# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Evaluating the effects of immediate application of negative pressure therapy after decompression from abdominal compartment syndrome in an experimental porcine model
341.80 KB 158 0
Effects on the ubiquitin proteasome system after closed soft-tissue trauma in rat skeletal muscle
790.48 KB 134 0
The side effects of phototherapy for neonatal jaundice: what do we know? What should we do?
230.54 KB 85 0
Effects of APOA5 S19W polymorphism on growth, insulin sensitivity and lipoproteins in normoweight neonates
161.91 KB 81 0
The effects of detraining on blood adipokines and antioxidant enzyme in Korean overweight children
263.89 KB 99 0
The direction of effects between perceived parental behavioral control and psychological control and adolescents’ self-reported GAD and SAD symptoms
280.79 KB 94 0
Clinically favourable effects of ketamine as an anaesthetic for electroconvulsive therapy: a retrospective study
260.39 KB 76 0
Association of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met polymorphism with magnetic resonance spectroscopic markers in the human hippocampus: in vivo evidence for effects on the glutamate system
300.38 KB 70 0
Protective effects of haloperidol and clozapine on energy-deprived OLN-93 oligodendrocytes
336.01 KB 82 0
Patients’ attitudes toward side effects of antidepressants: an Internet survey
167.82 KB 97 0
Histopathological and ultrastructural effects of cutting radiofrequency energy on palatal soft tissues: a prospective study
562.17 KB 72 0
The effects of repetitious topical use of mitomycin C on antrostomy patency in maxillary antrostomy created rabbit model
472.45 KB 69 0
Vessel sealing system uvulopalatoplasty versus uvulopalatal flap: a randomized, controlled study of efficacy and adverse effects
307.32 KB 74 0
Subjective visual vertical in erect/supine subjects and under microgravity: effects of lower body negative pressure
232.84 KB 76 0
Histopathological effects of estrogen deficiency on larynx mucosa in ovariectomised rats
376.15 KB 95 0
The effects of uncinectomy and natural ostial dilatation on maxillary sinus ventilation: a clinical experimental study
208.85 KB 71 0
Intranasal steroids or radiofrequency turbinoplasty in persistent allergic rhinitis: effects on quality of life and objective parameters
360.21 KB 83 0
Effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on auditory hair cells after acute noise damage
547.76 KB 142 0
Effects of tumour stage, comorbidity and therapy on survival of laryngeal cancer patients: a systematic review and a meta-analysis
356.54 KB 71 0
Promoting effects of nanoparticles/materials on sensitive lung inflammatory diseases
296.50 KB 99 1
Pharyngeal Pressures During Swallowing Within and Across Three Sessions: Within-Subject Variance and Order Effects
1.10 MB 70 0
Effects of Club Soda and Ginger Brew on Linguapalatal Pressures in Healthy Swallowing
319.50 KB 74 0
Effects of Sequential Swallowing on Drive to Breathe in Young, Healthy Adults
249.87 KB 75 0
Comparing the Effects of Rehabilitation Swallowing Therapy vs. Functional Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Therapy in an Encephalitis Patient: A Case Study
198.34 KB 89 0
Effects of Carbonated Liquids on Oropharyngeal Swallowing Measures in People with Neurogenic Dysphagia
303.38 KB 70 0
Evaluating the effects of immediate application of negative  pressure therapy after decompression from abdominal  compartment syndrome in an experimental porcine model

Evaluating the effects of immed ...

Purpose The purpose of this large-animal study was to assess the safety and effects of negative pressure therapy (NPT) when used as temporary abdomi ...

341.80 KB
Effects on the ubiquitin proteasome system after closed soft-tissue trauma in rat skeletal muscle

Effects on the ubiquitin protea ...

Previous studies have suggested that an increased catabolic stage of skeletal muscle in pathological situations is mainly a reflection of ubiquitin– ...

790.48 KB
The side effects of phototherapy for neonatal jaundice:  what do we know? What should we do?

The side effects of phototherap ...

Neonatal phototherapy (NNPT), a noninvasive, easily available therapy, has been widely used for the treatment of neonatal jaundice for more than hal ...

230.54 KB
Effects of APOA5 S19W polymorphism on growth, insulin  sensitivity and lipoproteins in normoweight neonates

Effects of APOA5 S19W polymorph ...

Apolipoprotein (Apo) A5 is a protein involved in the activation of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and the metabolism of triglyceride (TG)-rich lipoprotein ...

161.91 KB
The effects of detraining on blood adipokines  and antioxidant enzyme in Korean overweight children

The effects of detraining on bl ...

The present study examined the change to clarify the effects of detraining on the concentration of lipid profiles, serum adipokines and antioxidant ...

263.89 KB
The direction of effects between perceived parental behavioral control and psychological control and adolescents’ self-reported GAD and SAD symptoms

The direction of effects betwee ...

This study examined the direction of effects and age and sex differences between adolescents’ perceptions of parental behavioral and psychological c ...

280.79 KB
Clinically favourable effects of ketamine as an anaesthetic  for electroconvulsive therapy: a retrospective study

Clinically favourable effects o ...

In a retrospective chart review, we examined the effects of ketamine, an N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, as electroconvulsive thera ...

260.39 KB
Association of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met  polymorphism with magnetic resonance spectroscopic markers  in the human hippocampus: in vivo evidence for effects  on the glutamate system

Association of the brain-derive ...

The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a key regulator of synaptic plasticity and has been suggested to be involved in the pathophysiology ...

300.38 KB
Protective effects of haloperidol and clozapine on energy-deprived  OLN-93 oligodendrocytes

Protective effects of haloperid ...

Magnetic resonance imaging and postmortem studies on schizophrenia provided evidence for compromised myelin integrity and reduced numbers of oligode ...

336.01 KB
Patients’ attitudes toward side effects of antidepressants:  an Internet survey

Patients’ attitudes toward side ...

Patients’ attitudes toward side effects of antidepressants are likely to differ according to gender, which has not yet been fully addressed in the l ...

167.82 KB
Histopathological and ultrastructural effects of cutting radiofrequency energy on palatal soft tissues: a prospective study

Histopathological and ultrastru ...

Radiofrequency (RF) surgery has gained popularity as a safe and effective method for treating patients with snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnoe ...

562.17 KB
The effects of repetitious topical use of mitomycin C on antrostomy patency in maxillary antrostomy created rabbit model

The effects of repetitious topi ...

The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of the topical use of mitomycin C (MMC) intraoperatively in single dose and intra-postoperatively ...

472.45 KB
Vessel sealing system uvulopalatoplasty versus uvulopalatal flap: a randomized, controlled study of efficacy and adverse effects

Vessel sealing system uvulopala ...

The objective of this randomized, controlled study is to compare intraoperative blood loss, operative time, postoperative pain and postoperative adv ...

307.32 KB
Subjective visual vertical in erect/supine subjects and under microgravity: effects of lower body negative pressure

Subjective visual vertical in e ...

Perception of the subjective visual vertical (SVV) is mainly based on the contributions from the visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems, and ...

232.84 KB
Histopathological effects of estrogen deficiency on larynx mucosa in ovariectomised rats

Histopathological effects of es ...

Laryngeal manifestations due to estrogen deficiency have been studied in the literature. But to date, the possible histopathological changes of lary ...

376.15 KB
The effects of uncinectomy and natural ostial dilatation on maxillary sinus ventilation: a clinical experimental study

The effects of uncinectomy and ...

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of uncinectomy without sinusotomy and natural ostial dilatation on maxillary sinus ventilation ...

208.85 KB
Intranasal steroids or radiofrequency turbinoplasty in persistent allergic rhinitis: effects on quality of life and objective parameters

Intranasal steroids or radiofre ...

Nasal congestion is a cardinal symptom of allergic rhinitis (AR). It is associated with decreased quality of life and difficult to treat as perceive ...

360.21 KB
Effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on auditory hair cells after acute noise damage

Effects of hyperbaric oxygen tr ...

Acute acoustic trauma (AAT) is a sudden sensorineural hearing loss caused by exposure of the hearing organ to acoustic overstimulation, typically an ...

547.76 KB
Effects of tumour stage, comorbidity and therapy on survival of laryngeal cancer patients: a systematic review and a meta-analysis

Effects of tumour stage, comorb ...

Laryngeal cancer is the second most common cancer of the respiratory tract with a relative 5-year survival over all tumour sites in the USA (61.6%; ...

356.54 KB
Promoting effects of nanoparticles/materials on sensitive lung inflammatory diseases

Promoting effects of nanopartic ...

Although the adverse health effects of nanoparticles/ materials have been proposed and are being clarified, their facilitating effects on preexistin ...

دانلود 1
296.50 KB
Pharyngeal Pressures During Swallowing Within and Across  Three Sessions: Within-Subject Variance and Order Effects

Pharyngeal Pressures During Swa ...

No studies have investigated within-subject variation in measures of pharyngeal pressures during swallowing across sessions. This study aimed to doc ...

1.10 MB
Effects of Club Soda and Ginger Brew on Linguapalatal Pressures  in Healthy Swallowing

Effects of Club Soda and Ginger ...

Oral chemesthesis is the detection of chemicals that activate temperature and pain receptors in the oral mucosa. Presentation of orally chemesthetic ...

319.50 KB
Effects of Sequential Swallowing on Drive to Breathe in Young,  Healthy Adults

Effects of Sequential Swallowin ...

Sequential swallowing is the act of swallowing multiple times, without pausing. Because sequential swallowing requires breath-holding, it seems like ...

249.87 KB
Comparing the Effects of Rehabilitation Swallowing Therapy vs.  Functional Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Therapy  in an Encephalitis Patient: A Case Study

Comparing the Effects of Rehabi ...

A 49-year-old man with pharyngeal dysphagia after encephalitis is presented in this case study. Sixteen months earlier the patient experienced a sud ...

198.34 KB
Effects of Carbonated Liquids on Oropharyngeal Swallowing  Measures in People with Neurogenic Dysphagia

Effects of Carbonated Liquids o ...

Aspiration is common in adults with neurogenic dysphagia and pharyngeal delay. This can lead to dehydration, malnutrition, and aspiration pneumonia. ...

303.38 KB
