# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Effects of raloxifene and alendronate on bone turnover as assessed by procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide
397.96 KB 63 0
Study of the mechanisms by which Sambucus williamsii HANCE extract exert protective effects against ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in vivo
448.36 KB 58 0
Are commonly recommended dosages for vitamin D supplementation too low? Vitamin D status and effects of supplementation on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels—an observational study during clinical practice conditions
219.65 KB 89 1
The preventive effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on diabetic bone loss in streptozotocin-treated rats
523.25 KB 77 0
Effects of risedronate on bone marrow adipocytes in postmenopausal women
368.65 KB 72 0
The effects of low dose parathyroid hormone on lumbar vertebrae in a rat model for chronic alcohol abuse
283.64 KB 73 0
Effects of HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy with ritonavir on induction of osteoclast-like cells in postmenopausal women
201.71 KB 58 0
Effects of COLIA1 polymorphisms and haplotypes on perimenopausal bone mass, postmenopausal bone loss and fracture risk
208.04 KB 65 0
Quantitative proteomic analysis of dexamethasone-induced effects on osteoblast differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis in MC3T3-E1 cells using SILAC
334.68 KB 82 0
Age, cohort and period effects on hip fracture incidence: analysis and predictions from New Zealand data 1974-2007
161.00 KB 75 0
Systemic bone effects of biologic therapies in rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis
776.04 KB 71 0
How strontium ranelate, via opposite effects on bone resorption and formation, prevents osteoporosis
251.69 KB 73 0
Effects of therapeutic exercise for persons with osteoporotic vertebral fractures: a systematic review
245.85 KB 77 0
Efficacy, side effects and route of administration are more important than frequency of dosing of anti-osteoporosis treatments in determining patient adherence: a critical review of published articles from 1970 to 2009
289.93 KB 70 0
Adverse effects of the amlodipine on bone healing of the mandibular fracture: an experimental study in rats
590.11 KB 76 0
Effects of tooth bleaching on shear bond strength of brackets rebonded with a self-etching adhesive system
201.38 KB 75 0
Hypoglycemic Effects of Intraluminal Intestinal Electrical Stimulation in Healthy Volunteers
190.91 KB 76 0
Skin Vasodilator Function and Vasomotion in Patients with Morbid Obesity: Effects of Gastric Bypass Surgery
245.53 KB 81 0
The Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Asthma Severity
136.52 KB 71 0
Effects of A-Line Autoregression Index (AAI) Monitoring on Recovery After Sevoflurane Anesthesia for Bariatric Surgery
166.52 KB 184 0
The Effects of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding on Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
115.11 KB 70 0
Long-term effects of a single application of a water-cooled pulsed Nd:YAG laser in supplement to scaling and root planing in patients with periodontal inflammation
121.09 KB 231 3
Effects of different setting of diode laser on the mRNA expression of growth factors and type I collagen of human gingival fibroblasts
438.25 KB 76 0
Effects of different application durations of ER:YAG laser on intrapulpal temperature change during debonding
172.00 KB 79 0
Chondroprotective effects of a polycarbonate-urethane meniscal implant: histopathological results in a sheep model
1.31 MB 69 0
Effects of raloxifene and alendronate on bone turnover  as assessed by procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide

Effects of raloxifene and alend ...

Summary Raloxifene decreases PINP into the lower half of the premenopausal reference interval; alendronate decreases PINP more, with approximately 6 ...

397.96 KB
Study of the mechanisms by which Sambucus williamsii  HANCE extract exert protective effects  against ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in vivo

Study of the mechanisms by whic ...

Summary The purpose of this study is to investigate the dose-dependent effects of SWH on bone properties and the mechanism involved in mediating the ...

448.36 KB
Are commonly recommended dosages for vitamin D  supplementation too low? Vitamin D status and effects  of supplementation on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D  levels—an observational study during clinical  practice conditions

Are commonly recommended dosage ...

Summary Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased fracture risk. The observational study aimed to investigate vitamin D status and supplemen ...

دانلود 1
219.65 KB
The preventive effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields  on diabetic bone loss in streptozotocin-treated rats

The preventive effects of pulse ...

Summary The present study was the first report demonstrating that pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) could partially prevent bone strength and arch ...

523.25 KB
Effects of risedronate on bone marrow adipocytes  in postmenopausal women

Effects of risedronate on bone ...

Summary Aminobisphosphonates promote osteoblastogenesis while inhibiting adipogenesis in vitro. Their effect on adipogenesis in vivo remains unknown ...

368.65 KB
The effects of low dose parathyroid hormone on lumbar  vertebrae in a rat model for chronic alcohol abuse

The effects of low dose parathy ...

Summary This study evaluated the hypothesis that increased bone marrow adipogenesis is coupled to decreased bone formation in rats consuming alcohol ...

283.64 KB
Effects of HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy  with ritonavir on induction of osteoclast-like cells  in postmenopausal women

Effects of HIV infection and an ...

Summary Ritonavir (RTV) is a commonly used antiretroviral associated with bone loss. We show that peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from hu ...

201.71 KB
Effects of COLIA1 polymorphisms and haplotypes  on perimenopausal bone mass, postmenopausal bone loss  and fracture risk

Effects of COLIA1 polymorphisms ...

Summary One thousand seven hundred seventeen perimenopausal women from the Danish Osteoporosis Prevention Study were genotyped for the -1997G/T, -16 ...

208.04 KB
Quantitative proteomic analysis of dexamethasone-induced  effects on osteoblast differentiation, proliferation,  and apoptosis in MC3T3-E1 cells using SILAC

Quantitative proteomic analysis ...

Summary The impairment of osteoblast differentiation is one cause of the glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GCOP). The quantitative proteomic anal ...

334.68 KB
Age, cohort and period effects on hip fracture incidence:  analysis and predictions from New Zealand data 1974-2007

Age, cohort and period effects ...

Summary Hip fractures are substantial problem worldwide. The increase in rate with age does not continue into very old age. Rates decline in success ...

161.00 KB
Systemic bone effects of biologic therapies in rheumatoid  arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis

Systemic bone effects of biolog ...

Inflammatory joint diseases are responsible of chronic systemic inflammation, joint degradations, deformities, and altered quality of life. Patients ...

776.04 KB
How strontium ranelate, via opposite effects  on bone resorption and formation, prevents osteoporosis

How strontium ranelate, via opp ...

Oestrogen deficiency increases the rate of bone remodelling which, in association with a negative remodelling balance (resorption exceeding formatio ...

251.69 KB
Effects of therapeutic exercise for persons with osteoporotic  vertebral fractures: a systematic review

Effects of therapeutic exercise ...

Summary A systematic literature review was conducted and revealed nine studies investigating the effects of therapeutic exercise for persons with os ...

245.85 KB
Efficacy, side effects and route of administration are more  important than frequency of dosing of anti-osteoporosis  treatments in determining patient adherence: a critical  review of published articles from 1970 to 2009

Efficacy, side effects and rout ...

The purposes of the study were to review available published literature on magnitude of non-adherence with osteoporosis regimens and to determine th ...

289.93 KB
Adverse effects of the amlodipine on bone healing  of the mandibular fracture: an experimental study in rats

Adverse effects of the amlodipi ...

Background Calcium channel blockers are effective antihypertensive agents, but they may affect many metabolic processes, including bone metabolism. ...

590.11 KB
Effects of tooth bleaching on shear bond strength of brackets rebonded  with a self-etching adhesive system

Effects of tooth bleaching on s ...

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effects of tooth bleaching on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets rebonded with a self-et ...

201.38 KB
Hypoglycemic Effects of Intraluminal Intestinal Electrical  Stimulation in Healthy Volunteers

Hypoglycemic Effects of Intralu ...

Background Intestinal electrical stimulation (IES) has been shown to delay gastric emptying and reduce nutrient absorption in humans. The aim of thi ...

190.91 KB
Skin Vasodilator Function and Vasomotion in Patients  with Morbid Obesity: Effects of Gastric Bypass Surgery

Skin Vasodilator Function and V ...

Obesity-associated microvascular dysfunction (MVD) involves different body tissues, including skin, and concurs to increased cardiovascular risk in ...

245.53 KB
The Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Asthma Severity

The Effects of Bariatric Surger ...

Background Excess body weight increases both the risk and severity of asthma. Several studies indicate that bariatric surgery decreases asthma sever ...

136.52 KB
Effects of A-Line Autoregression Index (AAI) Monitoring  on Recovery After Sevoflurane Anesthesia for Bariatric Surgery

Effects of A-Line Autoregressio ...

Monitoring depth of anesthesia may improve anesthetic dosing and postanesthetic recovery in obese patients. Sixty morbidly obese patients undergoing ...

166.52 KB
The Effects of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding  on Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

The Effects of Laparoscopic Adj ...

The purpose of this study was to determine whether laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding has a role in the treatment of idiopathic intracranial hy ...

115.11 KB
Long-term effects of a single application of a water-cooled  pulsed Nd:YAG laser in supplement to scaling and root  planing in patients with periodontal inflammation

Long-term effects of a single a ...

The aim of this work was to investigate the longterm effects of a single application of a water-cooled pulsed neodymium yttrium aluminium garnet (Nd ...

دانلود 3
121.09 KB
Effects of different setting of diode laser on the mRNA  expression of growth factors and type I collagen of human  gingival fibroblasts

Effects of different setting of ...

The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of non-surgical applications of diode laser (940 nm) on the cell proliferation and mRNA expressio ...

438.25 KB
Effects of different application durations of ER:YAG laser  on intrapulpal temperature change during debonding

Effects of different applicatio ...

This study was done to determine the amount of lasing time required to remove ceramic brackets safely without causing intrapulpal damage by using Er ...

172.00 KB
Chondroprotective effects of a polycarbonate-urethane meniscal  implant: histopathological results in a sheep model

Chondroprotective effects of a ...

Purpose Injury or loss of the meniscus generally leads to degenerative osteoarthritic changes in the knee joint. However, few surgical options exist ...

1.31 MB
