# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Uncontrolled home blood pressure in the morning is associated with nephropathy in Japanese type 2 diabetes
225.74 KB 69 1
Different strategies for performing pulmonary vein isolation in patients with pulmonary vein rhythm
251.68 KB 74 0
Elevated B-type natriuretic peptide level as a marker of subsequent thromboembolic events in patients with atrial fibrillation
206.04 KB 61 0
Different effects of isoflavones on vascular function in premenopausal and postmenopausal smokers and nonsmokers: NYMPH study
185.90 KB 86 0
Electrical storm originating from a left ventricular epicardial scar in a patient with completely normal endocardial voltage
324.87 KB 63 0
A slightly elevated level of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide can predict coronary artery disease in a population with normal left ventricular function
259.11 KB 82 0
Clinical analysis of the risk factors of slow coronary flow
208.14 KB 97 0
Combined effects of irbesartan and carvedilol on expression of tissue factor and tissue factor pathway inhibitor in rats after myocardial infarction
408.51 KB 128 0
A case of giant cell arteritis with massive pericardial effusion
276.53 KB 77 0
Intravenous glutathione prevents renal oxidative stress after coronary angiography more effectively than oral N-acetylcysteine
398.51 KB 60 0
Reversible course of pulmonary arterial hypertension related to bone marrow transplantation
353.41 KB 59 0
Influence of fastigial nucleus stimulation on heart rate variability of surgically induced myocardial infarction rats: fastigial nucleus stimulation and autonomous nerve activity
530.17 KB 55 0
Nitric oxide effects depend on different mechanisms in different regions of the rat heart
320.16 KB 81 0
Flavanol-rich cocoa ameliorates lipemia-induced endothelial dysfunction
185.46 KB 60 0
Higher body mass index at the time of acute myocardial infarction is associated with a favorable long-term prognosis (8-year follow-up)
208.96 KB 78 0
Endovascular treatment combined with stratified surgery is effective in the management of venous thoracic outlet syndrome complications: a long term ultrasound follow-up study in patients with thrombotic events due to venous thoracic outlet syndrome
362.52 KB 59 0
Serum levels of angiopoietin-1 in patients with pulmonary hypertension due to mitral stenosis
277.51 KB 62 0
Beneficial vasoactive endothelial effects of fluvastatin: focus on prostacyclin and nitric oxide
336.38 KB 157 1
Prognostic significance of blood pressure response to exercise in patients with systolic heart failure
223.05 KB 85 0
Cilostazol reduces the progression of carotid intima-media thickness without increasing the risk of bleeding in patients with acute coronary syndrome during a 2-year follow-up
275.53 KB 80 0
Ox-LDL can enhance the interaction of mice natural killer cells and dendritic cells via the CD48-2B4 pathway
402.73 KB 57 1
In patients with idiopathic venous thrombosis, interleukin-10 is decreased and related to endothelial dysfunction
200.39 KB 65 0
Absence of left ventricular concentric hypertrophy: a prerequisite for zero coronary calcium score
212.78 KB 56 0
Effects of olmesartan on blood pressure and insulin resistance in hypertensive patients with sleep-disordered breathing
222.04 KB 66 0
Correlation of atherosclerosis between different topographic sites is highly dependent on the type of hyperlipidemia
212.07 KB 79 0
Uncontrolled home blood pressure in the morning is associated  with nephropathy in Japanese type 2 diabetes

Uncontrolled home blood pressur ...

The purposes of this study were to investigate the state of blood pressure control level and to investigate the relationship between blood pressure ...

دانلود 1
225.74 KB
Different strategies for performing pulmonary vein isolation  in patients with pulmonary vein rhythm

Different strategies for perfor ...

Pulmonary vein (PV) isolation was performed in atrial fibrillation (AF) patients whose cardiac rhythm was dominated by the ectopic beats originating ...

251.68 KB
Elevated B-type natriuretic peptide level as a marker  of subsequent thromboembolic events in patients  with atrial fibrillation

Elevated B-type natriuretic pep ...

The aim of the present study was to assess whether elevated B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels, as an objective marker of heart failure, is a p ...

206.04 KB
Different effects of isoflavones on vascular function  in premenopausal and postmenopausal smokers  and nonsmokers: NYMPH study

Different effects of isoflavone ...

Isoflavone intake has been associated with a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women. The aim of the present study w ...

185.90 KB
Electrical storm originating from a left ventricular epicardial scar  in a patient with completely normal endocardial voltage

Electrical storm originating fr ...

We report a patient with non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy presenting with an electrical storm because of a poorly tolerated monomorphic ventricul ...

324.87 KB
A slightly elevated level of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic  peptide can predict coronary artery disease in a population  with normal left ventricular function

A slightly elevated level of N- ...

The prognostic and diagnostic values of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-pro-BNP) in ischemic heart disease have already been investigat ...

259.11 KB
Clinical analysis of the risk factors of slow coronary flow

Clinical analysis of the risk f ...

Slow coronary flow (SCF) phenomenon is a coronary microvascular disorder characterized by the delayed passage of contrast in the absence of obstruct ...

208.14 KB
Combined effects of irbesartan and carvedilol on expression  of tissue factor and tissue factor pathway inhibitor in rats  after myocardial infarction

Combined effects of irbesartan ...

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of irbesartan, carvedilol, and irbesartan plus carvedilol on the expression of tissue fac ...

408.51 KB
A case of giant cell arteritis with massive pericardial effusion

A case of giant cell arteritis ...

Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the medium and large blood vessels. The early symptoms of this disease are nonspecif ...

276.53 KB
Intravenous glutathione prevents renal oxidative stress  after coronary angiography more effectively than oral  N-acetylcysteine

Intravenous glutathione prevent ...

This study proposes the intravenous administration of glutathione (GSH) as a novel strategy to prevent contrast medium-induced renal oxidative stres ...

398.51 KB
Reversible course of pulmonary arterial hypertension related  to bone marrow transplantation

Reversible course of pulmonary ...

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is considered to be a rare but serious complication of bone marrow transplantation (BMT). The majority of the ...

353.41 KB
Influence of fastigial nucleus stimulation on heart rate variability  of surgically induced myocardial infarction rats: fastigial nucleus  stimulation and autonomous nerve activity

Influence of fastigial nucleus ...

Electrical stimulation of the rostal cerebellar fastigial nucleus (FNS) has been proved to have neuroprotective effects, but it is not known whether ...

530.17 KB
Nitric oxide effects depend on different mechanisms  in different regions of the rat heart

Nitric oxide effects depend on ...

The important role of nitric oxide (NO) in regulating cardiac functions has been investigated in prior research. However, NO-induced signaling mecha ...

320.16 KB
Flavanol-rich cocoa ameliorates lipemia-induced  endothelial dysfunction

Flavanol-rich cocoa ameliorates ...

Consumption of flavanols improves chronic endothelial dysfunction. We investigated whether it can also improve acute lipemia-induced endothelial dys ...

185.46 KB
Higher body mass index at the time of acute myocardial infarction  is associated with a favorable long-term prognosis  (8-year follow-up)

Higher body mass index at the t ...

Obesity is an important public health problem, especially among patients with cardiovascular disease. However, little is known about the impact of o ...

208.96 KB
Endovascular treatment combined with stratified surgery  is effective in the management of venous thoracic outlet syndrome  complications: a long term ultrasound follow-up study in patients  with thrombotic events due to venous thoracic outlet syndrome

Endovascular treatment combined ...

Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is caused by compression of peripheral nerves and vascular structures along their course through the upper thoracic a ...

362.52 KB
Serum levels of angiopoietin-1 in patients with pulmonary  hypertension due to mitral stenosis

Serum levels of angiopoietin-1 ...

The molecular basis and pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension (PH) are rapidly evolving areas. Recently discovered angiopoietins (Ang) constitut ...

277.51 KB
Beneficial vasoactive endothelial effects of fluvastatin:  focus on prostacyclin and nitric oxide

Beneficial vasoactive endotheli ...

Statins are believed to exert beneficial effects against cardiovascular disease beyond correction of dyslipidemia. There are however still very spar ...

دانلود 1
336.38 KB
Prognostic significance of blood pressure response to exercise  in patients with systolic heart failure

Prognostic significance of bloo ...

High systolic blood pressure (SBP) has been linked to worse cardiovascular outcomes. However, emerging data suggest that in patients with heart fail ...

223.05 KB
Cilostazol reduces the progression of carotid intima-media  thickness without increasing the risk of bleeding in patients  with acute coronary syndrome during a 2-year follow-up

Cilostazol reduces the progress ...

Cilostazol, a phosphodiesterase III inhibitor, is known to have anti-proliferative activity. We investigated the effects of cilostazol 200 mg, in ad ...

275.53 KB
Ox-LDL can enhance the interaction of mice natural  killer cells and dendritic cells via the CD48-2B4 pathway

Ox-LDL can enhance the interact ...

The importance of the interaction between natural killer (NK) cells and dendritic cells (DCs) in the expansion of antiviral and antitumor immune res ...

دانلود 1
402.73 KB
In patients with idiopathic venous thrombosis, interleukin-10  is decreased and related to endothelial dysfunction

In patients with idiopathic ven ...

The aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of anti-inflammatory interleukin-10 and pro-inflammatory cytokines and their relationship to endoth ...

200.39 KB
Absence of left ventricular concentric hypertrophy:  a prerequisite for zero coronary calcium score

Absence of left ventricular con ...

The identification and intervention of factors associated with a coronary artery calcification (CAC) score of zero, suggesting the absence of signif ...

212.78 KB
Effects of olmesartan on blood pressure and insulin resistance  in hypertensive patients with sleep-disordered breathing

Effects of olmesartan on blood ...

The increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality among patients with sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) has been linked to arterial hypert ...

222.04 KB
Correlation of atherosclerosis between different topographic  sites is highly dependent on the type of hyperlipidemia

Correlation of atherosclerosis ...

There is a surprising paucity of studies that provide quantitative correlative data on the extent of atherosclerosis between different topographic s ...

212.07 KB
