# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Endovascular Tubular Stent-Graft Placement for Isolated Iliac Artery Aneurysms
309.05 KB 74 0
Risk of primary childhood brain tumors related to season of birth in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan
111.17 KB 70 0
Risk of macrovascular disease stratified by stage of chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetic patients: critical level of the estimated glomerular filtration rate and the significance of hyperuricemia
278.46 KB 92 0
Fracture behaviour of implant–implantand implant–tooth-supported all-ceramic fixed dental prostheses utilising zirconium dioxide implant abutments
460.02 KB 71 0
Incidence and distribution of occluded culprit arteries and impact of coronary collaterals on outcome in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and early invasive treatment strategy
308.50 KB 90 1
Microvascular function is preserved in newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis and low systemic inflammatory activity
133.71 KB 89 0
Sialic acid complement of indigenous Nigerian lizards and frogs
99.18 KB 74 0
Dissection of the thoracic aorta following cardiopulmonary resuscitation
188.79 KB 73 0
Should There Be a Different Cardiovascular Prevention Polypill Strategy for Women and Men?
155.24 KB 82 1
Aldosterone Synthase Inhibition: A Promising Beginning
90.87 KB 70 1
Headache and Neck
161.28 KB 76 0
Pancreatic Cancer Cells Resistant to Chemoradiotherapy Rich in ‘‘Stem-Cell-Like’’ Tumor Cells
584.06 KB 81 0
Endoscopic Ultrasound in Patients Over 80 Years Old
180.41 KB 80 0
Influence of personal patterns of behavior on the effects of Tai Chi: a pilot study
139.89 KB 78 0
Acute audiovestibular deficit with complete ocular tilt reaction and absent VEMPs
325.25 KB 76 1
Is the severity of adolescent conduct disorder associatedwith the level of nicotine dependence?
175.66 KB 110 0
Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: a review of literature
201.42 KB 86 0
Management of ligneous conjunctivitis in a child with plasminogen deficiency
172.17 KB 73 0
Comparative supine-sitting lateral radiographs identifying incident osteoporotic vertebral fractures
600.31 KB 82 0
Flat-detector computed tomography in the assessment of intracranial stents: comparison with multi detector CT and conventional angiography in a new animal model
494.40 KB 80 0
Fatal spontaneous subdural bleeding due to neonatal giant cell hepatitis: a rare differential diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome
664.92 KB 162 1
Long-term visual course after anti-VEGF therapy for exudative AMD in clinical practice evaluation of the German reinjection scheme
261.11 KB 75 0
Robot-assisted radical hysterectomy—perioperative and survival outcomes in patients with cervical cancer compared to laparoscopic and open radical surgery
239.93 KB 111 0
Diagnostic Difficulties in Diffuse Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
134.27 KB 85 0
Computer-assisted gap balancing technique improves outcome in total knee arthroplasty, compared with conventional measured resection technique
270.24 KB 73 0
Endovascular Tubular Stent-Graft Placement for Isolated Iliac Artery Aneurysms

Endovascular Tubular Stent-Graf ...

Purpose To evaluate the safety, efficacy, and mid-term outcomes of endovascular tubular stent-graft placement for repair of isolated iliac artery an ...

309.05 KB
Risk of primary childhood brain tumors related to season of birth in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan

Risk of primary childhood brain ...

Objective Environmental factors present around the time of birth may induce the development of childhood cancer. Some studies suggested an excess of ...

111.17 KB
Risk of macrovascular disease stratified by stage of chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetic patients: critical level of the estimated glomerular filtration rate and the significance of hyperuricemia

Risk of macrovascular disease s ...

Background Although a high prevalence of macrovascular disease (MVD) has been reported in patients with stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD), few st ...

278.46 KB
Fracture behaviour of implant–implantand implant–tooth-supported all-ceramic fixed dental prostheses utilising zirconium dioxide implant abutments

Fracture behaviour of implant–i ...

This in vitro study investigated the fracture behaviour of implant–implant-supported and implant– tooth-supported all-ceramic fixed dental prosthese ...

460.02 KB
Incidence and distribution of occluded culprit arteries and impact of coronary collaterals on outcome in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and early invasive treatment strategy

Incidence and distribution of o ...

Background It is assumed that patients with non-STelevation myocardial infarctions (NSTEMI) showing an infero- or posterolateral occluded culprit ar ...

دانلود 1
308.50 KB
Microvascular function is preserved in newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis and low systemic inflammatory activity

Microvascular function is prese ...

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Microvascular function has been linked to several ris ...

133.71 KB
Sialic acid complement of indigenous Nigerian lizards and frogs

Sialic acid complement of indig ...

The sialic acid complement of some selected organs of indigenous Nigerian Agama agama lizards and frogs, namely, heart, brain, liver, lungs and kidn ...

99.18 KB
Dissection of the thoracic aorta following cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Dissection of the thoracic aort ...

An 86-year-old patient was admitted to the ICU with multiple trauma injury following a fall down ten stairs. Shortly after ICU admission the patient ...

188.79 KB
Should There Be a Different Cardiovascular Prevention Polypill Strategy for Women and Men?

Should There Be a Different Car ...

The concept of a polypill for cardiovascular disease prevention has attracted widespread attention since Wald and Law’s seminal paper in 2003. The a ...

دانلود 1
155.24 KB
Aldosterone Synthase Inhibition: A Promising Beginning

Aldosterone Synthase Inhibition ...

We report the first administration of an orally active aldosterone synthase inhibitor, LCI699, to 14 patients with primary aldosteronism. After a 2- ...

دانلود 1
90.87 KB
Headache and Neck

Headache and Neck

Cervicogenic headache (CeH) is a relatively common syndrome. The paroxysmal and rather intense head pain usually is unilateral, spreading from the b ...

161.28 KB
Pancreatic Cancer Cells Resistant to Chemoradiotherapy Rich  in ‘‘Stem-Cell-Like’’ Tumor Cells

Pancreatic Cancer Cells Resista ...

Background Tumor resistance to chemoradiation therapy is partly attributed to the presence of apoptosis-resistant cancer stem cells (CSCs). Chemorad ...

584.06 KB
Endoscopic Ultrasound in Patients Over 80 Years Old

Endoscopic Ultrasound in Patien ...

Background The data on the safety and utility of EUS in patients over 80 years of age is limited. Objective We investigated the indications, feasibi ...

180.41 KB
Influence of personal patterns of behavior on the effects of Tai Chi: a pilot study

Influence of personal patterns ...

Objectives To investigate the influence of individual patterns of personality and behavior on the change in mood status after a brief period of Tai ...

139.89 KB
Acute audiovestibular deficit with complete ocular tilt reaction and absent VEMPs

Acute audiovestibular deficit w ...

A patient presenting with vertical diplopia along with ocular tilt reaction (OTR) due to peripheral vestibular dysfunction is a rare occurrence. OTR ...

دانلود 1
325.25 KB
Is the severity of adolescent conduct disorder associatedwith the level of nicotine dependence?

Is the severity of adolescent c ...

Our aim was to investigate the relationship between the number of Conduct Disorder (CD) symptoms and specific DSM-IV symptom subscales (i.e., aggres ...

175.66 KB
Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: a review of literature

Unicompartmental knee arthropla ...

Purpose There has been a resurgence of interest in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) for the treatment of medial unicompartmental knee osteoa ...

201.42 KB
Management of ligneous conjunctivitis in a child  with plasminogen deficiency

Management of ligneous conjunct ...

Plasminogen deficiency, a rare autosomal recessive disorder, is classified as type I (hypoplasminogenemia) or type II (dysplasminogenemia). Hypoplas ...

172.17 KB
Comparative supine-sitting lateral radiographs identifying  incident osteoporotic vertebral fractures

Comparative supine-sitting late ...

Objective To determine the diagnostic efficacy of comparative supine and sitting lateral radiographs in the diagnosis of incident osteoporotic verte ...

600.31 KB
Flat-detector computed tomography in the assessment  of intracranial stents: comparison with multi detector CT  and conventional angiography in a new animal model

Flat-detector computed tomograp ...

Objective Careful follow up is necessary after intracranial stenting because in-stent restenosis (ISR) or residual stenosis (RS) is not rare. A mini ...

494.40 KB
Fatal spontaneous subdural bleeding due to neonatal giant cell hepatitis: a rare differential diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome

Fatal spontaneous subdural blee ...

A 7-week-old girl showed vomiting after feeding, facial pallor, loss of muscle tone and respiratory depression. An emergency doctor performed succes ...

دانلود 1
664.92 KB
Long-term visual course after anti-VEGF therapy for exudative AMD in clinical practice evaluation of the German reinjection scheme

Long-term visual course after a ...

Background In phase III trials, the therapeutic efficacy of anti-VEGF therapy with ranibizumab (Lucentis) in patients with choroidal neovascularizat ...

261.11 KB
Robot-assisted radical hysterectomy—perioperative  and survival outcomes in patients with cervical cancer  compared to laparoscopic and open radical surgery

Robot-assisted radical hysterec ...

this study, perioperative outcomes and survival data in patients with early cervical cancer operated with three surgical methods: robot-assisted, la ...

239.93 KB
Diagnostic Difficulties in Diffuse Xanthogranulomatous  Pyelonephritis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Diagnostic Difficulties in Diff ...

Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is a rare, severe, and chronic infection of the kidney characterized by the replacement of renal parenchyma by th ...

134.27 KB
Computer-assisted gap balancing technique improves outcome  in total knee arthroplasty, compared with conventional measured  resection technique

Computer-assisted gap balancing ...

Purpose The objective of this prospective study was to compare the functional outcome of conventional measured resection technique and computer-assi ...

270.24 KB
