# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Characteristics of Small Bowel Tumors Detected by Double Balloon Endoscopy
203.30 KB 81 0
Infection with Specific Helicobacter pylori-cag Pathogenicity Island Strains Is Associated with Interleukin-1B Gene Polymorphisms in Venezuelan Chronic Gastritis Patients
374.77 KB 81 0
Narrow Band Imaging to Detect Residual or Recurrent Neoplastic Tissue During Surveillance Endoscopy
273.34 KB 81 0
Role of a Short-Term Stent-Trial in a Patient with Biliary Stricture and Portal Hypertensive Biliopathy: Long-Term Outcome Result
156.76 KB 81 0
Narrow-Banding Images and Structures of Microvessels of Colonic Lesions
425.32 KB 81 0
Antiglycan Antibodies in Greek Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
270.08 KB 81 0
Prediction of Sustained Virological Response to Combination Therapy with Pegylated Interferon Alfa and Ribavirin in Patients with Genotype 3 Chronic Hepatitis C
266.52 KB 81 0
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: Association with Toll-Like Receptor 4 Expression and Plasma Levels of Interleukin 8
382.90 KB 81 1
Gender Bias in Gastroparesis: Is Nitric Oxide the Answer?
301.16 KB 81 0
Focal Fat Masquerading as Malignancy in the Liver Graft of a Post-Transplant Patient
285.96 KB 81 0
Quality of Life in Oncological Patients with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia: Validity and Reliability of the Dutch Version of the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory and the Deglutition Handicap Index
446.73 KB 81 0
The Role of the Epiglottis in the Swallow Process after a Partial or Total Glossectomy Due to a Neoplasm
422.85 KB 81 0
Well-Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma with Concomitant Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Present with Less Aggressive Clinical Stage and Low Recurrence
242.24 KB 81 0
BMI, waist circumference, and clustering of cardiovascular risk factors in Japanese adults
178.49 KB 81 0
Evaluation of anthropometric parameters and physical fitness in elderly Japanese
189.26 KB 81 0
Blood lead levels of contemporary Japanese children
248.09 KB 81 0
The association between idiopathic environmental intolerance and psychological distress, and the influence of social support and recent major life events
195.17 KB 81 0
Is surgery always necessary in esophageal cancer?
300.42 KB 81 0
A case of small-cell esophageal cancer with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis safely treated with cisplatin and etoposide
479.08 KB 81 0
Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy in benign thyroid disease: can surgery make a diVerence?
321.67 KB 81 0
Safety and patient selection of totally implantable hearing aid surgery: Envoy system, Esteem
318.24 KB 81 0
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery in children: predictive factors of outcome
254.79 KB 81 0
Prognostic indicators of hearing after complete resection of cholesteatoma causing a labyrinthine Wstula
361.83 KB 81 0
MMP-2 expression in 102 patients with glottic laryngeal cancer
235.13 KB 81 0
The palatal island mucoperiosteal flap for primary intraoral reconstruction following tumor ablative surgery
488.23 KB 81 0
Characteristics of Small Bowel Tumors Detected by Double  Balloon Endoscopy

Characteristics of Small Bowel ...

Background A few reports suggest that the emergence of double balloon endoscopy (DBE) has likely changed the clinical picture of small bowel tumors ...

203.30 KB
Infection with Specific Helicobacter pylori-cag Pathogenicity  Island Strains Is Associated with Interleukin-1B Gene  Polymorphisms in Venezuelan Chronic Gastritis Patients

Infection with Specific Helicob ...

Background The cag pathogenicity island (cag-PAI) is one of the major virulence factors of Helicobacter pylori, showing considerable geographic vari ...

374.77 KB
Narrow Band Imaging to Detect Residual or Recurrent Neoplastic  Tissue During Surveillance Endoscopy

Narrow Band Imaging to Detect R ...

Background There is little data on the prevalence of residual neoplastic tissue or the rate of endoscopically detected recurrence in patients with p ...

273.34 KB
Role of a Short-Term Stent-Trial in a Patient with Biliary  Stricture and Portal Hypertensive Biliopathy: Long-Term  Outcome Result

Role of a Short-Term Stent-Tria ...

In portal hypertensive biliopathy (PHB) secondary to portal thrombosis, multiple factors can lead to symptoms and alteration of liver tests. The com ...

156.76 KB
Narrow-Banding Images and Structures of Microvessels  of Colonic Lesions

Narrow-Banding Images and Struc ...

Background Magnifying colonoscopy with NBI has been shown to be useful for the differential diagnosis of tumors. However, the relationship between f ...

425.32 KB
Antiglycan Antibodies in Greek Patients with Inflammatory Bowel  Disease

Antiglycan Antibodies in Greek ...

Background Antiglycan antibodies have recently been reported to be associated with Crohn’s disease (CD). These antibodies include anti-Saccharomyces ...

270.08 KB
Prediction of Sustained Virological Response to Combination  Therapy with Pegylated Interferon Alfa and Ribavirin in Patients  with Genotype 3 Chronic Hepatitis C

Prediction of Sustained Virolog ...

Background Sustained virological response (SVR) rates in patients with hepatitis C are heterogeneous and are influenced by a wide range of host and ...

266.52 KB
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Nonalcoholic  Steatohepatitis: Association with Toll-Like Receptor 4  Expression and Plasma Levels of Interleukin 8

Small Intestinal Bacterial Over ...

Background Experimental and clinical studies suggest an association between small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and nonalcoholic steatohepa ...

دانلود 1
382.90 KB
Gender Bias in Gastroparesis: Is Nitric Oxide the Answer?

Gender Bias in Gastroparesis: I ...

Accumulating evidence suggests that genderrelated differences are prominent in gastric motility functions in both health and disease. Women are more ...

301.16 KB
Focal Fat Masquerading as Malignancy in the Liver Graft of a Post-Transplant Patient

Focal Fat Masquerading as Malig ...

Background and Aims Liver failure from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasing indication for liver transplant and recurrence of ...

285.96 KB
Quality of Life in Oncological Patients with Oropharyngeal  Dysphagia: Validity and Reliability of the Dutch Version  of the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory and the Deglutition  Handicap Index

Quality of Life in Oncological ...

Quality of life is an important outcome measurement in objectifying the current health status or therapy effects in patients with oropharyngeal dysp ...

446.73 KB
The Role of the Epiglottis in the Swallow Process after a Partial  or Total Glossectomy Due to a Neoplasm

The Role of the Epiglottis in t ...

Repeatable epiglottic movement patterns were recorded during a videofluoroscopic swallow evaluation of 95 patients who had undergone a total or part ...

422.85 KB
Well-Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma with Concomitant Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Present with Less Aggressive Clinical Stage and Low Recurrence

Well-Differentiated Thyroid Car ...

Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) are the most common differentiated thyroid cancers. Previous studies report ...

242.24 KB
BMI, waist circumference, and clustering of cardiovascular risk factors in Japanese adults

BMI, waist circumference, and c ...

Objective To examine whether the association between waist circumference (WC) and clustering of cardiovascular risk factors varies with obesity (BMI ...

178.49 KB
Evaluation of anthropometric parameters and physical fitness in elderly Japanese

Evaluation of anthropometric pa ...

Objectives We evaluated anthropometric parameters and physical fitness in elderly Japanese. Methods A total of 2,106 elderly Japanese (749 men and ...

189.26 KB
Blood lead levels of contemporary Japanese children

Blood lead levels of contempora ...

Objectives Lead concentrations in whole blood (BPb) of Japanese children were measured to obtain insight into the sources of variation and to estima ...

248.09 KB
The association between idiopathic environmental intolerance and psychological distress, and the influence of social support and recent major life events

The association between idiopat ...

Objectives Idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI) is a disorder characterized by non-specific symptoms attributed to common airborne chemicals. ...

195.17 KB
Is surgery always necessary in esophageal cancer?

Is surgery always necessary in ...

Two randomized trials showed that survival was similar after definitive chemoradiation (CRT) or after CRT and surgery in locally advanced esophageal ...

300.42 KB
A case of small-cell esophageal cancer with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis safely treated with cisplatin and etoposide

A case of small-cell esophageal ...

A 54-year-old male undergoing hemodialysis was admitted to our hospital because of difficulty in swallowing. Esophagography and esophageal endoscopy ...

479.08 KB
Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy in benign thyroid disease: can surgery make a diVerence?

Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy ...

The association between a pre-operative recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) palsy and thyroid disease is usually suggestive of locally advanced malignan ...

321.67 KB
Safety and patient selection of totally implantable hearing aid surgery: Envoy system, Esteem

Safety and patient selection of ...

Patient’s low compliance of conventional hearing aids has lead to innovation of totally implantable hearing devices such as Esteem, Envoy system. Th ...

318.24 KB
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery in children:  predictive factors of outcome

Functional endoscopic sinus sur ...

The main objective of this study is to assess the results of functional endoscopic sinus surgery in children and to determine which factors independ ...

254.79 KB
Prognostic indicators of hearing after complete resection  of cholesteatoma causing a labyrinthine Wstula

Prognostic indicators of hearin ...

The objectives of this study are (1) to evaluate hearing change after complete cholesteatoma resection in the setting of a labyrinthine Wstula, (2) ...

361.83 KB
MMP-2 expression in 102 patients with glottic laryngeal cancer

MMP-2 expression in 102 patient ...

In order to evaluate the potential of matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) as a prognostic factor for glottic laryngeal cancer. One hundred and two su ...

235.13 KB
The palatal island mucoperiosteal flap for primary intraoral  reconstruction following tumor ablative surgery

The palatal island mucoperioste ...

Reconstruction of intraoral mucosal defects following tumor ablative surgery can be a challenging problem. The objective of this study was to evalua ...

488.23 KB
