# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Effects of periarticular steroid injection on knee function and the inflammatory response following unicondylar knee arthroplasty
192.46 KB 82 0
Investigating the Protective Effects of Astragalus Membranaceus on Nephrotoxicity in Cyclosporine A-treated Rats
411.67 KB 76 0
Emerging therapies for heart failure: renal mechanisms and effects
257.28 KB 77 0
Different effects of isoflavones on vascular function in premenopausal and postmenopausal smokers and nonsmokers: NYMPH study
185.90 KB 86 0
Combined effects of irbesartan and carvedilol on expression of tissue factor and tissue factor pathway inhibitor in rats after myocardial infarction
408.51 KB 128 0
Nitric oxide effects depend on different mechanisms in different regions of the rat heart
320.16 KB 81 0
Beneficial vasoactive endothelial effects of fluvastatin: focus on prostacyclin and nitric oxide
336.38 KB 157 1
Effects of olmesartan on blood pressure and insulin resistance in hypertensive patients with sleep-disordered breathing
222.04 KB 66 0
Comparison of the effects of nitroprusside versus nicorandil on the slow/no-reflow phenomenon during coronary interventions for acute myocardial infarction
182.23 KB 67 0
The effects of perindopril on QT duration and dispersion in patients with coronary slow flow
177.67 KB 86 0
Effects of cold pressor-induced sympathetic stimulation on the mechanical properties of common carotid and femoral arteries in healthy males
459.50 KB 60 0
Short-term effects of double-layer autologous vein graft on restraint of excessive distension and alleviation of neointimal hyperplasia in a porcine saphenous vein graft model
323.14 KB 71 0
Effects of hemodialysis on the cardiovascular system: quantitative analysis using wave intensity wall analysis and tissue velocity imaging
318.64 KB 67 0
Pharmacokinetics of intravenous amiodarone and its electrocardiographic effects on healthy Japanese subjects
457.11 KB 78 0
Effects of various doses of aspirin on platelet activity and endothelial function
187.71 KB 75 0
Comparison of the effects of nitroprusside versus nicorandil on the slow/no-reflow phenomenon during coronary interventions for acute myocardial infarction
182.23 KB 86 0
The effects of perindopril on QT duration and dispersion in patients with coronary slow flow
177.67 KB 59 0
Effects of sweep VEP parameters on visual acuity and contrast thresholds in children and adults
353.19 KB 73 0
Effects of yellow filters on visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and reading under conditions of forward light scatter
166.15 KB 79 0
Effects of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide on retinal gene expression in a rat model of central retinal vein occlusion
362.45 KB 69 0
The effects of the intraocular dye brilliant blue G (BBG) mixed with varying concentrations of glucose on retinal function in an isolated perfused vertebrate retina
217.37 KB 112 0
Review: Pharmacogenetic aspects of the effect of cytochrome P450 polymorphisms on serotonergic drug metabolism, response, interactions, and adverse effects
505.59 KB 57 0
European guidelines on managing adverse effects of medication for ADHD
435.04 KB 81 0
Influence of personal patterns of behavior on the effects of Tai Chi: a pilot study
139.89 KB 78 0
Installation of mechanical ventilation in a horse stable: effects on air quality and human and equine airways
278.96 KB 75 1
Effects of periarticular steroid injection on knee function and the inflammatory response following unicondylar knee arthroplasty

Effects of periarticular steroi ...

There is little information on the values of CRP and ESR as markers for inflammation in Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty. The effect of periarticular s ...

192.46 KB
Investigating the Protective Effects of Astragalus  Membranaceus on Nephrotoxicity in Cyclosporine  A-treated Rats

Investigating the Protective Ef ...

The immunosuppressive drug, cyclosporine A (CsA), has been used in patients who were treated for immune diseases and in transplant patients. However ...

411.67 KB
Emerging therapies for heart failure: renal mechanisms and effects

Emerging therapies for heart fa ...

Improved understanding of the pathophysiology of salt and water homeostasis has provided a foundation for explaining the renal mechanisms of emergin ...

257.28 KB
Different effects of isoflavones on vascular function  in premenopausal and postmenopausal smokers  and nonsmokers: NYMPH study

Different effects of isoflavone ...

Isoflavone intake has been associated with a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women. The aim of the present study w ...

185.90 KB
Combined effects of irbesartan and carvedilol on expression  of tissue factor and tissue factor pathway inhibitor in rats  after myocardial infarction

Combined effects of irbesartan ...

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of irbesartan, carvedilol, and irbesartan plus carvedilol on the expression of tissue fac ...

408.51 KB
Nitric oxide effects depend on different mechanisms  in different regions of the rat heart

Nitric oxide effects depend on ...

The important role of nitric oxide (NO) in regulating cardiac functions has been investigated in prior research. However, NO-induced signaling mecha ...

320.16 KB
Beneficial vasoactive endothelial effects of fluvastatin:  focus on prostacyclin and nitric oxide

Beneficial vasoactive endotheli ...

Statins are believed to exert beneficial effects against cardiovascular disease beyond correction of dyslipidemia. There are however still very spar ...

دانلود 1
336.38 KB
Effects of olmesartan on blood pressure and insulin resistance  in hypertensive patients with sleep-disordered breathing

Effects of olmesartan on blood ...

The increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality among patients with sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) has been linked to arterial hypert ...

222.04 KB
Comparison of the effects of nitroprusside versus nicorandil on the slow/no-reflow phenomenon during coronary interventions for acute myocardial infarction

Comparison of the effects of ni ...

Although slow/no-reflow is a serious problem complicating primary percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) an ...

182.23 KB
The effects of perindopril on QT duration and dispersion in patients with coronary slow flow

The effects of perindopril on Q ...

Coronary slow flow (CSF) is characterized by delayed opacification of coronary arteries in the absence epicardial occlusive disease. QT duration and ...

177.67 KB
Effects of cold pressor-induced sympathetic stimulation on the mechanical properties of common carotid and femoral arteries in healthy males

Effects of cold pressor-induced ...

Our aim was to evaluate the effects of sympathetic excitation and elevation of blood pressure on mechanical properties of common carotid and femoral ...

459.50 KB
Short-term effects of double-layer autologous vein graft on restraint of excessive distension and alleviation of neointimal hyperplasia in a porcine saphenous vein graft model

Short-term effects of double-la ...

Although the use of external vein graft support seems a promising approach to prevent neointimal hyperplasia and wall thickening in vein grafts, its ...

323.14 KB
Effects of hemodialysis on the cardiovascular system: quantitative analysis using wave intensity wall analysis and tissue velocity imaging

Effects of hemodialysis on the ...

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The aim of this study was to investigate the c ...

318.64 KB
Pharmacokinetics of intravenous amiodarone and its electrocardiographic effects on healthy Japanese subjects

Pharmacokinetics of intravenous ...

The aim of this phase I, dose-escalating study was to evaluate the pharmacokinetics, electrocardiographic effect and safety of amiodarone after a si ...

457.11 KB
Effects of various doses of aspirin on platelet activity and endothelial function

Effects of various doses of asp ...

Although aspirin has become an established medicine for cardiac and cerebrovascular diseases, the optimal dose remains unknown. We evaluated the opt ...

187.71 KB
Comparison of the effects of nitroprusside versus nicorandil on the slow/no-reflow phenomenon during coronary interventions for acute myocardial infarction

Comparison of the effects of ni ...

Although slow/no-reflow is a serious problem complicating primary percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) an ...

182.23 KB
The effects of perindopril on QT duration and dispersion in patients with coronary slow flow

The effects of perindopril on Q ...

Coronary slow flow (CSF) is characterized by delayed opacification of coronary arteries in the absence epicardial occlusive disease. QT duration and ...

177.67 KB
Effects of sweep VEP parameters on visual acuity  and contrast thresholds in children and adults

Effects of sweep VEP parameters ...

Background There are many parameters that may impact the thresholds obtained with sweep visually evoked potentials (sVEP), yet a number of these par ...

353.19 KB
Effects of yellow filters on visual acuity, contrast sensitivity  and reading under conditions of forward light scatter

Effects of yellow filters on vi ...

Background Yellow filters are sometimes recommended to people with low vision. Our aim was investigate the effects of three commercial yellow filter ...

166.15 KB
Effects of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide on retinal gene  expression in a rat model of central retinal vein occlusion

Effects of intravitreal triamci ...

Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide on the alterations in retinal gene expression i ...

362.45 KB
The effects of the intraocular dye brilliant blue G (BBG) mixed with varying concentrations of glucose on retinal function in an isolated perfused vertebrate retina

The effects of the intraocular ...

Background During vitreoretinal surgery, vital dyes such as brilliant blue G (BBG) are used to visualize anatomical structures. By adding glucose to ...

217.37 KB
Review: Pharmacogenetic aspects of the effect of cytochrome P450 polymorphisms on serotonergic drug metabolism, response, interactions, and adverse effects

Review: Pharmacogenetic aspects ...

The field of pharmacogenetics contains a wealth of potential for the enhancement of clinical practice by providing a more effective match between pa ...

505.59 KB
European guidelines on managing adverse effects of medication for ADHD

European guidelines on managing ...

The safety of ADHD medications is not fully known. Concerns have arisen about both a lack of contemporary- standard information about medications fi ...

435.04 KB
Influence of personal patterns of behavior on the effects of Tai Chi: a pilot study

Influence of personal patterns ...

Objectives To investigate the influence of individual patterns of personality and behavior on the change in mood status after a brief period of Tai ...

139.89 KB
Installation of mechanical ventilation in a horse stable: effects on air quality and human and equine airways

Installation of mechanical vent ...

Objectives To examine the effects of installing a mechanical ventilation system at a riding-school stable on indoor air quality and human and horse ...

دانلود 1
278.96 KB
