# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Aortic Intimal Fold in Takayasu Arteritis Causing Obstruction of Left Coronary Ostium
177.97 KB 105 0
Takayasu’s Arteritis Mimicking Unilateral Pulmonary Artery Agenesis in a Child With Severe Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Heart Failure: A Diagnostic Dilemma
705.25 KB 95 0
Heart Rate Variability and Exercise Capacity of Patients With Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot
239.73 KB 66 0
Congenital Subclavian Steal Syndrome Associated With Heterotaxy Syndrome and Atrioventricular Septal Defect
218.18 KB 86 0
Dilated Tortuous Right Coronary Artery to Coronary Sinus Fistula
301.60 KB 78 0
Mitral Regurgitation due to Chordae Tendineae Rupture in an Infant with Aortic Coarctation
592.05 KB 75 0
Delayed Right-Ventricular Perforation of a Pacemaker Lead
141.17 KB 66 0
A Young Man with Right Aortic Arch & Subclavian Steal Syndrome: Diagnosis by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Color Flow Doppler
239.02 KB 82 0
Partial Occlusion of a Blalock–Taussig Shunt in a 3-Month-Old with Systemic Fungal Infection
295.48 KB 70 0
Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia in a Newborn: Immediate Response to Lidocaine
284.60 KB 70 0
Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava Draining Into an Unroofed Coronary Sinus in Tricuspid Atresia: An Uncommon Anomaly
168.50 KB 78 0
From Other Journals Journal Review Editors: Sanjiv Gandhi, Omar M. Khalid
153.69 KB 75 0
A Rare Congenital Aorto-Cardiac Fistula
137.69 KB 67 0
Mitral Valve Damage After an Aortic Balloon Valvuloplasty in an Infant
162.86 KB 77 0
Noncoronary Aortic Cusp Rupture in an Adult Patient With Ventricular Septal Defect: Echocardiographic Diagnosis
259.79 KB 70 0
A Case of Renal Artery Stenosis in a Child Confirmed by Multidetector Computed Tomographic Angiography
222.39 KB 79 0
Pericarditis Constrictiva in a 10-Year-Old Boy After Influenza A Virus Infection
213.89 KB 77 0
Huge Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Aneurysm
198.66 KB 70 0
Temporary Cardiac Pacemaker in the Treatment of Junctional Rhythm and Hypotension Due to Imipramine Intoxication
261.30 KB 80 0
From Other Journals Journal Review Editors: Ahmed Alomrani, Sanjiv Gandhi, Omar M. Khalid
144.64 KB 70 0
Anomalous Systemic Arterial Supply From the Celiac Trunk to the Basal Segments of the Right Lower Lobe Without Sequestration in a Child With a Patent Ductus Arteriosus
199.40 KB 72 0
Kawasaki Disease Complicated With Reversible Splenial Lesion and Acute Myocarditis
251.61 KB 72 0
Congenital Cardiac Defects: A Possible Association of Aminopterin Syndrome and In Utero Methotrexate Exposure?
223.11 KB 69 0
Fetal Demise Secondary to Massive Rhabdomyoma in the Early Second Trimester of Pregnancy
288.51 KB 75 0
Aortico–Right Atrial Tunnel in an Infant
187.55 KB 59 0
Aortic Intimal Fold in Takayasu Arteritis Causing Obstruction  of Left Coronary Ostium

Aortic Intimal Fold in Takayasu ...

An 11-year-old girl with Takayasu arteritis was presented with recurrent chest pain. A transthoracic echocardiogram showed moderate to severe aortic ...

177.97 KB
Takayasu’s Arteritis Mimicking Unilateral Pulmonary Artery  Agenesis in a Child With Severe Pulmonary Hypertension  and Right Heart Failure: A Diagnostic Dilemma

Takayasu’s Arteritis Mimicking ...

Affliction of the pulmonary arteries in Takayasu’s arteritis is uncommon. Moreover the incidence of pulmonary artery involvement in this condition i ...

705.25 KB
Heart Rate Variability and Exercise Capacity of Patients  With Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot

Heart Rate Variability and Exer ...

Heart rate variability (HRV) has been used as a reliable method to detect cardiac autonomic nervous system activity. Peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak) h ...

239.73 KB
Congenital Subclavian Steal Syndrome Associated With  Heterotaxy Syndrome and Atrioventricular Septal Defect

Congenital Subclavian Steal Syn ...

An infant under follow-up evaluation since the fetal stage was detected to have subclavian steal syndrome (SSS) associated with heterotaxy syndrome ...

218.18 KB
Dilated Tortuous Right Coronary Artery to Coronary  Sinus Fistula

Dilated Tortuous Right Coronary ...

most common draining sites are the pulmonary artery and the right atrium, whereas drainage into the coronary sinus (CS) is reported in only few case ...

301.60 KB
Mitral Regurgitation due to Chordae Tendineae Rupture  in an Infant with Aortic Coarctation

Mitral Regurgitation due to Cho ...

A 2-month-old male suddenly developed mitral regurgitation aggravation while waiting for surgical repair of aortic coarctation. There were no signs ...

592.05 KB
Delayed Right-Ventricular Perforation of a Pacemaker Lead

Delayed Right-Ventricular Perfo ...

We present a case of a migrated ventricular pacing lead after 1 month of implantation. Enhanced computed tomography allowed for the exact diagnosis. ...

141.17 KB
A Young Man with Right Aortic Arch & Subclavian Steal  Syndrome: Diagnosis by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Color  Flow Doppler

A Young Man with Right Aortic A ...

A 22-year-old man presented with paresthesias in the left arm, initially with vigorous exercising and more recently with milder activities. Diminish ...

239.02 KB
Partial Occlusion of a Blalock–Taussig Shunt in a 3-Month-Old  with Systemic Fungal Infection

Partial Occlusion of a Blalock– ...

A 3-month-old male patient was born at 34 weeks’ gestation weighing 1.3 kg with an antenatal diagnosis of severe mitral stenosis, hypoplasia of the ...

295.48 KB
Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia in a Newborn:  Immediate Response to Lidocaine

Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycar ...

We read with interest the recent case published by Sun et al. [1] describing a neonate with idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (VT) resistant to tre ...

284.60 KB
Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava Draining Into an Unroofed  Coronary Sinus in Tricuspid Atresia: An Uncommon Anomaly

Persistent Left Superior Vena C ...

This report describes the preoperative diagnosis of a 6-month-old child with tricuspid atresia related to an unroofed coronary sinus. The anomaly us ...

168.50 KB
From Other Journals  Journal Review Editors: Sanjiv Gandhi, Omar M. Khalid

From Other Journals Journal Re ...

In this study, the authors provided data on the intermediate neurodevelopmental outcome for children after repair of a ventricular septal defect. Ne ...

153.69 KB
A Rare Congenital Aorto-Cardiac Fistula

A Rare Congenital Aorto-Cardiac ...

A 2-month-old boy was referred with a diagnosis of Down syndrome, moderate-size ostium secundum-type atrial septal defect, and severe pulmonary hype ...

137.69 KB
Mitral Valve Damage After an Aortic Balloon Valvuloplasty  in an Infant

Mitral Valve Damage After an Ao ...

The case of a 2-year-old infant admitted to our Institution with a diagnosis of severe aortic valve stenosis is presented. After a balloon valvulopl ...

162.86 KB
Noncoronary Aortic Cusp Rupture in an Adult Patient  With Ventricular Septal Defect: Echocardiographic Diagnosis

Noncoronary Aortic Cusp Rupture ...

Aortic regurgitation is a common complication of ventricular septal defects. The most common mechanism is right or noncoronary cusp prolapse. Other ...

259.79 KB
A Case of Renal Artery Stenosis in a Child Confirmed  by Multidetector Computed Tomographic Angiography

A Case of Renal Artery Stenosis ...

Renovascular hypertension is an uncommon disease, but it causes 5–10% of all childhood hypertension. The most common cause of renal artery stenosis ...

222.39 KB
Pericarditis Constrictiva in a 10-Year-Old Boy After Influenza  A Virus Infection

Pericarditis Constrictiva in a ...

Pericarditis constrictiva is caused by fibrotic degeneration of the pericardium and leads to impaired diastolic ventricular filling. The diagnosis o ...

213.89 KB
Huge Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Aneurysm

Huge Right Ventricular Outflow ...

A 30-year-old man was referred to our center for pulmonic valve replacement. He had a history of total correction of the Tetralogy of Fallot with an ...

198.66 KB
Temporary Cardiac Pacemaker in the Treatment of Junctional  Rhythm and Hypotension Due to Imipramine Intoxication

Temporary Cardiac Pacemaker in ...

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) account for approximately 3% of all pediatric hospitalizations due to poisoning. TCAs remain a common cause of fata ...

261.30 KB
From Other Journals  Journal Review Editors: Ahmed Alomrani, Sanjiv Gandhi, Omar M. Khalid

From Other Journals Journal Re ...

In this study, the authors hypothesized that early goaldirected monitoring with venous oximetry and near-infrared spectroscopy would offset the incr ...

144.64 KB
Anomalous Systemic Arterial Supply From the Celiac Trunk  to the Basal Segments of the Right Lower Lobe Without  Sequestration in a Child With a Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Anomalous Systemic Arterial Sup ...

Anomalous systemic arterial supply to the lung without sequestration, usually to the left lower lobe [2], is the rarest form of congenital pulmonary ...

199.40 KB
Kawasaki Disease Complicated With Reversible Splenial Lesion  and Acute Myocarditis

Kawasaki Disease Complicated Wi ...

Kawasaki disease, a systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology, develops frequently in infants and demonstrates a variety of clinical symptoms during t ...

251.61 KB
Congenital Cardiac Defects: A Possible Association  of Aminopterin Syndrome and In Utero Methotrexate Exposure?

Congenital Cardiac Defects: A P ...

Folate antagonist are chemotherapeutic agents used in many neoplastic, autoimmune, and inflammatory disorders. The first suggestions that folic acid ...

223.11 KB
Fetal Demise Secondary to Massive Rhabdomyoma in the Early  Second Trimester of Pregnancy

Fetal Demise Secondary to Massi ...

Rhabdomyoma is the most common cardiac tumor in fetuses, often associated with tuberous sclerosis complex and usually diagnosed in the third trimest ...

288.51 KB
Aortico–Right Atrial Tunnel in an Infant

Aortico–Right Atrial Tunnel in ...

female infant, age 2 months, presented with symptoms of congestive heart failure. On examination, there was tachycardia and tachypnea. Cardiac auscu ...

187.55 KB
