# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Bactericidal effect of a Nd:YAG laser on Enterococcus faecalis at pulse durations of 15 and 25 ms in dentine depths of 500 and 1,000 ىm
205.21 KB 84 1
A photothermal model of selective photothermolysis with dynamically changing vaporization temperature
342.73 KB 65 0
Comparison between cold water immersion therapy (CWIT) and light emitting diode therapy (LEDT) in short-term skeletal muscle recovery after high-intensity exercise in athletes—preliminary results
300.52 KB 165 0
The effect of a single episode of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the treatment of experimental periodontitis. Microbiological profile and cytokine pattern in the dog mandible
431.73 KB 88 0
Thermal tolerance of E. faecalis to pulsed heating in the millisecond range
349.22 KB 69 0
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT; 780 nm) acts differently on mRNA expression of anti- and pro-inflammatory mediators in an experimental model of collagenase-induced tendinitis in rat
216.36 KB 81 1
The diabetic foot and leg: combined He-Ne and infrared low-intensity lasers improve skin blood perfusion and prevent potential complications. A prospective study on 30 Egyptian patients
463.34 KB 70 0
Pulsed dye laser double-pass treatment of patients with resistant capillary malformations
282.42 KB 68 0
Effects of low level laser therapy (808 nm) on physical strength training in humans
370.37 KB 71 0
Diode laser treatment of Barrett’s esophagus: long-term results
309.29 KB 68 0
Quantitative analysis of pathological nails using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technique
380.93 KB 90 0
Long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser-assisted hair removal in Fitzpatrick skin types IV–VI
145.55 KB 71 0
Effect of narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy on serum folic acid levels in patients with psoriasis
144.49 KB 73 0
Susceptibility of Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus mutans biofilms to photodynamic inactivation: an in vitro study
471.23 KB 64 0
Gait analysis and electromyography in fixed- and mobile-bearing total knee replacement: a prospective, comparative study
199.35 KB 65 0
Numerical investigation of nanoparticle-assisted laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy toward tumor and cancer treatments
362.81 KB 60 0
Effect and mechanism of 5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated photodynamic therapy in esophageal cancer
685.02 KB 61 0
The effect of diode laser irradiation on dentin as a preventive measure against dental erosion: an in vitro study
202.28 KB 59 0
Experience with non-ablative fractional photothermolysis with a dual-mode laser device (1,440/1,320 nm): no considerable clinical effect on hypertrophic/acne scars and facial wrinkles
198.02 KB 81 0
Effects of low-level laser therapy on expression of TNF-ل and TGF-â in skeletal muscle during the repair process
175.57 KB 68 0
Frequency-domain near-infrared spectroscopy of the uterine cervix during regular pregnancies
419.78 KB 64 0
Diode laser treatment in therapy-resistant allergic rhinitis: impact on nasal obstruction and associated symptoms
374.39 KB 82 0
Effects of heating by steam autoclaving and Er:YAG laser etching on dentin components
1.11 MB 77 0
Histological evaluation of vertical laser channels from ablative fractional resurfacing: an ex vivo pig skin model
473.27 KB 77 0
In vitro studies of the ablation mechanism of periodontopathic bacteria and decontamination effect on periodontally diseased root surfaces by erbium:yttrium–aluminum–garnet laser
1.14 MB 72 0
Bactericidal effect of a Nd:YAG laser on Enterococcus  faecalis at pulse durations of 15 and 25 ms in dentine depths  of 500 and 1,000 ىm

Bactericidal effect of a Nd:YAG ...

The success of endodontic treatment depends on the effective elimination of microorganisms from the root canal, and lasers provide more effective di ...

دانلود 1
205.21 KB
A photothermal model of selective photothermolysis  with dynamically changing vaporization temperature

A photothermal model of selecti ...

The theory of selective photothermolysis (SP) is used in many fields of laser surgery and medicine. As several parameters and a number of complicate ...

342.73 KB
Comparison between cold water immersion therapy (CWIT)  and light emitting diode therapy (LEDT) in short-term  skeletal muscle recovery after high-intensity exercise  in athletes—preliminary results

Comparison between cold water i ...

In the last years, phototherapy has becoming a promising tool to improve skeletal muscle recovery after exercise, however, it was not compared with ...

300.52 KB
The effect of a single episode of antimicrobial photodynamic  therapy in the treatment of experimental periodontitis.  Microbiological profile and cytokine pattern in the dog  mandible

The effect of a single episode ...

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a single application of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) on microbiological profile ...

431.73 KB
Thermal tolerance of E. faecalis to pulsed heating  in the millisecond range

Thermal tolerance of E. faecali ...

Our aim was to evaluate thermal damage to endodontic pathogen Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) caused by sub-second laser-generated heat pulses b ...

349.22 KB
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT; 780 nm) acts differently  on mRNA expression of anti- and pro-inflammatory  mediators in an experimental model of collagenase-induced  tendinitis in rat

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT; ...

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been found to produce anti-inflammatory effects in a variety of disorders. Tendinopathies are directly related to ...

دانلود 1
216.36 KB
The diabetic foot and leg: combined He-Ne and infrared  low-intensity lasers improve skin blood perfusion  and prevent potential complications. A prospective  study on 30 Egyptian patients

The diabetic foot and leg: comb ...

The objective of this study was to examine skin blood flow in diabetic patients having disease-related skin lesions, and to evaluate possible improv ...

463.34 KB
Pulsed dye laser double-pass treatment of patients  with resistant capillary malformations

Pulsed dye laser double-pass tr ...

The pulsed dye laser is an effective and established treatment for port-wine stains and has become the generally accepted standard of care. However, ...

282.42 KB
Effects of low level laser therapy (808 nm) on physical  strength training in humans

Effects of low level laser ther ...

Recent studies have investigated whether low level laser therapy (LLLT) can optimize human muscle performance in physical exercise. This study teste ...

370.37 KB
Diode laser treatment of Barrett’s esophagus:  long-term results

Diode laser treatment of Barret ...

Different ablation techniques have been utilized in the treatment of Barrettپfs esophagus (BE) to reduce the risk of degeneration. Treatment complic ...

309.29 KB
Quantitative analysis of pathological nails  using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy  (LIBS) technique

Quantitative analysis of pathol ...

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been used as a potential method for simultaneous measurement of the elements Ca, Na, and K, for norm ...

380.93 KB
Long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser-assisted hair removal  in Fitzpatrick skin types IV–VI

Long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser-assist ...

Unwanted hair is a common problem for which a variety of laser treatments is available. Laser treatment in dark-skinned individuals carries a higher ...

145.55 KB
Effect of narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy on serum  folic acid levels in patients with psoriasis

Effect of narrowband ultraviole ...

Narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy (NBUVB) is a widely used modality in the treatment of psoriasis and is generally accepted as safe in pregnancy ...

144.49 KB
Susceptibility of Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus,  and Streptococcus mutans biofilms to photodynamic  inactivation: an in vitro study

Susceptibility of Candida albic ...

The purpose of this study was to evaluate specific effects of photodynamic inactivation (PDI) using methylene blue as photosensitizer and low-power ...

471.23 KB
Gait analysis and electromyography in fixed- and mobile-bearing  total knee replacement: a prospective, comparative study

Gait analysis and electromyogra ...

Purpose The theoretical superiority of mobile-bearing total knee arthroplasties (TKAs) has not yet been proven in clinical studies. The aim of the c ...

199.35 KB
Numerical investigation of nanoparticle-assisted  laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy  toward tumor and cancer treatments

Numerical investigation of nano ...

this work, we numerically investigated nanoparticle-assisted laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy for tumor/cancer treatments. The goal of the s ...

362.81 KB
Effect and mechanism of 5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated  photodynamic therapy in esophageal cancer

Effect and mechanism of 5-amino ...

5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated photodynamic therapy (ALA-PDT) provides a novel and promising treatment for esophageal cancer. However, its specific ...

685.02 KB
The effect of diode laser irradiation on dentin as a preventive  measure against dental erosion: an in vitro study

The effect of diode laser irrad ...

Increasing rates of non-carious cervical lesions due to dental erosion, exposure of dentinal tubules, and hypersensitivity to environmental stimuli ...

202.28 KB
Experience with non-ablative fractional photothermolysis  with a dual-mode laser device (1,440/1,320 nm):  no considerable clinical effect on hypertrophic/acne scars  and facial wrinkles

Experience with non-ablative fr ...

In the literature, non-ablative fractionated photothermolysis (nFP) is accredited with improvement of wrinkles and scars combined with a reduced dow ...

198.02 KB
Effects of low-level laser therapy on expression of TNF-ل  and TGF-â in skeletal muscle during the repair process

Effects of low-level laser ther ...

The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the expression of TNF-ل and TGF-â in the tibialis ante ...

175.57 KB
Frequency-domain near-infrared spectroscopy of the uterine  cervix during regular pregnancies

Frequency-domain near-infrared ...

Preterm labor is a common obstetric complication. Clinical evaluation of cervical ripening to predict preterm labor is very inaccurate. We used freq ...

419.78 KB
Diode laser treatment in therapy-resistant allergic rhinitis:  impact on nasal obstruction and associated symptoms

Diode laser treatment in therap ...

The ideal treatment in severe obstructive allergic rhinitis unresponsive to standard therapy is lacking. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy o ...

374.39 KB
Effects of heating by steam autoclaving and Er:YAG laser  etching on dentin components

Effects of heating by steam aut ...

The simultaneous need for infection-control protocols in sample preparations and for safe laser irradiation parameters prompted this study about the ...

1.11 MB
Histological evaluation of vertical laser channels  from ablative fractional resurfacing: an ex vivo pig  skin model

Histological evaluation of vert ...

Ablative fractional resurfacing (AFR) represents a new treatment potential for various skin conditions and new laser devices are being introduced. I ...

473.27 KB
In vitro studies of the ablation mechanism of periodontopathic  bacteria and decontamination effect on periodontally diseased  root surfaces by erbium:yttrium–aluminum–garnet laser

In vitro studies of the ablatio ...

The erbium:yttrium–aluminum–garnet (Er:YAG) laser is now increasingly used in periodontal therapy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ...

1.14 MB
