# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Effects on hematological and biochemical parameters in albino mice fed Ipomoea batatas leaf aqueous extract
120.78 KB 74 0
Effects of systemic and topical estrogen application on the healing of full-thickness skin wounds in diabetic rats
402.71 KB 74 0
Management of Hepatitis C Antiviral Therapy Adverse Effects
165.48 KB 74 1
Effects of Club Soda and Ginger Brew on Linguapalatal Pressures in Healthy Swallowing
319.50 KB 74 0
Vessel sealing system uvulopalatoplasty versus uvulopalatal flap: a randomized, controlled study of efficacy and adverse effects
307.32 KB 74 0
Clinical and microbiological effects of photodynamic therapy associated with nonsurgical periodontal treatment. A 6-month follow-up
158.51 KB 74 0
Cerebral Hemodynamic and Metabolic Effects of Equi-Osmolar Doses Mannitol and 23.4% Saline in Patients with Edema Following Large Ischemic Stroke
225.66 KB 74 0
Effects of Ginkgo biloba on cerebral blood flow assessed by quantitative MR perfusion imaging: a pilot study
408.39 KB 74 0
اثر آموزش فرهنگ سازمانی بر انگیزه دانش کارکنان برای انتقال آموزش: تأثیرات تعدیل کننده محیط انتقال یادگیری
676.82 KB 74 0
 تأثیر بحران اقتصادی بر تحقیقات عمومی: سیاست های بودجه اسپانیایی و سازمان های تحقیقاتی
1.46 MB 74 0
 تأثیر ایدئولوژی های اخلاقی و ادراکات CSR بر رفتار مصرف کننده
292.71 KB 74 1
Trauma and physical health : understanding the effects of extreme stress and of psychological har
2.12 MB 73 0
The Role of β-adrenergic Receptors in the Cardioprotective Effects of Beta-Preconditioning (βPC)
554.92 KB 73 0
Renoprotective effects of telmisartan on renal injury in obese Zucker rats
505.41 KB 73 0
Electromechanical effects of the direct renin inhibitor (aliskiren) on the pulmonary vein and atrium
648.31 KB 73 0
Effects of toremifene and anastrozole on serum lipids and bone metabolism in postmenopausal females with estrogen receptor– positive breast cancer: the results of a 2-year multicenter open randomized study
249.70 KB 73 0
Effects of angiotensin II receptor antagonists on anxiety and some oxidative stress markers in rat
930.33 KB 73 0
Elevated serum levels of interleukin-18 in patients with overt diabetic nephropathy: effects of miglitol
266.64 KB 73 1
Effects of Repeated Volitional Swallowing on the Excitability of Submental Corticobulbar Motor Pathways
303.17 KB 73 0
Protective effects of human umbilical cord blood stem cell intravitreal transplantation against optic nerve injury in rats
473.56 KB 73 0
Effects of sweep VEP parameters on visual acuity and contrast thresholds in children and adults
353.19 KB 73 0
Different effects of low- and high-dose insulin on ROS production and VEGF expression in bovine retinal microvascular endothelial cells in the presence of high glucose
489.91 KB 73 0
Therapeutic effects of systemic photodynamic therapy in a leukemia animal model using A20 cells
436.03 KB 73 0
Silicone-Ring Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass in the Treatment of Obesity: Effects of Laparoscopic Versus Laparotomic Surgery on Respiration
119.39 KB 73 0
Potential negative cardiovascular effects of calcium supplements
78.44 KB 73 0
Effects on hematological and biochemical parameters in albino mice fed Ipomoea batatas leaf aqueous extract

Effects on hematological and bi ...

The leaf aqueous extract of Ipomoea batatas was investigated for hematological and biochemical effects in mice. The acute toxicity test recorded no ...

120.78 KB
Effects of systemic and topical estrogen application on the healing of full-thickness skin wounds in diabetic rats

Effects of systemic and topical ...

In this research, the possible effects of systemic and topical estrogen were investigated on wound healing in normal and diabetic male rats. One hun ...

402.71 KB
Management of Hepatitis C Antiviral Therapy Adverse Effects

Management of Hepatitis C Antiv ...

Hepatitis C is one of the leading causes of liver disease in the United States, affecting more than 4 million individuals. The current treatment reg ...

دانلود 1
165.48 KB
Effects of Club Soda and Ginger Brew on Linguapalatal Pressures  in Healthy Swallowing

Effects of Club Soda and Ginger ...

Oral chemesthesis is the detection of chemicals that activate temperature and pain receptors in the oral mucosa. Presentation of orally chemesthetic ...

319.50 KB
Vessel sealing system uvulopalatoplasty versus uvulopalatal flap: a randomized, controlled study of efficacy and adverse effects

Vessel sealing system uvulopala ...

The objective of this randomized, controlled study is to compare intraoperative blood loss, operative time, postoperative pain and postoperative adv ...

307.32 KB
Clinical and microbiological effects of photodynamic therapy  associated with nonsurgical periodontal treatment.  A 6-month follow-up

Clinical and microbiological ef ...

Experimental studies in animals and in vitro have shown the usefulness of photodynamic therapy (PDT) as an adjunct to periodontal treatment. The aim ...

158.51 KB
Cerebral Hemodynamic and Metabolic Effects of Equi-Osmolar  Doses Mannitol and 23.4% Saline in Patients with Edema  Following Large Ischemic Stroke

Cerebral Hemodynamic and Metabo ...

Introduction Cerebral edema after ischemic stroke is frequently treated with mannitol and hypertonic saline (HS); however, their relative cerebrovas ...

225.66 KB
Effects of Ginkgo biloba on cerebral blood flow assessed  by quantitative MR perfusion imaging: a pilot study

Effects of Ginkgo biloba on cer ...

Introduction Extract of Ginkgo biloba (EGb), a dietary supplement used for a number of conditions including dementia, has been suggested to increase ...

408.39 KB
Trauma and physical health : understanding the effects of extreme stress and of psychological har

Trauma and physical health : un ...

Introduction to trauma and physical health : a framework and introduction to integrating trauma practice into primary care / Victoria L. Banyard, Kath ...

2.12 MB
The Role of β-adrenergic Receptors in the Cardioprotective Effects of Beta-Preconditioning (βPC)

The Role of β-adrenergic Recept ...

Aim To determine the mechanism whereby transient stimulation of the â-adrenergic receptor subtypes (â-AR) elicit cardioprotection against subsequent ...

554.92 KB
Renoprotective effects of telmisartan on renal injury in obese Zucker rats

Renoprotective effects of telmi ...

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the renoprotective effect of telmisartan, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, on the early st ...

505.41 KB
Electromechanical effects of the direct renin inhibitor (aliskiren) on the pulmonary vein and atrium

Electromechanical effects of th ...

Activation of the atrial renin–angiotensin system plays an important role in the pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation (AF). The pulmonary vein (PV ...

648.31 KB
Effects of toremifene and anastrozole on serum lipids and bone  metabolism in postmenopausal females with estrogen receptor–  positive breast cancer: the results of a 2-year multicenter open  randomized study

Effects of toremifene and anast ...

The potential long-term adverse effects on quality of life have to be considered when selecting agents for adjuvant hormonal treatment for postmenop ...

249.70 KB
Effects of angiotensin II receptor antagonists on anxiety and some oxidative stress markers in rat

Effects of angiotensin II recep ...

In addition to its known classical roles, the renin angiotensin system (RAS) has more subtle functions which include the regulation of emotional resp ...

930.33 KB
Elevated serum levels of interleukin-18 in patients with overt diabetic nephropathy: effects of miglitol

Elevated serum levels of interl ...

Background Interleukin-18 (IL-18), a pro-inflammatory cytokine, is a predictor of cardiovascular and renal disease in diabetic patients. Postprandia ...

دانلود 1
266.64 KB
Effects of Repeated Volitional Swallowing on the Excitability  of Submental Corticobulbar Motor Pathways

Effects of Repeated Volitional ...

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of repeated volitional saliva swallowing on corticobulbar excitability recorded during two muscle p ...

303.17 KB
Protective effects of human umbilical cord blood stem cell intravitreal transplantation against optic nerve injury in rats

Protective effects of human umb ...

Background The majority of studies addressing traumatic optic neuropathy (TON) have focused on drugs, proteins, cytokines, and various surgical tech ...

473.56 KB
Effects of sweep VEP parameters on visual acuity  and contrast thresholds in children and adults

Effects of sweep VEP parameters ...

Background There are many parameters that may impact the thresholds obtained with sweep visually evoked potentials (sVEP), yet a number of these par ...

353.19 KB
Different effects of low- and high-dose insulin on ROS  production and VEGF expression in bovine retinal  microvascular endothelial cells in the presence  of high glucose

Different effects of low- and h ...

Background Clinical trials have demonstrated that acute intensive insulin therapy may cause transient worsening of retinopathy in type 1 and type 2 ...

489.91 KB
Therapeutic effects of systemic photodynamic therapy  in a leukemia animal model using A20 cells

Therapeutic effects of systemic ...

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is attracting attention because of its noticeable inhibitory effects on the growth of dermatological and other solid tumo ...

436.03 KB
Silicone-Ring Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass in the Treatment  of Obesity: Effects of Laparoscopic Versus Laparotomic  Surgery on Respiration

Silicone-Ring Roux-en-Y Gastric ...

Background The objective of this study was to compare the effects of silicone-ring Roux-en-Y gastric bypass carried out by laparoscopy versus that a ...

119.39 KB
Potential negative cardiovascular  effects of calcium supplements

Potential negative cardiovascul ...

Calcium supplements have been used for decades in the prevention and, as an adjuvant, for treatment of osteoporosis because low calcium intakes are ...

78.44 KB
