# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
The first multicenter and randomized clinical trial of herbal Fufang for treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis
336.93 KB 89 0
Premature T cell senescence in Ovx mice is inhibited by repletion of estrogen and medicarpin: a possible mechanism for alleviating bone loss
460.34 KB 73 0
A limp in a pregnant woman as a first presentation of celiac disease
215.50 KB 73 0
Diagnostic capabilities of fractal dimension and mandibular cortical width to identify men and women with decreased bone mineral density
127.85 KB 161 0
Lumbar spine bone mineral density in US adults: demographic patterns and relationship with femur neck skeletal status
374.11 KB 71 0
Development and validation of a tool for identifying women with low bone mineral density and low-impact fractures: the Sمo Paulo Osteoporosis Risk Index (SAPORI)
197.57 KB 77 0
A case of posterior element fracture in Kummell's disease
280.90 KB 63 0
Testing and treatment for osteoporosis following hip fracture in an integrated U.S. healthcare delivery system
175.97 KB 69 0
Assessment of health claims in the field of bone: a view of the Group for the Respect of Ethics and Excellence in Science (GREES)
137.23 KB 94 0
Premenopausal women with idiopathic low-trauma fractures and/or low bone mineral density
386.49 KB 84 0
Beneficial effect of risedronate for preventing recurrent hip fracture in the elderly Japanese women
447.54 KB 73 0
Rapid Onset and Sustained Efficacy (ROSE) study: results of a randomised, multicentre trial comparing the effect of zoledronic acid or alendronate on bone metabolism in postmenopausal women with low bone mass
249.57 KB 71 0
High prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among healthy Saudi Arabian men: relationship to bone mineral density, parathyroid hormone, bone turnover markers, and lifestyle factors
308.68 KB 139 0
Towards a diagnostic and therapeutic consensus in male osteoporosis
292.22 KB 65 0
Adiposity and bone health in Spanish adolescents. The HELENA study
265.53 KB 63 0
UGT2B17 gene deletion associated with an increase in bone mineral density similar to the effect of hormone replacement in postmenopausal women
161.63 KB 64 0
PTH level but not 25 (OH) vitamin D level predicts bone loss rates in the elderly
207.03 KB 73 0
Calcitonin for treating acute and chronic pain of recent and remote osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis
523.40 KB 65 0
Association between incident and baseline vertebral fractures in European women: vertebral fracture assessment in the Osteoporosis and Ultrasound Study (OPUS)
191.73 KB 73 0
Effect of monthly ibandronate on hip structural geometry in men with low bone density
260.80 KB 70 0
Bone health in healthy Indian population aged 50 years and above
227.21 KB 65 0
Advancing maternal age is associated with lower bone mineral density in young adult male offspring
168.06 KB 60 0
High fracture probability with FRAX® usually indicates densitometric osteoporosis: implications for clinical practice
144.32 KB 66 0
An in vivo comparison of hip structure analysis (HSA) with measurements obtained by QCT
449.65 KB 75 0
‘Sink or swim’: an evaluation of the clinical characteristics of individuals with high bone mass
739.98 KB 75 0
The first multicenter and randomized clinical trial of herbal  Fufang for treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis

The first multicenter and rando ...

Summary This multicenter and randomized clinical trial showed that daily oral herbal formula Xian Ling Gu Bao (XLGB) was safe in postmenopausal wome ...

336.93 KB
Premature T cell senescence in Ovx mice is inhibited  by repletion of estrogen and medicarpin: a possible  mechanism for alleviating bone loss

Premature T cell senescence in ...

Summary Presently the relationship between CD28, biological marker of senescence, and ovariectomy is not well understood. We show that ovariectomy l ...

460.34 KB
A limp in a pregnant woman as a first presentation  of celiac disease

A limp in a pregnant woman as a ...

A 25-year-old Arab woman, reported to our endocrinology clinic one month post-partum presenting with back pain and a limp that started during the se ...

215.50 KB
Diagnostic capabilities of fractal dimension and mandibular  cortical width to identify men and women with decreased  bone mineral density

Diagnostic capabilities of frac ...

Summary Dental panoramic radiographs could be used to screen for osteopenia. We found the fractal dimension to be a good discriminator of osteopenia ...

127.85 KB
Lumbar spine bone mineral density in US adults:  demographic patterns and relationship with femur neck  skeletal status

Lumbar spine bone mineral densi ...

Summary This analysis examines lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) of US adults from NHANES 2005.2008 by age, sex, and race/ethnicity. Prevalenc ...

374.11 KB
Development and validation of a tool for identifying women  with low bone mineral density and low-impact fractures:  the Sمo Paulo Osteoporosis Risk Index (SAPORI)

Development and validation of a ...

Summary The performance of the Sao Paulo Osteoporosis Risk Index (SAPORI) was tested in 1,915 women from the original cohort, Sao Paulo Osteoporosis ...

197.57 KB
A case of posterior element fracture in Kummell's disease

A case of posterior element fra ...

Kummell's disease is a rare, delayed posttraumatic collapse of a vertebral body that can occur several months or even years after an osteoporotic co ...

280.90 KB
Testing and treatment for osteoporosis following hip fracture  in an integrated U.S. healthcare delivery system

Testing and treatment for osteo ...

Summary Older veterans with acute hip fracture do not receive adequate evaluation and treatment for osteoporosis, irrespective of their age and unde ...

175.97 KB
Assessment of health claims in the field of bone: a view  of the Group for the Respect of Ethics and Excellence  in Science (GREES)

Assessment of health claims in ...

Summary Health claims for food products in Europe are permitted if the nutrient has been shown to have a beneficial nutritional or physiological eff ...

137.23 KB
Premenopausal women with idiopathic low-trauma fractures  and/or low bone mineral density

Premenopausal women with idiopa ...

Introduction In men, idiopathic osteoporosis (IOP) is often associated with low serum insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and reduced bone formation. ...

386.49 KB
Beneficial effect of risedronate for preventing recurrent hip  fracture in the elderly Japanese women

Beneficial effect of risedronat ...

Summary A 36-month observational study compared the incidence of unaffected side hip fracture in Japanese female osteoporosis patients with a histor ...

447.54 KB
Rapid Onset and Sustained Efficacy (ROSE) study: results  of a randomised, multicentre trial comparing the effect  of zoledronic acid or alendronate on bone metabolism  in postmenopausal women with low bone mass

Rapid Onset and Sustained Effic ...

Summary The ROSE study compared a once-yearly intravenous dose of zoledronic acid with a once-weekly oral dose of alendronate in postmenopausal wome ...

249.57 KB
High prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among healthy  Saudi Arabian men: relationship to bone mineral density,  parathyroid hormone, bone turnover markers,  and lifestyle factors

High prevalence of vitamin D de ...

Summary In this cross-sectional study, the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency [serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25 (OH)D) <50 nmol/L] was 87.8% among Saud ...

308.68 KB
Towards a diagnostic and therapeutic consensus  in male osteoporosis

Towards a diagnostic and therap ...

Summary The consensus views on osteoporosis in men are reported. Introduction Aworkshop was convened within a meeting on osteoporosis in men to ide ...

292.22 KB
Adiposity and bone health in Spanish adolescents.  The HELENA study

Adiposity and bone health in Sp ...

Summary While the association of lean mass (LM) with bone mass is well understood, the association of fat mass (FM) with bonemass is controversial. ...

265.53 KB
UGT2B17 gene deletion associated with an increase in bone  mineral density similar to the effect of hormone replacement  in postmenopausal women

UGT2B17 gene deletion associate ...

Summary UGT2B17 is one of the most important enzymes for androgen metabolism. In addition, the UGT2B17 gene is one of the most commonly deleted regi ...

161.63 KB
PTH level but not 25 (OH) vitamin D level predicts  bone loss rates in the elderly

PTH level but not 25 (OH) vitam ...

Summary We assessed the impact of calciotropic hormones on bone loss in 195 elderly subjects. After a median follow up of 4 years, parathyroid hormo ...

207.03 KB
Calcitonin for treating acute and chronic pain of recent  and remote osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures:  a systematic review and meta-analysis

Calcitonin for treating acute a ...

Vertebral collapse is a common fracture associated with osteoporosis. Subsequent pain may be severe and often requires medications and bed rest. Sev ...

523.40 KB
Association between incident and baseline vertebral fractures  in European women: vertebral fracture assessment  in the Osteoporosis and Ultrasound Study (OPUS)

Association between incident an ...

Summary Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) with densitometric devices uses less radiation than spinal radiography. We assessed risk of new vertebra ...

191.73 KB
Effect of monthly ibandronate on hip structural geometry  in men with low bone density

Effect of monthly ibandronate o ...

Summary Hip structural analysis (HSA) performed in a subset of participants from the STudy Researching Osteoporosis iN Guys (STRONG) demonstrated th ...

260.80 KB
Bone health in healthy Indian population aged 50 years  and above

Bone health in healthy Indian p ...

Summary One thousand six hundred healthy subjects aged more than 50 years, residing in Delhi, were evaluated for bone mineral metabolic parameters. ...

227.21 KB
Advancing maternal age is associated with lower  bone mineral density in young adult male offspring

Advancing maternal age is assoc ...

Summary Advancing maternal age has been related to increased risk of fetal death and morbidity, as well as higher fracture risk during childhood, in ...

168.06 KB
High fracture probability with FRAX® usually indicates  densitometric osteoporosis: implications for clinical practice

High fracture probability with ...

Summary Most patients designated as high risk of fracture using fracture risk assessment tool (FRAXR) with femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD) ( ...

144.32 KB
An in vivo comparison of hip structure analysis (HSA)  with measurements obtained by QCT

An in vivo comparison of hip st ...

Summary In a population of elderly women, bone crosssectional area (CSA), cross-sectional moment of inertia (CSMI), section modulus (Z), femoral nec ...

449.65 KB
‘Sink or swim’: an evaluation of the clinical characteristics  of individuals with high bone mass

‘Sink or swim’: an evaluation o ...

Summary High bone mineral density on routine dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) may indicate an underlying skeletal dysplasia. Two hundred fifty ...

739.98 KB
