# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Oral Budesonide Treatment for Protein-Losing Enteropathy in Fontan-Palliated Patients
179.19 KB 69 0
Outcomes and Risk Factors for Mortality in Premature Neonates With Critical Congenital Heart Disease
195.39 KB 76 0
Exercise-Induced Intraventricular Obstruction in a Child with Near Syncope and Chest Pain During Exercise
283.17 KB 73 0
Commotio Cordis Presenting as a Temporary Complete Atrioventricular Block in a 2-Year-Old Girl With Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the great Arteries
526.20 KB 98 0
Left Main Coronary Artery Atresia: The Role of Computed Tomographic Coronary Angiography
238.92 KB 84 0
Isolated Junctional Tachycardia in a Child After Noncardiac Surgery: An Uncommon Clinical Presentation
356.22 KB 73 0
Management of Warfarin in Children With Heart Disease
187.89 KB 72 0
Percutaneous Transcatheter Device Closure of an Isolated Congenital LV Diverticulum: First Case Report
242.18 KB 82 0
Pulmonary Limitation to Exercise After Repair of D-Transposition of the Great Vessels: Atrial Baffle Versus Arterial Switch
250.29 KB 73 0
Significance of Circulating Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Protein-Losing Enteropathy After Fontan Operation
296.74 KB 76 0
The Contribution of Chromosomal Abnormalities to Congenital Heart Defects: A Population-Based Study
223.21 KB 67 0
Exercise-Induced Myocardial Ischemia in a Case of Anomalous Origin of the Left Main Coronary Artery from the Noncoronary Sinus of Valsalva
300.82 KB 69 0
Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery in Infants and Children: Evaluation of the Role of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
214.80 KB 76 0
Acute Myocardial Infarction in a Teenager Due to Adderall XR
268.90 KB 75 0
Radiation Exposure in Children During the Current Era of Pediatric Cardiac Intervention
386.51 KB 76 0
Diaphragmatic Hernia An Unusual Cause of Dyspnea in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome
208.76 KB 78 0
Infant-Type Anomalous Origin of the Left Coronary Artery From the Main Pulmonary Artery Diagnosed With Sixty-Four Multislice Computed Tomography
248.89 KB 82 0
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Aortic Atresia-Mitral Stenosis Variant: Role of Myocardial Protection Strategy and Impact of Ventriculo-coronary Connections After Stage I Palliation
477.55 KB 80 0
A Case of Left Main Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm Associated with Valvular Pulmonary Stenosis in a Child
202.25 KB 65 0
Accuracy of Doppler-Derived Estimation of Pulmonary Vascular Resistance in Congenital Heart Disease: An Index of Operability
422.24 KB 83 0
Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease: Contribution of the Aristotle Complexity Score to Planning and Budgeting in the German Diagnosis-Related Groups System
218.33 KB 93 0
Improving Outcomes from Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Young Children and Adolescents
348.64 KB 140 0
Novel Electrocardiogram Manifestations of a Tension Pneumothorax
318.92 KB 127 0
Clinical and Electrophysiological Characteristics in Children with Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia
45.65 KB 112 0
Bilateral Aortico-Atrial Tunnels
176.55 KB 84 0
Oral Budesonide Treatment for Protein-Losing Enteropathy  in Fontan-Palliated Patients

Oral Budesonide Treatment for P ...

Protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) is a rare complication of Fontan palliation associated with significant morbidity and mortality. It is characterize ...

179.19 KB
Outcomes and Risk Factors for Mortality in Premature Neonates  With Critical Congenital Heart Disease

Outcomes and Risk Factors for M ...

We sought to describe contemporary outcomes and identify risk factors for hospital mortality in premature neonates with critical congenital heart di ...

195.39 KB
Exercise-Induced Intraventricular Obstruction in a Child  with Near Syncope and Chest Pain During Exercise

Exercise-Induced Intraventricul ...

We report the case of a 10-year-old girl with two episodes of light-headedness and chest pain during exercise. She had an unremarkable clinical reco ...

283.17 KB
Commotio Cordis Presenting as a Temporary Complete  Atrioventricular Block in a 2-Year-Old Girl With Congenitally  Corrected Transposition of the great Arteries

Commotio Cordis Presenting as a ...

This report describes a 2-year-old girl with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (ccTGA) who presented with transient complet ...

526.20 KB
Left Main Coronary Artery Atresia: The Role of Computed  Tomographic Coronary Angiography

Left Main Coronary Artery Atres ...

A 55-year-old man with no major coronary risk factors presented with effort angina-like symptoms of 6 months duration. He underwent an exercise trea ...

238.92 KB
Isolated Junctional Tachycardia in a Child After Noncardiac  Surgery: An Uncommon Clinical Presentation

Isolated Junctional Tachycardia ...

Isolated junctional tachycardia is rare in children but has been reported after cardiac surgery. To date, it has not been reported after noncardiac ...

356.22 KB
Management of Warfarin in Children With Heart Disease

Management of Warfarin in Child ...

Warfarin is an important therapy for children with heart disease. We assessed the impact of a computerized warfarin-dosing software program on measu ...

187.89 KB
Percutaneous Transcatheter Device Closure of an Isolated  Congenital LV Diverticulum: First Case Report

Percutaneous Transcatheter Devi ...

A congenital left ventricular diverticulum is a rare cardiac malformation. It is a developmental anomaly that occurs during embryogenesis. Presentat ...

242.18 KB
Pulmonary Limitation to Exercise After Repair  of D-Transposition of the Great Vessels: Atrial Baffle  Versus Arterial Switch

Pulmonary Limitation to Exercis ...

This study evaluated resting pulmonary function and its impact on exercise capacity after atrial baffle (BAFFLE) and arterial switch (SWITCH) repair ...

250.29 KB
Significance of Circulating Hepatocyte Growth Factor  in Protein-Losing Enteropathy After Fontan Operation

Significance of Circulating Hep ...

The purpose of this study was to measure serum hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and elucidate the relationship between HGF and protein-losing enteropa ...

296.74 KB
The Contribution of Chromosomal Abnormalities to Congenital  Heart Defects: A Population-Based Study

The Contribution of Chromosomal ...

We aimed to assess the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities among infants with congenital heart defects (CHDs) in an analysis of population-based ...

223.21 KB
Exercise-Induced Myocardial Ischemia in a Case of Anomalous  Origin of the Left Main Coronary Artery from the Noncoronary  Sinus of Valsalva

Exercise-Induced Myocardial Isc ...

We report a case of anomalous origin of the left main coronary artery (LCA) from the noncoronary sinus of valsalva (LCANCS) in a young healthy patie ...

300.82 KB
Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery in Infants  and Children: Evaluation of the Role of Angiotensin-Converting  Enzyme Inhibitors

Acute Kidney Injury After Cardi ...

Children with congenital heart disease who undergo cardiac surgery are vulnerable to acute kidney injury (AKI). This study sought to evaluate the ro ...

214.80 KB
Acute Myocardial Infarction in a Teenager Due to Adderall XR

Acute Myocardial Infarction in ...

Adderall XR is commonly prescribed for children and adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. We present a case of a 15-year-old ma ...

268.90 KB
Radiation Exposure in Children During the Current Era  of Pediatric Cardiac Intervention

Radiation Exposure in Children ...

Cardiac catheterizations are among the X-ray procedures with the highest patient radiation dose and therefore are of great concern in pediatric sett ...

386.51 KB
Diaphragmatic Hernia  An Unusual Cause of Dyspnea in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome

Diaphragmatic Hernia An Unusua ...

We describe a case of acute dyspnea in a patient with Marfan syndrome secondary to bowel herniation into the thoracic cavity.

208.76 KB
Infant-Type Anomalous Origin of the Left Coronary Artery From  the Main Pulmonary Artery Diagnosed With Sixty-Four  Multislice Computed Tomography

Infant-Type Anomalous Origin of ...

A 5-month-old girl was referred to the paediatric cardiology department for dyspnea, pallor, and failure to thrive. The onset of symptoms occurred a ...

248.89 KB
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Aortic Atresia-Mitral  Stenosis Variant: Role of Myocardial Protection Strategy  and Impact of Ventriculo-coronary Connections After Stage I  Palliation

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome ...

Aortic atresia-mitral stenosis (AA-MS) has been implicated as a determinant of outcome after Stage-1 palliation (S1P) in hypoplastic left heart synd ...

477.55 KB
A Case of Left Main Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm Associated  with Valvular Pulmonary Stenosis in a Child

A Case of Left Main Pulmonary A ...

Aneurysm of the main pulmonary artery is a rare clinical entity that can be congenital or acquired. Most cases occur in association with other conge ...

202.25 KB
Accuracy of Doppler-Derived Estimation of Pulmonary Vascular  Resistance in Congenital Heart Disease: An Index of Operability

Accuracy of Doppler-Derived Est ...

Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is a critical and essential parameter during the assessment and selection of modality of treatment in patients w ...

422.24 KB
Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease: Contribution  of the Aristotle Complexity Score to Planning and Budgeting  in the German Diagnosis-Related Groups System

Surgical Management of Congenit ...

Planning and budgeting for congenital heart surgery depend primarily on how closely reimbursement matches costs and on the number and complexity of ...

218.33 KB
Improving Outcomes from Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest  in Young Children and Adolescents

Improving Outcomes from Out-of- ...

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is an unusual but devastating occurrence in a young person. Years of life-lost are substantial and long-term h ...

348.64 KB
Novel Electrocardiogram Manifestations of a Tension  Pneumothorax

Novel Electrocardiogram Manifes ...

A 14-year-old female inpatient with systemic lupus erythematosus, renal failure, ascites, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia was noted to have an abr ...

318.92 KB
Clinical and Electrophysiological Characteristics in  Children with Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant  Tachycardia

Clinical and Electrophysiologic ...

Atrioventricular (AV) nodal reentrant tachycardia is one of the most common supraventricular tachycardias in childhood. However, information about AV ...

45.65 KB
Bilateral Aortico-Atrial Tunnels

Bilateral Aortico-Atrial Tunnel ...

This report describes the investigation, diagnosis, and surgical correction of two aortico-atrial tunnels running from the noncoronary sinus of Vals ...

176.55 KB
