# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Radiology-led Follow-up System for IVC Filters: Effects on Retrieval Rates and Times
276.50 KB 87 2
A histopathological study for evaluation of therapeutic effects of radiofrequency ablation in patients with breast cancer
1.16 MB 61 1
Combined effects of MDM2 SNP309 and TP53 R72P polymorphisms, and soy isoflavones on breast cancer risk among Chinese women in Singapore
237.00 KB 86 0
Glucocorticoid receptor activity discriminates between progesterone and medroxyprogesterone acetate effects in breast cells
1.27 MB 58 0
Gene expression profile testing for breast cancer and the use of chemotherapy, serious adverse effects, and costs of care
192.06 KB 62 0
The effects of oncotype DX recurrence scores on chemotherapy utilization in a multi-institutional breast cancer cohort
154.58 KB 71 0
Evidence for biological effects of metformin in operable breast cancer: a pre-operative, window-of-opportunity, randomized trial
442.41 KB 72 0
Effects on survival of menstrual cycle phase of adjuvant surgical oophorectomy in premenopausal women with breast cancer
269.90 KB 72 0
Effects of toremifene and anastrozole on serum lipids and bone metabolism in postmenopausal females with estrogen receptor– positive breast cancer: the results of a 2-year multicenter open randomized study
249.70 KB 73 0
A randomized, placebo-controlled trial (NCIC CTG MAP.2) examining the effects of exemestane on mammographic breast density, bone density, markers of bone metabolism and serum lipid levels in postmenopausal women
184.91 KB 77 0
Effects of music therapy on pain among female breast cancer patients after radical mastectomy: results from a randomized controlled trial
240.25 KB 130 0
Electromechanical effects of the direct renin inhibitor (aliskiren) on the pulmonary vein and atrium
648.31 KB 73 0
Acute vasomotor paralysis and potential downstream effects of paclitaxel from stents implanted for saphenous vein aorto-coronary bypass stenosis
454.47 KB 66 0
Effects of high thoracic epidural anesthesia on atrial electrophysiological characteristics and sympathetic nerve sprouting in a canine model of atrial fibrillation
849.67 KB 75 0
Opposing effects of monomeric and pentameric C-reactive protein on endothelial progenitor cells
858.05 KB 71 1
Deficiency in TIMP-3 increases cardiac rupture and mortality post-myocardial infarction via EGFR signaling: beneficial effects of cetuximab
540.89 KB 71 0
Elevated eating disorder symptoms in women with a history of oral contraceptive side effects
184.38 KB 69 0
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells induce anti-apoptotic effects of bone marrow stroma
554.72 KB 70 0
Comparison of the effects of different electrocautery applications to peripheral nerves: an experimental study
359.56 KB 61 0
Effects of combining electrical stimulation with BDNF gene transfer on the regeneration of crushed rat sciatic nerve
373.26 KB 59 0
The effects of anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with stand-alone cages at two contiguous levels on cervical alignment and outcomes
231.63 KB 140 0
The effects of Nigella sativa against oxidative injury in a rat model of subarachnoid hemorrhage
398.22 KB 67 0
The adverse effects of flow-diverter stent-like devices on the flow pattern of saccular intracranial aneurysm models: computational fluid dynamics study
679.62 KB 79 1
Axonal regeneration effects of Wnt3a-secreting fibroblast transplantation in spinal cord-injured rats
459.24 KB 63 0
Effects of atorvastatin on apelin, visfatin (nampt), ghrelin and early carotid atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes
237.75 KB 65 0
Radiology-led Follow-up System for IVC Filters: Effects on Retrieval Rates and Times

Radiology-led Follow-up System ...

Purpose Successful IVC filter retrieval rates fall with time. Serious complications have been reported following attempts to remove filters after 3– ...

دانلود 2
276.50 KB
A histopathological study for evaluation of therapeutic effects of radiofrequency ablation in patients with breast cancer

A histopathological study for e ...

Purpose To reveal the rate of complete therapeutic effect of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and its correlation with tumor size by the histopathologi ...

دانلود 1
1.16 MB
Combined effects of MDM2 SNP309 and TP53 R72P polymorphisms, and soy isoflavones on breast cancer risk among Chinese women in Singapore

Combined effects of MDM2 SNP309 ...

The MDM2 oncoprotein regulates the p53 pathway and, while functional polymorphisms of the MDM2 and p53 genes have been investigated for association ...

237.00 KB
Glucocorticoid receptor activity discriminates between progesterone and medroxyprogesterone  acetate effects in breast cells

Glucocorticoid receptor activit ...

The purpose of this article is to determine the tumorigenic potential of estradiol treatment (E2) when combined with either progesterone (P4) or med ...

1.27 MB
Gene expression profile testing for breast cancer and the use of chemotherapy, serious adverse effects, and costs of care

Gene expression profile testing ...

As gene expression profile (GEP) testing for breast cancer may provide additional prognostic information to guide the use of adjuvant chemotherapy, ...

192.06 KB
The effects of oncotype DX recurrence scores on chemotherapy utilization in a multi-institutional breast cancer cohort

The effects of oncotype DX recu ...

The use of clinicopathologic features in decision- making in early stage estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer (BC) may lead to over or unde ...

154.58 KB
Evidence for biological effects of metformin in operable breast cancer: a pre-operative, window-of-opportunity, randomized trial

Evidence for biological effects ...

Metformin may reduce the incidence of breast cancer and enhance response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in diabetic women. This trial examined the effe ...

442.41 KB
Effects on survival of menstrual cycle phase of adjuvant surgical oophorectomy in premenopausal women with breast cancer

Effects on survival of menstrua ...

Adjuvant surgical oophorectomy is an effective and remarkably cost effective treatment for premenopausal women with hormone receptor positive operab ...

269.90 KB
Effects of toremifene and anastrozole on serum lipids and bone  metabolism in postmenopausal females with estrogen receptor–  positive breast cancer: the results of a 2-year multicenter open  randomized study

Effects of toremifene and anast ...

The potential long-term adverse effects on quality of life have to be considered when selecting agents for adjuvant hormonal treatment for postmenop ...

249.70 KB
A randomized, placebo-controlled trial (NCIC CTG MAP.2) examining the effects of exemestane on mammographic breast density, bone density, markers of bone metabolism and serum lipid levels in postmenopausal women

A randomized, placebo-controlle ...

We hypothesized that exemestane (EXE) would reduce mammographic breast density and have unique effects on biomarkers of bone and lipid metabolism. ...

184.91 KB
Effects of music therapy on pain among female breast cancer patients after radical mastectomy: results from a randomized controlled trial

Effects of music therapy on pai ...

Music therapy has been used in multiple health care settings to reduce patient pain, anxiety, and stress. However, few available studies have invest ...

240.25 KB
Electromechanical effects of the direct renin inhibitor (aliskiren) on the pulmonary vein and atrium

Electromechanical effects of th ...

Activation of the atrial renin–angiotensin system plays an important role in the pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation (AF). The pulmonary vein (PV ...

648.31 KB
Acute vasomotor paralysis and potential downstream effects of paclitaxel from stents implanted for saphenous vein aorto-coronary bypass stenosis

Acute vasomotor paralysis and p ...

Implantation of bare metal stents (BMS) induces the release not only of particulate debris, but also of soluble vasoconstrictors which contribute to ...

454.47 KB
Effects of high thoracic epidural anesthesia on atrial electrophysiological characteristics and sympathetic nerve sprouting in a canine model of atrial fibrillation

Effects of high thoracic epidur ...

High thoracic epidural anesthesia (HTEA) blocks the afferent and efferent cardiac sympathetic nerve fibers and may affect atrial electrophysiologica ...

849.67 KB
Opposing effects of monomeric and pentameric C-reactive protein on endothelial progenitor cells

Opposing effects of monomeric a ...

C-reactive protein (CRP) has been linked to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. The dissociation of native, pentameric (p)CRP to monomeric (m)CRP o ...

دانلود 1
858.05 KB
Deficiency in TIMP-3 increases cardiac rupture and mortality post-myocardial infarction via EGFR signaling: beneficial effects of cetuximab

Deficiency in TIMP-3 increases ...

Cardiac rupture is a fatal complication of myocardial infarction (MI); however, its underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully understood. This s ...

540.89 KB
Elevated eating disorder symptoms in women with a history  of oral contraceptive side effects

Elevated eating disorder sympto ...

Previous research suggests a link between gonadal hormones and eating disorder symptomatology. This study examined the role of gonadal hormones and ...

184.38 KB
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells induce anti-apoptotic effects of bone marrow stroma

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia ce ...

The prolonged life span of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells in vivo is assumed to depend on the surrounding microenvironment since this biol ...

554.72 KB
Comparison of the effects of different electrocautery  applications to peripheral nerves: an experimental study

Comparison of the effects of di ...

Background This study was designed to investigate the effects of bipolar and mononopolar electrocauterization on peripheral nerve tissue. The compar ...

359.56 KB
Effects of combining electrical stimulation with BDNF gene transfer on the regeneration of crushed rat sciatic nerve

Effects of combining electrical ...

Background and aims Various techniques have been investigated to enhance peripheral nerve regeneration including the application of low-intensity el ...

373.26 KB
The effects of anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with stand-alone cages at two contiguous levels on cervical alignment and outcomes

The effects of anterior cervica ...

Background Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) using stand-alone cages is an effective method of treating degenerative disease. However, ...

231.63 KB
The effects of Nigella sativa against oxidative injury in a rat model of subarachnoid hemorrhage

The effects of Nigella sativa a ...

Objective The aim of the study was to investigate the putative neuroprotective effect of Nigella sativa oil (NSO) treatment against subarachnoid hem ...

398.22 KB
The adverse effects of flow-diverter stent-like devices on the flow pattern of saccular intracranial aneurysm models: computational fluid dynamics study

The adverse effects of flow-div ...

Background Stent deployment across the aneurysmal neck has been established as one of the endovascular methods to treat intracranial aneurysms with ...

دانلود 1
679.62 KB
Axonal regeneration effects of Wnt3a-secreting fibroblast  transplantation in spinal cord-injured rats

Axonal regeneration effects of ...

Background Axonal regeneration is a prerequisite for recovery from spinal cord injury. Here, we investigated whether Wnt3a-secreting fibroblasts exe ...

459.24 KB
Effects of atorvastatin on apelin, visfatin (nampt), ghrelin and early carotid atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes

Effects of atorvastatin on apel ...

To investigate the influence of atrovastatin treatment on carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and serumlevels of novel adipokines, like apelin, vi ...

237.75 KB
