# عنوان نوع فایل سایز فایل بازدید دانلود امتیاز قیمت (تومان)
Open reduction internal fixation of midshaft clavicle fractures augmented with autogenous bone graft versus bioresorbable calcium phosphate: a com parative study
176.65 KB 85 0
Tetrasomy and pentasomy of the X chromosome
180.24 KB 83 1
Triple injury of forearm and elbow—a case report Forearm and elbow triple injury
195.30 KB 70 0
Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and pharmacokinetic models in prostate cancer
497.34 KB 53 0
A study on mechanisms of toxic actions of ciguatoxins: existence of functional relationship between CTX3C and charged residues of voltage sensors in Nav1.4 sodium channel
327.03 KB 64 0
Chemical impurities and contaminants in different silicone oils in human eyes before and after prolonged use
247.71 KB 79 0
Administration of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors is associated with slow progression of mild aortic stenosis in Japanese patients
181.44 KB 79 0
May smokers and overweight patients be treated with a medial open-wedge HTO? Risk factors for non-union
261.30 KB 82 0
Delta screw versus RetroScrew tibial fixation for ACL reconstruction
311.57 KB 71 0
The effect of Er:YAG laser irradiation on the scanning electron microscopic structure and surface roughness of various implant surfaces: an in vitro study
1.35 MB 65 0
Recombinant Osteopontin Attenuates Brain Injury after Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Mice
634.02 KB 81 0
Sacculocolic reflex in patients with dementia: is it possible to use it for early diagnosis?
180.61 KB 67 0
Copper and Zinc Serum Levels after Derivative Bariatric Surgery: Differences Between Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Biliopancreatic Diversion
188.38 KB 77 0
Photomicrographic evaluation of the apical sealing capacity of three types of gutta-percha master cones: an in vitro study
450.16 KB 69 0
Low-frequency axial ultrasound velocity correlates with bone mineral density and cortical thickness in the radius and tibia in pre- and postmenopausal women
505.22 KB 73 0
Prevalence and costs of osteoporotic patients with subsequent non-vertebral fractures in the US
215.84 KB 76 0
Left Main Coronary Artery Atresia: The Role of Computed Tomographic Coronary Angiography
238.92 KB 84 0
Suggested revision of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program blood pressure standardization for use in severely growth retarded children
116.34 KB 87 0
Emerging ethical issues in pediatric surgery
172.05 KB 115 0
B-Casein Bilayer Adsorption at the Solution/Air Interface: Experimental Evidences and Theoretical Description
136.29 KB 65 1
MicroRNA: Biogenesis, Function and Role in Cancer
990.93 KB 70 0
Electroporation-Enhanced Nonviral Gene Transfer for the Prevention or Treatment of Immunological, Endocrine and Neoplastic Diseases
249.45 KB 66 0
Constitutive Gs activation using a single-construct tetracycline-inducible expression system in embryonic stem cells and mice
672.99 KB 104 0
روایت جراحی زیبایی : تجزیه و تحلیل فرهنگی حساب زنان
944.99 KB 128 1
لوسمی پرومیلوسیتیک حاد: ژنتیک مولکولی، مدل های موس و درمان هدفمند (مباحث جاری در میکروب شناسی و ایمنی شناسی 313)
2.54 MB 107 1
Open reduction internal fixation of midshaft clavicle fractures augmented with autogenous bone graft versus bioresorbable calcium phosphate: a com parative study

Open reduction internal fixatio ...

Background Recent studies have demonstrated that nonoperative treatment of displaced midshaft clavicle fractures have a high prevalence of symptomat ...

176.65 KB
Tetrasomy and pentasomy of the X chromosome

Tetrasomy and pentasomy of the ...

We describe a newborn girl with a life-threatening laryngomalacia and extreme hypotonia. Genetic analysis revealed the very rare genetic condition m ...

دانلود 1
180.24 KB
Triple injury of forearm and elbow—a case report  Forearm and elbow triple injury

Triple injury of forearm and el ...

Fracture of the forearm with ipsilateral dislocation of the elbow is uncommon. Such double injuries are often missed at initial assessment. We repor ...

195.30 KB
Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging  and pharmacokinetic models in prostate cancer

Dynamic contrast-enhanced magne ...

Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI enables noninvasive analysis of prostate vascularization as well as tumour angiogenesis and capillary permeability cha ...

497.34 KB
A study on mechanisms of toxic actions of ciguatoxins: existence of functional relationship between CTX3C and charged residues of voltage sensors in Nav1.4 sodium channel

A study on mechanisms of toxic ...

Ciguatoxins, a group of virulent marine toxins, are bound to ‘‘site 5’’ inside voltage-dependent sodium channels and alter their kinetics dramatical ...

327.03 KB
Chemical impurities and contaminants in different silicone oils in human eyes before and after prolonged use

Chemical impurities and contami ...

Background Intraocular silicone oil (SiO) impurities as low molecular weight components (LMWC) and residual catalysts are thought to cause ocular to ...

247.71 KB
Administration of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors is associated with slow progression of mild aortic stenosis in Japanese patients

Administration of angiotensin-c ...

It is almost unknown which demographic factors or medications affect the progression of aortic stenosis (AS) in Japanese patients with mild AS. We i ...

181.44 KB
May smokers and overweight patients be treated with a medial  open-wedge HTO? Risk factors for non-union

May smokers and overweight pati ...

Purpose The purpose of this retrospective study was to investigate the rate of non-union after medial open-wedge high tibial osteotomy (HTO) with th ...

261.30 KB
Delta screw versus RetroScrew tibial fixation for ACL  reconstruction

Delta screw versus RetroScrew t ...

Purpose The purpose of this study is to determine whether the RetroScrew tibial fixation system offers a biomechanical advantage over the Delta scre ...

311.57 KB
The effect of Er:YAG laser irradiation on the scanning  electron microscopic structure and surface roughness  of various implant surfaces: an in vitro study

The effect of Er:YAG laser irra ...

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the surface roughness (Ra) and microscopic change to irradiated dental implant surfaces in vitro and ultim ...

1.35 MB
Recombinant Osteopontin Attenuates Brain Injury  after Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Mice

Recombinant Osteopontin Attenua ...

Background Osteopontin (OPN), an extracellular matrix glycoprotein, has been reported to inhibit inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). We examined ...

634.02 KB
Sacculocolic reflex in patients with dementia: is it possible  to use it for early diagnosis?

Sacculocolic reflex in patients ...

Alzheimer disease (AD) is a progressive, irreversible entity associated with behavioral changes, memory loss and disturbance of daily life activitie ...

180.61 KB
Copper and Zinc Serum Levels after Derivative Bariatric  Surgery: Differences Between Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass  and Biliopancreatic Diversion

Copper and Zinc Serum Levels af ...

Background There are limited data on the prevalence of copper and zinc deficiency in the long term after bariatric surgery. Methods We analysed cop ...

188.38 KB
Photomicrographic evaluation of the apical sealing capacity  of three types of gutta-percha master cones: an in vitro study

Photomicrographic evaluation of ...

The purpose of this study was to compare the apical sealing capacity of three types of gutta-percha master cones of the same apical size and differe ...

450.16 KB
Low-frequency axial ultrasound velocity correlates with bone  mineral density and cortical thickness in the radius and tibia  in pre- and postmenopausal women

Low-frequency axial ultrasound ...

Summary Axial transmission velocity of a low-frequency first arriving signal (VLF) was assessed in the radius and tibia of 254 females, and compared ...

505.22 KB
Prevalence and costs of osteoporotic patients with subsequent  non-vertebral fractures in the US

Prevalence and costs of osteopo ...

Summary This study assesses prevalence of subsequent fractures during the year after incident osteoporosis-related non-vertebral fractures among pri ...

215.84 KB
Left Main Coronary Artery Atresia: The Role of Computed  Tomographic Coronary Angiography

Left Main Coronary Artery Atres ...

A 55-year-old man with no major coronary risk factors presented with effort angina-like symptoms of 6 months duration. He underwent an exercise trea ...

238.92 KB
Suggested revision of the National High Blood Pressure  Education Program blood pressure standardization  for use in severely growth retarded children

Suggested revision of the Natio ...

In 2007, the updated 4th report of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program was published [1] (http://www. nhlbi.nih.gov/health/prof/heart ...

116.34 KB
Emerging ethical issues in pediatric surgery

Emerging ethical issues in pedi ...

With the rapid pace of technological advancement and changing political, social, and legal attitudes, physicians face new ethical dilemmas. For pedi ...

172.05 KB
B-Casein Bilayer Adsorption at the Solution/Air Interface: Experimental Evidences and Theoretical Description

B-Casein Bilayer Adsorption at ...

Ellipsometric and surface pressure studies of â-casein adsorption layers at the water/air interface support the idea of a model that assumes the for ...

دانلود 1
136.29 KB
MicroRNA: Biogenesis, Function and Role in Cancer

MicroRNA: Biogenesis, Function ...

MicroRNAs are small, highly conserved non-coding RNA molecules involved in the regulation of gene expression. MicroRNAs are transcribed by RNA polyme ...

990.93 KB
Electroporation-Enhanced Nonviral Gene Transfer for the Prevention or  Treatment of Immunological, Endocrine and Neoplastic Diseases

Electroporation-Enhanced Nonvir ...

Nonviral gene transfer is markedly enhanced by the application of in vivo electroporation (also denoted electrogene transfer or electrokinetic enhanc ...

249.45 KB
Constitutive Gs activation using a single-construct  tetracycline-inducible expression system in  embryonic stem cells and mice

Constitutive Gs activation usin ...

Introduction: The controlled expression of many genes, including G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), is important for delineating gene functions in ...

672.99 KB
