Inter-relationships Between the Viscera and Myofascial Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Understanding Multisymptom Pres ...

Patients presenting with chronic pelvic pain frequently complain of multiple symptoms that appear to involve more than one organ system, creating di ...

166.39 KB
Women’s Health Training in Gastroenterology Fellowship:  A National Survey of Fellows and Program Directors

Women’s Health Training in Gast ...

Background and Aims The Gastroenterology Core Curriculum requires training in women’s digestive disorders; however, requirements do not necessarily ...

دانلود 1
449.79 KB
Multiparametric Assessment of Vascular Function and Atherosclerosis in Patients with Autoimmune Gastritis: A Comparative Study

Multiparametric Assessment of V ...

Background/Aims Patients with autoimmune gastritis might have accelerated atherosclerosis due to autoimmunity and chronic inflammation. Endothelial ...

202.02 KB
Lifetime prevalence of mental disorders and its relationship to suicidal ideation in a Japanese rural community with high suicide and alcohol consumption rates

Lifetime prevalence of mental d ...

Objective The World Mental Health Survey Japan was conducted to address the current status of mental disorders in Japan. Among the various regions c ...

184.98 KB
Surgical management of vestibular schwannoma in elderly patients

Surgical management of vestibul ...

This study aimed to evaluate surgical results of vestibular schwannoma in elderly patients using a retrospective study in a Quaternary Neurotology a ...

327.29 KB
Mental health matters in elementary school: first-grade screening predicts fourth grade achievement test scores

Mental health matters in elemen ...

The objective of the study was to evaluate whether mental health problems identified through screens administered in first grade are related to poor ...

227.81 KB
Intramuscular cysticercosis: an unusual presentation:report of three cases

Intramuscular cysticercosis: an ...

The term endemic is a fading entity as many diseases are getting globalized. Cysticercosis was considered a third-world disease but that is fast cha ...

498.29 KB
Outcome of ventilator-associated pneumonia due  to multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii  and Pseudomonas aeruginosa treated with aerosolized  colistin in neonates: a retrospective chart review

Outcome of ventilator-associate ...

Multidrug-resistant (MDR) gram-negative bacteriarelated nosocomial infections and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) presents an emerging challen ...

دانلود 1
145.07 KB
Innovations in total knee replacement: new trends  in operative treatment and changes  in peri-operative management

Innovations in total knee repla ...

The human knee joint can sustain damage due to injury, or more usually osteoarthritis, to one, two or all three of the knee compartments: the medial ...

دانلود 1
610.91 KB
Magnetic resonance 4D flow characteristics of cerebrospinal  fluid at the craniocervical junction and the cervical  spinal canal

Magnetic resonance 4D flow char ...

Objectives To evaluate the applicability of 4D phase contrast (4D PC) MR imaging in the assessment of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in healthy volunt ...

578.53 KB
Imaging of methamphetamine incorporated into hair by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry

Imaging of methamphetamine inco ...

Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI)–time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) was used for visual demonstration of methamphetamine ...

442.10 KB
Extrafoveal traction in retinal vein occlusion using spectral domain optical coherence tomography

Extrafoveal traction in retinal ...

Background To present extrafoveal vitreous traction membranes, and their prevalence and association with diffuse macular oedema in eyes with retinal ...

643.49 KB
Plaque regression in one artery is not necessarily associated with parallel changes in other vascular beds

Plaque regression in one artery ...

It remains unclear whether atherosclerosis in one vascular bed progresses in parallel with that in other vascular beds. We investigated serial chang ...

579.03 KB
Arthroscopy-assisted fracture fixation

Arthroscopy-assisted fracture f ...

Purpose The purpose of this article was to systematically analyze the results of published studies in the literature which evaluated the use of arth ...

1,020.41 KB
