# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Type III Klippel–Feil syndrome: case report and review of associated craniofacial anomalies
306.10 KB 73 0
Cytotoxic effect of eugenol on the expression of molecular markers related to the osteogenic differentiation of human dental pulp cells
261.42 KB 75 0
Condition of depressive symptoms among Japanese dental students
330.07 KB 84 0
Conditioning effects of cavities prepared with an Er,Cr:YSGG laser and an air-turbine
526.83 KB 87 0
Periodontal disease as a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of case–control studies
426.31 KB 98 1
FEM analysis of the mandibular first premolar with different post diameters
1,012.53 KB 135 1
Nicorandil-induced tongue ulceration with or without fungal infection
248.66 KB 120 0
Mutational analysis of HRAS and KRAS genes in oral carcinoma cell lines
334.92 KB 102 0
Potential feasibility of dental stem cells for regenerative therapies: stem cell transplantation and whole-tooth engineering
381.56 KB 99 0
The effect of disinfecting solutions on bending properties and weight changes of Co–Cr and Ti–6Al–7Nb alloys for dentures
208.67 KB 98 0
Panagiota N. Eleni · Magdalini Krokida Gregory Polyzois · Lawrence Gettleman · Gasan I. Bisharat
444.29 KB 72 0
Early bond strength of two resin cements to Y-TZP ceramic using MPS or MPS/4-META silanes
245.09 KB 57 0
Performance of a fl uorescence camera for detection of occlusal caries in vitro
281.47 KB 73 0
Microleakage in class V composite and compomer restorations following exposure to a colutory prescribed for the treatment of xerostomy
237.65 KB 71 0
Comparative assessment of the sealing ability of Nd:YAG laser versus a new desensitizing agent in human dentinal tubules: a pilot study
286.38 KB 65 0
Masaya Suzuki · Takahito Ogisu · Chikage Kato Koichi Shinkai · Yoshiroh Katoh
953.65 KB 96 0
The effects of oral xylitol administration on bone density in rat femur
535.21 KB 81 0
Comparison of diameters at the cementoenamel junction between South Asians and Japanese
308.17 KB 69 0
The effects of bisphosphonates on jaw bone remodeling, tissue properties, and extraction healing
618.27 KB 89 0
Dental pulp stem cells in regenerative dentistry
436.34 KB 64 0
Sleep Apnea Determines Soluble TNF-α Receptor 2 Response to Massive Weight Loss
444.86 KB 78 0
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for the Treatment of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Chinese Patients with Body Mass Index of 25–35
219.63 KB 73 0
Veress Needle: A Simple Liver Retraction Technique for Lap Band Positioning in (Single Incision Laparoscopic Technique) SILS
193.56 KB 69 0
Clinical Predictors of Different Grades of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
118.92 KB 74 0
Examination of the Efficacy and Safety of Intraoperative Gastroscopic Testing of the Gastrojejunal Anastomosis in Laparoscopic Roux Y Gastric Bypass Surgery
111.25 KB 76 0
Type III Klippel–Feil syndrome: case report  and review of associated craniofacial anomalies

Type III Klippel–Feil syndrome: ...

Klippel–Feil syndrome (KFS) is a complex syndrome of osseous and visceral anomalies that include the classical clinical triad of short neck, limitat ...

306.10 KB
Cytotoxic effect of eugenol on the expression of molecular markers  related to the osteogenic differentiation of human dental pulp cells

Cytotoxic effect of eugenol on ...

The cytotoxic effect of eugenol on the expression of molecular markers related to the osteogenic differentiation of human dental pulp cells such as ...

261.42 KB
Condition of depressive symptoms among Japanese dental  students

Condition of depressive symptom ...

The Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) is generally used to screen for the presence of depression. The purpose of this study was to investigate ...

330.07 KB
Conditioning effects of cavities prepared  with an Er,Cr:YSGG laser and an air-turbine

Conditioning effects of cavitie ...

The purpose of this study was to examine, morphologically and histochemically, five types of conditioning effects on cavities prepared with an Er,Cr ...

526.83 KB
Periodontal disease as a risk factor for adverse pregnancy  outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis  of case–control studies

Periodontal disease as a risk f ...

Periodontal disease is a highly prevalent group of illnesses of microbial etiology, whose consequence is a severe breakdown of tooth-supporting stru ...

دانلود 1
426.31 KB
FEM analysis of the mandibular first premolar with different post  diameters

FEM analysis of the mandibular ...

Several reports have pointed out that endodontically treated teeth can lack strength, and that the teeth can be reinforced using posts. However, it ...

دانلود 1
1,012.53 KB
Nicorandil-induced tongue ulceration with or without fungal  infection

Nicorandil-induced tongue ulcer ...

Oral ulceration is one of the common adverse effects of nicorandil in European countries. In Japan, however, only 9 cases of nicorandil-induced oral ...

248.66 KB
Mutational analysis of HRAS and KRAS genes in oral carcinoma  cell lines

Mutational analysis of HRAS and ...

RAS overexpression and its active mutations are involved in malignant tumorigenesis. However, the mutation rates in oral carcinoma cells differ betw ...

334.92 KB
Potential feasibility of dental stem cells for regenerative therapies:  stem cell transplantation and whole-tooth engineering

Potential feasibility of dental ...

Multipotent mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow are expected to be a somatic stem cell source for the development of new cell-based therapy in r ...

381.56 KB
The effect of disinfecting solutions on bending properties and weight  changes of Co–Cr and Ti–6Al–7Nb alloys for dentures

The effect of disinfecting solu ...

We aimed to evaluate the effect of a denture cleanser and NaOCl 5.25% solution on the modulus of elasticity, the ultimate stress, and the weight cha ...

208.67 KB
Panagiota N. Eleni · Magdalini Krokida  Gregory Polyzois · Lawrence Gettleman · Gasan I. Bisharat

Panagiota N. Eleni · Magdalini ...

Physical weathering is usually responsible for the degradation of maxillofacial prosthetic elastomers and the replacement of prostheses. The purpose ...

444.29 KB
Early bond strength of two resin cements to Y-TZP ceramic using MPS or  MPS/4-META silanes

Early bond strength of two resi ...

For cementation of yttrium-stabilized tetragonal zirconium polycrystal (Y-TZP) ceramic frameworks, protocols of surface-conditioning methods and ava ...

245.09 KB
Performance of a fl uorescence camera for detection of occlusal  caries in vitro

Performance of a fl uorescence ...

The aim of this study was to assess inter- and intra-examiner reproducibility and accuracy in the detection and assessment of occlusal caries in ext ...

281.47 KB
Microleakage in class V composite and compomer restorations following  exposure to a colutory prescribed for the treatment of xerostomy

Microleakage in class V composi ...

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a colutory (XeroLacer, Lacer), prescribed for the treatment of xerostomy, on microleakage in ...

237.65 KB
Comparative assessment of the sealing ability of Nd:YAG laser versus a new  desensitizing agent in human dentinal tubules: a pilot study

Comparative assessment of the s ...

Dentinal hypersensitivity is a painful condition that occurs following periodontal treatment. Many treatment alternatives have been considered for t ...

286.38 KB
Masaya Suzuki · Takahito Ogisu · Chikage Kato  Koichi Shinkai · Yoshiroh Katoh

Masaya Suzuki · Takahito Ogisu ...

This study examined the effects of direct pulp capping treatment using super-pulsed CO2 laser preirradiation on the wound healing process of exposed ...

953.65 KB
The effects of oral xylitol administration on bone density in rat femur

The effects of oral xylitol adm ...

To examine the effects of oral xylitol administration on rat femur bone density, 36 four-week-old male Wistar rats divided into three groups were fe ...

535.21 KB
Comparison of diameters at the cementoenamel junction between South  Asians and Japanese

Comparison of diameters at the ...

Previously, sex differences among the various tooth types in Japanese skulls were examined to facilitate choosing an implant diameter similar to the ...

308.17 KB
The effects of bisphosphonates on jaw bone remodeling, tissue properties,  and extraction healing

The effects of bisphosphonates ...

Bisphosphonate effects on the skeleton have been studied in the context of a broad range of disciplines, including endocrinology, orthopedics, oncol ...

618.27 KB
Dental pulp stem cells in regenerative dentistry

Dental pulp stem cells in regen ...

Stem cells constitute the source of differentiated cells for the generation of tissues during development, and for regeneration of tissues that are ...

436.34 KB
Sleep Apnea Determines Soluble TNF-α Receptor 2  Response to Massive Weight Loss

Sleep Apnea Determines Soluble ...

Background The effects of surgical weight loss (WL) on inflammatory biomarkers associated with sleep apnea remain unknown. We sought to determine if ...

444.86 KB
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for the Treatment  of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Chinese Patients with Body  Mass Index of 25–35

Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric ...

Background Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB) can dramatically ameliorate type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in morbidly obese patients. How ...

219.63 KB
Veress Needle: A Simple Liver Retraction Technique for Lap  Band Positioning in (Single Incision Laparoscopic  Technique) SILS

Veress Needle: A Simple Liver R ...

A key problem in the application of SILS to gastric banding (and other gastric surgeries) is how to achieve adequate retraction of the liver, withou ...

193.56 KB
Clinical Predictors of Different Grades of Nonalcoholic Fatty  Liver Disease

Clinical Predictors of Differen ...

Background Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the comorbidities related to obesity. Liver biopsy has been used as the “gold standard ...

118.92 KB
Examination of the Efficacy and Safety of Intraoperative  Gastroscopic Testing of the Gastrojejunal Anastomosis  in Laparoscopic Roux Y Gastric Bypass Surgery

Examination of the Efficacy and ...

The laparoscopic Roux Y gastric bypass (LRYGB) is one of the most often performed bariatric surgical intervention. Intraoperative gastroscopy (IOG) ...

111.25 KB
